
目前顯示的是 11月, 2017的文章


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒是對的但不快樂》 今天的卡片是《療癒是對的但不快樂》。事實上,任何的不快樂,都代表我們偷偷地要自己的信念是對的、要自己的自我概念是對的、要自己寫的故事是對的。今天,我們可以選擇用幸福快樂,來評估我們愛的任務。今天,呼求恩典與奇蹟,歡迎幸福快樂回到你的生命裡。祝你有個精彩的一天! HEALING WHERE WE ARE RIGHT BUT NOT HAPPY is the card for today. Actually any place we are not happy is a hidden place where we are being right about what we believe, about our own self-concepts and the stories we are writing. Today is a day where we can choose happiness as the way to measure our goal of love. Call for grace and miracles today and welcome happiness back to your life. Have an amazing day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《充實豐富》 今天的卡片是《充實豐富》。充實豐富,意思是你的感知變得越來越好,因此你有更多的學習,敞開接受更多的平安,領受生命更多的愛、豐盛、成功。充實豐富會開啟潛能、創造可能,讓潛能與可能都變得真實,讓我們與一更為靠近。祝你有個幸福快樂的一天! ENRICHMENT is the card for today. ENRICHMENT means that your perception has gotten better and thus you learn more and are more open to be at peace and receive love, abundance and success in your life. Enrichment opens potential and possibilities making them a reality and moving us closer to Oneness. Have a happy day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒心魔故事》 今天的卡片是《療癒心魔故事》。心魔是我們曾評斷、壓抑、投射到別人身上的自己。我們憎恨自己這一部分,因此常常對我們所投射到的人有評斷、甚至是憎恨。有心魔故事,代表內在還有一個陰影,被我們投射到一人或眾人身上。這些陰影會豎立一道看不見的牆,阻礙著你的前進。今天,有著覺知與療癒的恩典在。善用恩典,將自己從長期的自我憎恨與無形之牆中釋放出來吧。祝你這一天有著真理、自由、親密! HEALING THE SHADOW STORY is the card for today. A shadow is an aspect of ourselves that we have judged, repressed, and projected out on someone. We hate this part of ourselves and there tends to be judgment and even hatred toward those we have projected on. A Shadow Story means we have an ongoing shadow within that we have projected out on another or others. Today is a day where there is the grace of awareness and healing... Take advantage of it to free yourself of longstanding self-hatred and the invisible walls they make to keep you from going forward. Have a day of truth, freedom and intimacy!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒向死亡靠攏》 今天的卡片是《療癒向死亡靠攏》。 這是要找出將我們引向情緒耗竭的糾纏,如無意義、無價值、心碎。能為無意義的世界賦予意義的,是愛與靈性。要是我們沒有遠眺瞭望,看出意義只在於彼此的關係與靈性,那麼想要在物質世界找出意義,可說是難上加難。愛是靈性層面上的事,而最實際的愛、也就是寬恕,則會修復受到小我襲擊的關係。祝你今天過得精采又開心! HEALING WHERE WE ARE NEARER TO DEATH is the card for today. It finds those strains of meaninglessness, valuelessness and heartbreak that lead us toward emotional exhaustion and death and steps us back from the edge. What gives meaning in a meaningless world is love and the spiritual. If we don't upgrade our outlook to see that meaning is all about us in relatedness and the spiritual then it becomes more difficult to find meaning in the material world. Love is the spiritual and the practical love which is forgiveness repairs our ego-stricken relationships. Have a wild and happy time today!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《整合》 今天的卡片是《整合》。整合會恢復誠信正直與領受能力。整合會取對立的兩端,除卻恐懼與分離,找出共同點,讓兩端成為新的整體。所有的療癒,其中都會有一部分,有著整合的形式。整合會帶來完整,進而帶來了神聖性。讓你這一天都在放下評斷吧;這樣子的完全,和伴隨而來的成功,就都非你莫屬了。