
目前顯示的是 4月, 2016的文章


【 Chuck 博士每日一卡】 轉化 今天的卡片是轉化。今天是要改變的一天,而且是受到祝福過的改變。轉化會推動我們前進,讓我們掙脫重圍,帶來更新更好的觀點。轉化是今天的順流,我們不妨順其自然,因為抗拒會產生痛苦,而且我們是在抗拒對我們有益、會帶來幸福的東西。所以今天就順著流走吧。這流是要把你帶到更好的道路上的。祝你有個很棒的一天! TRANSFORMATION is the card for today. Today is a day for change and blessed change at that...It moves us forward, gets us unstuck and brings a new and better perspective. This is the flow of the day and we might as well go with it as resistance generates pain and we are resisting something helpful and happy. So go with the flow today. It is meant to lead you to a better way. Have a great day today!!


【Chuck博士每日一卡】夥伴合作 今天的卡片是夥伴合作。這反映出,我們渴望終結分裂,渴望負起責任,回應自己一切的感覺,回應夥伴身上發生的一切,回應關係裡發生的一切。夥伴合作有認出:抱怨表示我們正試圖向夥伴強奪或索取,也表示,我們受召要給出,要讓關係變好,我們卻沒有給。我們希望自己獻給關係的東西,自始自終都是愛。我們想要把結合看得比小我提供的一切都還重要。夥伴合作就是這樣的嚮往。祝你今天奇蹟滿滿! PARTNERING is the card for today. It reflects our desire to dissolve and separation between us taking responsibility for whatever we are feeling and for what is going on in our partner and our relationship. It recognizes that our complaints show what we are trying to get or take from our partner and they indicate our failure of what we are called to give that would make the relationship better. PARTNERING is our desire to have love be what we always dedicate our relationship to and that we prize joining above anything our ego could offer. Have a miraculous day!!


【Chuck博士每日一卡】療癒性枯寂 今天的卡片是療癒性枯寂。有很多原因會造成性枯寂。其中一個主要原因是退縮,另一個主要原因是害怕踏出下一步。因為你怕自己控制不了、掌握不住。對自己、對伴侶、對性承諾,就可以療癒這點。再者,如果你記得誰與你同行的話,你就可以沒有恐懼。只有在你覺得自己孤單,一切都要靠自己的時候,恐懼才會出現。今天,如果你願意踏出下一步,不繼續卡在這裡的話,那春天就在等著你。祝你有個美好的一天! HEALING SEXUAL DEADNESS is the card for today. Sexual deadness can have many roots but one major one is withdrawal and another is the fear of the next step because you are afraid you can't handle it. Commitment to yourself, your partner and sex can heal this. Also if you remember Who walks with you there can be no fear. Fear only comes when you think you are alone and have to handle everything yourself. Today a springtime awaits you if you are willing to take the next step instead of staying stuck. Have a wonderful day!!


【 Chuck 博士每日一卡】療癒奪取 今天的卡片是療癒奪取。奪取,是我們分裂後小我提議的計畫,這樣我們就能保持分裂。奪取來自解離,會造成心碎與挫敗。奪取阻礙了我們領受和給出的能力。因此,奪取是小我的手法,造成更多痛苦與防衛。今天要來覺醒,看見自己在做的事,讓自己再次連結與領受。祝你有個超棒的一天! THE HEALING OF TAKING is the card for today. Taking is an ego agenda for when we separate and this allows us to stay separate. It comes from dissociation and leads to heartbreak and defeat. It blocks our ability to receive and give and thus is an ego ploy that leads to more pain and defensiveness. Today is a good day to wake up to what we are doing and allow ourselves to bond once more and receive. Have the best day!!


【Chuck博士每日一卡】 童心 今天的卡片是童心。童心會創造順流,讓每個人都能充電。童心是領袖力的禮物,回應了團隊的需要。童心會帶來喜悅與好玩,也比較能夠客觀看待事物。今天,祝你有個充滿童心、充滿快樂的一天! PLAYFULNESS is the card for today. PLAYFULNESS creates flow and refreshes everyone. It is a leadership gift that is responsive to what is needed by the team. PLAYFULNESS brings delight and fun and puts things in perspective. Today have a happy day of PLAYFULNESS!!


