[Wednesday, April 27, 2011] 今天Chuck博士抽到的卡片是《靈感》。靈感敞開了心靈,把我們放到流裡,給我們充電。一切靈感皆來自宇宙的啟示,或是道。如果靈感有段時間都源源不絕,那就好像談了戀愛一樣。時間長短我們可以決定,靈感一直都在。只有評斷可以攔下這麼美好的禮物。靈感是領袖力的禮物,觸及你的心靈。祝你有很棒的一天,充滿靈感的一天! (translated by Ted Liao) INSPIRATION is the card for today. It opens our mind,sets us in the flow and energizes us. All INSIRATION comes from Universal Inspiration or the Tao. Only judgment blocks off this wonderful gift that feels like falling in love if it continues for any length of time, which is up to us as it is always available. INSPIRATION is a leadership gift that touches your heart and your mind. Have a wonderfully INSPIRED day ! by Chuck Spezzano