祝你有個蒙福喜悅的一天! INTEGRATION is the card for today. INTEGRATION brings anew integrity and the ability to receive. It takes opposites and by removing the fear and separation finds what's common bringing them into a new whole. All healing has some form of integration as part of it. INTEGRATION leads to wholeness and then holiness. Let your day be filled with dropping judgment so wholeness and the success it brings is yours. Have a blessed and happy day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒集體無意識》 今天的卡片是《療癒集體無意識》。集體無意識是所有人類尚未療癒的歷史過往,像是人類的受苦、貪婪、疾病、匱乏、旱災、戰爭、謀殺、強暴、謊言、偏見等等。你在療癒之路所踏出的每一步,不只是會協助到歷史的療癒,還會對人類集體所需的靈性願景與奇蹟產生影響。要達成靈性願景,則要藉由邀請基督、佛陀、觀音,或是任何一位世界的拯救者,用他們的眼光,來看待任何一種愛的匱乏。現代大多數的問題,背後都有著集體無意識的餵養;因此,學會這項課題也就變得格外重要。祝你有個奇蹟般美好的一天! HEALING THE COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS is the card for today. THE COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS is all of the unhealed history of humanity, its suffering, greed, illness, scarcity, drought, war, murder, rape, mendacity, prejudice, etc. Every step you take in healing helps heal the past but to make a difference in the collective spiritual vision and miracles are needed. Spiritual vision is attained by inviting, Christ, Buddha, Quan Yin or any of the saviors of the world to look at any lack of love through their eyes. Most problems these days also have the collective feeding in to them also so learning this lesson is important. Have a beautiful and miraculous day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《神是美善的》 今天的卡片是《神是美善的》。意思是,任何的破壞或痛苦都不是出於神,而是出於站到小我那邊去的我們。今天,認識到神是美善的,邀請那份美善進入你的心、你的心靈、你的生命。祝你有個美好精彩的一天! GOD IS GOOD is the card of the day.. This means that any destructiveness or pain is not of God but of us siding with the ego...Today know that GOD IS GOOD and invite the goodness into your heart, mind and life…Have a beautiful and amazing day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒傲慢》 今天的卡片是《療癒傲慢》。傲慢是屬於小我的東西。採取的是優越的態度,看扁別人,想要贏,而不是想要大家都贏。療癒傲慢,就是選擇平等與互惠。而選擇平等與互惠,就是選擇要成功與親密,不要小我與支配。今天,看看你可能有傲慢的地方,放下傲慢,換得甜美的連結。祝你有個最美好的一天! HEALING ARROGANCE is the card for the day. ARROGANCE is of the ego. It takes a superior attitude that looks down on others and wants to win rather than have everyone win. HEALING ARROGANCE is a choice for equality and mutuality. It is a choice for success and intimacy rather than our ego and domination. Today look for ways in which you might be arrogant and let it go sweet bonding instead. Have a most beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《精神禮物》 今天的卡片是《精神禮物》。今天,我們有份在深處的天賦禮物,即將浮現、或是接近我們心靈的表面,以待我們認出來、打開來。這份才華禮物是要來幫助我們自己和別人的,在我們進化的同時會自然地浮現出來。今天,無論那禮物是什麼,都歡迎那份禮物的出現吧,因為你的覺知將要有所成長了。祝你有個美好又有趣的一天! PSYCHIC GIFT is the card for today. Today one of our deep but natural gifts is about to emerge or be close to the surface of our mind for recognition and opening. This gift is there to help us and others and naturally emerges as we evolve. Today welcome whatever gift is there because your awareness is about to grow. Have beautiful and fun day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《信守承諾》 今天的卡片是《信守承諾》。