
目前顯示的是 6月, 2015的文章


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒死亡的陰謀》。這是我執喜愛的陰謀之一。它對我們的重大問題提出解決方案,但卻沒效。然後,它建議另一個似是而非的建議,而這絕對也不會有效,直到最後它說,“沒有出路的 ; 現在是該去死的時候了”。 開除當你教練的我執吧。這是個以為它會拯救你死亡的瘋狂想法。聽聽其它的意見,你高層心靈總是有個更好的辦法。今天是改變內在隱藏方向有個更好的方式的好日子! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE DEATH CONSPIRACY Posted: 22 Jun 2015 11:08 AM PDT HEALING THE DEATH CONSPIRACY is the card for today. This is one of the ego's favorite conspiracies. It gives us solutions to big problems that don't work. Then it makes another plausible suggestion that absolutely won't work until finally it says, "There is no way out; it is time to die."  Fire your ego as your personal coach. It is insane thinking it will survive your demise. Get a second opinion. Your higher mind always has a better way. Today is a great day for changing hidden directions within for a better way!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《奇蹟引發啟示》。首先,這是奇蹟發生的一天,而且許多的奇蹟可以有所啟示。這可以發生在人類的層面,因此,開啟了未來,甚至永恆一瞥的可能性。這會對我們的意識產生持久的影響,使我們離開對許多瑣事的追求和重新建立愛和天堂的目標。奇蹟能節省地球數千年的進化,同時推動我們超越重大的許多陷阱。透過我們的愛和信心,並透過天堂的愛,奇蹟得以實現。讓我們有個值得慶祝的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) MIRACLES INDUCE REVELATION Posted: 16 Jun 2015 12:37 PM PDT MIRACLES INDUCE REVELATION is the card for the day. First of all this is a day where miracles are possible and where miracles occur so can revelation occur. This can happen on a human level so that the future opens up but even more likely is that glimpses of eternity are possible. This can have a lasting effect on our consciousness with the falling away of so many trivial pursuits and the re-establishing of goals for Love and Heaven. Miracles can save thousands of years of evolution for the earth as well as moving us beyond major traps. Through our love and faith and through Heaven's Love miracles are accomplished. Let us have a day of celebration!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒混混霸凌 ( 心魔 ) 及“我是上主的聖子。”》。 這是奇蹟課程中的一段話。我們的小我是一個混混霸凌。它想控制他人,或成為被別人支配的最後一道防線。它欺負別人,也欺負我們。霸凌是讓自己被欺負,特別是當我們自己欺負自己時。所有這一切欺負都增加了恐懼,這成為我們的現實。但有個簡易的方式可以穿越這,就是認識到我們是上帝所創造的,而且這是不會改變的。我們確實相信它是霸凌。但我們是上主的聖子,這不會改變的。是時候認清這一點,並慶祝這事實。有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE BULLY (SHADOW) &" I AM THE HOLY SON OF GOD HIMSELF." Posted: 14 Jun 2015 03:50 PM PDT HEALING THE BULLY (SHADOW) & "I AM THE HOLY SON OF GOD HIMSELF." are the cards for today. The quote is from A COURSE IN MIRACLES. Our ego is a bully. It wants to dominate others or as a last defense to be dominated by others. It bullies others and it bullies us. To bully is to open ourselves to be bullied especially we are open to it when we bully ourselves. All of this bullying increases fear and this becomes our reality. But there is an easy way through as we recognize that we are as God created us and this can't be changed. We only believe it did. But we are the ho...