
目前顯示的是 4月, 2011的文章


[Wednesday, April 27, 2011] 今天Chuck博士抽到的卡片是《靈感》。靈感敞開了心靈,把我們放到流裡,給我們充電。一切靈感皆來自宇宙的啟示,或是道。如果靈感有段時間都源源不絕,那就好像談了戀愛一樣。時間長短我們可以決定,靈感一直都在。只有評斷可以攔下這麼美好的禮物。靈感是領袖力的禮物,觸及你的心靈。祝你有很棒的一天,充滿靈感的一天! (translated by Ted Liao) INSPIRATION is the card for today. It opens our mind,sets us in the flow and energizes us. All INSIRATION comes from Universal Inspiration or the Tao. Only judgment blocks off this wonderful gift that feels like falling in love if it continues for any length of time, which is up to us as it is always available. INSPIRATION is a leadership gift that touches your heart and your mind. Have a wonderfully INSPIRED day ! by Chuck Spezzano


[Tuesday, April 26, 2011] 今天Chuck博士抽到的卡片是《療癒地獄的世界》。我們住在死寂的世界裡,死亡象徵著我執牢牢掌握住我們,死亡是我們的集體信念。其實還有更糟糕的世界,例如地獄,有人恨不得可以死。地獄其實也是我執的夢境,天堂的世界其實也是夢境,只是比較接近覺醒而已。要療癒地獄的世界需要老天的幫助。當意識提昇,我們通常會做自己常做的任務來盡可能拯救這世界。但除非你有察覺到這些世界的存在,否則還是把我們通往這些世界的大門關上比較好。有意識、有老天的幫助,我們才可以保持源源不絕的光和愛,澆灌這些世界。我發現,開啟通往地獄世界的門,是重大疾病的根源,有時也是瘋狂的源頭。那麼很清楚,除非你的意識提昇,否則是時候切斷這些連結了。如果你沒有把握能把天堂的流源源不絕的送進來,那麼最好還是關閉這扇通往這些世界的大門。如果可以,那就好好擁有一天的天堂時光,來拯救這個地獄世界。 (translated by Ted Liao) HEALING THE HELL WORLDS is the card for today. We live in a Death World where there is a collective belief in death symbolic of the ego's tight grasp on us. There are worse worlds such as the Hell Worlds where people only wish they could die. This is still all part of the ego's dream, even as the Heavenly Worlds are but they are much closer to Awakening. To help HEAL THE HELL WORLDS takes Heaven's help. When consciousness was higher we used to do regular missions to help and rescue where we could.. Unless you are aware of these worlds it is better to keep ...


[Monday, April 25, 2011] 《療癒叛逆的故事》是我們可以療癒的故事,將會穿越長期問題。我們違逆的是自己身為靈魂、身為神的孩子的真實本質。無限與喜悅是我們的靈性傳承,而叛逆就是與我們的無限與喜悅在對抗。每項問題裡頭都含有與別人、與自己、與老天的權力衝突。療癒叛逆的故事,就是在移除通往心靈一體的障礙,帶來大鴻運。今天是療癒十分有效的一天。好好利用,祝你有很棒的一天! (translated by Ted Liao) HEALING THE REBEL STORY is one of the biggest things we can heal to go beyond chronic problems. It is rebellion against our true identity as spirit and a Child of God. To rebel is to fight our limitlessness and joy that is our spiritual heritage. There is no problem that does not have the authority conflict with others, ourselves and God. This is removing one of the greatest hindrances to unity in our own mind and the great good fortune it brings. It is a powerful day for healing . Take advantage of it and have a great day. by Chuck Spezzano


[Sunday, April 24, 2011] 今天Chuck博士抽到的卡片是《療癒自我概念》。自我概念構成我們的人格,而我們的人格構我們的我執。我執讓我們和別人、和自然、和老天分離,我執讓心靈分裂,創造了這麼多不同方向的動力。今天,我們要穿越所有的自我概念,直達真理。若我們的自我概念越少,我們就會有越多關連性、就會越多的輕易與喜悅。當自我概念消失殆盡,剩下的就是開悟,剩下的就是無我。自我概念不消失,我們就會終其一生捍衛著純粹是幻覺的我執,把自己拴在夢裡。祝你有很棒的一天!拆掉一面面的牆! (translated by Ted Liao) HEALING SELF-CONCEPTS is the card for today. Self-concepts make up our personalities which make up our ego. They are what separate us from others, nature, Heaven and what splits our mind in so many different directions. Today we want to get past all self-concepts to the truth. When there are less self-concepts there is more relatedness, ease and joy. When there are no self-concepts there is enlightenment or no-self. Otherwise we spend a lifetime supporting and defending an ego that is pure illusion and keeps us locked in the dream. Have a great day of tearing down the walls! by Chuck Spezzano