【Chuck博士每日一卡】 療癒不誠實  今天的卡片是療癒不誠實。我們要把今天獻給真理。真理會將光帶到黑暗之處。真理會顯示穿越幻相的路,讓我們得著釋放,同時也帶來連結與輕易。我們不誠實時,其實是想得到想要的東西,卻不想承擔任何後果,因此,我們會應聲附和,順著別人的話說。這樣一來,我們得到了對方的認同,卻隱藏了自己的想法、感覺跟行為。今天可以既往不咎,重新開始。祝你有個很棒的一天!  HEALING DISHONESTY is the card for today. This is a day dedicated to the truth. It brings the light where there was darkness. It shows the way through illusions to what will make us free and bring bonding and ease at the same time. Dishonesty is an attempt to get what we want without having to suffer any consequences so we state what the other wants us to hear. This way we get their approval while still hiding our thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Today a clean slate can be made and a new beginning. have a great day!!


【 Chuck 博士每日一卡】 信任 今天的卡片是信任。心靈就只有兩種投資方式,一種是投資信任,一種是投資恐懼。換個說法的話,一種是投資高層心靈,一種是投資小我。信任代表一切都會好轉的。如果沒有好轉,就代表我們投資了小我。奇蹟課程說道,信任可以療癒一切問題。就算是最負面的狀況,也會因信任而反常地展開,直到成為正向事件為止。不成熟、幼稚的天真是會碰上粗魯的覺醒。然而,信任會將一切導向正軌,進而轉化狀況。今天祝你有個美好、充滿信任的一天! TRUST is the card for the day. There are only two ways to invest our mind either trust or fear which is the same as investing in the higher mind or the ego. TRUST means that everything will turn out fine. Anything else and it shows we have invested in our ego. A COURSE IN MIRACLES states that TRUST would heal any problem. Even the most negative situation begins to paradoxically unfold with TRUST until it becomes positive. Being naive leads to rude awakenings but TRUST transforms by setting everything on the right path. Today have a wonderful and TRUSTING day!!


【 Chuck 博士每日一卡】 好時光 今天的卡片是好時光。這是指你真正享受你自己的時光,放鬆進入到友誼、夥伴情誼、愛、浪漫、活潑的童心、純然的好玩的時光。讓自己單單純純在順流裡,因為順流會把你載到好時光裡。祝你有個幸福快樂的一天! GOOD TIMES is the card for today. This is a time to really enjoy yourself and relax into feelings of friendship, camaraderie, love, romance, playfulness and just plain fun. Let yourself simply be in the flow because it is carrying you into GOOD TIMES…Have a happy day!!


【 Chuck 博士每日一卡】 療癒特殊性 今天的卡片是療癒特殊性。特殊性是屬於小我的需要,會讓我們渴望從別人那裏得到什麼,要求別人要給我們什麼。有連結的時候,就會有一份自然而然的認可。另外,特殊性會想要變得不一樣,還會願意用長時間痛苦來換得注意力。絕大多數的問題與創傷,其核心都暗藏一股動力,企圖變得特殊,好定義自己是誰。我們抓人來當人質,來滿足我們對特殊性的需要。大多數人都將特殊性和愛搞混了。愛是從不傷人的,然而當我們沒有被特殊對待時,我們卻會因為特殊性而受傷受辱。今天,我們可以先覺察到特殊性,再放下特殊性,放下這份阻礙給出與領受的執著,如此便可療癒對特殊性的需要。祝你有個美麗的一天! HEALING SPECIALNESS is the card for today. Specialness is an ego need that holds us craving and demanding from others. When there is bonding there is natural recognition. Specialness on the other hand seeks to be different and is willing to go to painful lengths to get attention. At the heart of almost every problem and trauma there lurks the hidden dynamic of the attempt to be special to define ourselves. We hold people hostage to our need for specialness. Most people have confused specialness with love but love don't hurt while specialness is insulted and hurt when we are not treated special. Today we can heal the need for specialness first by becoming aware of it and then by ...


【Chuck博士每日一卡】 療癒《從來就沒有一件事情是順利的》的故事 今天的卡片是:療癒《從來就沒有一件事情是順利的》的故事。這是自我挫敗的故事,我們寫這故事的原因有很多,像是要求得注意力、特殊性,渴望被認同、被包含等等。問問自己,有多少這樣黑暗的故事?為這些故事負起全部責任,將故事交到天堂的手裡來化解。祝你有個光明成功的一天! HEALING THE NOTHING EVER WORKS OUT STORY is the card for today. This is a self-defeating story that we script for attention, specialness and the desire for approval and inclusion among other things. Ask how many of these dark stories you have, take full responsibility for them and give them into the Hands of Heaven to dissolve. Have a bright and successful day!!


