
目前顯示的是 8月, 2017的文章


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒受害者心魔》 今天的卡片是《療癒受害者心魔》。我們內在的受害者,是我們遭逢某事,我們以為自己不想要這件事情發生。心魔是對自己的信念;這樣的信念雖然有受到壓抑,卻仍舊設定了我們的人生。心魔有著滿滿的自我攻擊。然而,自我攻擊卻只會強化這些信念而已。要將自己從這樣的心魔中釋放出來,就要讓我們的生命在全新的層次上敞開。放下任何受害者的自我概念,過上更為幸福快樂的生活吧。祝你這天充滿著豐盛與祝福! HEALING THE VICTIM SHADOW is the card for today. The victim in us is where we had something happen to us that we think we didn't want to have happen. Shadows are beliefs about ourselves that are repressed but still program our lives. They are full of self-attack which only reinforces these beliefs and incumbent behavior. To free ourselves of such a shadow is to open our lives to a whole new level. Let go of any self-concepts of the victim and have a much happier life, Have a day full of abundance and blessings!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒苦命心魔人物》 今天的卡片是《療癒苦命心魔人物》。這些心魔人物,是在我們深處、會造成痛苦的人格。心魔人物浮現上來時,大多數時候,我們都會補償,因此深深受苦。這些人格終究要的是關注、特殊性、黑暗光環。這些人格是對自己、對老天的攻擊;可老天只想要愛我們,讓我們醒來,回到祂身邊。今天,讓自己覺醒,將悲慘留在後頭吧! HEALING THE WRETCH SHADOW FIGURE is the card for today. These are some of the deepest most painful personalities we have and while they are compensated for most of the time when they emerge we suffer deeply. Ultimately they ask for attention, specialness and dark glamor. They are an attack on ourselves and God Who only wants to love us and have us wake up and return to Him. Today let us awaken and leave misery behind!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒愉悅與痛苦的大戰》 今天的卡片是《療癒愉悅與痛苦的大戰》。大戰藏在無意識的深處裡。大戰維持著二元性與分裂的進行式,而這整件事的目的就是要使我們分心,無法超越戰爭,到達如我們所願的深刻平安,與新層次的豐盛與生命。在這個面向中,問問自己,自己有多少場大戰?接著,帶著天使的陪伴,走進戰場的中間。戰場雙方會各自退開。而當你穿越戰區時,你會找到全新層次的力量、引導、好運。祝你有個最美好的一天! HEALING THE GREAT WAR OF PLEASURE AND PAIN is the card for today. The great wars are ensconced deep in the unconscious. They keep duality and separation going and their whole purpose is to keep us distracted from going beyond the war where there is profound peace and a new level of abundance and life going our way. Ask how many great wars you have in this regard and then with the angels beside you walk down the middle of the battlefield. Both sides will separate and when you go beyond the war zone you will find a whole new level of power, guidance and good fortune. Have a most wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《慶典》 今天的卡片是《慶典》。慶典是用來慶祝與幸福快樂的時間。慶典是享受樂趣,享受可以獲得的歡樂。祝你有個可愛的一天,充滿好時光! FESTIVITY is the card for today. It is time for celebration and happiness. It is a time to enjoy fun and the merriment that is available. Have a lovely day full of good times!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒有特殊性癖好的自我》 今天的卡片是《療癒有特殊性癖好的自我》。我們會有特殊性癖好,是打算將性帶回到原始的刺激裡。這樣只會讓我們越走越偏而已。我們仍是在試圖獲取外在的刺激。我們仍在試圖要從外頭的世界找到幸福快樂 ── 這是生活與關係中非常大的一個錯誤。其實我們是受邀要進入性與生活的下一真實篇章,與我們的伴侶在親密與柔軟中結合,自然而然地創造出更多的愛與興奮。祝你有個用心、美好的一天! HEALING OUR KINKY SELVES is the card for today. We get kinky to attempt to bring back sex to its original excitement. This takes us further and further off base. We are still attempting to get outside stimulation. We are still attempting to get our happiness outside us-- one of the biggest mistakes in life and relationships. We are called to go to the next real chapter in sex and life which is joining our partner in intimacy and tenderness to generate more love and excitement naturally. Have a beautiful, heartfelt day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《供應者》 今天的卡片是《供應者》。供應者是自信、豐盛的人,這人和天堂的恩典與慷慨緊密聯繫在一起,並且為了家人、社群、國家、甚至世界,分享他的才華禮物。