
目前顯示的是 8月, 2012的文章


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《我願有和平而不是這樣》。我願有和平而不是這樣 , 引用於奇蹟課程。這是所有痛苦的解毒劑,提醒我們可以有選擇,藉由帶著強烈的意願選擇說這些話 , 可以將擺在我們面前過去的一層一層刪除掉。這是選擇的字眼和力量,這力量可以改變我們的看法和我們周圍的世界。有個驚喜的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) I COULD HAVE PEACE INSTEAD OF THIS Posted: 26 Aug 2012 05:47 PM PDT I COULD HAVE PEACE INSTEAD OF THIS is a quote from A COURSE IN MIRACLES and is the card for today. It is the antidote to all pain reminding us we have choice and can remove whatever is before us layer by layer by choosing to say these words with strong intention. These are words of choice and power that have the power to change our perception and the world around us. Have an amazing day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒評斷的故事》。評斷的故事是我們所有受苦的根源。我們利用它來分離,我們的痛苦 、 問題和受害事件也因有分離而產生。我們用評斷來證明比他人更好 , 我們也不像是對他們所評斷的那個樣子。 “我們是比那些樣子好得許多” 。但我們的評斷來自我們的內疚感,而評斷我們感覺不好的,只會增加我們的內疚感。今天,可以用祝福和幫助來替代評斷的故事。這可能是你的療癒和恢復你的完整性的重要日子。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE JUDGMENT STORY Posted: 25 Aug 2012 05:52 PM PDT HEALING THE JUDGMENT STORY is the card for today. The Judgment Story is at the root of all of our suffering. We use it to separate and from separation comes our pain, problems and victimizations. We use it to prove we are better than another and that we are NOT like what we have judged them for. ‘We are so much better than that.' But our judgments come from our guilt and judging another for what we feel bad about will only increase our guilt. Today we can give up Judgment Stories to bless and help instead. This could be a major day for you in terms of healing and recovering you're wholeness. Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒需索》。需索減低我們的吸引力 , 因為我們將自己變柔弱 , 卻緊抓著別人來保持自己的吸引力。需索來自失去了聯繫,這實際上是我們決定分離去獨立。所以當我們有需索的時候,我們實際上有一個分裂的心靈,是去接受我們所需要的,或是困難讓需求得到滿足 , 這乃是因為我們心靈的獨立部分所造成。我們是矛盾的。有個部份的我們想要保持獨立,抗拒去接受 , 因為接受會讓我們再次連結。 需索使我們成為受害者狀態而這正是最挫敗的位置。今天有關真理的能量是:療癒需索 , 再次連結。有個很棒的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING NEEDINESS Posted: 23 Aug 2012 05:56 PM PDT HEALING NEEDINESS is the card for today. Neediness lowers our attractiveness because we weaken ourselves and hang on others to maintain ourselves. The neediness comes from lost bonding which is actually a place we decided to separate to be independent. So when we are needy we actually have a split mind about receiving what we need or being independent part of our mind which is why we have such trouble getting needs met. We are ambivalent. Part of us wants to stay independent and resists receiving as it would bond us again. Neediness puts us in a victim stance which is the most defeated position there is. Today the energy is about truth: to H...