今天Chuck博士抽到的卡片是《療癒層次的混亂》。層次的混亂,意思是把心靈的衝突誤放到身體上。然後我們還企圖療癒身體層次的東西,而不是針對心靈層次、真正議題所在的地方。這也反映了我們相信自己只有心智,而非迷失在時間線的靈魂,以為心智就是我們唯一的真相。今天,清理層次的混亂,覺察正在進行的事情不只是發生在我們的心智裡,我們同樣也是安全、完整、療癒過的靈魂。祝你有開心的一天! (translated by Ted Liao) HEALING LEVEL CONFUSION is the card for today. Level confusion has to do with taking the conflicts of the mind and displacing them on to the body. Then we attempt to heal things at the level of the body rather than at the level of the mind where the real issue is taking place. It can also reflect the belief that we are mind rather than spirit getting lost in time as if that were our only reality. Today is a day to clean up level confusion and to be aware of what is really occurring not only in our mind but also that we are spirit safe,healed and whole. Have a happy day! by Chuck Spezzano


[Saturday, April 23, 2011] 今天Chuck博士抽到的卡片是《療癒受苦的故事》。我們終究會了解,其實我們一直在無意識層次編撰生活的痛苦。這份理解讓我們能重新選擇。我們用受苦的故事來試著奪取的一切,都不會讓我們幸福快樂的。是時候問問自己有多少受苦的故事。下一步問問自己這對生活有什麼影響。然後再次重新選擇你真正想要的一切。你可以選擇刪去受苦的故事,寫下愛的故事,寫下幸福快樂的故事。祝你今天有很棒的療癒! (translated by Ted Liao) HEALING THE SUFFERING STORY is the card for today. Finally we realize that we have been scripting at an unconscious level all the pain in our lives. This allows us to make another choice. Whatever we were trying to get by having a suffering story could not have made us happy. It is time to ask yourself how many suffering stories you have. Next ask yourself the impact this has had on your life. Then choose again what it is you really want. You could choose to let the suffering stories go for love stories or happiness stories. Have a great healing day! by Chuck Spezzano


[Thursday, April 21, 2011] 今天Chuck博士抽到的卡片是《療癒仇恨》。這代表舊有悲痛、受到的輕蔑至今仍深鎖內心,而現在有機會釋放這些情緒和毒素。過去的已經過去了。是時候為生活負起責任,去了解到,我們若不再用過去來毒害現在,過去就真的只是過去了。是時候贏回人生,擁有更好的現在,不然我們只會跟過去不同的形式來犯錯,到現在還犯著同樣的錯。祝你有好好釋放的一天。 (translated by Ted Liao) HEALING RANCOR is the card for today. This means that any old bitterness and scorn that have been locked away inside has a chance to release along with all the toxicity it contains. The past is over. It is time to take responsibility for our lives and realize the past is over unless we use it to poison the present. Time to get our lives back and have a better present or we make the same mistake in the present as we did in the past just using a different form. Have a happy day of release. by Chuck Spezzano


[Thursday, April 21, 2011] 今天Chuck博士抽到的卡片是《委任》。這也說明了一堂很重要的課,學習優先次序。委任,就是把別人可以做的事交給別人。這樣我們才能處理最重要的部份。委任不是逃避義務或責任,而是一份理解,知道什麼才是最重要的。有委任,就不會為了證明自己的重要性,超量工作、或接受價值較小的工作。委任,是領袖需要具備的特質,會把我們自己和周遭的人放到順流裡頭。祝你有美好的一天! (translated by Ted Liao) DELEGATING is the card for today. It signifies learning an important lesson of priorities. In DELEGATING we turn over to others what can be done by others. This allows us to address what is most important. DELEGATING is neither shirking nor avoidance of one's duties but a realization about what has real importance. It does not attempt to overwork or take on jobs of lesser value to prove one's importance. DELEGATING is a leadership quality that puts us and those around us in the flow. Have a good one! by Chuck Spezzano


[Tuesday, April 19, 2011] 今天Chuck博士抽到的卡片是《愛的需要》。我們就是愛,因為愛把我們創造的如愛一般。其餘的都只是我們自己建造的自我概念,我們以為我們可以打造自己。我們有一個需要,那就是去愛,因為那是我們的本質。這張卡也在提醒我們的本質。今天,要願意放下任何其他不是愛的自我概念。你可以看著這些概念一一浮現,慢慢放下,就像放下一樁糟糕的買賣一樣,因為這些自我概念在阻礙著你去愛,所以也阻礙了能療癒恐懼、帶來幸福的寬恕。今天,祝你有很棒的練習過程!讓今天充滿愛吧! (translated by Ted Liao) THE NEED TO LOVE is the card for today. We are love because LOVE created us as love. The rest were all the self-concepts we built over it thinking we could make ourselves. We have a NEED TO LOVE because it is who we are. and it reminds us of who we are. Be willing to let go of any other self-concepts that are not love today. You can witness them come up and you can let them go as a bad deal because they are hiding your love and therefore your forgiveness that heals your fear and makes you happy. Have a good one today! Let it be full of love. by Chuck