今天,藉著豐裕富饒的才華禮物,在你和所有人裡面,認出供應者的那一面吧! THE PROVIDER is the card for today. This is a confident, abundant person who is tied into Heaven's grace and bounty and shares their gifts for the family, community, nation or even the world. Today recognize this part of you and everyone with a cornucopia of gifts!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒隱藏的自我》 今天的卡片是《療癒隱藏的自我》。隱藏的自我會做各式各樣的計畫,這些計畫原本應該要幫助到我們,但有時隱藏的自我卻有著三歲小孩的邏輯。舉例:為了要讓我們脫離痛苦,他或許會試圖把我們殺死。他雖然立意良好,結果卻無效,有時還相當危險。問問隱藏的自我,他幾歲?他的方法效果如何?造成了多少的副作用?如果隱藏的自我有跟你融合的話,那麼他的正向使命,無論是什麼,就都能產生效果;而負向目的則會消融,進行整合。祝你這一天有很棒的恢復! HEALING THE HIDDEN SELF is the card for today. The hidden self makes all kinds of plans supposedly to help us but it sometimes has the logic of a 3 year old. For example, to get us out of pain it may attempt to kill us. It's purpose may be good but it is ineffective and sometimes quite dangerous. Talk to this self, find it's purpose. Ask how old it is and how effective it is and how many side effects are caused. If it melts into you it will be effective in any positive purpose and negative ones melt away with integration. Have a great day of recovery and restoration!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒特殊性》 今天的卡片是《療癒特殊性》。特殊性是小我的機制,會把生活跟關係搞得只跟自己有關。特殊性對愛與關係來說,是具有破壞性的。特殊性是陷在貪婪與需要關注之中。對於長期問題,以及在童年與關係中感到被忽略的人來講,特殊性是當中的一項主要動力。今天,要明白,你才是那位有著滋養天賦的人,雖然你可以完全地享有生活,但生活卻又不是只跟你有關而已。祝你有個最精彩的一天! HEALING SPECIALNESS is the card for today. Specialness is an ego mechanism that makes life and relationships all about me. It is destructive to love and relationships. It gets caught in greed and need for attention. It is a major dynamic of chronic problems and people who felt neglected in childhood and in relationships. Today is a day when you get realize that you are the one with the gift of nurturing and that life is all about you to be be enjoyed but it is not all about you, Have a most brilliant day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒害怕傷害到別人》 今天的卡片是《療癒害怕傷害到別人》。這份恐懼會讓你退縮、或是攻擊自己。這份恐懼會強化「你可能會傷害到別人」的信念。有恐懼,就會有分裂心靈;一邊因有害怕的事而退縮,一邊又在吸引害怕的事發生。今天,可以放下這份恐懼,讓親密可以出現。祝你有個美好的一天! HEALING THE FEAR OF HARMING ANOTHER is the card for today. This fear can lead you to withdraw or attack yourself. The fear strengthens the belief that you might harm others. With fear there is a split mind between shrinking away and attraction to what you are afraid of. Today is a great day to let go of this fear so there can be intimacy. Have a beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒陷阱》 今天的卡片是《療癒陷阱》。這一天,可以療癒許多表意識和潛意識中的陷阱。好好利用這樣的一天吧。陷阱出現時,你可以接受、寬恕、放下、或將陷阱整合至你的高層心靈。過個自由、有力量的一天! HEALING TRAPS is the card for today. It is a day when many traps conscious and subconscious can be healed. Take advantage of such a day. As the traps show you can accept, forgive, let go or integrate them into your higher mind. Have a powerful day of freedom!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《「我是上主的神聖之子,我仍是上主所創造的我。」》 今天的卡片是《「我是上主的神聖之子,我仍是上主所創造的我。」》。這句話也是一句出自奇蹟課程的話。今天,是要想起,除非是我們選擇了受傷、受影響,否則沒有什麼能傷害或影響得了我們。會造成這樣影響的,是我們的小我,因為我們上主神聖之子的身分是百害不侵的。這一點,只有在我們高估小我的時候,才會被掩蓋住。今天,要記得我們的真正身分。我們一如老天當初所造的樣子。祝你有個平安快樂的一天! I AM GOD'S HOLY CHILD. I AM AS HE CREATED ME."is the card for today. It is also a quote from A COURSE IN MIRACLES. Today is a day to remember that nothing can hurt or affect us except as we choose it. It is only our ego that brings that about because our identity as God's Child is unassailable. It can only be covered over when we value the ego. Today is a day to remember who we really are. We are as god created us. Have a peaceful and happy day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒不想被觸碰到的地方》 今天的卡片是《療癒不想被觸碰到的地方》。