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒不可靠》。當我們不守信或放縱而不遵從時,我們變得不可靠。或者我們為著某些好處,而小看了誠信的重要。今天來到一個新層次的完整性和夥伴關係,進而新層次的輕易,順流以及能夠去接受和享受。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING UNRELIABILITY Posted: 22 Aug 2012 05:49 PM PDT HEALING UNRELIABILITY is the card for today. We become unreliable when we don't keep our word or go for some indulgence rather than following through. Or we go for some advantage that becomes more important than our integrity. Today is a day to come to a new level of integrity and partnership and thus a new level of ease, flow and the ability to receive and enjoy. Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《秩序》。秩序來自真理而混亂來自我執。 秩序產生和諧的美感。要我們出至自然的關聯性帶來喜悅和驚奇。今天呼求 ‘ 道 ’ 重置你的心靈以及矯正所有你心靈錯誤的生活。有個甜蜜和幸福的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) ORDER Posted: 21 Aug 2012 06:06 PM PDT ORDER is the card for today. ORDER comes from truth as chaos comes from the ego. ORDER produces harmony and beauty. It calls us to our natural relatedness bringing joy and wonder. Today ask the Tao to order your mind and your life correcting all the mistakes of your mind.  Have a sweet and happy day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《巨星》。這是一個閃亮的日子,你是最好的自我 , 且能超越許多的限制。該是拋開你的頭腦 , 用愛去生活和意願去給出的時候了。這是超越的日子。讓老天來負責你的日子。有個很棒的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE STAR Posted: 20 Aug 2012 05:34 PM PDT THE STAR is the card for today. This is a day for shining, being your best self and going beyond limitations. It is a time to be out of your head and to live from your love and desire to give. This is a day of transcendence. Let Heaven be in charge of your day. Have a great day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片又是《療癒偷懶者的心魔 ( 再篇 ) 》。我想我們真的是好運連連在清理我們一直迴避的。是該認真去做,去面對處理一直在我們心中的心魔,並將這些整合起來。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE SHIRKER SHADOW (AGAIN) Posted: 19 Aug 2012 03:50 PM PDT This is the second dayHEALING THE SHIRKER SHADOW FIGURE came up. Guess we are really on a roll to clean up what we have been avoiding. Time to get with the program, deal with what's been on our mind and integrate these shadows. Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒偷懶者的心魔》。偷懶者試圖擺脫工作或責任 。舉個 實例,憤怒的情緒乃是試圖把個人的責任推在別人身上。推卸工作是偷懶者最常見的狀況,但它卻可能藉過度工作去補償。問你內在有多少位偷懶者,接受對自己有這種信念,原諒它們,放下它們,整合它們的能量,並承諾走下一步 ... 有個很棒的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE SHIRKER SHADOW Posted: 18 Aug 2012 04:38 PM PDT HEALING THE SHIRKER SHADOW is the card for today. The SHRKER is one who attempts to get out of work or responsibility.For instance, the emotion of anger is one that attempts to put one's responsibility on another. SHIRKING work is the most common aspect of the SHIRKER but it may be compensated for by overworking. Ask how many SHIRKERS you have within, accept these beliefs about yourself, forgive them, let them go, integrate the energy of them and commit to the next step... Have a great day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《在神懷中休息》。這讓我們知道,一切都為我們安排好了,我們無需計劃或為確保我們的安全而防衛。今天我們可以好好休息,知道天堂看顧著我們,並會透過我們來做任何需要做的事情,而無需由我們來做。我們無需幫助太陽在晨間升起或讓世界運轉。我們現在就可以放鬆 ...... 祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) RESTING IN GOD Posted: 17 Aug 2012 04:49 PM PDT RESTING IN GOD is the card for today. This allows us to know that everything is being handled for us and we do not need to plan or defend in order to secure our safety. We can take a deep rest today knowing that Heaven is watching over us and will do anything that needs doing through us rather than by us. We don't have to help the sun come up in the morning or help the world turn. We can relax now.... Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒奪取》。沒有奪取的成分,就沒有受傷或心碎。奪取乃是來自試圖保持獨立,而仍要我們的需要得到滿足。我執建議奪取,這只會導致他人的抗拒,最終就將會把我們推離開。奪取阻礙接受 , 這將回報應我們。今天是個很棒日子,不再因自己的受傷和心碎而騙自己。強化自己在情緒上的成熟度。祝美好! THE HEALING OF TAKING Posted: 16 Aug 2012 05:28 PM PDT THE HEALING OF TAKING is the card for today. There is no hurt or heartbreak without the element of taking. Taking comes from trying to remain independent and still get our needs met. The ego suggests taking which only leads to others' resistance and finally their pushing us away. Taking blocks receiving which would rebond us. Today is a great day for no longer deceiving ourselves about old hurts and heartbreaks. it is a step up in emotional maturity. Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒孤單監禁的自我》。這裡談到的是在我們潛意識有時是更深意識裏的自己,我們將自己判罪為孤單監禁的自我。今天問自己,你有多少的孤單監禁的自我,而這對你的生活又有什麼樣的影響。接著將那些自我融化至那些你認為較完整,較少疏離和更多順流的自我。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE SOLITARY CONFINEMENT SELVES Posted: 15 Aug 2012 05:25 PM PDT HEALING THE SOLITARY CONFINEMENT SELVES is the card for today. This speaks of selves that we have condemned to solitary confinement within ourselves usually at subconscious levels but sometimes deeper. Today ask how many selves you have in solitary confinement and what effect has this had on your life. Next free those selves and melt them back into the self you identify with most to give yourself more wholeness, less isolation and more flow. Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《靈性的交會》。靈性的交會象徵著心智結合是如此地巨大,身體在愛中消失了,使我們結合在一起。當我們回到合一和天堂的經驗時 , 奧秘的結合就發生了。靈性的交會使我們回到精細無限的愛和光的場域經驗裏,這提醒了我們都不斷地朝向進化中。有個極深度和美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) COMMUNION Posted: 14 Aug 2012 06:42 PM PDT COMMUNION is the card for today. It signals a joining of minds so significant that bodies fall away in the love that brings us together. Mystic joining occurs harkening us back to the experience of Oneness and Heaven. COMMUNION leads us back to the exquisite experience of boundless love and the fields of light that remind us of what we are all evolving toward. Have a most profound and wonderful day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《神聖》。這意味著我們經驗到我們內在的完整和神聖性。生命完整的目的,乃是要超越這世界的幻象和體驗內在的光明。當我們經驗到合一 , 這拯救了我們和世界。有個驚喜的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) SANCTITY Posted: 14 Aug 2012 09:42 AM PDT SANCTITY is the card for today. It means we experience the light inside us that is both wholeness and holiness. The whole purpose in life is to go beyond the illusion of the world and experience the light within. This both saves us and the world as we experience Oneness. Have an amazing day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《幽默》。這是個美好的一天,看到生活中的不合宜卻能以一個輕鬆愉快的方式欣賞它。幽默創造流動且有聯繫的效用。它消除壓力恢復精神及活力。有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HUMOR Posted: 13 Aug 2012 02:55 PM PDT HUMOR is the card for today. It's a good day for seeing the incongruous in life and enjoying it in a lighthearted way. HUMOR creates flow and has the effect of bonding. It refreshes and rejuvenates removing stress. Have a good day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《實現》。這象徵著將事情實現且獎勵自己已經完成所做的事情。今天努力一試 , 且欣然接受所被給予的。有個幸福的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) ACCOMPLISHMENTS Posted: 09 Aug 2012 03:42 PM PDT ACCOMPLISHMENTS is the card for today. It signals a day to get things done as well as a day to be rewarded for what you have ACCOMPLISHED. Today is a day to go for it and receive for what you have been giving. Have a blessed day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒受苦的故事》。這說明總算終於了解到我們一直在編寫著受苦故事的腳本,而這是我們無法幸福的主要原因。受苦的故事對我們是有其目的,很重要的也是對愛與神的防衛。不知怎的,我們認為這是我們應得的,因此我們篡奪道並為自己寫下黑暗的故事。寫這樣的故事似乎是很瘋狂,但這也是為什麼它們一直被壓抑著和下放至潛意識。今天,我們可以檢查這些所寫的錯誤且保留的這種受苦腳本,並放掉這些。如果你仍難以放下它們,你就仍然因為某些目的而想保留著。將其放在神的手上 , 讓和平的感受來取代。受苦的故事是對你的使命和天命的防衛。讓信任神來替代你的防衛,你將不會覺得有需要再寫這種讓自己受苦的腳本。祝美好,親愛的 ... ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE SUFFERING STORY Posted: 05 Aug 2012 10:54 AM PDT HEALING THE SUFFERING STORY is the card for today. This betokens a day where we finally get that we have been scripting suffering stories and that this has been the major cause of our unhappiness. This served a purpose for us, not the least of which is a defense against love and God. Somehow we think that this is all that we deserve so we usurp the Tao and write dark stories for ourselves. It would seem crazy to write such stories but this is why they have been repressed and relegated to the unconscious mind. Today we can examine the mistaken reasons we wrote and kept such painfu...