意思是我們維持對自身使命的承諾,也就是協助拯救所有身邊的人,尤其是跟我們最親近的人。不然的話,我們就會困在自己的小我與自以為義裡,就無法為自己寫的劇本負起責任。今天,讓我們再次承諾要信守我們的承諾。你會從今天的實現感、滿足感看出來,是否有信守承諾。與天堂同行作夥,重的活兒、療癒,讓天堂來實行。今天,享受那份愛與療癒吧! KEEPING YOUR PROMISE is the card for today. It means we keep our promise about our purpose which means helping to save all those around especially those closest to us. Otherwise we are caught in our ego and righteousness and not taking responsibility for the script we wrote. Today let us commit once again to KEEP OUR PROMISE. You will know it by how fulfilled we feel today. Be in partnership with Heaven ad let Heaven do the heavy lifting and healing…Enjoy the love and healing today!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒感覺累翻的地方》 今天的卡片是《療癒感覺累翻的地方》。如果我們信任過程,我們可以在感到被壓垮的地方重新啟動。如果我們會壓力過大,那就是我們以為凡事都要自己來,忘了有天堂在,只要祈求,幫助就會源源不絕地來。其實天堂早就已經給我們幫助了,只是我們沒有開口迎接而已。祝你有個幸福快樂、恩典滿滿的一天! HEALING WHERE WE FEEL MAXED OUT is the card for today. Where we feel overwhelmed we can reboot if we trust the process. If we are stressed out we think we have to do everything ourselves and have forgotten Heaven and the continuous help is gives for the asking. Actually it has given it already but our asking invites it in. Have a happy and grace-filled day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《高層心靈》 今天的卡片是《高層心靈》。高層心靈是與天堂連結的心靈,知道任何事如果沒有圓滿的愛,裡頭一定有恐懼。高層心靈知道,恐懼是幻相,因此恐懼是不存在的。只有愛存在,而恐懼則是我們蒙召要帶進愛裡療癒、見證天堂與真理的東西。今天,讓我們轉向我們的高層心靈,讓世界成為愛的見證吧。祝你有個奇蹟般的一天! HIGHER MIND is the card for today. It is the mind that is connected with Heaven and knows that if anything does not have perfect love it contains fear. And it knows fear is the illusion and therefore does not exist. Only love exists and fear is that which we are called to heal by bringing in the love and witnessing to Heaven and truth. Let us turn to our Higher Mind and let the world be a witness to love today. Have a miraculous day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒一切與全無的大戰》 今天的卡片是《療癒一切與全無的大戰》。我們心靈的這份分裂,會來來回回,直到我們學到,這場分裂的目的,不過是要阻止我們將一切與全無一塊超越罷了。在超越之處有那著好運,以及大師心靈的平安。今天,請天堂空降救援,將你載離這些大戰戰場,贏回一部分你值得得到的完整與平安。祝你有個最成功的一天! HEALING THE GREAT WAR OF EVERYTHING AND NOTHING is the card for today. This split in our mind can go back and forth until we learn that its whole purpose is to keep us from going beyond it altogether where there is great good fortune and the peace of mastery-mindedness. Today is a great day to ask Heaven to airlift you over these great wars to win back some of the wholeness and peace you deserve. Have the most successful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《透過愛來療癒》 今天的卡片是《透過愛來療癒》。透過愛來療癒即是寬恕,因為透過寬恕,我們就讓路給愛了。每道受害情況,都是我們在靈魂層次承諾過,我們會拯救那位其實只是在求救的「加害者」,因為對方犯了錯誤,處在巨大的痛苦之中。如果我們的靈魂承諾過,我們會用份量非凡的愛與神聖之愛來療癒對方,在每道類似的情況下,我們都可以領受,於是就會有更好的出路。今天,我們可以記得要用愛來療癒,療癒過去所造成的傷痛、內疚、恐懼。