我們有一部分因痛苦、罪惡感、厭惡而退縮了,不想在身體上或情緒上被觸碰到。所有疾病的根源都是分離,而療癒正呼喚著那份終結分離的愛。老天的愛會療癒所有分離;沒有老天就沒有愛。分離是幻相,是所有問題的根源。愛與一體會徹底療癒問題。今天,歡迎那能療癒分離的愛,感受因結合而生的喜悅吧! HEALING WHERE WE DON"T WANT TO BE TOUCHED is the card for today. There are parts of us that have withdrawn in pain, guilt and disgust and don't want to be touched physically or emotionally. Healing calls for the love that ends this separation, The root of all sickness is separation. God's Love heals all separation and without God there is no love. Separation is the illusion that is the root of all problems. Love and union heal the problems forever. Today welcome the love that heals the separation and feel the joy that comes of joining!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒推翻》 今天的卡片是《療癒推翻》。推翻就像是自我破壞到了一種極致。推翻會像三歲小孩一樣,等我們打造好生活後,再推倒所有的積木。要療癒這一點,則是要不害怕沮喪,真實提升你生活的標準。今天,邀請療癒的恩典進入你的生命,並享受新層次的平安吧。祝你有個美好偉大的一天! HEALING UNDOING is the card for today. Undoing is like self-sabotage on steroids. Undoing waits till our life is built up and then knocks all the blocks down just like a 3 year old. To heal this is to really raise the standards in your life without the fear of let down. Today invite the grace of healing into your life and enjoy the new level of peace. Have a great and beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《力量》 今天的卡片是《力量》。享受那來自純潔與信心的力量吧。奇蹟課程說,你永遠都是在自己的軟弱及內在基督的大能之間作選擇。祝你有個美好的一天! STRENGTH is the card for today. Enjoy the STRENGTH that comes of purity and confidence. In A COURSE IN MIRACLES it states are always choosing between weakness and the STRENGTH of Christ. Have a beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒沮喪》 今天的卡片是《療癒沮喪》。感到沮喪,是你對生活與關係的探險有消沉的感覺。這很容易補救的,只要你願意放下任何造成沮喪的執著即可。沮喪是一種小我的緊抓不放,這樣其實會阻礙了你的探險。讓天堂協助,找出執著的地方,並且要願意放下那餵養小我、沒有滋養成功的東西。祝你有個成功偉大的一天! HEALING DESPONDENCY is the card for today. To feel despondent is to feel down about your ventures in life and relationships. This is easily remedied if you are willing to let go of whatever attachment led to the despondency. This is some form of ego holding on that is actually holding your ventures back. With Heavens help find the attachment and be willing to let go of what feeds your ego and not what feeds your success. Have a great and successful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《神聖母親》 今天的卡片是《神聖母親》。神聖母親反映了安慰、憐憫、柔軟,來自神之愛的形式。這是既便是在一之中也有的神性陰柔面。神聖母親超越了陽剛面與陰柔面。今天,陶醉在你神聖母親的愛中,讓自己被愛、被緊緊抱住。祝你有個美好的一天! THE DIVINE MOTHER is the card for the day. It reflects the comfort, mercy and tenderness that comes down in the form of God's Love. It is the feminine aspect of Divinity though in Oneness. It is beyond masculine and feminine. Today revel in the Love of your Mother and let yourself be loved and held close. Have a fine day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《神聖模式》 今天的卡片是《神聖模式》。我們需要有高度的覺知,才能在一切事物中看見神聖模式。療癒深埋內心、或是藏得沒那麼深的議題,對於進步來講是必要的過程;基於此點,所發生的一切,都算得上是我們的最佳利益。因此,重要的是利用一切事來療癒,別讓小我把事件用在痛苦、受害、或其他的計畫上。老天計畫把我們恢復成祂的模樣。那葡萄牙俗諺所說的那樣,讓我們看懂,老天是如何用彎彎曲曲的筆劃寫出筆直的句子吧。