
目前顯示的是 12月, 2016的文章


【 PoV 願景心理學】 Chuck 博士每日一卡 《祝福》 今天的卡片是《祝福》。今天,不要評斷,不要評斷任何事情。反倒祝福每一個人,每一件事。這會增強順流,幫助你和你祝福的人。今天,讓「老天祝福你」成為你的國歌、你的咒語。過個深受祝福的一天吧! Bless is the card for today. Today judge no or no thing. BLESS everyone and everything instead. This enhances the flow and helps you and those you BLESS. Let God BLESS you be your anthem and your mantra today. Have a BLESSED day!! 


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒害怕親密》 今天的卡片是《療癒害怕親密》。害怕親密的話,我們就會困在小我跟它分裂的計畫裡,享受不到移除小我高牆後的一切益處。這些益處包括愛、分享、互惠性、更大的平等性,能為夥伴關係、順流、輕易帶來加成。小我先是用恐懼作為任何問題的核心,再用問題作為分裂的方式來壯大自己。今天,歡迎親密,因為親密會帶來更大的領受、豐盛、更多的自我價值。祝你有個充滿驚奇的一天! HEALING THE FEAR OF INTIMACY is the card for today. With a fear of intimacy we are caught by the ego and it's agenda of separation rather than all the benefits that come of removing the ego's walls. These include love, sharing, mutuality, and greater equality which adds to partnership, flow and ease. Fear is what the ego uses as the basis of any problem and the ego thrives on problems as a means of separation. Today welcome closeness as it brings greater receiving, abundance and more self-worth. Have an incredible day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《幸福快樂》 今天的卡片是《幸福快樂》。生活關係的不外乎是幸福快樂。如果我們沒有幸福快樂,那我們就是在犯下某個錯誤。錯誤是可以修正的;我們可以用接納、寬恕、放下執著、整合、承諾、幫助他人來終結分裂,以修正錯誤。帶來幸福快樂的,是給出和領受;帶來幸福快樂的,是領受創造力,並與他人分享這股創造力;帶來幸福快樂的,是活出你的使命,擁抱你的天命;帶來幸福快樂的,是為自己和他人領受恩典與奇蹟。今天,要和生命幸福快樂之流一起舞動。老天就是生命。今天,全然領受生命吧。祝你有個美麗的一天! HAPPINESS is the card for today. Happiness is what life is all about. If we are not happy than we are making a mistake. And mistakes can be corrected by ending separation through acceptance, forgiveness, letting go of attachments, integration, commitment and helping others. Happiness comes with giving and receiving. It is the receiving of creative force and the sharing it with others that brings happiness. It is living your purpose and embracing your destiny. It is receiving of grace and miracles for yourself and others. Today is a day to dance with the happy flow of life. God is life. Receive It all today. Have a beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《分享》 今天的卡片是《分享》。這是一種愛的形式,會創造出豐盛。分享會強化愛與豐盛的信念,而這些信念會幫助我們,超越分享的舉動。今天,你分享時,或是別人分享給你時,去感覺你內在的愛。祝你有個最棒的一天! SHARING is the card for today. It is a form of love that creates abundance. It reinforces beliefs in both love and abundance that helps us beyond the act of sharing. Today feel the love within you as you share and are shared with. Have the best day possible!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《菩薩》 今天的卡片是《菩薩(原型)》。這樣的人,在天堂已有一席之地,但許諾每個人都被帶進天堂之前,不進到天堂。今天,歡迎這樣高層的意識層次,用這樣的天命祝福這個世界。