祝你有個了不起、充滿愛的一天! HEALING THROUGH LOVE is the card for today. HEALING THROUGH LOVE is forgiveness because through it we make way for love. Every victim situation was a place we promised at a soul level that we would save the "victimizer" who was really just calling for help because they had erred and were in great distress. If our soul promised we would heal them through an extraordinary amount of love as well as the Divine Love we can receive in each situation like this than there is a better way. Today we can remember HEWALING THROUGH LOVE and heal the past of its pain, guilt and the fear it generates. Have stupendous and loving day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒沒有自我含括》 今天的卡片是《療癒沒有自我含括》。隨時間推移,我們有了心碎或挫敗,我們就失去了一部分的自己。於是我們就越來越不會含括自己,越來越難領受和享受,讓生命變得死寂。今天,要在我們的生命與關係中,贏回我們所有失去過的自己,再次含括自己。祝你有個精彩的一天! HEALING THE LACK OF SELF-INCLUSION is the card of the day. Overtime we had a heartbreak or defeat we lost a part of ourselves. We thus included ourselves less and less and were able to receive and enjoy less and less making life dead. Today is a day to win back all the selves we lost and include ourselves once again in our life and relationships. Have an amazing day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《力量》 今天的卡片是《力量》。你的天賦力量正浮現出來,這一天的展開會帶來天堂的力量。允許自己接納這份力量,這份力量會助你明白,天堂真實不虛,祂在看顧著你。祝你有個快樂又茁壯的一天! STRENGTH is the card for today. Your natural STRENGTH is coming to the surface and the unfolding of the day brings Heaven's STRENGTH. Allow yourself to accept it and it will help you to know that Heaven is real and looking after you…Have a happy and robust day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《靈性》 今天的卡片是《靈性》。這比較不是在水平面、而是在垂直面上的世界觀。靈性會明白,我們最終、唯一真實、永恆的身分,是屬於靈性的。因此,我們就是愛、就是喜悅、是無限的。生命就是朝向這份視野與體驗的一場進化。之後我們會超脫生命的遊戲,到達生命本身……祝你有個最美好的一天! SPIRITUALITY is the card for today. This is a vertical rather than a horizontal perspective on the world. It realizes that our ultimate and only real and lasting identity is that of spirit and as such we are love, joy and limitless. Life is an evolution toward this perspective and experience. We then have transcended the game of life to Life Itself…Have a most beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《聖潔》 今天的卡片是《聖潔》。聖潔是創造出神聖的完整體。今天,讓自己意識到將你創造為神聖的那份聖潔。那是我們的本質。祝你有個欣喜若狂的一天! SANCTITY is the card for today. It is the wholeness that creates holiness. Today let yourself become aware of the SANCTITY that created you as holy. It is who we really are. Have an ecstatic day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒破產》 今天的卡片是《療癒破產》。這透露的是恐懼、爭鬥、評斷、粘連,以及害怕你的使命與天命。這是在最深層次裡一個很大的藉口。今天,恩典在流動,要來移除過往、古老的因果業力與匱乏……讓天堂顯明道路,讓天堂來替代你。天堂充滿了豐盛與完全。祝你有個精彩的一天! HEALING BANKRUPTCY is the card for today. It signals levels of fear, fighting , judgment and fusion as well as a fear of your purpose and destiny. It is a big excuse at the deepest level. Today the grace is moving to remove old and ancient karma and scarcity…Let Heaven show the way and take your place. It is full of abundance and wholeness. Have a spectacular day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒禁忌》 今天的卡片是《療癒禁忌》。禁忌反映出,我們有個地方有羞愧、有內疚、寧可守住秘密。然而這三項動力,皆會讓自己退縮,給自己找來渺小的藉口。禁忌會妨礙順流,阻擋我們去意識到求救的呼聲。