
目前顯示的是 10月, 2018的文章


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《年輕人(原型)》 今天的卡片是《年輕人(原型)》。這是正向、可愛迷人、甚至是美好的能量,讓我們變得年輕、愉快。這原型拓寬我們的視野,給我們能量與希望。今天,喚醒內在的年輕人,不管你年紀有多大,都給自己支持打氣一下。祝你有個美好的一天! THE YOUTH (ARCHETYPE) is the card for today. This is a positive, winsome and even beautiful energy that makes us younger and delightful. It gives us energy and hope as it broadens our horizons. Today invoke the YOUTH inside and bring to however old you are to give yourself a boost. Have a great day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《動物原型》 今天的卡片是《動物原型》。問問自己,你有那些動物原型。今天,這個動物要來用它的能量來幫助你。它是你的摯友、你的圖騰、你的靈魂動物……它可以在夢境與冥想中引導你。如果你與之連結,你甚至可以跟它對話。祝你有個幸福快樂、恢復更新的一天! ANIMAL ARCHETYPE is the card for today. Ask yourself what archetype of all the animals you have presently up for you. This animal is meant to help you today with its energy. It is your familiar, your totem, your spirit animal...It can guide you in dreams and meditation. You can even dialogue with it if you bond with it. Have a happy and refreshing day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《迷人》 今天的卡片是《迷人》。這反映的是神奇、奇蹟的體驗。這是幸福美妙的時光,恢復生命與關係的潛能。今天,生命會出現新的浪漫。過個超級美好的一天吧! ENCHANTING is the card for the day. It reflects both magical and miraculous experiences. It is a happy time of wonder and a renewal of what life and relationships can be. Today there is a new romance of life. Have the most beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《熱情》 今天的卡片是《熱情》。這字源於希臘字,en theos,意思是在神之中。這是一股擁護、讚揚某個人、某件事的熱情能量。熱情會自帶能量。如果我們接納熱情,熱情是不會消耗能量的,熱情會提供能量。今天,盡其所能地熱情,過個精彩的一天吧! ENTHUSIASTIC is the card for today. The word comes from the Greek, en theos, meaning in God. It is the passionate energy that endorses and celebrates something or someone. ENTHUSIASM provides it own energy. It doesn't take energy it gives energy if we embrace it. Today be as ENTHUSIASTIC as you can and have an amazing day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒毀壞》 今天的卡片是《療癒毀壞》。毀壞是我們極有破壞力的模式。我們打造自己的人生,只為了覺得厭煩,像個三歲小孩一樣把積木推倒。今天,要來捕捉並療癒這樣的自我破壞模式。天堂有給我們這樣的療癒力量。過個奇蹟般的一天吧! HEALING UNDOING is the card for today. Undoing is one of the most destructive patterns we have. We build up our life only to get tired of it and send it crashing down like a 3 year old with blocks. Today is a day to catch and heal that self-destructive pattern. Heaven iOS with us in that endeavor. Have a miraculous day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《訣竅》 今天的卡片是《訣竅》。這是發展出來的能力,難以解釋,超越一般才華禮物的範圍。訣竅可以讓你的生命更加輕易,有誠信地運用,則會讓許多人的生命更加輕易。今天,敞開心,認出自己已發展出來、或是即將出現的訣竅。訣竅是很好玩的,會讓你處在順流中。祝你有個精彩的一天! Knack is the card for the day. It is a developed ability that is uncanny and beyond the range of typical gifts. It can make your life easier and used with integrity make many peoples lives easier. Today be open to the recognition of a KNACK that has developed or is about to develop in you. Knacks are fun and they put you in the flow. Have a great day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒各種犧牲》 今天的卡片是《療癒各種犧牲》。各種犧牲都是一種受害、疾病、死亡。這裡頭也包括一切的不開心。我們若學到,沒有一種犧牲是必要的,那我們就會把自己從小我給我們的計畫中大大地釋放出來。今天,有意願地釋放各種你讓自己陷入的犧牲。祝你有個奇蹟般的一天! HEALING THE MANY FORMS OF SACRIFICE is the card for today. The many forms of sacrifice are all forms of victimization, illness and death. It includes all that is unhappy. When we learn that none of that is necessary we will have freed ourselves of a great deal of the ego's plan for us. Today be willing to relinquish the many forms of sacrifice you catch yourself in. Have a marvelous day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒要求》 今天的卡片是《療癒要求》。