
目前顯示的是 5月, 2015的文章


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒個人神話》。你的個人神話,就是如果你是某個傳奇,童話,歷史或卡通人物的話 , 那你將會是什麼。在我們生命的某個時候,我們開始用這個腳本在過活著。這會怎麼影響您的生活呢?這是當年為生存帶著破碎的夢 , 所建構出的一種防衛及一種補償 ...... 這仍在你心裡頭,而你覺得不夠好,或不夠強大繼續活著,於是你想出藉由這個人的神話而活下來。現在是時候讓你的生命活回來。最簡單的方法就是選擇去整合你的個人神話和幻滅的自我。那麼新的整體性會整合到你的高層心靈。有個最美妙的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING YOUR PERSONAL MYTH Posted: 15 May 2015 11:11 PM PDT HEALING YOUR PERSONAL MYTH is the card for today. Your personal myth is what you would be if you were a legendary, fairytale, historical or cartoon character. There was some point in our life where we started living by this script. How has this affected your life? This was a defense, a compensation built on a shattered dream where you were in survival…This is still inside you and you didn't feel good enough or strong enough to go on but you figured that your personal myth could do the job. Now it is time to get your life back. The simplest way is to choose that your personal myth and your shattered self be integrated. Then integrate...


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒缺乏優先順序》。 想像有個大圈子繞著你 , 天堂在中心 , 你的夥伴與你的孩子和你的使命在你身旁。然後有個圈圈繞著你的工作 , 延伸出你的家人和朋友。然後有個圈圈是熟人圈。然後一個一個帶著不同利益的圈子 , 一環一環的往外展。丟棄癮頭和放縱,你有個極優的優先順序圈。你的圈子是什麼?有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING OUR LACK OF PRIORITIES Posted: 01 May 2015 02:18 PM PDT HEALING OUR LACK OF PRIORITIES is the card for today. Imagine a big circle with you and Heaven in the center and your partner right next to you along with your children and your purpose. Then a circle with your work extended family and friends. Then a circle of acquaintances. Then circles further and further out with different interests. Drop out addictions and indulgences and you have an excellent circles of priorities. What are yours? Have an amazing day!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒不平衡》。當陽剛與陰柔面被重視且連結至新的夥伴層面時 , 一個平衡的自然移動就產生了。這種平衡讓我們包含自己,具自愛。它歡迎夥伴關係,使我們能在一個接受並給出更多,同時給出且接受更多的上升螺旋形中。願有個很美好的平衡一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING IMBALANCE Posted: 01 May 2015 01:04 AM PDT HEALING IMBALANCE is the card for today. Today there is a natural movement of balance as both the masculine and feminine sides are valued and joined in a new level of partnership. This balance lets us include ourselves and have self-love. It welcomes partnership and allows us to receive and give more and to give and receive more in an ascending spiral. Have a great day of balance!!