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《認錯》。認錯修正了使我停止不前進的議題。當我們認錯時 , 我們的高層心靈就去修正它。這讓我們回到順流中前進。認錯使我們周遭的每個人更輕鬆,並讓整個形勢展開。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) ACKNOWLEDGING MISTAKES Posted: 04 Aug 2012 11:26 AM PDT ACKNOWLEDGING MISTAKES is the card for today. It corrects issues that have held us back. As soon as we ACKNOWLEDGE a MISTAKE our higher mind goes to correct it. This allows us to move back into a flow forward. ACKNOWLEDGING our MISTAKES makes it easier for everyone around us and allows the whole situation to unfold. Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《擁抱陽剛面和陰柔面》。擁抱陽剛及陰柔面可以讓已經壯大的不平衡得以矯正,這帶來關係的順流,及我們成為最好的自己。這是給予和接受的很棒日子。也是愛及被愛的好日子。有個很棒的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) EMBRACING THE MASCULINE AND EMBRACING THE FEMININE Posted: 03 Aug 2012 11:48 AM PDT EMBRACING THE MASCULINE AND EMBRACING TRHE FEMININE is the card for today. To embrace both allows us to correct any imbalance that has grown up and this brings partnership flow and a sense of being our best selves. It is a great day for giving and receiving. It is a great day to love and let ourselves be loved. Have a great day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《重視》。重視始自看重自己進而看重其他所有的人。我們的價值,乃由神所建立。缺乏自我價值來自我們建立自我時 , 採取的所有自我概念。 “ 重視 ” 恢復我們的純真清白和身為神的孩子配得所有的好東西的身分。有個甜蜜的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) VALUING Posted: 02 Aug 2012 03:27 PM PDT VALUING is the card for today. This begins with VALUING ourselves and VALUING all others as a result. Our value was established by God. Our lack of self-value is what comes of all the self-concepts we have taken on to build an ego. VALUING restores us to our innocence and identity as a Child of God deserving every good thing. Have a sweet day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《真實 - 美麗 - 善良》。真實 - 美麗 - 善良 , 談到的是有好的方向,愛和優雅 , 這些都邁向幸福和充滿靈感的美好一天。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) TRUTH -BEAUTY-GOODNESS Posted: 01 Aug 2012 11:46 AM PDT TRUTH-BEAUTY-GOODNESS are the cards for today. It speaks of a fine day of good direction, love and fineness all making for a happy, inspired day. Have a goods one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《公主的原型》。公主的原型是陰柔面的美和責任的細膩化。公主是王國的潛能。她用愛心,服務,她的完全存在鼓舞人們。今天,我們的陰柔面可以被提升至願景,創造力和使命。今天就敞開自己去接受吧。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE PRINCESS ARCHETYPE Posted: 31 Jul 2012 09:16 AM PDT THE PRINCESS ARCHETYPE is the card for today. This archetype is a refinement of beauty and responsibility on our feminine side. The PRINCESS is the potential of the kingdom. She inspires with love, service and her very being. Today our feminine side can be raised to vision, creativity and purpose. Open yourself to receive today. Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《基督》。作為神的兒子基督 , 代表我們也加入作為神的孩子。這是一個內在的自我觀點,呈現寬恕,愛,救贖和拯救。如果這是你比什麼都想要的且願意擁有的,那今天的意識能逐漸融入天堂的意識。有個驚喜的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE CHRIST Posted: 30 Jul 2012 12:54 AM PDT THE CHRIST is the card for today. CHRIST as the Son of God represents all of us joined as a Child of God. This is the aspect of one Self within us and shows up as forgiveness, love, redemption and salvation. So today consciousness can fade into the awareness of Heaven if that is what you want more than anything and are willing to have it. Have an amazing day!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒祖先問題》。在靈魂的層面,我們都承諾來療癒和釋放祖先他們有的業力鏈。一個簡單做到這一點的辦法 , 是辨識到祖先所傳承下來的問題,然後問自己,可以帶什麼的靈魂禮物來轉化這最熟悉的無意識問題。然後問自己 , 天堂想給你什麼禮物來轉化這個問題。接受上天的禮物。然後對由你的母親或父親的家族傳下來的問題,將此上天給你的禮物往上傳遞。往上傳遞直到整個家族都能因此自由。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING ANCESTRAL PROBLEMS Posted: 28 Jul 2012 07:15 AM PDT HEALING ANCESTRAL PROBLEMS is the card for today. At a soul level we all promised to heal and free our ancestors of their karmic chains. One simple way to do this is to recognize the problem being passed down ancestrally and then asking yourself what soul gift you would have brought in to transform this most common of unconscious issues. Then ask yourself what gift Heaven wants to give you to transform this issue. Receive Heaven's gift. Open your gift then pass that and Heaven's gift up through your mother or father's side of the family that the issue was passed down through. Pass it up until the whole family is free.