祝你有個最精彩的一天! THE BODHISATTVA (ARCHETYPE) is the card for today. This is the one who has earned their place in Heaven but they have promised not to go until everyone is finally lifted up to Heaven. Today welcome this high level of consciousness and bless the world with this destiny. Have the most amazing day!!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒壞男人/壞女人心魔》 今天的卡片是《療癒壞男人/壞女人心魔》。我們身邊有害的人,反映出我們內在的有害的自我概念。寬恕、整合這些自我概念回到我們心裡,成為新的整體,接著以寬恕來療癒外在這些有害的人物;這樣子就可以讓每個人都得自由。祝你有個很棒的一天! HEALING THE SHADOW OF THE TOXIC MAN/WOMAN are the card for today. Those around us who are toxic reflect toxic self-concepts within us. To forgive and integrate these self-concepts back into us as a new wholeness and then to heal those toxic figures outside us by forgiveness frees everyone. Have a great day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒健忘》 今天的卡片是《療癒健忘》。我們忘記的事太多了,忘掉生活重要的是什麼,為了忙碌、不重要的事情而分心。我們早忘了自己是靈性,是神的孩子。我們把天堂跟老天都給忘了。我們忘了自己的力量,忘記自己是由愛與天真無罪本身創造出來的,忘了我們也是愛也是天真無罪。愛與天真無罪只有在幻相的世界裡才會看起來不一樣,但幻相的世界改變不了本質,改變不了任何重要的事。我們忘了老天對我們的愛,忘了老天的愛會以恩典、指引、奇蹟出現。今天,要記得真正有價值的事。祝你有個最棒的一天! HEALING FORGETFULNESS is the card of the day. We have forgotten so much, such as what's important in life getting carried away with busyness and what has no importance. We have forgotten ourselves as spirit and a Child of God. We have forgotten Heaven and God. We have forgotten our power and that we were created as love and innocent by Love and Innocence Itself and that that can't be changed except in a world of illusions which can't change anything important or of substance. We have forgotten God's Love for us which comes to us as grace, guidance and miracles. Today let us remember what is truly of value. Have the best of days!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《幸福快樂》 今天的卡片是《幸福快樂》。這說的是會轉變成幸福快樂的愛與自愛。會長久的幸福快樂,來自內在;我們知道老天在我們的心裡,我們對外面的世界無所求。因此我們可以給出、領受,並透過有愛的眼光、愛心,因看見奇蹟而高興。如果我們不在幸福快樂裡,那我們就是受召要寬恕人。如果我們不是在給出,沒有修正心靈的錯誤,我們有一部分就是在扣押住幸褔快樂。放掉你的怨懟;怨懟代表你拒絕分享你的才華禮物,拒絕扭轉局面。我們原本是可以幸福快樂的,卻因為怨懟而要經歷痛苦、罪惡、負面性。我們在世界中感知到的東西,是我們以為會讓我們幸福快樂的東西。我們覺得缺少了什麼,那就是我們沒有給出自己的地方。如果我們有看到負面的東西,其實是我們在找藉口評斷,好掩飾我們的罪惡感、分裂,還有優越感;優越感是用來掩飾不光彩的自我感知。今天,我們可以享受愛的成果。不要擔心,要幸福快樂! HAPPINESS is the card for today. It speaks of love and self-love translating into HAPPINESS. The HAPPINESS that lasts comes from within, knowing that God is in our heart and we need nothing outside us. And so can give and receive and be delighted at the wonder that comes with loving eyes and a loving heart. If we are not happy there is someone we are called to forgive. If we are not giving-forth to correct the errors of our mind there is a part that we are withholding from happiness. Give up your grievances; they show a place where you have refused to share your gifts and save the day. We suffer...