祝你有個美麗的一天! DIVINE PATTERN is the card for today. It takes a high level of awareness to see the DIVINE PATTERN in everything. Given that healing of buried and not so buried issues are what is necessary for advancement, everything that occurs is in our best interest. Thus it is important to use everything for healing and not let the ego use events for pain, victimization and other agendas. God has a plan to restore us to him. Let us see how God writes straight with crooked lines as the old Portugese proverb says. Have a beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《聖杯三》 今天的卡片是《聖杯三》。這說的是愛、喜悅、友誼,以及來自友誼的愛與喜悅。這是快樂慶祝的一天!今天,享受你自己,享受別人的陪伴吧!祝你有個美好的一天! THE 3 OF CUPS is the card for today. It speaks of love, joy and friendship and the love and joy that comes from friendship. It is a happy celebration day! Enjoy yourself and the company of others today! Have a beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒他世》 今天的卡片是《療癒他世》。這張卡反映的是無意識模式,可以療癒那毫無來由纏著你的各種問題與「掃興的業力」。這裡頭有個未完成的課題,如今你可以學會。這裡頭有著很久遠的痛苦,如今痛苦可以得到療癒。這裡頭是含有恐懼的模式,如今你可以用愛、信任、神聖的愛來療癒。讓這份愛與神聖的愛圍繞著你,並且帶著信任,就可以化解掉玷汙生命的有害模式。過個親密與成功的一天吧! HEALING OTHER LIFETIMES is the card for today. It reflects unconscious patterns that can heal all kinds of problems and "bummer karma" plaguing you for no apparent reason in this life... There is an unlearned lesson that can be learned now. There is ancient pain that can be healed now. There is a pattern that contains fear that can be healed now with love, trust and Divine Love.. Let this love and Divine Love surround you along with trust and the pattern that has tainted your life with threat can dissolve. Have a day of intimacy and success!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒犧牲》 今天的卡片是《療癒犧牲》。療癒犧牲,就會有真實的給出與領受。這樣才是愛的舉動,會帶來平等與互惠。有給出∕領受,就有夥伴關係與輕易。祝你有個美好的一天,將自己從犧牲中釋放。犧牲跟愛被混淆很久了,犧牲其實是競爭、偷偷地優越。今天,願真實之愛的祝褔填滿你的心! HEALING SACRIFICE is the card for today. HEALING SACRIFICE leads to true giving and receiving which is an act of love that brings equality and mutuality. With giving/receiving there is partnership and ease. Have a wonderful day of freeing yourself from sacrifice, an age old confusion with love that is actually competitive and secretly superior. May blessings of love that is true fill you today!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《躍進》 今天的卡片是《躍進》。今天,有機會開始你生命更新更好的篇章。好好利用這一點,過個最好的一天,有個最棒的躍進! LEAPING FORWARD is the card for today. Today brings the opportunity to start a new and better chapter in your life. Take advantage of it and have the best day and the best LEAP FORWARD!!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《「還有另一種看待此事的方式」》 今天的卡片是《「還有另一種看待此事的方式」》,這是出於奇蹟課程的力量話語。帶著療癒的強烈意圖,一次次重複這句話,請求天堂的協助,就會把某個情況中的幻相一層層地去除。運用這句話來釋放自己,過個美好的一天吧! "THERE IS ANOTHER WAY OF LOOKING AT THIS." is the card of the day and words of power from A COURSE IN MIRACLES. To repeat these words time after time with strong healing intention and asking Heaven's help is to take layer after layer of illusion from a situation. Use them to free yourself and have a great day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《女神(原型)》 今天的卡片是《女神(原型)》。原型是無意識層次的正向模式,對我們生命有著有利的影響。女神是神聖陰柔面的一個層面,既會透過我們把這股能量帶給旁人,也會透過旁人將這股能量帶給我們。今天,安慰、滋養、陰柔面力量能 為我們的生命增光增色。祝你有個美好豐盛的一天! THE GODDESS (ARCHETYPE) is the card for today. Archetypes are positive patterns at an unconscious level that have a salutary effect on our lives. The Goddess is an aspect of the divine feminine that brings this energy through us to those around us and also to us from those around us. Today comfort, nurturing and feminine power can grace our lives. Have a most beautiful and bountiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《包容性》 今天的卡片是《包容性》。包容性反映了新層次的連結,歡迎並且涉及了更多的人。這樣會帶來更大的幸福快樂,允許更多的愛進來。