
目前顯示的是 5月, 2018的文章


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒我們貶己尊人之處》 今天的卡片是《療癒我們貶己尊人之處》。小我痛恨平等,所以要嘛把人擺在己前,要嘛擺在己後,但絕對不會平等。有了平等、互相、親密,小我就會消融掉。我們曾把哪位重要他人看得比自己高,因而障礙了新一波的幸福快樂?今天,我們可以重拾和他的平等。過個美妙的一天,讓這天充滿奇蹟與美好吧! HEALING WHERE WE HAVE MADE SOMEONE AN ALPHA TO OUR BETA is the card for today. The ego hates equality so it puts people before us or behind us but not equal to it. The ego melts when there is equality, mutuality and intimacy. Today we can regain equality with a significant person that we have placed ahead of us in a way that holds a new level of happiness back. Have a wonderful day full of miracles and beauty!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒拿身體來攻擊》 今天的卡片是《療癒〔因身體會受到疾病與衰老的摧殘,所以我們拿身體來製造各種攻擊〕》。我們在某個地方用身體來製造攻擊,若療癒這一點,就可以恢復健康與年輕。今天是很美好的一天,適合來療癒。好好利用這一天,過個奇蹟般的一天吧! HEALING WHERE WE HAVE BEEN USING THE BODY FOR ANY FORM OF ATTACK BECAUSE IT THEN BECOMES PREY TO SICKNESS, AGE AND DECAY is the card for today. This healing can restore health and youth where we have been using our body for attack. Today is a wonderful day of healing. Take advantage of it and have a miraculous day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《聖騎士(原型)》 今天的卡片是《聖騎士(原型)》。聖騎士是靈性的戰士,撥亂反正,對抗邪惡,守護保衛,讓真善美澤潤四方。聖騎士與高層力量連結,因此無所畏懼,在一切所行之事上都把恩典帶來。今天,欣然迎接你內在的聖騎士,感受天堂的愛與力量透過你來幫助這個世界。祝你有個精彩可期、勇氣可嘉的一天! THE PALADIN (ARCHETYPE) is the card for the day. The PALADIN is the spiritual warrior who rights what is wrong, protects against evil and spreads a mantle of true goodness. They are connected to a Higher Power and so have no fear for themselves bringing grace to whatever they do. Today welcome your inner PALADIN and feel Heaven's Love and power pass through you to help the world. Have an amazing and courageous day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒〔攻擊來幫忙的人〕》 今天的卡片是《療癒〔攻擊來幫忙的人〕》。我們總是這樣攻擊天堂。我們在分裂製造小我、並將分裂怪罪於父母時,也是這樣攻擊父母。我們會這樣攻擊夥伴與朋友。如今,我們能覺知到這樣不領情的行為,並且靠著天堂的協助來扭轉局面。祝你有個甜蜜美妙的一天! HEALING WHERE WE HAVE BEEN ATTACKING THE ONE TRYING TO HELP US is the card for today. We are always doing this to Heaven. We did it to our parents as we separated to make our ego and blamed them for it. We do this to our partner and our friends. Now we can become aware of this ungrateful behavior and reverse this with Heaven's help. Have a sweet and wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒惡性循環》 今天的卡片是《療癒惡性循環》。惡性循環是條陷阱,兩個負面元素互相勾結,越來越糟糕。我們失去了越來越多對成功、自由、親密的希望,因此而受困。小我用兩個負面元素,如優越與自卑,讓我們遠離平等;或用對與錯,讓我們不斷感到罪惡。今天,天堂要將我們從這些幻相陷阱中釋放出來。敞開心接受出路,過個精彩的一天吧! HEALING VICIOUS CIRCLES is the card for today. Vicious circles are traps in which two negative elements support each other in a downward spiral. This keeps us stuck as we begin to lose more and more hope of success, freedom and intimacy. They are such things as superior-inferior that the ego uses to keep us from equality or right-wrong which the ego uses to keep us always feeling guilty. Today Heaven wants to free us of these illusionary traps. Be open to the way out and have an amazing day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒缺乏性愛的故事》 今天的卡片是《療癒缺乏性愛的故事》。故事內容也許是缺乏品質、缺乏次數、或是兩者皆是。性愛的匱乏,反映的是將生命拒之門外。有性的生活,展示出愛、親密、對生命的歡迎。如果缺乏性愛是一套故事,那我們編出這套故事的目的,則是為了要報復、或是要證明些什麼。不管怎樣,這都是一場我們這一方的錯誤,我們剝奪了自己,卻怪罪給別人,怪罪給那想把一切送給我們、絕不會剝奪我們的老天。今天,適合來調正我們對生命、對性的態度。