
目前顯示的是 7月, 2018的文章


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《在老天的懷裡安歇》 今天的卡片是《在老天的懷裡安歇》。發現這一點,就是在讓一切擔憂、壓力化為烏有。老天的懷抱是問題的終點,是喜樂與天真無罪的起點。在老天的懷抱裡,是無憂無慮、自由自在地重生。當你在老天的懷裡安歇時,你知道你是被愛的,你得著完美的豁免。今天,認出這一點,在平安裡頭歇息放鬆。祝你有個最美好的一天! RESTING IN GOD'S HANDS is the card of the day. To realize this is to have all cares, worries and stress dissolve. It is the end of problems and the beginning of joy and innocence. It is the rebirth of being carefree. You know you are loved and have perfect immunity when you are RESTING IN GOD'S HANDS . Recognize this today and relax in peace. Have the most beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《靈感》 今天的卡片是《靈感》。靈感會創造順流,以及渾然忘我的感受。舉例來說,墬入愛河就是一種靈感。你藉著靈感,對更新更好的機會敞開。允許自己敞開,安靜一段時刻,這是非常值得的。祝你有個美好、蒙受鼓舞的一天! INSPIRATION is the card of the day. It creates flow and a feeling of being carried away. Falling in love, for instance, is a form of inspiration. You are opened to new and better possibilities with INSPIRATION. Allow yourself the opening and quiet for it and it will be well worth your while. Have a beautiful and inspired day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒支配的偶像》 今天的卡片是《療癒支配的偶像》。小我想要支配。小我想要駕馭他人的力量,不想要真正能讓別人增權賦能的力量。小我總是在競爭,但小我想要支配之餘,背地裡也在尋求臣服。這一天,我們可以擁有關係的平等,也就是做決定的平等。這會帶來連結、輕易、順流。祝你有個美好的一天、甜蜜的一晚! HEALING THE IDOL OF DOMINATION is the card for today. The ego wants to dominate. It wants power over others rather than the real power that empowers others. The ego always competes but it secretly wants submission as well as domination. Today is day where we can have equality in relationship which is equality in decision-making. This brings bonding, ease and flow. Have a beautiful day and a sweet night!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒批評者》 今天的卡片是《療癒批評者》。批評者心魔,因著期望與完美主義,對一切事都抱持負面的態度。於是一切都取悅不了你,只因你對自己不滿意。而且也因為你有潛藏的信念,認為世界原是要來讓你開心的,而不是認為你要為自己的幸福快樂負責。你期待別人什麼,那就是你沒有對自己和他人給出的。給出你的想要和需要,你就永遠也不會挫折、失望。活出最棒的日子吧! HEALING THE CRITIC (SHADOW) is the card for today. The critic shadow is negative about almost everything coming from expectations and perfectionism. This will make it so nothing ever pleases you because you are not pleased with yourself. And because you have the hidden belief that the world is meant to make you happy rather than that you are responsible for your happiness. You expect of others what you are not giving to others and yourself. Today is a day to let all that go in favor of a better way.  Give what you want and need and you will never be frustrated or disappointed. Have the best of all possible days!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《生命之愛》 今天的卡片是《生命之愛》。生命之愛會給我們興奮與熱情。老天即是那神聖的生命,因此,生命之愛也是老天的愛。生命之愛是無法抗拒的,會想要與所有人分享。今天,讓你的生命之愛展開,和人在喜悅中結合與慶祝吧。祝你有個珍貴美好的一天! LOVE OF LIFE is the card of the day. LOVE OF LIFE gives us zest and enthusiasm. God is Life so that LOVE OF LIFE is love of God. LOVE OF LIFE is irrepressible and wants to be shared with all. Today let your LOVE OF LIFE loose and celebrate with joining others in joyfulness. Have a precious and wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒優越與自卑的陰謀》 今天的卡片是《療癒優越與自卑的陰謀》。如果你有其中一項,那你一定兩項都有,你會停滯不前,永遠都陷在競爭當中。優越裡有的傲慢,跟自卑裡有的厭惡,會困住我們,讓我們聽不見旁人的求救聲,也看不見可以有的夥伴關係。我們就只能偷偷摸摸地維持小我,但這樣除了會拖延到我們的成功與親密外,並沒有其他的效果。今天,你可以留意這項陷阱,呼求天堂的幫助,祈求脫離這樣或隱或顯的折磨酷刑。