
目前顯示的是 9月, 2018的文章


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒害怕失去》 今天的卡片是《療癒害怕失去》。害怕失去是所有恐懼的根源。我們有一種最原始的恐懼,就是害怕失去自我。失去自我其實是生命的目標:讓自我越來越少,讓天堂越來越多。我們的煩惱,代表我們爭著要保有自己的自負感。其實平安更為重要,因為平安是愛、健康、豐盛等一切美好事物的基石。今天,天堂會幫助你釋放對失去的恐懼,放下一切的執著,讓你擁有更多的大我。祝你有個美好的一天! HEALING THE FEAR OF LOSS is the card for today. Fear of loss is the root of all fear. There is a primordial fear that we will lose ourselves but actually that is the goal of life: to have less of us and more of Heaven. Our upsets show where we are fighting to keep our egoic sense of self. Peace is more important as it is the basis of all good things such as love, health and abundance. Today Heaven will help you to release your fear of loss, let go of any attachment and be more of your Self. Have a wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒內在的製造監獄者》 今天的卡片是《療癒內在的製造監獄者》。監獄製造者是內在的一個自我,它渴望幻相,因此在天堂國度之外打造出一個國度來,並且把你的意願禁錮起來。今天,要讓心靈只為天堂的國度而警醒,並放下天國之外的一切事。祝你有個精彩又平安的一天! HEALING THE PRISON MAKER WITHIN is the card for today. The prison maker is the self inside that wants illusion and that has built a kingdom outside the Kingdom of Heaven that has imprisoned your will. Today is a day to be vigilant in our mind only for the Kingdom of Heaven. Have a day where you give all to all and want only peace watching and letting go of anything other than that. Have an amazing and peaceful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《沉著》 今天的卡片是《沉著》。這原是平安、冷靜的一天,向內看,陶醉在一切寧靜帶來的才華禮物。今天,享受自己、更新自己。祝你有個最棒的一天! SERENITY is the card for the day. It is meant to be a day of peace and calmness going inward and reveling with all the gifts that tranquility brings. Today enjoy and renew yourself. Have the best day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒失衡》 今天的卡片是《療癒失衡》。這種失衡通常出現在我們的陽剛面與陰柔面之間。要嘛我們會誇大自己的陽剛面,努力過頭,領受過少,且沒有榮耀自己和別人的陰柔面。這樣會造成貪婪、以及支配的欲望。另一方面,我們也有可能過於懶惰,逃避我們蒙召要做的事,不給出我們蒙召要給出的,或是害怕站上自己的位置。今天,真道會帶來平衡,幫忙修正我們的失衡。這樣會創造出輕易、真誠、夥伴關係。祝你有個開心順利的一天! HEALING IMBALANCE is the card for today.  This imbalance usually with our masculine and feminine energy to begin with either exaggerates our masculine side where we work too much, receive too little and don't honor our or others feminine side. This could lead to greed and the desire to dominate. Or on the other hand we could be too lazy and avoid what we are called to do, not giving what we are called to give or being afraid to take our place. Today is a day where the Tao can bring balance and help correct our imbalances. This creates ease, authenticity and partnership. Have a smooth and happy day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《基督面容》 今天的卡片是《基督面容》。這會讓我們看到天真無罪,看見蒙得寬恕的世界。當你在某個人身上看見基督面容時,在你內的基督心靈就浮現出來了,而這是一場奇蹟。今天,祝你有個奇蹟的一天! THE FACE OF CHRIST is the card of the day. This allows us to see innocence and a forgiven world. When you see the FACE OF CHRIST with someone the Christ Mind is emerging in you and it is a miraculous event. Have a miraculous day today!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒失望》 今天的卡片是《療癒失望》。當我們失望時,我們其實有期望外界照顧我們的需要,讓我們幸福快樂。期望、想用外界事物讓自己開心,是場會導致失望、挫折、匱乏、心碎的錯誤。這也掩飾了我們的分裂心靈,既想要需要被滿足,但又更想要獨立。放下失望、期望、以及底下的需要,我們就能修復一層連結,讓我們領受到先前期望之事。今天,讓我們覺察並釋放自己的失望,釋放當前的失望,以及過往的失望,好進入新一層的成功與豐盛。祝你有個甜美、順暢的一天! HEALING DISAPPOINTMENT is the card for today. When we have a disappointment we have had an expectation that something outside should make us happy by taking care of our need. The expectation and the desire to use something outside us to make us happy are mistakes that lead to disappointment, frustration, scarcity and heartbreaks. It also hides where we have a split mind and want the need met but want independence more. By letting go of disappointment and the expectation and need underneath we are able to restore a level of bonding that let's us receive what we had previously been expecting. Today let us be aware and relinquish our disappointments both now as well as ones we had in the past for new levels of success and abundance. Have a sweet a...