祝你這天有美好的結合與豐盛! HEALING THE LACK OF SEX STORY is the card for today. It may show up as a lack of quantity or quality or both. Lack of sex can show a refusal of life whereas with sex,  it can demonstrate love, intimacy and a welcoming of life. If it is a story it is something we are writing chapter after chapter for revenge or to prove something. Whatever it is is a mistake on our part, a deprivation we are blaming on others and on God Who gives us everything and Who deprives us of nothing. Today is a good day to get straight in our attitude toward life and toward sex. Have a beautiful day of joining and abundance!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《惹人喜愛》 今天的卡片是《惹人喜愛》。這張卡說的是和朋友、愛的人、家人在一起的甜美與親密。這張卡是指,在惹人喜愛的能量中產生祝福與連結。惹人喜愛,會產生更新、修復。惹人喜愛,會恢復精神,帶來溫柔。這天,有個美好的補給吧! ENDEARING is the card for today. It is a card that speaks of sweetness and intimacy with friends, loved ones and family. It is a card that blesses and bonds in its energy. It renews and restores. It refreshes and brings tenderness...Have a beautiful day of replenishment!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒怨懟與偽善者心魔》 今天的卡片是《療癒怨懟與偽善者心魔》。我們每道問題的核心,都伴隨著一份怨懟。偽善者心魔,表面的行為是一套,但其背後的動力卻又是另一套。兩件事情搞在一起,就成了重大陷阱,以實為自恨的心魔形式來阻礙我們,在我們的道路上造出無形的高牆來。今天,有恩典來幫助我們找出這樣的心魔,以及正在摧毀我們生活的怨懟。這天,來場蒙受祝福的療癒吧! HEALING GRIEVANCES AND THE HYPOCRITE SHADOW are the cards for today. At the heart of every problem we have there is also a grievance. A hypocrite acts one way but there is another opposite aspect inside that drives the person. Together these make up a major trap that can stop us as shadows contain self-hatred and make invisible walls on our path. Today grace is here to help us find this shadow and our grievances that are ruining our lives. Have a blessed day of healing!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒夫妻之間的大戰》 今天的卡片是《療癒夫妻之間的大戰》。小我在無意識中,讓對立的兩端開戰,為的是不讓我們明白,這些對立其實是虛幻不實的。以夫妻之間的大戰為例的話,這當中唯一可行的辦法是,平等與互相。其餘一切皆是小我,以及小我製造的衝突。這些大戰讓你的心靈忙不過來,於是你就搞不懂,這些大戰只是在掩藏你大師心靈層面超越衝突之處 ── 簡單、有力量、對指引與恩典敞開。不管你父母、你自己有多少夫妻之間的大戰,今天,都是享受空中救援的美好日子。幸福快樂吧! HEALING THE GREAT WARS OF HUSBANDS AND WIVES is the card for today. In the unconscious there are great opposites that the ego sets at war to stop us from realizing that these opposites are false and illusionary. The only things that work in this particular case is equality and mutuality. The rest is just the ego and its conflicts. These wars keep the mind so engaged you don't realize that these wars simply hide a place beyond where you are beyond this conflict in an aspect of your mastery mind--simple, powerful, open to guidance and grace. Today have beautiful day of being airlifted over however many of these wars you have as evidenced by your parents and yourself. Be happy!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《我今天就能從痛苦中脫身》 今天的卡片是《我今天就能從痛苦中脫身》。這是奇蹟課程裡的一句話。在這一天當中,讓這些力量話語成為你的口訣真言吧!受苦是場幻相,因此才能被療癒。一旦我們認出受苦是幻相,我們就能夠放手。今天,讓我們致力於放下一切幻相吧……這天,有著那神聖安慰者的神聖之愛,過個美好的一天吧! "I CAN BE FREE OF SUFFERING TODAY." is the card for today and a quote from A COURSE IN MIRACLES. Let these words of power be your mantra throughout the day! Suffering is an illusion which is why it can be healed. As soon as we recognize it as an illusion we can let it go. Today let us commit to let go of all illusions...Have a wonderful day of Divine Love from the Divine Comforter!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒報復》 今天的卡片是《療癒報復》。任何失敗、匱乏,都是一種報復。我們會傷害自己,藉此報復別人;或是會直接攻擊對方。