[Monday, April 18, 2011]  今天Chuck博士抽到的卡片是《不好的態度》。不好的態度有可能存在表意識、潛意識、或無意識之中。這也是為什麼我們會有長期問題、甚至是毀滅性的問題。我們有一部分不想要變好,那部分有控制。有個面對的方法,就是真的意識到自己的態度。我認識的正向的人裡頭,也有一些人有不好的態度,埋藏在無意識裡頭,而這樣的態度正在破壞他們的人生,而他們對此毫無頭緒。問問自己不好的態度在表意識、潛意識、無意識裡各有多少百分比,全心全意把這些態度交到老天的手裡。祝你今天擁有療癒的奇蹟! (translated by Ted Liao) HEALING BAD ATTITUDE is the card for today. Bad attitude can occur at conscious, subconscious and unconscious levels. It is the reason we have chronic and sometimes catastrophic problems. There is a part of us that doesn't want to get better and that part has control. One way to address this is to become really conscious of it. Some of the most positive people I have known have had this buried uncosciously but it was destroying their lives and they didn't have a clue. Ask what % you have on each level and with all your heart turn all three levels over to Heaven. Have an amazing healing day! by Chuck Spezzano


[Sunday, April 17, 2011] 今天Chuck博士抽到的卡片是《療癒權威衝突》。權威衝突是所有問題都會有的根源之一,尤其出現在長期問題與毀滅性的問題裡。我們鬥爭的對象也許是一位親近的人、過去的某個人、或是我們自己、或是老天。老天給我們的旨意只有全然的幸福快樂,一旦我們在心靈所有層面都分享這份旨意,就能都得到自由。祝你今天快樂療癒! (translated by Ted Liao) HEALING THE AUTHORITY PROBLEM is the card for today. The authority problem is one of the roots of all problems especially the most chronic and catastrophic ones. We fight someone close to us,someone from the past, ourselves and God. God's Will for me is total happiness and once we share that on all levels of our mind we are free. Have a happy,healing day today! by Chuck Spezzano


[Saturday, April 16, 2011]     今天Chuck博士抽到的卡片是《療癒黑暗》。我們所見的一切都來自於腦中的想法,連黑暗也不例外。原本我們心中都只有光,然而我們隨著分離,製造了其他的部份。療癒黑暗不只是療癒童年的恐懼而已,黑暗還來自我們的無意識。《奇蹟課程》裡面有段話,光無所不在。其餘的都是我們夢中的現實而已。療癒黑暗其實就是憶起光的存在。就是憶起神和天堂的存在。剩下的就簡單了。因為當光照進來,黑暗就消失無蹤了,而只要你召喚光,光就會進來。祝你有美妙的一天! (translated by Ted Liao)     HEALING THE DARK is the card for today. Everything we see comes from ideas in our head and darkness is no exception. All there is, is light the rest we made up as we separated more and more. HEALING THE DARK is not just a childhood fear, it comes from our unconscious. There is a statement from A COURSE IN MIRACLES that states there is no place the light is not. The rest is our dream reality. HEALING THE DARK is remembering the light. It is remembering God and Heaven. The rest is easy because when the light comes and it will come when you call it, the darkness disappears. Have a beautiful day! by Chuck Spezzano


[Friday, April 15, 2011] 今天Chuck博士抽到的卡片是《療癒黑暗的代表》。黑暗的代表也許是我們身邊的某一個人,看起來完全卡住了,抗拒著順流。不管是自己還是別人,都是我們心靈的一個層面,所以也應當受到寬恕。我們持續寬恕、放下、且信任,就能轉化黑暗的代表,成為光的天使。這都是無意識深處的碎片,所以你對此的療癒可能需要不斷的承諾。祝你今天有很棒的療癒!對你、對世界來講,都是很好的機會。 translated by Ted Liao HEALING THE AGENT OF DARKNESS is the card for today. The agent of darkness may be someone in our world that seems to be totally obstructive and going against the flow. Whether it is from ourselves or from another, it is an aspect of our own mind and so deserves forgiveness. Our continued forgiveness,letting go and trust transforms the agent of darkness into an angel of light. These are deep unconscious pieces so your commitment to healing this may require a number of commitments. Have a great healing day! It is a great opportunity for you and the world. by Chuck Spezzano


[Thursday, April 14, 2011] 今天Chuck博士抽到的卡片是《神聖》。神聖來自於我們對自己身為靈魂的認知。我們越完整,就越能認識到自己的神聖與純潔無罪。這會帶來不可思議的信心與力量,以及跟老天的連結。祝你有神聖的一天! translated by Ted Liao HOLINESS is the card for today. HOLINESS comes from our recognition of ourselves as spirit. The more whole we are the more we recognize our HOLINESS and innocence. This brings amazing confidence, power and connection with Heaven. Have a holy day! by Dr. Chuck Spezzano