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒自我中心的教師》 今天的卡片是《療癒自我中心的教師》。自我中心的教師會把整個班級搞得都是跟他有關,跟他的特殊性有關,而不是跟課題有關。因此,因教學而帶來的影響就這樣被模糊掉了。今天,我們蒙召要釋放自己這一部分,好讓自己可以享有教與學的順流。祝你有個美好、有啟蒙的一天! HEALING THE EGOCENTRIC TEACHER is the card for today. The egocentric teacher makes the class about himself and his specialness rather than the lesson. As result the full impact of the teaching is blurred. Today we are called to release this part of us so we can enjoy the flow of teaching and learning. Have a beautiful, illuminating day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《樂園故事》 今天的卡片是《樂園故事》。這是在體驗天堂的喜樂,而且故事會在你的生命中持續成長。今天,享受天堂,讓天堂為你而彰顯。再次擁有神聖的愛,以及樂園的美好與趣味! THE PARADISE STORY is the card for today. It is the taste of the joy of Heaven and as a story this can continue and grow in your life. Enjoy and let Heaven show off for you today. Have the Love and beauty and fun of paradise once more!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《奮發》 今天的卡片是《奮發》。除非你狀態良好,可以面對奮發費勁的一天,否則我建議你從頭到尾都呼求天堂的後援來行事,這樣你才不會讓自己計窮力竭。而後你可以過個滿是恩典的一天,享有不費勁的果效。過個福氣豐盛的一天吧! STRENUOUS is the card for today. Unless you are in shape to handle a STRENUOUS day I suggest you call in backup from Heaven to do it all through so you don't use yourself up. Then you can have a graceful day and enjoy effortless effort. Have day that is blessed and bountiful!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《憶起》 今天的卡片是《憶起》。在每道失落、放下的背後,都有機會憶起我們的真實本質。每道寬恕,都能一瞥老天的容顏。挫折可以是一次機會,重生到更少執著、更多自由的新層次。這樣來看,挫折便不是挫折。當我們憶起自己的真實本質來時,其餘在世上的一切事都會消退,而天堂會揭露出自身的面貌。祝你有個精彩的一天! REMEMBRANCE is the card for today. Under every loss and letting go there is the chance to remember who we really are. With every forgiveness there can be a glimpse of God. Our set backs are not setbacks if they are seem as opportunities for birth to a new level where there is less attachment and greater freedom. As we remember who we really are everything else in this world falls away and Heaven reveals itself. Have an amazing day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒拿性來補償》 今天的卡片是《療癒拿性來補償》。我們會用性來防衛,掩蓋痛苦、失敗、罪惡感、恐懼。這樣,性就變成了沒有連結、無法領受的事了。性可以是有愛、好玩、充滿喜悅的事情。今天,適合來放下對性的不當使用,領受性愛裡頭那完整轉化、完全幸福的能量。祝你有個美好的一天! HEALING SEX AS A COMPENSATION is the card for today. This is where we use sex as a defense to hide pain, failure, guilt or fear. This then makes sex something from which contact and the ability to receive are removed. Sex can be a loving, playful and joy-filled event. Today is a good day to let go of any misuse of sex to receive its full transformational and happy energy. Have a fine day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《慈善》 今天的卡片是《慈善》。這反映的是祝福與豐盛,帶來幸福快樂的機會。今天,開放自己,領受一切要臨到你的美好祝福。祝你有個愉快的一天! BENEFICENT is the card for today. It reflects a day of blessings and abundance leading to happy opportunities. Today open yourself to receive all the good blessings coming your way. Have a gorgeous day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《「死亡並不存在」》 今天的卡片是《「死亡並不存在」》。這是奇蹟課程裡的一段話。這說的是,我們離開這個世界的通道不是死亡,而是覺醒。基督是第一位打破死亡幻相,進入永生靈性的人,同時也開啟了我們心靈的這一部分,幫我們超越我們對死亡的集體信念。「死亡並不存在」這份明白,讓我們敞開心靈,接納人間天堂。今天,真道會讓我們明白,我們是永生的靈性,沒有死亡。