療癒要求,就是療癒既渴望目標、又渴望獨立的分裂心靈。一切都是要賜給我們每一個人的,因此無須要求,只需邀請。放下對自己和他人的要求,我們就會大大降低自己的壓力程度,也更有可能輕易、蒙恩地成功。祝你有個精彩的一天! HEALING DEMANDS is the card for today. This heals the split mind of wanting the goal but wanting independence also. It gives to ourselves and others fully so there is no need for demands only invitations. By taking off demands on ourselves and others we lower our stress level significantly and are much more likely to succeed easily and gracefully. Have an amazing day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒性幻想與罪惡感的陰謀》 今天的卡片是《療癒性幻想與罪惡感的陰謀》。這反映的是我們有性幻想、在心靈裡對伴侶不真實所感到的罪惡感。心靈才是真忠貞的發源地、不當幻想的案發現場。慾望是索取的一種形式,因此是一種攻擊,會伴隨著罪惡感。性方面,我們常常會有幻想,這很常見,但是這是解離的,所以這當中沒有親密。今天,可以來將心靈保持在愛與神聖的愛之中,這樣你就會在性、生命、愛這些方面過個精彩多汁、喜樂滿滿的一天! HEALING THE SEXUAL FANTASY-GUILT CONSPIRACY is the card for the day. It reflects a place we feel guilty for our sexual fantasies when we are untrue to our partner in our mind which is where real fidelity takes place or have inappropriate fantasies.  Lust is a form of taking and thus an attack so it always brings guilt with it. With sex we often fantasize about it and that is normal it also brings guilt cutting off connection. Fantasy has the same dynamics guilt in that it dissociates so intimacy is lost. Today is a good day to keep your mind on love and Divine Love instead so you can have a juicy, joyous day in regard to sex and life and love!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《天堂的寧靜》 今天的卡片是《天堂的寧靜》。這反映的是平安與寧靜的層面,能帶來療癒,讓你跟自己的本質接觸。天堂的寧靜出現時,寂靜遍佈世界,只有下雪時刻可以稍稍比擬。天堂的寧靜讓心靈安靜下來,歡迎一切與平安一同來到的美好事物,像是愛、健康、豐盛。今天,感受你內在的安靜,消融壓力,讓自己和旁人都蒙福。祝你有個精彩的一天! THE HUSH OF HEAVEN is the card for today. This reflects a level of peace and serenity that heals and gets yo in touch with your essence. Snow falling is a small approximation of of the hush that comes over the world when THE HUSH OF HEAVEN is present. It quiets the mind and welcomes all good things that come with peace such as love, health and abundance. Today feel the quietness inside you melting away stress blessing you and those around you. Have an amazing day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《先鋒》 今天的卡片是《先鋒》。先鋒是正向的原型,會帶領人找到對大家都安全的出路。今天,你蒙召要在自己的生命裡成為能協助他人向前邁進的先鋒。傾聽內在的指引,尋找外頭的徵兆,道路就會依天堂之所願來展開。祝你有個精采絕倫的一天! THE PIONEER is the card for today. It is a positive archetype that leads someone to find the way forward that is safe for everyone. Today you are called to be a PIONEER in your own life in such a way that it helps others move forward. Listen to the guidance within and look for the signs outside you and the path will unfold as Heaven intended it. Have spectacular day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒我們異常艱困之處》 今天的卡片是《療癒我們異常艱困之處》。這反映的是,天堂會對我們長期受困之處行大奇事。長期受困之處,反映的是我們自身深藏的叛逆層面。然而,在今天,這部分可以得到化解、消除。祝你有個美好的一天! HEALING WHERE WE ARE SUPER STUCK is the card for today. This reflects a major doing by Heaven of where we have been chronically stuck. A place like this reflects buried level of rebellion on our part. But today is a day that this can be dissolved and dispelled. Have the most beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒優越與自卑的陰謀》 今天的卡片是《療癒優越與自卑的陰謀》。自卑與優越形成了惡性循環,因此如果你有其中一個的話,那你其實兩個都有。這是競爭陷阱,你心靈的兩邊在爭搶「直播」的時間。這樣你就會困在死亡區,阻礙了夥伴關係,因為你把注意力放在錯誤的事情上了。你其實可以把注意力放在愛、放在幸福快樂上,因為這些東西會帶來其他所有的禮物。問問自己有多少這樣的陰謀,選擇放掉,投注在喜樂上,不要投注在你的小我上。