
目前顯示的是 9月, 2016的文章


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《神真好》 今天的卡片是《神真好》。不管我們讓自己掉進什麼樣的麻煩裡,神都會用祂的奇蹟幫助我們。只要我們捨棄自己的評斷,放掉自己的無效與犧牲,神就可以帶來奇蹟與恩典。祝你有個最美好的一天! GOD IS GOOD is the card for today. No matter what trouble we have gotten ourselves into God will help us with His miracles if we get out of the way, relinquish our judgments and let go of our ineffectiveness and sacrifice then God can bring in grace and miracles. Have the most wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒囚犯(心魔)》 今天的卡片是療癒囚犯(心魔)。這說的是,情緒上、心理上,我們有部分被制止、被評斷、被分離開來、被壓抑、有時還被投射出去。今天,想像所有你關在你裡面的囚犯,都站到你的面前。將這些人融化成一位大囚犯,再將他融進光和能量裡,再帶回你內,和你成為一個整體。祝你有個最平安、最美妙的一天! HEALING THE PRISONER (SHADOW) is the card for today. It speaks of parts of us that were emotionally and psychologically arrested, judged, split off, repressed, and sometimes projected. Today imagine all the prisoners you have inside in front of you. Melt them into one big prisoner and then melt it into light and energy and bring it back into you as wholeness. Have the most peaceful and wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒把性用在補償》 今天的卡片是療癒把性用在補償。因為性是那麼地令人分心,所以會被用來掩蓋情緒和議題。今天,我們揭開這層防衛,轉化防衛底下的東西,而不是對自己隱藏這項議題,或是拖到後面非處理不可。祝你有個印象最深刻的一天! HEALING SEX AS COMPENSATION is the card for today. Sex can be used to hide emotions and other issues because it is so distracting. Today we can uncover this defense and transform what is underneath it rather than hide the issue from ourselves or have to deal with it later. Have a most impressive day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《無法反駁》 今天的卡片是無法反駁。意思是有些事情千真萬確,無法反駁、無法抵抗。無法反駁會帶來真理,因此同時也會帶來自由與連結。今天,有些你無法抵抗、也不想抵抗的事,會讓你更靠近愛、喜悅、和你的高層自我。祝你有個最美妙的一天! IRRTEFUTABILITY is the card for today. It means that something is so true it cannot be refused or resisted. IRREFUTABILTY brings truth and thus freedom and bonding at the same time. Today there can be something you can't resist and that you don't want to resist that brings you closer to love and joy and your Self. Have a most wonderful day!!


【 PoV 願景心理學】 Chuck 博士每日一卡 《我什麼也不需要做》 今天的卡片是「我什麼也不需要做」。這句話引用自奇蹟課程。這說的是大師的心靈框架,你讓天堂透過你完成一切。以這種方式,你就逃脫了黑暗,逃脫評斷的折磨,而你只需見證發生的事就好。所有的「重物」你讓天堂「搬」。祝你有個最美妙放鬆的一天! "I NEED DO NOTHING." is the card for today. It is a quote from A COURSE IN MIRACLES. It speaks of a mastery frame of mind in which you let Heaven do everything through you. In this way you escape the darkness and suffering of judgment and you simply witness what is occurring. You let Heaven do all the "heavy lifting." Have the most wonderful, relaxing day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《置於中心》 今天的卡片是置於中心。意思是回到平安、天真無罪。只要請求高層心靈把你載回中心,那麼你的中心越來越高、越來越深,你就可以回到平安、天真無罪。你在平安與天真無罪裡走得越高、越深,你消失的壓力與幻相就會越多。你可以不斷請求,到你回到純粹是光的所在為止。祝你有個最美妙的一天! CENTERING is the card for today. It is a return to peace and innocence and can be accomplished at ever higher and deeper center by simply asking your higher mind to carry you there. The higher and deeper you go in peace and innocence the more stress and illusion fall away. You can keep asking until you are returned to a place of pure light. Have the most wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒罪》 今天的卡片是療癒罪。罪是對罪惡感的信念,並且會造成自我攻擊。罪是相當有破壞性、相當有自我破壞性的概念,所以會被小我用來打造自己,削弱我們與天堂的連結,也削弱我們神創造我們為靈性的身分。罪與罪惡感是下降的惡性循環,只會增加攻擊與自我攻擊而已。今天,我們可以放下小我對我們生活的惡性影響,換來恩典與真理。祝你有個真正美好的一天! HEALING SIN is the card for today. Sin is a belief in guilt and it sets up self-attack. It is quite a destructive and self-destructive concept and so used by the ego to build itself and diminish our connection with Heaven and our identity as spirit as God created us. Sin and guilt are a downward vicious circle that has ever increasing attack and self-attack. Today we can give up this vicious influence of the ego in our lives and have it replaced with grace and truth. Have a truly beautiful day!!

