今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《自然》。今天如果有可能 , 就找個機會花點時間與自然一起吧。感覺自然是如何與你連結,支持你和你的活力,賜福你的健康。如果你能,就去體驗美麗和感知它。今天讓自然更新及祝福你。元氣提升。今天就去感受吧! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) NATURE Posted: 18 Apr 2014 03:28 AM PDT NATURE is the card of the day. If it is possible to spend some time in NATURE today grab the chance. Feel how NATURE is connecting with you, supporting you and your vitality, blessing your health. Experience the beauty and the sentience if you are able. Let NATURE renew and bless you today. The sap is rising. Feel it today!