今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒誤解的故事》。這是新的一天 , 再次連繫及移除自我擊敗模式。所有的痛苦都是一種欺騙的形式,對真正發生的事 , 欺騙自己 , 並導致自己拿痛苦為藉口 , 而不願意展現自己。療癒誤解故事 ,對 醫治我們的痛苦和自欺是很有幫助的。有個很棒的一天 , 意識到這一直都是個錯誤 , 而這卻是很容易調正的。有個美好的一天。 ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE MISUNDERSTANDING STORY Posted: 27 Mar 2014 03:07 PM PDT HEALING THE MISUNDERSTANDING STORY is the card for today. This is another day to set bonding in place and remove self-defeating patterns. All pain is a form of deception in which we deceive ourselves about what really happened and cause ourselves pain as an excuse not to show up. HEALING THE MISUNDERSTANDING STORY goes a long way to heal our pain and self-deception. Have a wonderful day of realizing it has all been a mistake which is easily corrected. Have a fine day!