【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《性》 今天的卡片是性。這指的不只是那李子狀的東西而已。祝你有個很棒的一天,跟一個幸運的夜晚! SEX is the card of the day. This reflects more than the plum in SEX. Have a great day and a lucky night!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《把性用在親密》 今天的卡片是把性用在親密。人們渴望親密,卻又害怕親密,怕會失去自己。然而生命的整個目的,就是在融化小我的冰山,進入愛的海洋。我們會失去冰山的身分,卻會獲得海洋的身分。我們本來就是受造為「一」的一部分。今天很美好,可以來體驗愛、恢復青春活力、恢復精力,因為我們能量上結合在一起,或有時是身體和另一人…。祝你有個最棒的一天!還有最棒的一晚! SEX AS INTIMACY is the card for today. People crave intimacy and they are frightened of it fearing they will lose themselves. Yet the whole purpose of life is to melt the iceberg of the ego into the Ocean of Love. We lose the iceberg but gain the ocean as our Identity, which is as we were created as part of Oneness. Today is a wonderful day to experience love, rejuvenation and refreshment as we join together energetically and sometimes physically with another....Have the best day and the best night!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒拯救者(心魔)》 今天的卡片是療癒拯救者(心魔)。這說的是,當別人正在他自己的療癒過程裡時,有人因為害怕自身的感覺,所以急著去「幫忙」,然而卻切斷了自己正在釋放的情緒。拯救者覺察到了正在發生的事件,卻唯獨沒有覺察到自身的需要與恐懼,因此阻止了療癒過程裡原本可以發生的事情。今天很棒,可以對這層防衛變得有覺知,並且為了更大的療癒勝利,放掉防衛。祝你有個精彩的一天! HEALING THE RESCUER (SHADOW) is the card for today. It speaks of someone afraid of their own feelings as another is in their healing process and so rushes in to "help" but cuts of the release of emotions going on. The rescuer is not aware of what's happening only of their own needs and fear and so stops what could have occurred in the healing process. Today is a good day to become aware of this defense and let it go for a bigger win in healing. Have an amazing day!!