今天,我們可以看清禁忌的陷阱,並且請天堂來露一手、耍個帥,讓我們從自己投入的可怕幻相中脫離出來。我們有蒙召要去實踐幫助的計畫,跳脫了有如陷阱般的禁忌後,我們就會明白是何種計畫了。給那極好的自己來個極好的一天吧! HEALING TABOOS is the card for today. Taboos reflect places of shame and guilt that we would rather keep secret but all three of these dynamics generate shrinking and an excuse for smallness. It stops the flow and blocks our awareness of the calls for help. Today we can see the trap of taboos and call for Heaven to show off and release us from these terrible illusions that we have invested in. There are projects we are called to do to help and we will know these as the taboos are released as the traps they are. Have magnificent day for your magnificent self!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒我們超級卡住的地方》 今天的卡片是《療癒我們超級卡住的地方》。意思是,過往與古老的模式長久以來都束縛著我們,而今天,有著大量的恩典、甚至奇蹟,要來把我們從這些模式中釋放。今天,老天的旨意與我們的真實意願會連在一起,蓋過小我想困住、挾持我們的意圖。今天,我們可以再次當個歡迎天堂的主人。今天是慶祝的一天。為了自由,連上那慶祝的順流吧……耶耶耶! HEALING WHERE WE ARE SUPER STUCK is the card for today. This means there is a lot of grace and even miracles today is coming to free us of old and ancient patterns that have long held us in thrall. Today God's Will and our true will connect to override the ego's will to keep us super stuck and hold us hostage. Today we can be a host to Heaven once more. Today is a day of celebration. Connect with the flow of it for freedom...YEEEHAAA!!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒對恐懼的投資》 今天的卡片是《療癒對恐懼的投資》。小我對恐懼的偏愛,會癱瘓我們、讓我們縮起來,減少了我們活力與幸福快樂的狀態。而藉著選擇愛與奇蹟,我們就會療癒到小我這份偏愛。今天,我們可以翻轉這一切。所有的問題,都有恐懼作為根源。今天,帶著愛與奇蹟,我們就可以得到釋放。祝你有個充滿愛、奇蹟般的一天! HEALING THE INVESTMENT IN FEAR is the card for today. By choosing love and miracles we heal our ego's predilection for fear to paralyze and shrink us reducing our state of aliveness and happiness. Today we can reverse all that. There is no problem that doesn't have fear as one of its roots. Today with love and miracles we can be free. Have a loving, miraculous day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《天堂草坪》 今天的卡片是《天堂草坪》。今天,天堂與人間之間的帷幕十分薄透,因此,你若有那份鑑賞的眼光,那座神聖花園其實是看得見的。將自己和其他每一個人都看作是天真無罪的,就更容易看見。天堂樂園是超越這世界的真實世界,只有透過寬恕與療癒才能靠近。不過,我們就跟一或是天堂原地就差這麼一步了。祝你有最奇蹟美好的一天! THE LAWNS OF HEAVEN is the card for today. The veil is very thin today between Heaven and earth so that the Garden is visible if you have the eyes to see. What facilitates this is to see yourself and everyone else as innocent. Paradise is the real world beyond this one approached only through forgiveness and healing. Yet it is one step shy of Oneness or Heaven Itself. Have the most beautiful, miraculous day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒傲慢》 今天的卡片是《療癒傲慢》。傲慢是種防衛,防衛著自卑與渺小的感受。接著,我們再用誇大自己、膨脹小我的方式,來補償這些感受。今天,我們可以認出,這些方法是如何沒用,並且只要把它當一場糟糕的交易一樣,全部放掉就好。祝你有個奇蹟般的一天! HEALING ARROGANCE is the card for today. Arrogance is a defense against feelings of inferiority and smallness. We then compensate for these feelings by exaggerating ourselves and inflating our ego. Today we can recognize how none of that works and simply let it all go as a bad deal. Have a miraculous day!!