因此,我們能自由自在、幸福快樂。祝你有個美好、有啟蒙的一天! "THERE IS NO DEATH." is the card for today. This is a quote from A COURSE IN MIRACLES. It speaks of our passage out of this world not by death but by Awakening. Christ was the first to break through the illusion of death to eternal spirit and thus opened that part of our mind to help us transcend our collective belief in death. The realization that "THERE IS NO DEATH." is what opens our mind to Heaven on earth. Today the Tao is helping us to realize that we are eternal spirit and as such will never die. As a result we can be carefree and happy. Have a beautiful, enlightening day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《珍貴性》 今天的卡片是《珍貴性》。意思是,好好品味一天,享受每道關係、每份自然、每一次你領受到的仁愛,以及你給出的一切。今天,花點時間珍惜你的一切所有、已給了你的那一切。一切的珍貴都是由造物主所賜給你的。你可以停下來聞聞這塊披薩……。這天,可以來歡迎所有在身旁與內在的美好感受。就算是負面的事,如今也會為了你的療癒而出現,而非隱藏起來啃食著你的內心。祝你有個美好的一天! PRECIOUSNESS is the card of the day. It reflects a day to savor and enjoy every relationship, every bit of nature, every kindness you receive and all that you give. Today take time to value all that you have, all that has been given to you. The PRECIOUSNESS of all was given to you by the Creator. You can stop a moment to smell the pizza...It is a great day to welcome the good feeling of all that surrounds you and all that is within you. You can reflect the Love of Heaven to everyone in your appreciation. Even what is negative is now visible for you to heal rather than hiding and eating away at you. Have the most beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒心魔》 今天的卡片是《療癒心魔》。心魔,是我們憎恨他人、生命、自己的地方。心魔來自於一份你自己憎恨、投射到世人身上的自我概念。心魔掩蓋了我們心靈自身的天賦才華和領域。如果收復了這些地方,就能邀請到全新層次的力量與覺知。小我用心魔來遮掩這些地方的入口。今天,我們可以用新的眼光來看、來認出,無論我們在世上感知到什麼,那是出於一份對自己的概念,或是出於一份願望,希望某人就是那個樣子,我們才能有藉口,好可以獨立跟分裂。今天,適合來自我寬恕,將我們的心魔整合,回到平安、完整、新一層的信任裡。祝你有個美好的一天! HEALING THE SHADOW is the card for today. A shadow is what we hate in others, life and ourselves. It comes from a hated self-concept projected on the world or people around us. It hides gifts and areas of our own mind that if recovered would provide initiations to whole new levels of power and awareness. The ego uses shadows to hide gateways to these places. Today we can look with new eyes and recognize that whatever we perceive in the world comes from self-concepts or wishes to have someone be the way they are to give us an excuse to be independent and separate. Today is a great day for self-forgiveness and the integration of our shadows back into peace, wholeness and new levels of trust. Have a fine day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒要是對的》 今天的卡片是《療癒要是對的》。我們出現的每道問題、創傷,都顯示了我們要是對的,要證明自己的方法是最棒的,我們相信的事情是真實的。這一切幾乎都是在潛意識裡發生的,因此我們甚至會覺察不到這點。但是這樣對我們仍會存在負面的影響。如果你試圖要是對的,你是幸福快樂不起來的。而當你不幸福快樂時,你一定是在某件事情上要是對的。今天是適合來放下要是對的,傾聽自己身旁的回應。祝你有個奇蹟般的一天! HEALING WHERE WE ARE BEING RIGHT is the card for today. Every problem or trauma we have shows where we are being right and proving our way is best and that what we believe is true. Almost always this takes place subconsciously so we aren't even aware of it but it still affects us negatively. You can't be happy if you are trying to be right and when you aren't happy there is something you are being right about...Today is a good day to let being right go and listening to the feedback around you...Have a miraculous day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒對成功的恐懼》 今天的卡片是《療癒對成功的恐懼》。