我們除了會攻擊旁人、父母,我們也會攻擊老天,因為老天沒有滿足我們的需要。而這就是生命與關係中最大的錯誤。報復是出於我們尚未穿越的心碎。而心碎其實是場鬥爭,在抗議某人沒有滿足我們的需要,同時也是害怕走下一步。今天,可以讓自己擺脫掉煽動報復的憎恨與自我憎恨。認出一切皆是幻相,就是在消弭幻相。這天,得著自由與寬慰,過個美妙的一天吧! HEALING REVENGE is the card for today. Any type of failure or scarcity is a form of revenge. We hurt ourselves to get back at others or we directly attack them. Besides attacking the people around us and our parents we are also attacking God as not meeting our needs which qualifies as the biggest mistake in life and relationships. Revenge comes from heartbreaks we haven't gotten over which are part of a fight to protest that someone didn't meet our needs as well as our fear to go forward. Today is a good day to divest ourselves of the hatred and self-hatred that drive revenge. To recognize that anything is an illusion is to have it disappear. Have a most wonderful day of relief and freedom!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒舊傷口》 今天的卡片是《療癒舊傷口》。我們所有的傷口都來自過去。今天,順流會讓我們療癒一切當前問題的核心根源。祝你這天有個重大的發現! HEALING OLD WOUNDS is the card for today. All our wounds come from the past and today is a day where the flow is moving us toward healing the root of all present problems. Have a great day of discovery!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《敞開你的心》 今天的卡片是《敞開你的心》。每次我們受了傷,就代表我們為了打造自己的身分,硬起了心腸,並將這個決定、以及其怨懟、罪疚、恐懼,都藏到潛意識裡、藏到傷口的背後。然而,在這件事的後頭,其實有著一份才華禮物、一份愛的舉動。我們若是敞開了心、感受那後頭等著我們的喜樂與愛,那麼我們就能拯救局勢、消除模式。今天,讓我們敞開心,帶來光,幫助這世界。祝你有個美好的一天! OPEN YOUR HEART is the card for today. Every time we were wounded it showed a place where we hardened our heart to make our identity and hid this in the subconscious under being wounded along with our grievance, guilt and fear. Yet under this is the gift that is an act of love that could save the day and erase the pattern if we were to open our heart and feel the joy and love that awaits us. Let us OPEN OUR HEARTS today as it will bring light and help the whole world. Have a beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒權力鬥爭》 今天的卡片是《療癒權力鬥爭》。權力鬥爭來自存在矛盾對立的需求,有在試圖成為對的那一方,或是需要照自己的方式來。權力鬥爭來自於,要自己是對的、捍衛小我、或是害怕成功親密的下一步。今天,可以來結合兩方,有新的整合與完整,得到兩個世界的最棒之處,帶來平安與信心。過個精彩的一天吧! HEALING POWER STRUGGLE is the card for today. Power struggles come from opposing needs, from trying to be right or from wanting it done your way. It comes from wanting to be right, defending your ego and fear of the next step in success or intimacy. Today is a day to join both sides and have the best of both worlds in a new integrity and wholeness bringing peace and confidence. Have an amazing day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《超脫的智慧》 今天的卡片是《超脫的智慧》。超脫的智慧,會帶來永恆的真知;靈感的匆匆一瞥,改變了我們,讓我們專注於朝向天堂的真實方向。超脫的智慧,既能鼓舞人心,又能產生療癒,再次將愛置於我們生活的中心。祝你有個極為美好的一天,釋放掉所有的怨恨,獨留對一切萬物的愛與感恩! TRANSCENDENT WISDOM is the card for today. TRANSCENDENT WISDOM brings eternal knowledge in glimpses of inspiration that change us focusing us in the true direction toward Heaven. It uplifts as well as heals putting love once more at the center of our lives. Have the most beautiful day free of all resentment so there is only love and gratitude for all!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒執著不放的故事》 今天的卡片是《療癒執著不放的故事》。我們會有正向的執著,希望仍能滿足一些需要;也會有負向的執著,懷著怨懟。怨懟會製造自我挫敗的模式,我們要嘛會補償、要嘛會退縮、要嘛會向人上演自己的受害。我們會對人或環境有執著,結果造成匱乏和不快樂的模式。今天,是時候放下過去才能夠享受當下,有一個新的開始。