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒性幻想》 今天的卡片是《療癒性幻想》。幻想,代表我們缺少了什麼,試圖用想像的方式,想像我們的需要正在被滿足,藉此來滿足需要。但這樣我們就無法領受了,因為心靈會認為我們已經擁有了。性幻想反映的是一般的幻想,這是一種執著、一種緊抓不放,會障礙成功。今天,讓我們放下性幻想,將這股心靈能量用來前進,用在真正的親密與成功上。祝你有個出色的一天! HEALING SEXUAL FANTASY is the card for today. Fantasy shows something is missing; it is an attempt to meet our needs by imagining that they are being met. This blocks us from receiving because the mind registers that we already have it. Sexual fantasy reflects fantasy in general and this is a type of attachment and holding on that blocks success. Today let us let go of our sexual fantasies and put this mind energy into moving forward for real intimacy and success. Have a stupendous day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《和諧》 今天的卡片是《和諧》。和諧可以帶來有合作的一天,每個人都在互惠與平等之中,朝著共同的目標一起工作。和諧是共鳴,是療癒;和諧的基礎是平安。你和天堂、和自己是和諧一致時,其餘的一切自然都會跟上。祝你這一天充滿著美麗、充滿著來自平安的和諧! HARMONY is the card for today. This can bring a day of cooperation in which everyone works together in mutuality and equality toward a common goal. HARMONY is consonance and healing; it is based on peace. When you are in HARMONY with yourself and Heaven everything else follows naturally. Have a day filled with beauty and HARMONY from peace!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒被忽視》 今天的卡片是《療癒被忽視》。被忽視是我們沒有被愛夠、沒有被關心夠的感覺。我們藉著這樣的感覺來分裂、得到獨立,同時又始終覺得像受害者。會忽視我們的父母與伴侶,其實自己也是一直被忽視的。要放掉被忽視,等於是同時要放下忽視與獨立。今天,不要拿任何藉口來繼續卡住。對下一步說Yes,讓自己前進。祝你有個最美麗的一天! HEALING NEGLECT is the card for today. Neglect is the feeling that we weren't loved and cared for enough. We used this to separate and gain independence while all the while feeling like a victim. Parents and partners who neglect were themselves neglected. To let go of the neglect is to let go of both neglect and independence. Today do not use anything as an excuse to remain stuck. Say yes to the next step and let yourself be moved forward. Have the most beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒內在自我中心的老師》 今天的卡片是《療癒內在自我中心的老師》。自我中心的老師是我們擺顯自己的知識,把學生當人質,要覺得自己很了不起。這是在呼求關注自己。今天,我們可以逮著自己這樣的計畫,寬恕自己,學會課題,向前移動。自我越來越少,天堂就越來越多。祝你有個美麗、開悟的一天! HEALING THE EGOCENTRIC TEACHER WITHIN is the card for today. The egocentric teacher is where we show off our knowledge and hold our students hostage to how great we think we are. It is a way of calling attention to ourselves. Today we can catch ourselves with this agenda, forgive ourselves, learn the lesson and move on. The less there is of us, the more of Heaven there is. Have a beautiful, enlightening day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒噩夢故事》 今天的卡片是《療癒噩夢故事》。今天,有可能療癒某些生命中最糟糕的情節。這些深層模式在覺知之下運作,因為沒有人會有意識地選擇這樣的恐怖。今天,問問寫這些故事的這些自我是幾歲,然後呼請天使們來愛這些自我,讓他們長大到現在的年齡,和你融合,恢復整體。請天使們化解噩夢故事,將淨化過的能量送還給你。祝你有個值得慶祝的一天! HEALING THE NIGHTMARE STORY is the card for today. It is possible to heal some of the worst scenarios of our lives today. These deep patterns run below the level of awareness because no one would consciously choose such horror. Today ask how old is the self or selves writing these stories and call angels in to love them to to your present age where they will melt into you restoring wholeness. Ask the angels to dissolve the nightmare stories and return the purified energy to you. And today have a day worth celebrating!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《解除與魔鬼的契約》 今天的卡片是《解除與魔鬼的契約》。魔鬼是隱喻古老的小我。在我們還在背離光、還沒有身體時,魔鬼就存在了。有麻煩苦惱的時候,我們在外面尋求老天之外的力量。我們找尋力量,從孤單感與安全網中逃了出來。魔鬼承諾我們要給我們一切,卻從不遵守自己的諾言。而我們對自己隱瞞了這整件事情,也沒有比較好。這造成了長期問題,我們覺知不到真正阻礙自己的是什麼。 除了跟魔鬼簽約外,我們也以同樣的理由跟小我簽了約。我們因為有契約在,用了小我與「魔鬼」的人格,然而,乖乖遵守契約的只有我們這一方而已。因為小我與古老小我從不遵守契約,所以契約無法律效力,可以予以解除。小我與魔鬼的人格,本質也是幻相,因此也是可以化解的。 雖然你可以自己搞定這件事,但邀請一位高界的大朋友來「搬重物」,像是大天使麥克、耶穌、聖母瑪利亞、觀音、佛陀,總是比較輕鬆、理想。他們只要輕輕一碰,就會解除這些契約與人格。 合作期間,我們載了魔鬼一程,而魔鬼上了車,就把我們「扔到公車底下」,不顧我們死活。我們也可以請高界朋友將這些魔鬼送回光中。其實回到光中,才是魔鬼要搭我們便車的秘密理由。因為魔鬼覺得我們是合適人選,透過我們,魔鬼就可以得救。 所以,如果你願意寬恕自己、解除契約,那麼今天將充滿恩典與奇蹟的力量。不過話說回來,固守這種契約不放的人,也是被嚇得最厲害、最難處理的。祝你有個充滿奇蹟、出色的一天! DISSOLVING DEALS WITH THE DEVIL is the card for today. The devil is a metaphor for the ancient ego. It is even before we had bodies when we were still turning away from the light. In times of trouble and great distress we seek an outside power that isn't God. We seek power, escape from loneliness and safety. The devil promises us everything and anything but never keep...