對成功的恐懼,會在各個層面上阻礙我們。只有等到我們明白了,其實沒有什麼好怕的,我們才不會受到阻礙。所有的恐懼,都是害怕失去,害怕我們面對不了下一步。然而,不管小我是怎麼跟我們說的,如果我們走向下一步,就會發現,我們其實是可以處理跟面對的。如果我們放下了自己的執著依附,恐懼就會跟著消失,會出現新的連結,讓你輕易前進。過個好玩輕易的一天,邀請成功來到你身邊吧! HEALING THE FEAR OF SUCCESS is the card for today. This holds us back in all areas until we realize there is nothing to fear. All fear is the fear of loss and the fear that we can't handle the next step. Yet if we went to the next step we would find that we could handle it in spite of what the ego has told us. If we were to let go of our attachment then simultaneously the fear would fall away and there would be bonding to easily move forward. Today let us let go of all of our fear and embrace all the success that Heaven wants for us. Have a fun and easy day and invite success to come to you!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒沒有感激之情》 今天的卡片是《療癒沒有感激之情》。沒有感激之情,是因為不了解真正在展開的事,小我的估量看不出,一切事物如何為了最好的結果而存在。一切的事若不是為了愛與喜樂,就是在藉由我們的煩惱來呈現內在需要療癒之處。今天,將沒有感激之情的部分交託給天堂,來讓自己的缺乏感激被療癒吧。這樣,你才能享受生命裡的每一刻。祝你有個美好的一天! HEALING UNGRATEFULNESS is the card for today. Ungratefulness comes from not understanding what is really occurring and how everything works for the best except in the ego's estimation. Everything is meant for love and joy or it shows by our upset  what needs healing in us. Today let your lack of gratitude be healed by turning it over to Heaven so you can enjoy all of your life in every moment. Have a wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《寶劍一》 今天的卡片是《寶劍一》。這張塔羅牌和撲克牌的黑桃一有著相同的意涵。意思是在真理內有了新的開始,能劃穿幻相。你的生命可以展開新的章節,有新的願景,既有創新,又有轉化。今天,享受這讓我們更上一層樓的新生吧。祝你有個美好、有願景的一天! THE ACE OF SWORDS is the card of the day. It is a tarot card that has the same import as the ace of spades. It means a new beginning in truth and it cuts through illusion. This can be a new chapter in your life with a new vision that is creative and transformative. Today let us enjoy the rebirth that can carry us further. Have a beautiful, visionary day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《高潮》 今天的卡片是《高潮》。我希望你也有。高潮是任何喜樂體驗、高峰經驗的象徵,讓你可以展開新的篇章、有更高的願景。高潮是重大的釋放與振奮。這張卡片是將有得力、有趣、甚至是奇蹟般的一天。祝你有個精彩美好的一天! ORGASM is the card for today. I hope you get one. An ORGASM is a symbol for any experience of joy or a peak experience that allows you to have a new chapter or higher vision. It is both a great release and an upliftment. This speaks of a powerful, fun and even miraculous day ahead. Have wonderful, amazing day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《成熟》 今天的卡片是《成熟》。這反映的是我們選擇用為自己的經驗和情緒負起責任的方式來行動,而非把他人當作藉口,將自身的罪惡感怪罪到他人身上,隱藏自身的使命。今天,有份成熟,可以幫你走向夥伴關係和輕易。為了身旁所有人,為了世界,請接受這份成熟吧。祝你有個美好的一天! MATURITY is the card of the day. It reflects a place where we choose to act in a responsible manner for our experiences and emotions rather than blaming others as an excuse to not hide our guilt and to hide our purpose. Maturity which leads to partnership and ease is being offered today. Please accept it for the sake of everyone around you and the world. Have a beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒〔小我自以為的特權〕》 今天的卡片是《療癒〔小我自以為的特權〕》。