【 Chuck 博士每日一卡】療癒情緒操縱 今天的卡片是療癒情緒操縱。如果我們不是拿情緒來療癒,我們就會拿情緒來攻擊,來嘗試控制別人,好滿足自己的需要,照自己的方式行事。而情緒操縱又會和別人的呼求幫助糾纏不清。這些情緒是在試圖勒索夥伴、家人、朋友、老天。然而情緒顯示的是,我們的內在有地方出了差錯。如果你想要幸福快樂、想要健康的話,那就不能忽略情緒、否認情緒。情緒反而是很好的指標,可以看出我們過去尚未完成的療癒,也可以看出我們正把情緒投射到別人身上。把情緒轉移到別人身上,這可不能稱為情緒成熟啊!祝你今天有個最美麗的療癒! HEALING EMOTIONAL MANIPULATION is the card of the day. If we do not use our emotions for healing they become used as an attack and an attempt to control others to meet our needs and do it our way. This is mixed in with the cry for help that they are. These emotions are an attempt at blackmail toward partners, family, friends and God. But emotions show us a mistake we are making inside. Emotions can't be ignored or denied if you want to be happy and healthy but they are great indicators of what we haven't finished healing from the past and that we are also projecting on others around us. Emotional maturity is not displacing our emotions on others! Have a most beautiful day of healing!!


【 Chuck 博士每日一卡】 認可 今天的卡片是認可。今天的道是我們認可身旁的人、以及所有人所做的事,認可他們這個人。同樣,我們也認可自己,也讓自己被別人認可。祝你今天順著認可的流,有個快樂的一天! RECOGNITION is the card of the day. The tao of the day is that we RECOGNIZE those around us and others in general for what they are doing and who they are. We similarly RECOGNIZE ourselves and are RECOGNIZED by others. Have a happy day of flow that comes from RECOGNITION!!


【 Chuck 博士每日一卡】療癒評斷 今天的卡片是療癒評斷。小我用評斷來遮掩罪惡感、投射罪惡感。小我會創造分裂,且用這份評斷來假裝優越。評斷是受苦的首要原因,每個受苦裡頭都有評斷的蹤影。評斷也製造了犧牲與粘連,所以如果評斷沒讓你掉進分裂的話,評斷就會讓你掉進粘連裡。今天放下你的評斷吧,你只要觀察就好。這樣就會讓天堂帶來恩典與奇蹟。祝你有個最棒的一天! HEALING JUDGMENT is the card for today. Judgment is an ego tool to hide and project guilt. It separates and uses the judgment to act superior. It is the number one cause of suffering; there is no suffering without it. It also sets up sacrifice and fusion so if it doesn't get you through separation it does so through fusion. Today let your judgment go and simply witness. This allows Heaven to bring grace and miracles…Have the best day!!


【 Chuck 博士的每日一卡】《療癒死亡的強烈吸引》 今天的卡片是《療癒死亡的強烈吸引》。死亡的強烈吸引,潛伏在無意識深處。這股吸引力來自小我,是自我攻擊最糟糕的一種。有些長期問題看起來沒有創傷,沒有失落,卻又沒完沒了的。死亡的強烈吸引,通常會透過這種問題浮出檯面。死亡的強烈吸引,掩藏住一份能帶來生命的大禮。有人真的需要你,而這股吸引力卻要遮蓋住這道呼求幫助。幫助對方就是在幫助自己。天堂給你的旨意,是要你擁有更好的人生,這也會是你真實的意願。別讓自己陷入小我的死胡同裡。這裡真的有份誕生的邀請,而這有是你真正想要的。祝你有個重生復興的一天! HEALING THE FIERCE ATTRACTION OF DEATH is the card for today. Deep in the unconscious mind there lurks the fierce attraction to death. It come from your ego and it is the worst form of self-attack. It usually surfaces through some chronic problem which seems to have no end or a trauma or loss of some kind. The fierce attraction of death hides a major life-generating gift and is meant to hide a major call for help in which someone really needs you. To help them is to help yourself. Heaven's Will for you is a better life and this is your true will also. Do not let yourself be caught in an ego cul-de-sac. There is actually a birth invitation going on and this is what you really want. Jave a renaissance t...


