
目前顯示的是 6月, 2018的文章


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《勇敢》 今天的卡片是《勇敢》。勇敢代表有信心,敢大膽,敢嘗試以前沒有嘗試過的事。今天,勇敢的能量支持我們去行真實的事。祝你有個最棒的一天! DARING is the card for the day. DARING suggests the confidence to be bold and try what you haven't tried before. Today is a day where DARING energy supports us to do what is true. Have the best day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《商業與執行的才能》 今天的卡片是《商業與執行的才能》。這代表領袖力、組織能力、敏感度的深厚潛能。這跟我們所從事的行業沒有關係。這份能力相當值得歡迎領受,我們今天就可以歡迎這份能力的到來。祝你有個甜美幸福的一天! BUSINESS AND EXECUTIVE APTITUDE is the card for today. It signals a strong potential for leadership, organizational ability and a strong acumen. It doesn't matter what we do. This skill is well worth welcoming and we can do it today. Have a sweet and happy day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《神聖一刻》 今天的卡片是《神聖一刻》。而且這是性愛牌組裡的神聖一刻,意思是這一天,你可以透過性,與你的親密伴侶結合,心與心是那麼地完整結合,身體都消失了,留住的只有老天,只有天堂,只有一的喜悅。祝你有個奇蹟的一天! THE HOLY INSTANT is the card for today. And it is the holy instant from the Sex Deck which means that it can be a day where through sex you join your partner so completely mind to mind that bodies fall away and there is only God, only Heaven and only the joy of Oneness. Have a miraculous day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒壞人故事》 今天的卡片是《療癒壞人故事》。壞人故事,是有需要讓誰當壞人,好隱藏自己的罪惡感故事。除非我們不再視自己為壞人,否則我們將擺脫不了自己的壞人故事。今天,可以來釋放壞人故事跟罪惡感故事。祝你過個有自由、有同理的一天! HEALING THE VILLAIN STORY is the card of the day. The villain story is the need to make someone a 'bad guy' to hide our guilt story. We won't get rid of our villain story until we stop seeing ourselves as a villain. Today is a good day to relinquish both villain and guilt stories. Have a great day of freedom and compassion!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《和平締造者》 今天的卡片是《和平締造者》。你因締造和平而擁有平安。和平是愛、豐盛、健康、幸福快樂的泉源。你幫助修復和平,和平就會幫助到身邊的每一個人。和平由你散發出來,影響旁人和世界。祝你有個最為美妙的一天! THE PEACEMAKER is the card for today. You have peace by making peace. It is the source of love, abundance, health and happiness. As you help restore peace it helps everyone around you. It radiates out from you affecting those around you and the world itself. Have the most beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《旅行》 今天的卡片是《旅行》。意思是你將啟程旅行,或是有可能心癢想旅行、開始計畫。祝你有個充滿靈感的一天! TRAVEL is the card for today. It means you will be traveling or more likely getting bit by the travel bug and making plans to travel. Have an inspired day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒受限的自己》 今天的卡片是《療癒受限的自己》。我們會用各種錯誤的理由來約束自己。我們會用外在人物、環境當作藉口,不把其實是自己不能接受的想法給說出來。這些想法有可能會帶來罪惡感、羞愧感、或者就只是覺得這想法太奇怪,不好說。但是藉著分享、說出來,我們就釋放掉了保留這些念頭所造成的負擔。自己藏著這些念頭,只是在隔離、疏遠自己而已。今天,讓我們向聖靈、高層心靈承認、分享這些念頭,祂們會化解這些念頭累積出來的重擔。祝你有個蒙釋放、蒙療癒的一天! HEALING THE CONSTRICTED SELF is the card for today. We constrict ourselves for all kinds of mistaken reason. We use people or outside circumstances as the excuse not to share thoughts we feel are unacceptable. These may be thoughts that bring guilt or shame or they just seem too bizarre to share. But in sharing we release the burden of unshared thoughts which kept to ourselves only alienates us. Today let us admit and share these thoughts with the Holy Spirit or our higher mind Who will dissolve these thoughts that have built up and burden us. Have a most blessed day of release and healing!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒當渾蛋的地方》 今天的卡片是《療癒當渾蛋的地方》。這天,我們可以來覺知自己一廂情願之舉、不好的態度、對人無回應的地方,有覺察到自己、覺察到自己的行為時,轉變這樣的行為與態度。同樣,我們也可以發現過往這樣的行為,並且在彌補時寬恕自己。今天,可以穿越人格、穿越人格裡的攻擊與自我攻擊,找到有愛的方式。過個真實又美好的一天! HEALING WHERE WE ARE BEING A JERK is the card of the day. It is a day to give us awareness of where we are acting willfully or with a bad attitude unresponsive to others and turn around this behavior and attitude as we become aware of ourselves and what we are doing. In a similar way we can realize where we acted that way in the past and forgive ourselves as we make amends.. Today is a day to move beyond personalities and their attack and self-attack and find a loving way. Have true and wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒蟑螂(心魔)》 今天的卡片是《療癒蟑螂(心魔)》。