祝你有個勝利、美好的一天! HEALING THE SUPERIOR-INFERIOR CONSPIRACY is the card for today. If you have one of these you will have both of these, stopping forward movement and throwing you forever into competition. The arrogance of the superior and the resentment of the inferior keep us caught by not seeing the calls for help around us or that partnership is available. We are left supporting our ego in ways that go undetected but are no less effective in delaying us from success and intimacy. Today you can notice the trap and call on Heaven's help to be free of this hidden or not so hidden rack of torture. Have a great, triumphant day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒心碎陰謀》 今天的卡片是《療癒心碎陰謀》。這份陰謀設下了其他一系列的陰謀,如報復、罪惡感、無價值感、恐懼、憎恨、自我憎恨。我們會把別人的行為看作是針對自己,而非聽見對方的求救聲。我們沒有用自己帶來的靈魂禮物,來回應那樣的議題,而結果就是製造了許多自我挫敗的模式。人有時自始自終都沒有穿越這種心碎的陰謀,小我設下這樣的陷阱就是要永遠困住我們。今天,我們可以把問題根源釋放掉,得著自由。這一天是要歡慶的一天! HEALING THE HEARTBREAK CONSPIRACY is the card for today. This conspiracy sets up a constellation of other conspiracies, such as revenge, guilt, unworthiness, fear, hatred and self-hatred. We personalized some behavior on another's part rather than heard their call for help. We didn't respond with the soul gift we brought in for just such an issue and set up many self-defeating patterns as a result. Sometimes a person doesn't ever get over such a heartbreak conspiracy set by the ego to always keep us trapped. Today is a day we can free ourselves of the root of the problem and be free. It is a day to rejoice!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒忌妒》 今天的卡片是《療癒忌妒》。忌妒是關係中最糟糕的一種情緒,因為裏頭有著失落、需要、佔有慾、受傷,有時還有心碎、復仇、憎恨,以及自我憎恨。忌妒是源自童年,童年的失落感,以及那不被愛的感受。我們可以用獨立來掩飾隱藏,但那感受仍舊存在著,直到我們療癒了所有的根源,在情緒成熟中成長為止。今天的療癒調正,是要來處理這份特殊性,以及特殊性帶來的折磨,好換來真愛。祝你有個自由又美好的一天! HEALING JEALOUSY is the card for today. Jealousy is one of the worst relationship emotions as it contains loss, fear, need, possessiveness, hurt and sometimes heartbreak and revenge along with hatred and self-hatred. It is a pattern that goes back to childhood and its feelings of loss and feeling unloved. We can cover it over with independence but it is still there until we heal all of its roots and grow in emotional maturity. Today is a day where the healing alignment is really working to leave this specialness and its torture behind for real love. Have a wonderful, freeing day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《全心全意交託給老天》 今天的卡片是《全心全意交託給老天》。這樣,你的心靈就能留在神聖之愛的庇護之下,並且可以獲得能體驗到超脫的視野,以療癒的視角來看待生命,進而讓生命更加美好與完整。如果你將自己的全心全意交託給老天,你就能把別人的心靈、以及對方的療癒與完整,交託給老天。祝你這天有場美好的超脫! GIVE YOUR WHOLE MIND TO GOD is the card for today. It puts your mind under the auspices of Love and gives it the perspective for transcendent experience as well as looking at life from the perspective of healing thus making life more beautiful and whole.If you GIVE YOUR WHOLE MIND TO GOD then you can give others' mind to God also for their healing and wholeness. Have a beautifully transcendent day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《白騎士(原型)》 今天的卡片是《白騎士(原型)》。這個層面是純潔、天真無罪、力量、與天堂的連結,可以嗅出邪惡與黑暗,正面迎敵,戰勝、轉化、療癒。白騎士是充滿勇氣、信心,而且是有連結的,白騎士是我們心靈裡天生就有、積極正向的一面。祝你有個美好得力的一天!今天讓天堂透過你來彰顯吧! THE WHITE KNIGHT (ARCHETYPE) is the card of the day. This is a level of purity, innocence and strength as well as connection to Heaven that has a nose to smell out evil and darkness and to face it down and defeat, transform and heal it. THE WHITE KNIGHT is courageous, confident and connected and as an archetype is a natural and positive part of our mind. Have a beautiful and powerful day. Let Heaven show off through you today!