【 Chuck 博士每日一卡】寬容錯誤 今天的卡片是寬容錯誤。寬容錯誤是一種寬恕,不再用注意力強化錯誤。寬容錯誤是在信任展開的過程,以及過程裡頭的人,知道一切都會有最好的結果,我們任何的煩惱都只是尚待學習的課題。首要之務,我們不要用評斷來擋住天堂恩典與奇蹟的路。我們若想用評斷來分裂,證明自己的優越的話,評斷就會把我們扔進粘連與犧牲裡。祝你有美好愉快的一天! OVERLOOKING MISTAKES is the card for today. OVERLOOKING MISTAKES is a form of forgiveness that doesn't reinforce a mistake by giving it attention. It trusts the unfolding and the the people involved knowing that everything will turn out for the best and any upset on our part is a lesson for us to learn. Primarily we don't get in the way of Heaven's grace and miracles by judging which throws us into fusion and sacrifice as we attempt to separate and prove our superiority by out judgment. have a most wonderful and enjoyable day!!


【 Chuck 博士每日一卡】 信心 今天的卡片是信心。這是在你內在懷有的相信。你有多少相信,你的成功就會有多自然多輕易。信心即是,把你心靈的力量用於信任,而非恐懼。信心,才是適當使用心靈的方式。要投資心靈哪一部分,你是有選擇的,愛還是恐懼,高層心靈還是小我。提醒自己記得那神性臨在,就可以移除一切懷疑恐懼。祝你有個很棒的一天! CONFIDENCE is the card for today. This is faith you have in yourself and the extent to which you have faith you succeed naturally and easily. CONFIDENCE is the power of your mind put toward trust rather than fear. It is the proper use of the mind and you get to choose what part of your mind you will invest in…love or fear, the higher mind or the ego. To remind yourself of Divine Presence can remove any fear or doubt. Have a fine day!!


【Chuck博士每日一卡】 天真無罪 今天的卡片是天真無罪。天真無罪反映出自己被創造出來的時候。什麼也改變不了天真無罪。但我們卻覺得,神的旨意是可以違背的,天真無罪是可以改變的。小我用來自分裂的罪惡感打造了自己。小我用罪惡感掩蓋恐懼,緊抓著某人不放。然而,長期的罪惡感,是用來站在小我那邊,與天堂鬥爭的。今天的道是天真無罪,可以清理掉每道問題核心的罪惡感。祝你今天有很棒的釋放與自由! INNOCENCE is the card for today. It reflects us as we were created. Nothing can change that but we think that it can be changed against God's Will. The ego builds itself with the guilt that comes of separation. The ego uses guilt to hide fear, hold on to someone while chronic guilt is used to fight Heaven siding with our ego. Today the tao is one of INNOCENCE and it can clear the guilt that is at the root of every problem. Have a great day of release and freedom!!


【Chuck博士每日一卡】 力量 今天的卡片是力量。力量是內在的力量,也是來自內心深處的力量。如奇蹟課程所述,「上主是我得以信賴的力量。」今天,祝你有個美好的一天! STRENGTH is the card for today. It is the STRENGTH within as well as the STRENGTH from deep within as A COURSE IN MIRACLES states, "God is the strength in which I trust." Have a wonderful day today!!


【 Chuck 博士每日一卡】寶劍一 今天的卡片是寶劍一。象徵自己和世界的真相將有新的開端。寶劍一會劃破幻相與假相。寶劍一是開始新的誠實,將生活建構在更大的真相之上。這份真相也會帶來新一層的自由。祝你有很棒的一天! THE ACE OF SWORDS is the card of the day. It signifies a new beginning in truth for yourself and the world. It cuts through illusion and falsehood. It is a new beginning of honesty and a life built on greater truth. This truth also brings a new level of freedom. Have a great day!!


【Chuck博士每日一卡】  歡慶 今天的卡片是歡慶。今天會有股能量的提升,可以享受,可以狂歡。不要再跟自己過不去了!放下你的抱怨吧。現在是愛與勝利的時候。今天,花時間歡慶你的勝利吧,歡慶你的關係,歡慶你的成功。至於要歡慶負面事件,則是要信任最後的結果,看見事情的全貌,因此轉化負面事件。祝你有個非常美好的一天! CELEBRATION is the card for today. Today is the uplift of energy that can be enjoyed and reveled in. Get over yourself! Let go of your grievances. This is a time of love and victory. Take time to celebrate your wins today. CELEBRATE your relationships and your success. To CELEBRATE negative events is both to trust the final outcome and to see the big picture thus transforming the negative event. Have a very wonderful day!!