這個心魔來自我們從別人那裡拿走、楷油的時候。讓我們含括一切我們內在有的蟑螂這個自我概念。不管我們有多少這樣的自我概念,都將這些自我融化吧,帶來淨化過的光與能量,釋放我們因心魔與自我概念而有的自我憎恨。祝你有個自由美好的一天! HEALING THE COCKROACH(SHADOW) is the card for today. It comes from all the times we have taken from and mooched off of others. Let us include in that all the self-concepts of the COCKROACH we have within us. Let us melt down however many we have and bring the light and energy back to us purified releasing the self-hatred we have with shadows and self-concepts. Have a wonderful day of freedom!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒東西大戰》 今天的卡片是《療癒東西大戰》。這反映的是亞洲與西方不同的思維心態。其實,當一方在前進、攻頂時,另一方則會變得越來越相像。今天,我們可以問問自己有多少這樣的分裂,並且請求天堂讓我們飛越裂谷,直達彼岸。那兒,有著大師心靈的平安,以及深遠的效果。祝你有個美好的一天! HEALING THE Great War OF EAST AND WEST is the card for today. It reflects the different mind set of Asia and the West but as one advances to the top of the mountain what seems opposite becomes more and more similar. Today we can ask how many of these splits we have and ask Heaven to fly us over them to the other side where there is the peace of the mastery mind and profound effectiveness. Have a wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒身體與靈性的大戰》 今天的卡片是《療癒身體與靈性的大戰》。小我試圖將一切事物都困在分裂與二元對立裡。療癒一場大戰,能重拾生命中深湛的平安。你只需問問自己,有幾場這樣的大戰?然後走向層層爭戰的戰場中心,直走向終點,超越那戰場。這是你大師心靈的一個層面。享受你締造和平的凱旋勝利,以及一切由平安所生的美好事物。祝你有個很棒的一天! HEALING THE Great War OF BODY AND SPIRIT is the card for today. The ego attempts to have everything be caught in splits and duality. To heal a Great War is to regain a good deal of peace in your life. Simply ask how many of this particular war you have and then walk down the center of the battlefield of all of these wars pancaked on top of each other until you reach the end and beyond. This is an aspect of your mastery mind. Enjoy what you have won back for peace and all the good things that come from peace. Have a great day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《把性用來愛》 今天的卡片是《把性用來愛》。這說的是夫妻之愛的一天,與伴侶結合,可比「通水管」要來得重要多了。只要是有愛的一天,就是好日子。今天,是時候給出愛、領受愛了,有時,是以性的方式來進行。祝你有個最美妙的一天! SEX AS LOVE is the call for today. It speaks for a day of conjugal love where joining our partner is paramount to the "plumbing." Any day of love is a good day.  Today it is time to give and receive love and sometimes in the form of sex. Have the most wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒覺得女人膚淺》 今天的卡片是《療癒覺得女人膚淺》。這樣的認知是向外投射的信念,是對女性與我們自身陰柔面的攻擊。我們的認知是一份選擇。我們會選擇一項藉口,來做我們想做的事,或是不做我們不想做的事。我們的認知是出自投射過的信念,而覺得女人膚淺的這份信念,會讓我們無法前進。我們要嘛會做出補償,要嘛會不斷在日常生活中經驗到這份信念。我們的陰柔面是我們的領受面。讓我們榮耀女性,用我們的全心全意來愛女人。祝你有個最好玩、最可愛的一天! HEALING OUR PERCEPTION OF WOMEN AS SHALLOW is the card for today. This perception is a projected belief and it is an attack on women and our feminine side. Our perception is a choice that gives us an excuse to do something we wanted to do or not do something we didn't want to do. Our perception comes from projected beliefs and this is one that holds us all back. We either compensate for it or experience it all around us. Whatever we are doing it holds us, the women around us and the world back. Our feminine side is our receiving side. Let us honor women and love them with all of our heart. Have the most fun and lovely day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《作為愛的性》 今天的卡片是《作為愛的性》。這是最高形式的性,這樣的性可以帶來狂喜、超越的體驗。今天,是慶祝、放下所有關乎身體的恐懼。身體是你學習的工具。你可以用身體來架橋、溝通、去愛。祝你有個美好的一天! SEX AS LOVE is the card for today. This is sex in its highest form and it can lead to ecstatic, transcendent experiences. Today is a day to celebrate and give up all fear of the body. It is your learning vehicle. You can use it to bridge, communicate and love. Have a beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒禁忌》 今天的卡片是《療癒禁忌》。