包容性是一種寬恕,幫助我們憶起自己的不朽永生,以及一切的神聖。我們用對自己和他人的評斷,打造了監禁的圍牆;包容性則推翻了這道圍牆。今天,是要有更大的連結、更多的成功與樂趣。享受這一天,享受相聚吧! INCLUSIVENESS is the card of the day. It reflects a new level of bonding that is both more welcoming and more engaging for more people. This brings greater happiness and allows more love. INCLUSIVENESS is a form of forgiveness that helps us remember our immortality and all that is holy. It breaks the walls of imprisonment that we made with our judgment on ourselves and others. Today is a day of greater connection more success and more fun. Enjoy the day and your coming together!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒性壓抑》 今天的卡片是《療癒性壓抑》。性壓抑就是壓抑生命。所以,當我們將這股力量歡迎回來時,我們的生命就會擴展。今天,強烈的「道」是在認出我們的性能量是天真無罪的生命能量,而且我們不把生理衝動跟創造力、奇蹟的衝動混為一談。祝你有個最美好的一天! HEALING SEXUAL REPRESSION is the card for today. Sexual repression is life repression so as we welcome back this energy, life expands for us. Today is a day where the Tao is strong in having our sexual energy be recognized as innocent life energy and we not confuse physical impulses with creative or miracle impulses. Have a most beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《神的名》 神的名會喚來平安與奇蹟。神的名是對抗誘惑的解藥。神的名幫我們憶起生命中重要的事,以及我們要前往的地方。神的名是最終最重要的一切。神的名是我們進化還原的對象、遷徙返回的天鄉、以及回程上路的大道。今天,是要來憶念的一天,而且在這份記憶中有著愛、喜悅、安全感。祝你有個最美好的一天! THE NAME OF GOD invokes peace and miracles. It is an antidote to temptation. It helps us remember what is important in life and where we are going. It is the End All and the Be All. It is Who and Where we are evolving back to and the Way There. Today is a day of remembrance and in that memory is joy and safety and love. Have a most wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒被忽略》 今天的卡片是《療癒被忽略》。我們童年時期的被忽略,是我們現在要變得獨立的藉口。這阻礙了領受、愛、豐盛,最終造成健康上的問題。這是小我的陷阱,讓我們成為小我的奴隸,而非天堂的招待。今天,我們可以明白,如果我們並沒有領受到滋養,我們內在其實是有滋養的禮物的。讓我們回到童年,開啟滋養的才華禮物,讓天堂祝福、增繁、加大這份禮物。然後我們就可以跟我們的父母、伴侶、小孩分享這份禮物。我們不再忽略自己,不再忽略我們生命的其他方面。祝你有個最精彩的一天! HEALING NEGLIGENCE is the card for today. Negligence in our childhood is the excuse we have for being independent now. It blocks receiving, love, abundance and eventually leads to health problems. It is an ego trap that keeps us a slave of the ego rather than a host of Heaven. Today we can realize that if we didn't receive nurturing we had the gift of nurturing within us. Let us return to our childhood, open the gift of nurturing and let Heaven bless, multiply and supersize it. Then we can share with our parents our partner and children this gift. We will no longer neglect ourselves and other areas of our life. Have a most amazing day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《來自自我價值的豐盛》 今天的卡片是《來自自我價值的豐盛》。當我們看重自己時,我們就會允許豐盛臨到我們。今天,我們可以歡迎全新層次的自我價值,進而也歡迎豐盛。天堂看我們的價值是無可估量的,我們也可以邁出這樣的一步,如此看待自己。祝你有個最美好的一天! ABUNDANCE FROM SELF-WORTH is the card for today. When we value ourselves we allow abundance to come to us. Today is a day where we can welcome a whole new level of self-value and therefore abundance as well. We will take a step in seeing ourselves as Heaven sees us which is of inestimable value. Have a most wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《權杖六》 今天的卡片是《權杖六》。權杖六反映出成功。這是贏得一場大戰役的成功,然而前方還有更多的戰役。不過,是時候在你繼續前進前,好好享受這份成功了。有過個慶祝的一天。今天,要讓自己知道什麼是有可能的! THE 6 OF WANDS is the card for today. It reflects success. It is the success of winning a big battle but there is still more ahead. Yet it is time to enjoy this success before you go on. Have a day of celebration. Today lets you know what is possible!!