祝你有個美好的一天! HEALING THE HOLDING ON STORY is the card for today. We hold on positively hoping to still get some need met or negatively by grievances. Grievances set up self-defeating patterns where we either compensate, withdraw or act out was done to us toward others. We hold onto attachments to situations or people we set up patterns of scarcity and unhappiness. today it is time for a new beginning by letting go of the past so we can enjoy the present. Have a beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《驚奇》 今天的卡片是《驚奇》。今天,可以有著驚豔與歡慶。讓自己處在幸福快樂的奇妙順流裡吧。這天,適合退後讓開,由天堂來獻一手絕技。這將會滿是奇跡、不可思議。祝你有個非常精彩的一天! MARVELOUS is the card for today. Today can be a day of wonder and celebration. Allow yourself to be in the happy flow of it. It is a good day to step back and watch Heaven show off...It will be wondrous and full of MARVEL. Have a most amazing day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《溫柔》 今天的卡片是《溫柔》。溫柔是我們對他人的感激、親密與愛。真正去愛一個人,就是真正地認識他;真正認識他,就是感受我們因他蒙受的福恩,以及對他的感激。對他人溫柔相待,就是對老天溫柔相待。感謝別人,就是在真理內認識對方。這樣,我們就會感謝老天,認識到祂。祝你有個非常美妙的一天! TENDERNESS is the card for the day. Tenderness is the gratitude, intimacy and love we feel for another. To truly love someone is to really know them and to know them is to feel our gracious indebtedness and the gratitude we have for them. To be TENDER with another is to be TENDER with God. To be grateful to another is to know them in truth and this allows us to be grateful to God and know Him. Have the most beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《擺脫自己》 今天的卡片是《擺脫自己》。沒有擺脫掉自己,就會將所有事都搞得跟自己有關。我們所有的情緒與欲望都含有特殊性的元素,用來維持小我。這樣子,不會支持到我們自己,還會造成某種痛苦的情緒、某種被剝奪感。今天,我們可以放掉這一切,享有恩典。這樣要幸福得多了。祝你有個美好的一天! GET OVER YOURSELF is the card for today. Not getting over yourself leads to making everything about us. All of our emotions and appetites have an element of specialness used to support the ego. This does not support us and can lead to some painful emotions and feelings of deprivation. Today we could let this all go and have grace instead which is blissfully better. Have a wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒〔用性來自我貶低〕》 今天的卡片是《療癒〔用性來自我貶低〕》。在性上頭的任何一種犧牲,都會貶低我們自己,降低我們的自我價值。性反映的是我們的生活和關係,是我們的心理裡頭很關鍵的一塊。讓性成為基於平等互惠的快樂分享,就能夠創造大幅度的改變。今天,道與你一同作工,不強奪、索取,而是用給出和領受,來鼓舞你的生命與關係。祝你這天充滿著愛、充滿著滑順的歡慶! HEALING SEX AS SELF-DEBASEMENT is the card for today. Any form of sacrifice in sex debases ourself and lowers our self-value. And as sex reflects our life and our relationship it is a crucial piece in our psychology and has the ability to create big changes by making sex a form of happy sharing based on equality and mutuality. Today the Tao works with you to uplift your life and relationship by giving and receiving rather than taking or getting. Have a day full of love and slippery celebrations!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《傾國紅顏》 今天的卡片是《傾國紅顏》。這是正向的層面,代表有超級的吸引力、魅力、領袖氣質。現今社會,許多女性感覺被迫隱藏自身這一層面,來避免面對不想要的關注。但今天我們可以擁有這方面的權能,在我們陰柔面的領袖特質上玩得盡興。增強內在的能量流動,過個「熱情」的一天! THE FEMME FATALE is the card for today. This is the positive aspect and it represents super attractiveness, charm and charisma. In today's society so many women feel forced to hide this aspect of themselves so as not to be forced to deal with unwanted attention. But today we can own the authority of this aspect and have fun with as a leadership quality of our feminine side. Let the flow of energy be increased inside and have a "hot" day!!