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒戀父戀母情結陷阱》 今天的卡片是《療癒戀父戀母情結陷阱》。這張卡來自性愛牌組。戀父戀母情結會影響我們的性生活之外,也會反映出一般而言,障礙住我們生命、成功、愛的地方,尤其是在愛這一塊。今天,適合來讓天堂解除戀父戀母情結這一層的陷阱。祝你有個歡慶幸福的一天! HEALING OEDIPAL TRAPS is the card for today. This card is from the Sex Deck. So besides affecting our sex life it also reflects what holds us back in life in general and in success and love in particular. Today is a great day to let Heaven undo this layer of Oedipal traps. Have a happy day of jubilation!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《強者(原型)》 今天的卡片是《強者(原型)》。無關乎男人還是女人,強者是用力量祝福世界的原型人物。今天,在強者這個原型人物裡,一切你與旁人所需的力量,你都可以仰賴天堂來得到。祝你有個好玩又有力量的一天! THE STRONG MAN (ARCHETYPE) is the card for today. This is the archetype that blesses the world with your strength whether you are a man or a woman. In this you can rely on Heaven for all the strength you and others around you need today. Have a fun and powerful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒評斷》 今天的卡片是《療癒評斷》。評斷是一切受苦之源,我們會用評斷來掩飾我們的罪惡感。我們有了評斷,我們就是選了小我那一邊。在另一邊,我們的高層心靈,只會看見求救。今天,讓我們療癒自己的評斷吧,因為這樣會釋放掉我們的擔心、憂慮,讓我們自由自在。祝你有個美好的一天! HEALING JUDGMENT is the card of the day. Judgment is the source of all of our suffering and we use it to hide our own guilt. The judgment we have is a place where we side with the ego. Our higher mind on the other hand sees just a call for help. Today let us HEAL OUR JUDGMENT as it will relieve us of our worries and cares and let us be carefree. Have a wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒互相衝突的責任》 今天的卡片是《療癒互相衝突的責任》。這說的是兩難,小我會用兩難來阻礙你的前進。出路是,想像自己走過兩難,走向真理。這樣,會帶來平衡、整合,或者不真的事會消失不見。祝你有個美好的一天! HEALING TWO CONFLICTING DUTIES is the card for today. It speaks of a dilemma that the ego uses to halt forward movement. The way through is to imagine yourself stepping beyond the dilemma for the truth. This either balances, integrates or has what is untrue fall away. Have a beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《隨性自然》 今天的卡片是《隨性自然》。這是領袖力的層面,當一個人追隨內在的靈感時就會如此。隨性自然創造了順流,通常這份能量裡頭有著好玩與冒險。祝你有個美好又好玩的一天! SPONTANEITY is the card for today. It is an aspect of leadership as one follows the inspiration from within. It creates flow and it is generally that fun and adventure are a part of this energy. Have a fine and fun day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒用性來攻擊》 今天的卡片是《療癒用性來攻擊》。用性攻擊,可能是退縮、被動、具有攻擊性、渺小、或是任何對自己、他人有著沒有愛的想法或行動。性反映的是生活。你在性裡頭做什麼,你就會在生活裡頭做什麼,因此性是具有威力的,當你的性有所變化,你的生命就會有所變化。祝你在愛中結合,有著幸福快樂的一天! HEALING SEX AS ATTACK is the card for today. Sex as attack could be withdrawal passive, aggression, belittlement or any other loveless thought or action toward yourself or another. Sex reflects life. What you do in sex you do in life so it is powerful in that as you change sex you can change your life. Have a happy day of joining in love!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《聖杯》 今天的卡片是《聖杯》。聖杯是耶穌在最後的晚餐時用的高腳杯。聖杯象徵著愛,以及沒有純潔的心就無法找到、無法完成的事。對於你而言,那個目標是什麼呢?今天,做個有純潔之心的人,對於你想擁有的事,全然給出自己吧。祝你有個高尚的一天! THE GRAIL is the card for today. THE GRAIL is the symbol of the chalice Jesus used at the last supper. It symbolizes love and what is impossible to find or accomplish without a pure heart. What would that goal be for you? Today be of pure heart and give all of yourself to what you would want to have. Have a magnificent day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒負擔》 今天的卡片是《療癒負擔》。