祝你有個奇蹟滿滿的一天! HEALING THE SUPERIOR-INFERIOR CONSPIRACY is the card for today. Inferiority and superiority form a vicious circle so that if you have one you will actually have both. This is a trap of competition where even two parts of your mind compete for 'air-time'. This keeps you in a dead zone that stops partnership because you are paying attention to the wrong thing. You could be paying attention to love or happiness as these would bring all the other gifts. Ask how many of these conspiracies you have and choose to let hem go investing in joy rather than your ego. Have a marvelous day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒黑暗故事》 今天的卡片是《療癒黑暗故事》。許多人花了一輩子的時間,一直在撰寫悲傷、犧牲、甚至是成為悲劇的故事,在自己做的每件事上都渲染了故事的色彩。這樣會消耗到關係、家庭、工作、自己的能量。而在生命更深的層面裡,讓自己憂鬱、不幸福,或者就只是讓自己到不了快樂的狀態而已。今天,我們可以認出、釋放自己的黑暗故事,去愛內在這個編造故事的小孩,直到內在小孩成熟長大,和自己融合起來。這樣會帶來信心與完整。有了這份釋放,你會在生命中體驗到重生。祝你有個精彩奇妙的一天! HEALING DARK STORIES is the card for today. Many people have been writing a sad, sacrificial or even a tragic story all their lives. It colors everything they do. It takes away energy from their relationship, family, work and themselves. It goes on at a deeper level of their lives keeping them depressed and unhappy or at least less than happy. Today we can catch ourselves with these stories and relinquish them, loving the child writing them till they grow up and melt back into us. This brings confidence and wholeness. With this relinquishment you can experience a renaissance in your life. Have a marvelous day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒情緒操縱》 今天的卡片是《療癒情緒操縱》。療癒情緒操縱,我們就會以真實的方式來運用情緒,也就是清理過往的殘留情緒。儘管情緒通常都是由當下觸發的,但所有的情緒皆是過往積累在我們內心的痛苦。情緒沒有用在療癒上,就會被拿來攻擊、操縱。要是情緒有用在療癒上,那麼我們就會得著自由,得到更多的愛與自信。今天,可以來療癒情緒不成熟,進而邁向自由。祝你有個精彩出色的一天! HEALING EMOTIONAL MANIPULATION is the card of the day. HEALING EMOTIONAL MANIPULATION takes our emotions and uses them in a true way, which is to clear emotions left over from the past. All emotions, while typically triggered in the present, have come from caches of pain still within us from the past. Emotions not used for healing are used for attack or manipulation. When they are used for healing, on the other hand, they free us and give us more love and self confidence. Today is a great day to heal emotional immaturity and be free. Have a stupendous day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《幸福快樂》 今天的卡片是《幸福快樂》。幸福快樂是去愛、給出自己的結果。幸福快樂是創造、延伸自己的結果。幸福快樂是我們身為靈性的真實本質。幸福快樂是我們受造時的模樣,這一點不可能真的有什麼改變,因為老天就是這樣創造出我們來的。我們的小我只能用想的,認為自己可以改變自己的天性。我們也會因此而受苦,因為我們跟著投射了,而沒有在愛中延伸。今天,你有著能讓你幸福快樂的一切,其中包括自愛與領受。請接納這些東西,過個精彩的一天吧! HAPPINESS is the card for today. It is the result of love and giving yourself. It comes from creating and extending yourself. It is the true nature of ourselves as spirit. It is how we were created so it can't really be changed because it was how God established us in creation. Our egos can only think we can change our nature and we have suffered for it because then we project rather than extend in love. Today you are offered everything necessary for happiness including self-love and receiving. Please accept it and have an amazing day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒靈性制約》 今天的卡片是《療癒靈性制約》。任何宗教上、靈性上的思考方式,只要是會限制自由、壓迫真理、讓我們無法回到一的,就是靈性制約。今天,關於罪咎、天堂、老天、自己真實本質的信念,都可以消失散去。祝你這天有著不受凌駕的自由! HEALING SPIRITUAL CONDITIONING is the card for today. This is any religious or spiritual way of thinking the restricts our freedom and constricts the truth about our path back to Oneness. Beliefs can fall away today about guilt, Heaven, God or who we really are. Have a day of unsurpassed freedom!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒妒忌》 今天的卡片是《療癒妒忌》。妒忌是我們會面臨到的一種糟糕情緒。既然如此,今天可以來療癒一些妒忌,或是療癒所有的妒忌。每道分裂都加重了我們的需要與妒忌。