
目前顯示的是 8月, 2013的文章


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《透過擁抱自己真實的身份來療癒不自然》。不自然會停止流動,讓我們陷入了自我概念,而這堆出了對自己的自我攻擊。擁抱我們的真實身份,即是神的孩子,這消融了自我攻擊。這不是我執,要給我們的身份。這是我執試圖掩蓋,在其瘋狂的嘗試聲明中,我們是自製的,而不是被創造出來的。今天放鬆地在自己真實的身份裏。你有位豐富和慈愛的父親。有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING UNNATURALNESS THROGH EMBRACING YOUR IDENTITY Posted: 17 Aug 2013 05:24 PM PDT HEALING UNNATURALNESS BY EMBRACING YOUR IDENTITY are the cards for today. Unnaturalness stops the flow and gets us caught up in self-concepts that heap self-attack on us. Embracing our true identity as a Child of God dissolves that. It is not the identity our ego gave us. It is the one the ego tried to cover over in its frantic attempt to state we were self-made rather than created. Today relax into your real identity. You have a rich and loving Father. Have a fine day!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《開放》。在我們的生活中,我們將自己的門關閉了,諸如生命,金錢,健康,愛情,真愛,成功,恩典,性,幸福,我們的使命和天命。今天將是個門戶開放的日子。單單地問自己,在每個類別中關了多少門,並將其打開。你關上它。你可以打開它。只需選擇開放,並想像有意願的已經做了。有個很棒的日子! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) OPENING THE DOOR Posted: 18 Aug 2013 03:50 PM PDT OPENING THE DOOR is the card for today. Throughout our lives we close doors on ourselves, life, money, health, love, true love, success, grace, sex, happiness, our purpose and destiny. Today is a day to open doors. Simply ask how many doors you have closed in each category and open the door. You closed it. You can open it. Simply choose to do it and imagine it done as you have willed it. Have a great day!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒用艱困的方式學習》。真的可鬆口氣了,終於無需經歷一切的痛苦,犧牲和困難,開始可以用輕易的方式學習了。不再需要去證明什麼。不再需要嬴或是對的。我們已經放棄了所有攻擊我們和他人安全的報復和攻擊的想法。今天,讓你擁有配得的輕易以及被 “ 道 ” 所祝福。它會移除你肩膀上的負擔 ... 祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING OUR LEARNING THE HARD WAY Posted: 12 Aug 2013 07:15 PM PDT HEALING OUR LEARNING THE HARD WAY is the card for today. What a relief to finally start learning the easy way without all the pain, sacrifice and hardship. There is no longer anything to prove. We no longer have to win or be right. We have given up all revenge and attack thoughts which attack our safety and that of others. Have the ease that you deserve today and let yourself be blessed by the Tao today. It will remove the burdens from your shoulders... Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒宗教的制約》。宗教制約是那些古老的限制性的信念,阻礙我們,讓我們感到恐懼和內疚。療癒這些是邁向真理和幸福的一步。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING RELIGIOUS CONDITIONIND Posted: 10 Aug 2013 10:44 PM PDT HEALING RELIGIOUS CONDITIONING is the card for today. Religious conditioning are old restrictive beliefs that hold us back and make us fearful and guilty. Healing these is a step toward truth and happiness. Have a good one!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《發牢騷》。發牢騷乃是對我們的生活及狀況不負責任。當我們發牢騷時,希望他人來做,希望他人會照顧我們 ...... 為了療癒我們的發牢騷,首先是要為我們所發生的情況負責任,然後承諾往前去邀請真理,愛和奇蹟。天堂在此幫忙,且所有的幫助都給出了。現在是時候去接受了 ... 祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING OUR WHINING Posted: 09 Aug 2013 11:38 PM PDT HEALING OUR WHINING is the card for today. Whining is not taking responsibility for our lives and situation. It wants another to do it and we whine hoping they will take care of us...To heal our whining is first to take responsibility for our situation and then to commit to go forward inviting truth, love and miracles. Heaven is here to help...It has given it all. Now it is time to receive...Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒文化的制約》。它談到的是對種族,宗教,文化以及國家的限制的溶解。這邁向一個更美好的真理,就是沒有那麼嚴格限制。這可以療癒祖先以及集體的阻礙,並允許我們擁有更大的自由和願景,進而擁有更大的喜樂。有個美好的一天 ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING CULTURAL CONDITIONING Posted: 08 Aug 2013 06:55 PM PDT HEALING CULTURAL CONDITIONING is the card for today. it speaks of dissolving the constrictions of race, religion, culture and country. It moves toward a greater truth that is not so restrictive. This can heal ancestral as well as collective blocks and allow us much greater freedom and vision and thus much greater joy. Have a fine day !!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《虹彩般的燦爛》。這是可帶著細緻美好閃耀發光而生活的日子。在這一天,既鼓舞他人也被他人所激勵。在這一天,光明透過你發亮且為他人提供一個回家方向的天梯。今天向內或向外都會有驚人的美妙。享受它。光明已經來到 ... 有個最美妙的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) IRIDESCENT Posted: 07 Aug 2013 04:18 PM PDT IRIDESCENT is the card for today. This is a day for shining in our lives with a luminous fineness. It is a day for inspiring and being inspired. It is a day where the light shines through you and others providing a Jacob's ladder in the direction home. The beauty inward or outward could be breathtaking today. Enjoy it. The light has come...Have a most wonderful day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒壞蛋的心魔》。我們要別人成為壞蛋來隱藏自己的罪惡感。當我們看到別人和自己是無罪時,才能進入人間天堂 ... 看到 “ 壞蛋 ” 是我們隱藏我們沒有拯救到原承諾要拯救的人的罪惡感,以及使他們成為“壞蛋”來逃避我們的使命。在我們想要隱藏和責怪他人,因而變得鐵石心腸,且在我們的生活中缺乏愛及無法找到或接受愛,來償還這個業力。當然,現在我們在自我欺騙來隱藏這些,這是我們的潛意識和無意識為什麼會阻礙我們意識心靈成長的原因 ... 沒有壞人,你也不是 ...... 有個幸福的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE VILLAIN SHADOW Posted: 06 Aug 2013 08:18 PM PDT HEALING THE VILLAIN SHADOW is the card for today. We hide guilt by making villains. Heaven on earth can only be reached when we see others and ourselves as sinless...To see 'bad guys' is our way of hiding the guilt that we did not save someone we promised to save and so avoided our purpose while making them the 'bad guy'. In our desire to hide and blame others we became hard-hearted and pay for this karmic ally by the lack of love in our lives now and the inability to find or receive love. Of course we hide all this from ourselves now in self-deception which is the reason our subconscious and unconscious dwarfs our con...


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《完整性》。完整性就是處在中心也是純真無罪。這種深度的和平,導致進入天間天堂 。 完整性邀請恩典和指引,並用愛和寬恕祝福這世界。今天,你可以邀請愛和神聖的愛在你所做的一切 ...... 有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) WHOLENESS Posted: 05 Aug 2013 03:33 PM PDT WHOLENESS is the card of the day. WHOLENESS is both centeredness and innocence. It is the profound peace that leads to Heaven on earth. WHOLENESS invites grace and guidance and blesses the world with love and forgiveness. Today you can invite in love and Divine Love to be present in everything you do...Have a fine day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《在神的懷中休息》。今天好好休息,並卸下你肩上的重擔。讓今天無後顧之憂。任何大小事情都可讓恩典透過你來完成。今天你是安全地被抱在神的手中。讓自己好好休息。如果你允許的話,事情都可以為你處理好。讓自己再次像個小孩子一樣,讓神來承擔你的重擔和責任。上天保護著你。它帶來奇蹟,如果你可以放鬆心情,讓路一下。讓這就在今天發生。你比你所知道的更為神所愛。