【 PoV 願景心理學】 Chuck 博士每日一卡 《啟蒙》 今天的卡片是啟蒙。光已經來臨,那藏在一切幻相的理解、真理、愛也隨光而來。今天是個好日子,因為有人打開光時,黑暗就會消散。今天,打開光,並讓光為你而開。祝你有個印象最深刻的一天! ILLUMINATION is the card for today. The light has come and with it understanding, truth and the love that hides behind all illusions. Today is a great day as the darkness flees when someone turns on the light. Turn on and let the light be turned on for you today. Have a most impressive day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒冥界的攻擊》 今天的卡片是療癒冥界的攻擊。冥界是由惡魔、魔鬼、黑暗眾神、地獄世界所組成的黑暗。象徵我們最古老、轉身背向光的小我。多數情況下,這股能量如果能現身,受牽連的生命,暗地裡其實是在尋求救贖。攻擊可能會直接出現,或者,特別是透過身體虐待或性虐待。冥界存有可以透過恩典與神性臨在來療癒、清除。請來你高界的朋友來進行療癒和移除。記得這份攻擊不是老天對你的旨意,因此這份攻擊是可以療癒的…祝你有個強而有力的一天! HEALING ASTRAL ATTACK is the card for today. The astral is the darkness made up of demons, devils, dark gods and the hell worlds. This is the sign of our most ancient ego that turned away from the light. In most cases if this energy makes itself known, the beings involved are secretly seeking redemption. The attack can come in directly or especially through physical or sexual abuse. The astral can be healed and cleaned out through grace and Divine Presence. Call in Your Friend in High Places to do the the healing and removal. Remember this attack is not God's Will for you and there is a way for it to be healed...Have a great and powerful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《夥伴關係》 今天的卡片是夥伴關係。意思是兩個人在平等互惠之下走到一起。有了夥伴關係,也會平衡我們的陽剛面與陰柔面。夥伴關係會創造連結、愛、輕易、成功、真實,也會體驗到自由。某種程度上,夥伴關係會邀來恩典,以及與天堂的夥伴關係。祝你有個美妙的一天! PARTNERSHIP is the card for today. It is a coming together of two people in mutuality and equality. With this occurs it also balances our masculine and feminine. PARTNERSHIP creates bonding, love, ease success, authenticity and a experience of freedom. To the same extent it invites grace and PARTNERSHIP with Heaven. Have a wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒錯誤》 今天的卡片是療癒錯誤。今天很棒,可以來修正過去與現在讓我們偏離路線的錯誤。今天,錯誤會變明顯,覺知與恩典也會出來修正錯誤,因此我們可以變得更有效益。過個美妙的一天吧!因為你體認到可以更加地愛與被愛之處。 HEALING MISTAKES is the card for today. It is a great day to correct past and present mistakes that are taking us off course. Today we can become more effective as mistakes become evident and the awareness and grace are manifest to correct them. Have a wonderful day as you realize where you can love and be loved all the more!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《高層心靈》 今天的卡片是高層心靈。這是直接連結到天堂的心靈,會在真理內指引我們去到愛、喜悅、豐盛、健康的方向。這是通往平等與互惠的道路,因此也會通往成功與親密。祝你有個最美麗、最出色的一天! HIGHER MIND is the card for today. This is the mind directly connected to Heaven and guides us in truth to love, joy, abundance and health. This is the way to equality and mutuality and thus success and intimacy. Have a most beautiful and brilliant day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒我們感到不被愛的地方》 今天的卡片是療癒我們感到不被愛的地方。我們在感到不被愛的地方,也會感到被誤解。然而,會有這些感覺,其實是因為我們沒有理解,不再去愛。這在我們的療癒與成長過程中,是很關鍵的課題。學會這點、療癒這點,我們就能穿越生活裡許許多多暗藏的報復、罪惡感、憎恨。讓今天成為奇蹟與釋放的一天 ── 向前一大步。順著今天的流,讓自己被愛吧。讓今天成為最棒的可能! HEALING WHERE WE FEEL UNLOVED is the carsd for today. Where we feel unloved we feel misunderstood also and yet it is where we don't understand and we have stopped loving taht gives us these feelings. These are crucial lessons to learn in our healing and growth process. To learn and heal this gets us over a lot of the hidden revenge, guilt and hatred in our lives. Let today be a day of miracles and release-- a giant step forward. Go with the flow of the day and let yourself be loved. Have the best of all possible days!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《好主意》 今天的卡片是好主意。今天適合花點時間散個步,出去玩玩,和朋友聊天,或是冥想看看你會得到什麼樣的靈感…祝你有個最美妙的一天! GOOD IDEA is the card for today. It is a good day to take some quiet time to take a stroll, hang out and dialogue with a friend or simply to meditate to see what inspiration comes to you....Have a most wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《吊人》 今天的卡片是吊人。這是塔羅牌裡的一張牌,代表從靈性觀點來看待世界。今天,享受「意識永遠都是在開展今天」這個觀點,祝你有個真的很棒的一天! THE HANGED MAN is the card for today. It is a tarot card that represents looking at the world from a spiritual perspective. Enjoy the perspective that consciousness is always building toward today and have really fine day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《專心於神》 今天的卡片是專心於神。這是一切的答案。防衛幻相、對抗幻相只會強化幻相的真實性。專心於神才會驅散幻相。我們只需在每個狀況裡都將我們的心靈對準朝向神,並享受順流即可。祝你有個美好的一天! SET ON GOD is the card for today. This is the answer to everything. It dispels illusion rather than fighting and defending against it which only reinforces that the illusion is real. We simply put our mind to toward God in every circumstance and enjoy the flow. Have a wonderful day!!


【 PoV 願景心理學】 Chuck 博士每日一卡 《療癒缺乏自我價值》 今天的卡片是療癒缺乏自我價值。無論何時、何種形式,只要是我們分離的時候,缺乏自我價值就會出現。這也是小我打造自己的方式。我們打造出來的身分,都建構在不夠好跟缺乏自我價值之上。而我們和另一人結合時,我們就建立了我們的自尊與信心。今天適合來重拾我們的自我價值。因為自我價值是老天確立的,所以在真理內,缺乏自我價值是不真的……將你真正的身分歡迎回來,因為這是老天確立的。其餘的一切皆發生在時間,因此是幻相。祝你有個最為滿意的一天! HEALING THE LACK OF SELF-WORTH is the card for today. Lack of self-worth comes from anytime and in any way we separate which is also how the ego makes itself. Our identity as we have made it is built on inadequacy and lack of self-worth. As we join another we build our self-esteem and confidence. Today is a good day to regain our self-worth as God established it so in truth the lack of self-worth is false…  Welcome back your real identity as God established it. All the rest happened in time which is an illusion. Have a most gratifying day!!