【Chuck博士每日一卡】 療癒力量方向分散 今天的卡片是療癒力量方向分散。力量方向分散,是我們有太多方向要去,於是反而阻礙到了自己。今天,要請自己放下不再真實的方向與計畫,重新致力於真實的方向與計畫。不然,還有未完成計畫的話,就會讓能量洩漏出來,並且帶來壓力。力量方向分散,通常是在補償失落,以及不夠好、孤單的感受。今天,我們可以讓自己聚焦,完成更多事,放下不真的事,感覺更為自由。祝你有個美好的一天! HEALING VECTOR SPLATTER is the card for today. Vector splatter is when we are going in too many directions and it holds us back. Today we are being asked to let go of the directions and projects that are no loner true and recommit to the ones that are true because otherwise unfinished projects leak energy and cause stress. Vector splatter is typically a compensation for loss and feelings of inadequacy or loneliness. Today we can focus ourselves, get more accomplished, let go of what is untrue and feel more free. Have a wonderful day!!


【Chuck博士每日一卡】拋開所學 今天的卡片是拋開所學。意思是,我們學會的黑暗功課,將會換成天堂給我們的功課,也就是全然諒解、寬恕、同理。拋開所學會帶來平安,以及愛與成功的模式。祝你拆除掉小我那充滿攻擊與自我攻擊的黑暗,好好過一天。願你有最棒的一天! UNLEARNING is the card for today. It means that the dark lessons we learned will be exchanged for Heaven's lessons for us which are full of understanding, forgiveness and compassion. UNLEARNING brings peace and patterns of love and success…Have a great day as you dismantle the darkness of the ego full of attack and self-attack. May you have the best day!!


【Chuck博士每日一卡】 療癒你讓別人「走在蛋殼上」的地方  今天的卡片是,療癒你讓別人「走在蛋殼上」的地方。你若有個地方,讓別人戰戰兢兢、如履薄冰的話,那你就是在要別人屈服於你的特殊性。這是一種情緒勒索,企圖支配別人。今天要釋放你自己,也釋放身旁的人。如果你給自己所需的尊重與自愛,那你就不會對身邊的人有所要求。祝你有個很棒的一天! HEALING WHERE YOU MAKE OTHERS WALK ON EGGSHELLS is the card for today. Where you make others walk on eggshells you are making others submit to your specialness. It is a form of emotional blackmail that attempts to dominate others. Today release yourself and others around you. If you give yourself the respect and self-love you need then you won't make demands on the people around you. Have a fine day!!


今天的卡片是偉大。我們各自有各自的偉大,而我們都是為偉大而來的。偉大是我們使命的一部分。偉大未必會跟惡名昭彰有關。當你大大地給出自己,你的偉大就浮現了。當你大大地給出自己好一段時間,你就成了願景家,你的光就會閃閃發亮。當你大大地給出,你就會大大地領受。今天,認出你偉大的機會,如此由衷地給出你自己吧。祝你有個精彩的一天! GREATNESS is the card for today. We have come for greatness each in our own way. It is part of our purpose and has no connection necessarily with notoriety. When you give greatly of yourself your GREATNESS emerges. When you give greatly for a long time you become a visionary and your light shines brightly. When you give greatly you receive greatly. Recognize your opportunities for GREATNESS today and give yourself that profoundly. Have an amazing day!!


今天的卡片是療癒挫敗。挫敗跟心碎一樣,很有破壞性,又會引發報復。挫敗會建立起自我挫敗的模式,所以不會只發生一次。有挫敗,就意味著有競爭與執著。所以,就算我們贏了,我們內在還是有挫敗的機制在。今天,讓我們釋放掉內在所有挫敗的機制,以及內在所有的獨立、恐懼與失落。因為這些東西會造成挫敗,而挫敗又會回過頭來強化這些東西。祝你今天有個很棒的釋放!   HEALING DEFEAT is the card for today. Defeat can be as devastating as a heartbreak and can lead to revenge as well as heartbreak. It can set up self-defeating patterns rather than being a one time thing. Defeat speaks of competition and attachment so that even if we win we have the mechanisms of defeat within us. Today let us release all of the defeat mechanisms within along with all of the independence, fear and loss within that led to it and was reinforced by it. Have a great day of release today!