享受今天,且擁有最美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) RESTING IN GOD Posted: 04 Aug 2013 04:51 PM PDT RESTING IN GOD is the card for today. Rest today and take the burdens off your shoulders. Let there be no worries today. Anything you need do can be done through you by grace from the biggest to the smallest thing. You are safe today held in Loving Arms. Take your rest today. Things are being handled for you if you allow it. Instead of you carrying the burdens and responsibility, let yourself be like a little child once more. Heaven is covering your back. It brings miracles if you can relax and get out of the way for a while. Let that be today. You are loved more than you will ever know. Enjoy that today and have the best day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《神的旨意》。神的旨意要給我們完美的幸福,如果我們沒有它,這是我們的我執游說我們投注於在自我的議題上,而這超過了我們的真實意願。今天,我們可以承認上帝的旨意和我們的真實意願是相同的 ...... 今天我們可以把我們的生活移轉,讓自己被愛和被關心。今天,我們可以放下攻擊和煩惱的自我攻擊,以及祈求並邀請神的旨意,來平順我們的生活 ….. 有個最燦爛的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) GOD'S WILL Posted: 02 Aug 2013 09:13 AM PDT GOD'S WILL is the card for today. It wills perfect happiness for us and if we don't have it our ego's will persuaded us to invest in the ego's agenda beyond our true will. Today we can recognize That GOD'S WILL and our true will are the same...Today we can turn our lives over and let ourselves be loved and cared for. Today we can let go of the attack and self-attack of worry and invoke and invite GOD'S WILL to smooth out our lives...Have a most brilliant day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《在意識中覺醒》。今天你的性能量是為了提升你的意識。今天你的我執身分可以有些消融,留出更多空間給天堂,且有較少的你自認為的自己。藉由一些正直,隱藏的內疚可以進入純真以及一些阻礙你的恐懼可消融掉,所以你可以在生命中從一個更高的角度來觀看,同時更感覺到靠近神聖的愛與存在 ... 祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) AWAKENING IN CONSCIOUSNESS Posted: 01 Aug 2013 11:07 PM PDT AWAKENING IN CONSCIOUSNESS is the card for today. All of your sexual energy today is meant to boost you in consciousness. Part of your ego identity can melt today leaving more of Heaven and less of who you thought you were. Some of the righteousness that hid guilt can go into innocence and some fear that has held you back melts away so you can see from a higher perspective in life feeling closer to Divine Love and Presence...Have a fine day!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《敞開》。沒有敞開就沒有接受。正如梭羅所說,“當破曉時,我們才清醒。”如果你在某些地方有所匱乏,試問自己在那些地方關閉了多少個門,然後想像自己把這些門打開 ...... 今天尤其是朝向恩典和天堂的慷慨敞開。有個最美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE OPEN DOOR Posted: 31 Jul 2013 05:01 PM PDT THE OPEN DOOR is the card for today. Without THE OPEN DOOR there is no receiving. As Thoreau said, "Only that day dawns to which we are awake." If there is scarcity in some area ask how many doors you have closed on yourself in that area and simply imagine yourself opening them...Today especially open yourself to grace and Heaven's largesse. Have a most fine day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《願意覺醒,願意愛》。這需要強大的決心才能取得的進展。有了強烈的企圖和上天的幫助,我們可以飛躍的成長。願意覺醒,讓我們移除過去的幻相,誘惑和偶像,而這些是來自我執,帶著痛苦的惡性循環。為了喚醒我們無限靈性的真實身份,而不是建立分離和痛苦的自我身份,去知道人間的天堂。有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) WILL TO WAKEN, WILL TO LOVE Posted: 31 Jul 2013 04:04 AM PDT WILL TO WAKEN, WILL TO LOVE is the card for today. It speaks of that strong resolution necessary to make progress. With strong intention and Heaven's help we can leap forward in our growth. The WILL TO WAKEN allows us to move past illusion, temptation and idols that are part of the vicious circle with the pain that comes from them and the ego. To awaken to our true identity of unlimited spirit rather than the identity we built through separation and pain is to know Heaven on earth. Have a great day!!!