小我自以為的特權,是我們以為他人與世界有欠我們什麼。這是出自小我的要求,如果要求沒有滿足,我們就會發脾氣、嘟嘴。如果這要求被滿足了,我們就會打造出小我,任憑己意地挾持他人。今天,不管我們自以為有特權到什麼程度,都可以認出這項錯誤,為了愛和真理,放下特權,讓自己避開重大的痛苦。祝你有個幸福快樂、歡喜慶賀的一天! HEALING FALSE EGO ENTITLEMENT is the card for today. False ego entitlement is a place where we believe others and the world owe us something. This is an ego demand that throws us into tantrums and pouting if it is not met. Our major problems and traumas are typically places of tantrum. If our demands are met it builds our ego and makes others into being hostage to our whims. Today is a good day to recognize this false entitlement to whatever degree we have it and let it go in the interest of love truth and saving ourselves some major pain. Have a happy, celebratory day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒淒涼》 今天的卡片是《療癒淒涼》。淒涼是一份悲慘,本質是對老天和重要他人的控訴。我們試圖證明祂做得很爛,值得擁有天堂冠冕的是我們。今天,無論那份淒涼明不明顯,我們都可以放下這一切的淒涼,過上一場美好人生。祝你有個精彩的一天! HEALING DESOLATION is the card of the day. Desolation is a level of misery that is meant to be an indictment of God and significant others. We are trying to prove he did a bad job and we deserve to have Heaven's throne. Today we can let go of all the hidden and not so hidden caches of desolation and have a beautiful life instead. have an amazing day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《老大(原型)》 今天的卡片是《老大(原型)》。老大反映的是領袖天生的真理與責任,不只是想完成任務,同時也想照顧到團隊。老大要鼓舞人,會靠效率,也會靠效果 。今天,歡迎你內在的老大,為己為人,呈現你自身的天賦全能。祝你有個美好得力的一天! THE BOSS (ARCHETYPE) is the card for today. It reflects the natural truth and responsibility of a  leader who is not just wanting to get the job done but wants to take care of the team as well. THE BOSS inspires by both efficiency and effectiveness. Today welcome THE BOSS in you and assume your own natural authority both for yourself and others. Have a great and powerful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒角色》 今天的卡片是《療癒角色》。角色是防衛,是一種犧牲,不允許你領受,在你的生活裡製造死寂感,為錯誤的理由做正確的事情,不允許你做自己,是在補償恐懼、罪惡感、失敗感。不要因為應該而做某件事,而是選擇給出,你就可以從角色變成真實給出,帶來生命,允許自己領受。在一切事上,擺脫自己的角色,給出你自己,讓生命活起來。祝你有個美好的一天! HEALING ROLES is the card for today. Roles are a defense, a form of sacrifice that doesn't allow you to receive, sets up feelings of deadness in your life, does the right thing for the wrong reason, doesn't allow for you to be yourself and is a compensation for feelings of fear, guilt and failure. By choosing to give instead of doing something because you are supposed to you can change a role into true giving that brings life and allows you to receive. Divest yourself of your roles and give yourself in everything you do to have your life come alive. Have a beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《超越》 今天的卡片是《超越》。有了超越,我們就從原本的層次晉升到更高的層次。這會帶來重生,修復我們遺失已久的事物。超越是覺醒至新的願景,有著更大的愛與喜樂。今天,欣然走出到更高層次的這一步吧。祝你有個精彩的一天!(從我的iphone送出) TRANSCENDENCE is the card for the day. With Transcendence we go from the level we are on to a much higher level. This creates a rebirth and a restoration of what we lost a long time ago. It is an awakening to a new vision with greater love and joy. Today welcome in this step to a higher level. Have an amazing day!! Sent from my iPhone