[Wednesday, April 13, 2011]  Chuck博士今天抽到的卡片是《療癒惡魔隱喻》。代表的一種自我概念,含有真正惡魔會有的所有特徵。這比較不像是一個過程,反而因為常常出現,成了有理的表達,無論這是投射在周遭的人或情境,或是困擾我們的事上頭。透過寬恕、整合、或者就是交到老天的手裡,就可以為我們省去不少麻煩。祝你有很棒的一天! Translated by Ted Liao HEALING THE DEMON METAPHOR is the card for today. It signifies a self-concept that has all the traits of a real demon. While this is more rare as process, it shows up enough times to warrant addressing whether it is projected on a person or situation around us or simply something that is troubling us. Through forgiveness, integration or simply turning it over to Heaven. It can save us much hassle. Have an excellent day! by Dr. Chuck Spezzano


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒忽視》。很多人在成長過程中都有過受到忽視的感受。這是我們藉以獨立的藉口。然而現在卻讓我們忽視自己,忽略夥伴,不在乎事業和孩子。我們感覺到被誰忽視時,我們要克服,就要用承諾,承諾把我們帶來要療癒忽視的禮物送給他們。我們要不選擇當個受害者,把這當做獨立的藉口,要不就是好好挖掘內在的天賦。找出才華,我們才不會用犧牲來補償,才會活在充滿熱誠的人生裡。祝你今天能好好療癒忽視,結果會有很大的不同的。 HEALING NEGLECT is the card for today. Most everyone felt neglected growing up. This was our excuse to be independent. But now it leads us to neglect ourselves, our partner,business and children. We get over neglect by commitment to those we felt neglected by and giving them the gifts we brought in to heal these very things. We will either choose to stay a victim and use it as an excuse or discover the gifts within so we don't compensate with sacrifice but live a life of responsiveness. Have a great day of HEALING  NEGLECT; so much will change as a result. by Chuck


今天Chuck博士抽到的卡片是《整體》。有了整體,就有了和平、純潔無邪、也會認識到我們身為靈魂的神聖性。整體是回到最原始的自我,回到我們還沒夢見分離的時候。整體即是認識到我們的力量與合一。今天,你願意認識這一個整體有多少,就享有多少的真相,你的存在也就回歸了多少。祝你有很棒的一天! WHOLENESS is the card of the day. With WHOLENESS comes peace, innocence and even a recognition of our holiness as spirit. WHOLENESS is a return to our original SELF before we dreamed of separation. This is a recognition of our power and our ONENESS. TO whatever level you are willing to recognize your WHOLENESS today enjoy the truth of it and the return of your being. Have an excellent day! by Chuck


今天Chuck博士抽到的卡片是《覺醒》。覺醒可以大到如同開悟,也可以只是讓我們脫離一道陷阱的醒覺。生活裡,不管是怎樣的覺醒,我們都會清醒到新的階段,繼續前進。不過也有一種可能是從二元性覺醒到合一,超越所有的自我。祝你有充滿力量的一天! AWAKENING is the card for today. It can signal an AWAKENING that is as big as enlightenment or one that merely gets us out of a trap. Whatever it is we wake up to a new level in our lives and are moved forward as a result though there is the possibility of AWAKENING from dualism into Oneness going beyond the self altogether. have a powerful Day! by Chuck


今天Chuck博士抽到的卡片是《療癒性掠奪者》。是時候原諒自己(或是反映自己內在心魔的他人)過去所曾經操縱、控制、強迫、誘騙別人和自己發生性關係了。儘管那也是對方所願,但我們若有操縱、有控制、有強迫或誘騙,我們就會認為自己是性的掠奪者。所以,不管真的如此,還是自己相信,都夠我執用來懲罰自己,增長我執了。這樣的信念,不管是在金錢、創造力、或任何能量上的交換,會讓自己受到性的掠奪。今天,我們要來療癒這樣的根源,放下這些信念,不再受困於加害受害的循環裡。 HEALING THE SEXUAL PREDATOR is the card for today. This is a good time to forgive ourselves (and others who reflect the shadows within) for all the times we have manipulated, controlled, coerced or seduced anyone into having sex with us. Even if that was what they wanted to do, if we manipulated, controlled, coerced or seduced another it built up this idea that we were a sexual predator. So whether it's true or we just believe it, that is good enough for the ego to punish us and build itself on. This belief opens us up to be preyed on sexually, in regard to money, creativity or other forms of energetic exchange. Today let's heal the root of all that but letting go of these beliefs that keeps us in the cycle of victim-victimizer. by Chuck