PoV願景心理學 Chuck博士每月一信 2017-11

PoV 願景心理學 Chuck 博士每月一信 2017-11 十一月,表象之下有許多的事在持續進行著。因此,保持對自己的覺知,不要錯過許多不同的機會,就變得格外重要。有些人會非常想在這個月冬眠避寒,把某些議題拖到 2018 ,但這並不符合我們的最佳利益。這個月面臨到的議題,會帶來許多的恩典,讓我們能聽見答案、採取行動。儘管有一份掩飾隱藏的傾向,卻也存在著一股能量,想揭開被隱藏的事情,包括長久以來都隱藏住的事。 大致上來講,這份時代精神正在嶄露出來;我們能明白,能讓我們前進的出路,只有療癒一途。療癒會幫助到我們,並且幫助到地球。只有療癒的道路,才能將我們指往人間天堂。奇蹟課程說:療癒,是蒙召者眾,聽從者少。然而,有些人在這個月會致力作個虔誠的療癒者,因為他們明白,每個負面念頭、每道負面經驗、每回不愉快,都是自己選擇了小我、選擇了解離的獨立。十一月,大量的黑暗會經過療癒,從地球上消失。極少數的人,甚至會努力當個奇蹟工作者。 這個月,會浮現出意想不到的才華、禮物、力量,來支持湧往療癒之路的浪潮。療癒是通往一體的道路;而一路上,連結會療癒分裂的幻相、一切問題、以及隨之而來的痛苦。我們殷勤不倦地成長與療癒的同時,我們會變得越來越熱切、純淨,於是我們也會更有權能,因為我們是在為真理而活。在這整個月當中,會有份天然的美好浮現上來,在最後一個禮拜會變得更為普遍可見。 這個月當中,我們會為十二月來開路。在十二月的第八天前後,會有很大的揚升能量。會有一場意識湧起,地球的能量或許可以提升到自基督以來未曾有過的層次。這個月,黑暗可以只是黎明拂曉前的薄暮。如果我們保持信仰,直率、慷慨、熱情地給出自己,那麼未來幾年人們回頭看時,都將這個月稱作是「扭轉乾坤」的那一月。因此,或許十一月看來平淡無奇,卻有可能變成是精彩出色的一個月。問題在於,這個月,我們又會是怎樣子呢?奇蹟課程說道,小我會問出上千個問題、帶著成百的懷疑,而老天卻只會問出一個問題:「你願意幫助我拯救這世界嗎?」 十二月八日的能量,已經往十一月回流了。來要當先知、預告更好時代來臨的人,以及因自己的天然美好感到與世界格格不入的人,會開始與這股具有威力的能量來共鳴。如果像這樣的人,沒有投入療癒、提升意識,那麼很容易就會在這個世界中感到不自在。十一月的共鳴,對於我們的工作有著巨大的影響。...


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒我們潔癖般的謬論》 今天的卡片是《療癒我們潔癖般的謬論》。這是一種信念,相信慣常地執行某項宗教儀式的任務,就會避免痛苦,維持住我們自身的安全。這樣會形成迷戀的執念與強迫的衝動。而這兩件事也不外乎是層防衛而已,不會有用的。那份內在舊有的痛苦,如今我們可以穿越它、完成新生。過程中我們可以有身旁的天使相伴,一起面對。那份痛苦是場誤會,我們曾看見缺乏愛的人,卻沒看見對方在求救。如果看見了,我們就會以我們的愛、才華禮物、天堂的恩典來幫助對方。可以幫助到人的這一切,是始終都存在的。祝你有個美好的一天,充滿靈感與自由! HEALING OUR ANAL FALLACIES is the card for today. It is the belief that by ritually performing some task religiously it will save us from pain and keep us safe. This can lead to both obsessions and compulsions which is just another layer of defense that doesn't work. There is old pain inside that can now be faced with the angels beside us as we move through it in a birth. It was a place of misperception where we looked out on someone with a lack of love and didn't see their call for help or that we could help them with our love, gifts and Heaven's grace that is always available to help someone. Have a beautiful day of inspiration and freedom!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒需要照我的方式》 今天的卡片是《療癒需要照我的方式》。非得要讓事情照你的方式不可,一部分是期望,一部分是控制。而這兩樣沒有一樣會有用。期望跟控制會製造出抗拒來,而這才是你的小我想要的,小我想要用鬥爭與競爭來拖累你。今天,照天堂的方式來吧。天堂的方式保證成功。祝你有個美好的一天! HEALING THE NEED FOR MY WAY is the card for today. Having to have things your way is part expectation and part control and neither work. They both set up resistance which is what your ego wants in order to slow you down with fights and competition. Today let it be Heaven's way. That is guaranteed to be successful…Have a fine day!!