無論禁忌大小,打破禁忌時,都會強化罪惡感、羞愧、自我攻擊、退縮、重新設下同一個陷阱。今天,想想你可能會打破什麼禁忌,會有甚麼樣負面的結果?然後,問問自己拿這些禁忌來做什麼用?這是你想要繼續做的事?還是你想釋放禁忌,以及這當中的情緒、負面性?做出選擇。這樣會創造出順流,讓你成為最好的自己。祝你有個精彩的一天! HEALING TABOOS is the card of the day. Breaking taboos whether they are small or large reinforce guilt, shame. self-attack, withdrawal or replays of the same trap. Today reflect on taboos you may have broken and what negativity came from them. Then ask what you are using them for and choose if that is what you want to continue doing or to release the taboos, emotions and negativity involved. This creates flow and allows you to be your best self...Have an amazing day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒尷尬》 今天的卡片是《療癒尷尬》。尷尬來自意識到自我認知,我們想像別人在看我們、在評斷我們。我們攻擊自己、甚至因此折磨自己。解藥是解除自我意識、變得自然,因為小我的攻擊就是要阻止順流的。還有要明白一點,尷尬是用來隱藏旁人的呼求幫助的。如果你穿越自我攻擊,給出愛,回應呼求幫助,那就能釋放自己,並且幫助到別人,恢復小我下次攻擊前的順流。祝你有個自然、蒙受啟發的一天! HEALING EMBARASSMENT is the card for today. Embarrassment comes from feeling self-conscious as we imagine others watching and judging us. We attack ourselves and even torture ourselves as a result. To be unself-conscious and natural is the antidote to this ego attack meant to stop the flow. Also to realize that embarrassment is meant to hide a call for help around us. If you respond to the call for help by giving love through the self-attack it then frees us  and helps the other restoring the flow until the next ego attack. Have a natural and inspired day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《空白盧恩符文》 今天的卡片是《空白盧恩符文》。這象徵的是全用上、全賭上,不計較結果。這個月,我們來到某種時刻,此時我們蒙召要給出一切,不去擔心結果。結果不是我們今天要關心的事,這只會使我們分神而已。今天,是時候給出一切了,享受對人們、對計畫、對自己、對天堂給出一切的感覺。你收到的會比那一切還要多。你給出自己、給出一切時,你就不可能會有犧牲。祝你有個極為美好的一天! THE BLANK RUNE is the card of the day. It symbolizes putting it all on the line, betting it all, giving it all without heed to the outcome. We have come to one of the times this month where we are called to give it all without worrying about the results. That is not our concern today and it would only split our mind. Time to give it all and enjoy the feeling of giving it all today to people and projects, yourself and Heaven. You will be given to back all that much and more. You can never be in sacrifice when you give yourself and give it all. Have the most beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《別去招惹大猩猩》 今天的卡片是《別去招惹大猩猩》。任何情況下,這都是一條不錯的建議。不要去惹惱人。不要被動攻擊。不要去招惹別人,尤其是在風平浪靜的時候。這麼蠢的話,可能付上地獄般的代價。不要用這麼原始的方式對待別人,來娛樂你自己。即使你現在沒有付出代價,但你總會有要付出代價的時候。好玩、嬉戲、幽默是有幫助的,但請不要為了你小我的樂趣去戳惹別人、激怒別人!!祝你這天有著好玩、愉快、有趣,但沒有去消費到哪個人! DON'T FUCK WITH THE GORILLA is the card for today. This is good advice in any circumstance. Don't antagonize. Don't be passive aggressive. Don't fuck with others especially when there is peace or there may be hell to pay for being so foolish. Don't entertain yourself in this primitive way with others. If you don't pay for it now you will pay for it sometime. Playfulness, teasing and humor can be helpful but not poking at someone to rile them up for your ego's benefit!! Have a fun, delightful and amusing day but at no one's expense!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒罪犯(心魔)》 今天的卡片是《療癒罪犯(心魔)》。如果我們療癒了內在的這些心魔、這些自我概念,那世界就不再有罪犯了,因為世界反映的是我們的心靈,以及我們內在壓抑之物。無論我們是否有因為這些信念產生行動,這樣的療癒會釋放我們許多的罪咎與自我懲罰。今天,釋放掉這些自我概念吧,因為這些自我概念只服務到了你的小我而已。過個美好的一天,讓這一天有著天真無罪與平安吧! HEALING THE CRIMINAL (SHADOW) is the card for today. If we healed these shadows and self-concepts within us than there would be no criminals in the world as the world reflects our mind and all that we have repressed within us. This would free us of much guilt and self-punishment whether we ever acted on these beliefs or not. Today relinquish these self-concepts as they only serve your ego and have a wonderful day of innocence and peace!!