然而,今天,真道會帶來療癒,帶給我們平安與信心。祝你有個美好的一天,得著療癒與完整! HEALING JEALOUSY is the card for today. Since jealousy can be one of the worst emotions we can suffer it is a great day when some or all of it can be healed. Every separation adds to our neediness and jealousy but today the tao is bringing the healing that can give us peace and confidence. Have a beautiful day of healing and wholeness!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒妒忌》 今天的卡片是《療癒妒忌》。妒忌是我們會面臨到的一種糟糕情緒。既然如此,今天可以來療癒一些妒忌,或是療癒所有的妒忌。每道分裂都加重了我們的需要與妒忌。然而,今天,真道會帶來療癒,帶給我們平安與信心。祝你有個美好的一天,得著療癒與完整! HEALING JEALOUSY is the card for today. Since jealousy can be one of the worst emotions we can suffer it is a great day when some or all of it can be healed. Every separation adds to our neediness and jealousy but today the tao is bringing the healing that can give us peace and confidence. Have a beautiful day of healing and wholeness!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《賭上一切》 今天的卡片是《賭上一切》。當你賭上一切時,你就自由了,事情就會變得輕易,你會敞開接納夥伴關係,你會變得真誠。賭上一切,不只是會讓你重新連結,還會讓你領受到你給出的一切。持續這樣做,就會帶來創造力、願景、使命。今天,適合賭上一切。祝你有個有願景的一天! VENTURING IT ALL is the card for today. When you give it all it frees you, makes things easy, opens you to partnership and has you be authentic. It not only rebonds you it allows you to receive for what you give. Done consistently it opens creativity, vision and purpose. Today is a great day to VENTURE IT ALL. Have a visionary day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《打造團隊》 今天的卡片是《打造團隊》。這張卡推動的是一體性。當兩個團隊彼此技能不分軒輊時,最有凝聚力的團隊會勝出。今天,留心團隊,留心家庭。因為團隊會讓每一個人有更多的成功,感受到更多的包容。過個美好的一天吧! TEAM BUILDING is the card for today. This is a card that promotes unity. When two teams are equal in skills the one that wins is the one that is most cohesive. Today is a day to look to the team and look to the family. As it builds everyone succeeds more and feels more included. have great day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《打造團隊》 今天的卡片是《打造團隊》。這張卡推動的是一體性。當兩個團隊彼此技能不分軒輊時,最有凝聚力的團隊會勝出。今天,留心團隊,留心家庭。因為團隊會讓每一個人有更多的成功,感受到更多的包容。過個美好的一天吧! TEAM BUILDING is the card for today. This is a card that promotes unity. When two teams are equal in skills the one that wins is the one that is most cohesive. Today is a day to look to the team and look to the family. As it builds everyone succeeds more and feels more included. have great day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《破壞者(心魔)》 今天的卡片是《破壞者(心魔)》。這是我們隱藏的一部分,會破壞自己與他人的生命。這通常跟我們心靈裡根深蒂固的冥界與壞態度有關。今天,不只是可以看見自己和旁人生命中的這一部分,還可以把這一部分交託給天堂來解除。祝你今天有個美好的釋放,得著自由! THE DESTROYER (SHADOW) is the card for today. It is a hidden part of us that destroys our life and others. It is usually connected to deep seated astral and bad attitude elements from our mind. Today is a day in which they not only become visible in our lives or the lives around us but they can be given to Heaven to undo. Have a wonderful day of release and freedom today!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒妒忌》 今天的卡片是《療癒妒忌》。妒忌起源於我們一切的失落、心碎、需要與不安全感,且會加深自我價值的低落、以及憤怒的情緒。妒忌是來自於分裂的心靈,一面又想要愛,一面又想要獨立。而想要獨立的這一面只是比較沒那麼明顯而已。今天,我們可以將心靈交託,療癒這些需要、療癒分裂心靈,好讓心靈解套。不管你在哪個地方沒有安全感,都過個美好的一天吧! HEALING JEALOUSY is the card for today. Jealousy comes from all our losses, heartbreaks, needs and insecurity and it adds lack of self-worth and anger. Jealousy comes from a split mind of wanting love and wanting independence though that is the more hidden side. Today we can heal the needs and split mind by turning our mind over for untwisting. Have a beautiful day in place of any insecurity!!