【Chuck博士每日一卡】 聖靈 今天的卡片是聖靈。聖靈即是安慰者。聖靈也是道,鑒於我們所需的療癒,盡其可能地攤呈這世界。聖靈是老天給我們的愛,也是老天信守的承諾,我們絕不會被留在這裡自生自滅的。聖靈是分裂的二元世界裡的一。聖靈是那偉大的幫助者,是那份明白,明白我們沒有被遺忘。聖靈是回家的路,是回到瞭解一的道路。過個史上最棒的一天吧! THE HOLY SPIRIT is the card for today. THE HOLY SPIRIT is the Comforter. It is the Tao unfolding the world in the highest possible way given what we have to heal. It is God's Love for us and the promise kept that we wouldn't be left to our own devices. It is Oneness in a dualistic world of separation. It is the the Great Helper and the knowledge that we haven't been forgotten. It is the Way home and the path back to the realization of Oneness. Have the best day ever!!