判斷是如此普遍,使我們認為這是正常的。小我利用它使我們分離,優越感及隱藏罪惡感。它使靈魂萎縮使我們心胸狹隘,自以為是的。奇蹟課程說評斷是為世界一切苦難的原因。今天是個好日子,療癒你的評斷,用愛心,幫助和祝福在所有評斷之處。願有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING JUDGMENT is the card for today. Judgment is so common that we think it is normal. It is used by the ego to separate, feel superior and hide guilt. It is soul-shrinking making us narrow-minded and opinionated. A COURSE IN MIRACLES describes judgment as the cause of all the suffering of the world. Today is a good day to heal your judgment and have love, helping or blessing in its place. Have a great day!! HEALING JUDGMENT Posted: 23 Aug 2015 01:01 PM PDT