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒對性的控制》 今天的卡片是《療癒對性的控制》。跟性有關的大事是,性反映出我們的生活與關係,因此對性的控制,也是對生活與關係的控制。今天,請求天堂的幫助,恢復信心與平安,來代替控制。祝你有個美麗的一天,充滿愛與重大成就。 HEALING CONTROL IN SEX is the card for today. The big thing about sex is that it is a reflection of our life and our relationship so that control in sex is control in life and our relationship. Today is a day to ask Heaven's help in restoring confidence and peace in place of control. Have a beautiful day full of love and major achievements.


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒過度擔心》 今天的卡片是《療癒過度擔心》。擔心是一種攻擊,是一種自我攻擊。如果我們知道我們有在攻擊自己擔心的人,也有在攻擊自己,我們就會轉而送出祝福。今天,要記得,當你在擔心時,你就把天堂給忘了,就會認為只能靠自己。顯然,這是小我對分裂與獨立的需要;你可以記得老天就好,和老天一起過生活。那樣的話,還會有什麼問題呢?祝你有個偉大尊榮的一天! HEALING EXCESSIVE WORRY is the card for today. Worry is a form of attack and self-attack. If we knew we were attacking the people we were worried about as well as ourselves we would bless or send love to them instead. Today remember that when you are worrying you have forgotten Heaven and think you are on your own. This is obviously the ego's need for separation and independence and you could simply remember God instead and go through your life with Him. Then what could be the problem? Have a day of majesty and splendor!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒忙碌》 今天的卡片是《療癒忙碌》。忙碌是一種迴避。忙碌迴避成功、親密、幸福快樂。你沒有留足夠的時間去愛、去享受成功的果實。今天,不要給自己加工作,不要藉此迴避跟老天約會的時間。和你最好的大朋友一起混,祝你有個最棒的一天! HEALING BUSYNESS is the card of the day. Busyness is a form of avoidance. It is avoidance of success, intimacy and happiness. You don't leave time enough for love or enjoying any fruits of success. Today do not impose jobs on yourself to avoid date time with God. Hang out with your best Friend and have the best day!!


【 PoV 願景心理學】 Chuck 博士每日一卡 《療癒頑固》 今天的卡片是《療癒頑固》。頑固是固執、愛反對、愛吵架。心靈的這一層面,通常埋在約五層的否認底下,是長期問題的核心。今天,要放下我們的頑固,歡慶自由。祝你有個最美麗的一天! HEALING ORNERINESS is the card for today. Orneriness is being stubborn, contrary and cantankerous. This level of the mind which is usually about five layers of denial buried in the mind is a core root of chronic problems. Today is a day to let go of our orneriness and celebrate the freedom. Have a most beautiful day!! 


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒背叛》 今天的卡片是《療癒背叛》。所有的背叛都源自於自我背叛,以及一個信念。我們相信自己背叛了老天,結果就變成擁有最高力量的祂在對我們大發雷霆。這讓我們對老天感到害怕,於是沒有請求幫助。目前生活中的背叛,是種自我懲罰,我們覺得自己曾背叛了誰…商場與職場上的背叛,出於我們認為自己背叛了父親的信念;關係的背叛,則源自於我們認為自己背叛了母親的信念。今天,我們可以把這一切當成是個錯誤來釋放,讓這最痛苦的模式離開。祝你有個美好、深受祝福的一天! HEALING BETRAYAL is the card for today. All betrayal stems from self-betrayal and the belief that we betrayed God and as a result have Someone of the highest power Who is furious at us. This makes us fear God instead of asking for help. Present betrayal is self-punishment in our life for feeling we have betrayed others...Business and career betrayal comes from the belief we betrayed our father and relationship betrayal stems from the belief we betrayed our mother. Today we can release all of that as a mistake and let this most painful of patterns go. Have a most blessed and wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《保護者》 今天的卡片是《保護者》。保護者是原型,說的是渴望幫助他人、看顧他人,不讓人受到傷害。保護者會覺得,保護所有老天的孩子,似乎是一份老天授予的神聖責任。祝你有個美麗的一天! THE PROTECTOR is the card for today. It is an archetype that speaks of the desire to help and watch over others so that no harm comes to them... THE PROTECTOR feels as if it is a sacred duty given to us to protect all of God's children. Have a beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《面向光》 今天的卡片是《面向光》。面向光,我們過去所犯的錯誤就會浮上檯面,於是一切錯誤就可以逆轉回來。面向光,我們就會有最佳的態度,就能領受恩典與奇蹟。祝你有個最棒的一天! FACING THE LIGHT is the card for today. It reverses all the mistakes we made in the past as they come up as we FACE THE LIGHT. This gives us the best attitude that allows us to receive grace and miracles. Have the best day possible!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《像老天這樣的朋友》 今天的卡片是《像老天這樣的朋友》。無意識深處,我們有個信念:我們偷了老天的才華禮物,在世上創造出這一切看似能取代祂的替代品,篡奪了祂的王位。分裂是一種罪惡感、一種憤怒;在分裂中,我們將自己的憤怒投射到老天的身上,認為祂對我們大發雷霆。小我很高興能有這樣的誤解,但這其實是個幻相。今天,我們有需要的時候,就邀請這位大朋友來幫助我們。祝你有個出色的一天! THE FRIEND AS IN GOD is the card for the day. Deep in the unconscious there is a belief that we stole God's gifts and usurped his throne by all of the replacements we have made in this world that seemingly replace Him. In our separation which is a form of guilt and anger, we project our anger on God and think He is furious at us. This misconception the ego celebrates but it is an illusion. Today let us invite our Friend in to help us as we need it. Have a stupendous day!!