我們的小我為了拖延我們,想要我們擔著擔子,並且讓我們自負自大,直到我們精疲力竭、解離、走入獨立為止。今天,我們可以來釋放這些重擔,變得自由、幸福快樂。我們可以讓天堂來接手我們給自己擔的重擔。今天,讓我們自由自在吧! HEALING BURDENS is the card for today. Our ego wants us to carry burdens to delay us and give us self-importance until we burn out, dissociate and go independent. Today we can relinquish these burdens to be free and happy. We can let Heaven carry whatever loads we have burdened ourselves with. Today let us be carefree!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒著魔》 今天的卡片是《療癒著魔》。著魔可以是因為附身、偶像、小我、小我的評斷、古老小我、及古老小我的毒害。小我用來把我們留住在這個世界的一切,都是纏住我們的東西。今天,我們可以把纏住我們的一切都交給那神聖的高等法院來推翻。讓我們慶祝這份自由吧! HEALING POSSESSION is the card for today. Possession can be by anything such as possessions, idols, the ego and its judgment and the ancient ego and its toxicity. Anything the ego can use to hold us to this world is what we are possessed by. Today we can turn over whatever we have been possessed by to a Higher Court for reversal. Let us celebrate the freedom!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《愛偷看》 今天的卡片是《愛偷看》。這反映的是好玩、調皮、有樂趣的元素,可以為日子創造出順流的層面來。今天,享受你的偷看,過個驚奇的一天! LOVES TO PEEK is the card of the day. This reflects a playful, naughty and fun element that can create a flow aspect to the day. Today enjoy your peeking and have an outrageous day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《結合》 今天的卡片是《結合》。結合是一種分享自己、向外延伸、連結的形式,也是愛的一種形式。結合讓你有聯繫,讓生命更為真實、輕易。有了結合,你會變得更加自由。祝你有個充滿樂趣又美好的一天! JOINING is the card for today. JOINING is a form of sharing yourself, reaching out and connecting and another form of love. This bonds you and makes life truer and easier. With JOINING you actually feel more free. Have the most fun and beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《先知》 今天的卡片是《先知》。先知是敞開自己去看見、感受未來的人,因此可以對旁做出偉大的貢獻。今天,你可以對你內在的先知敞開,因為有預警就是有預備。每個人都有這份能力,有些人比較明顯。這是對自己、也是對別人的一份才華禮物。祝你有個最棒的一天! THE SEER is the card for today. THE SEER is the one who opens themselves to see and sense the future and can therefore make great contributions to those around them. Today you can open yourself to THE SEER within you, as forewarned is forearmed. Everyone has this ability, some more than others. It is a gift to yourself and others. Have the best day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《情感決心》 今天的卡片是《情感決心》。這是集合我們所有的感覺,將情感聚焦在真實的目標上。這是運用情緒和感覺,為我們受召要做的事帶來勇氣。祝你有個得力、成功的一天! EMOTIONAL RESOLUTION is the card of the day. It is the gathering together of all of our feelings to focus them for a true goal. It uses emotions and feelings in order to use to bring courage for whatever we are called to do. Have powerful, successful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒疾病偶像》 今天的卡片是《療癒疾病偶像》。疾病的偶像,是我們崇拜疾病的假神,認為疾病會滿足我們的需要。疾病的偶像,既是在試圖獲取、也是在試圖報復。這是在說:「看你對我做的好事,你這個壞人。」然而,我們會因為這些隱藏的因素,而傷害自己,甚至將自己釘上十字架。今天,可以覺察到,生病的旁人,也代表著你潛藏的疾病偶像。讓天堂來解除這一切吧,就像如果我們做得到,我們一定也會解除自己孩子的疾病的。天堂是做得到的。讓天堂解除這一切偶像,過個極為幸福的一天吧! HEALING THE IDOLS OF ILLNESS is the card of the day. This where we worship the false gods of illness thinking that they will meet are needs. They attempt to get and take revenge at the same time. They say, "Look what you did to me, you bad person." But we hurt even crucify ourselves by these hidden elements. Today realize that anyone around you who is sick shows your hidden idols of illness also. Let heaven undo them all just as we would undo our children's illnesses if we could. Heaven can. Let it undo all of these idols and have a most happy day!!