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《信念》 今天的卡片是《信念》。信念是一份強大的療癒力。我們有選擇,是要把心靈的力量放在信念還是恐懼。情況的結果會顯示出我們選擇的結果。今天,以及這一整個月,都選擇信念。你知道一切都會有最好的結果的,因為你已將心靈的力量都投注在最好的結果上,不留擔心的餘地。祝你有個最棒的一天! FAITH is the card for today. FAITH is one of the great healing powers. WE choose whether we put the power of our mind toward FAITH or fear and the results of any situation shows where we put the power of our mind. Today and for the whole month choose FAITH. When you know it will all end well because you have put your mind behind it there is no room for worry. Have a great day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《願景家的故事》 今天的卡片是《願景家的故事》。意思是這天我們可以敞開領受指引和創造力。創造力要我們看見自己和人們前方的道路。創造力始於我們的陰柔面,始於領受的勇氣,再藉由我們的陽剛面和世界分享。今天,讓我們敞開心靈,不只是敞開接受願景,更是將願景納為一種生活方式。創造力與願景是愛的行動。祝你有個美好、有著興奮之情的一天! THE VISIONARY STORY is the card for today. It means a day in which we can open to guidance and the creative force that wants us to see the way forward for ourselves and others. It begins with our feminine side and the courage to receive and it is then our masculine side that shares it with the world. Today let us open our mind to not just vision but vision as a way of life. Creativity and vision are acts of love. Have a beautiful and exciting day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒犧牲(對痛苦的需要)》 今天的卡片是《療癒犧牲(對痛苦的需要)》。犧牲的角色是因痛苦而開始的,並且試圖補償分裂開始時出現的罪惡感。因著吸引力法則,因著有罪惡感就需要懲罰自己的渴求,我們內在的痛苦,會去呼求更多的痛苦來,搞得好像這樣就能成功解決問題一樣。然而,今天,一切都可以得著釋放,不用再把心力投注在這些事上頭,因為真理可以穿透罪惡感的幻相,以及對犧牲與痛苦的渴求。今天,讓我們得著自由,不再找藉口躲藏。今天,讓我們覺醒於自己的本質與受造之初的身分。祝你有個精彩的一天! HEALING SACRIFICE, THE CALL FOR PAIN is the card of the day. The role of sacrifice begins with pain and attempts to compensate for the guilt that begins with separation. The pain we have inside calls for more pain by the law of attraction and the desire to punish ourselves for the guilt as if that ever worked. But today is a day in which all of that can be relinquished and no longer invested in as truth can cut through the illusion of guilt and the desire for sacrifice and pain. Today let us be free and no longer use excuses to hide. Today let us awaken to who we are and the identity given us at creation. Have an amazing day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒在性與生活裡的放縱》 今天的卡片是《療癒在性與生活裡的放縱》。放縱是我們用來補償自己的犧牲的。放縱會建立起犧牲與放縱的惡性循環。放縱不會讓我們領受的。放縱不會讓我們恢復精神。放縱會讓我們跟犧牲時一樣疲累。因此,療癒放縱,其實也是在療癒犧牲。放縱不會允許連結的,療癒放縱才會允許愛與豐盛的給出與領受。今天,過個豐富、能好好享受的一天! HEALING INDULGENCE IN SEX AND LIFE is the card for today. Indulgence is what we use to make up for the sacrifice we are in. It sets up a vicious circle between sacrifice and indulgence. Indulgence does not let us receive. It does not refresh us. It makes us as tired as sacrifice so to heal indulgence  is to heal levels of sacrifice also. Indulgence doesn't allow connection and healing it allows the giving and receiving of love and abundance. Have a rich and enjoyable day today!!