
目前顯示的是 6月, 2011的文章


今天 Chuck 博士抽到的卡片是《療癒不好的選擇》。所有的療癒在某個程度上都是矯正那些使我們遠離真理和幸福的錯誤選擇。我們的痛苦和疏離,顯現出我們做了不好的選擇。那是個導致我們受苦的不當選擇。我們創造出個“壞蛋”成為我們不用站出來去擁抱我們使命的藉口,其實這壞蛋是我們承諾要去幫助的人。我們還利用這些事件來遠離神 , 且認我執為統治者。所有我們生活中的痛苦都是我們我執顯現在潛意識裡的選擇。 是做出新且更好選擇的時候了,讓我們能保有我們及他人的天真無辜而擁有生氣快活。因為我們將堅守我們的天真或內疚在一起,但終究我們得從這兩者中做出個選擇。有個愉快的一天! HEALING BAD CHOICES Posted: 28 Jun 2011 05:18 AM PDT HEALING BAD CHOICES is the card for today. All healing at some level is the correction of mistaken choices that led us farther from truth and happiness. Our pain and separation shows us where we made bad choices. It was a choice that was a miscreation and led us to suffer. We made a 'bad guy' as an excuse so we didn’t have to step up and embrace our purpose and this bad guy was someone we had promised to help. We also used this event to separate from God and give rulership to our ego. All pain in our lives was this choice for the ego (as is shown in the subconscious mind). It's time to make new and better choices that enliven us while mainta...


今天 Chuck 博士抽到的卡片是《幸福的故事》。幸福是一個章節接著一個章節在我們的生命中被描繪著。我們已經決定,幸福是真實的,因為它來自於愛,其他的只是個錯誤,而這是可以被療癒的。我們決定成為一個愛的燈塔,因而成為幸福的溫床,將天堂帶來人間。有一個最優的一天,讓那影響著你的餘生! THE HAPPY STORY Posted: 27 Jun 2011 05:46 AM PDT THE HAPPY STORY is the card for today. It depicts happiness told chapter after chapter in our lives. It is where we have decided that happiness is the truth as it comes from love and the rest is a mistake and can be healed. We have decided to be a lighthouse of love and thus to become a plague of happiness, bringing a slice of Heaven to earth. Have a most excellent day that effects the rest of your life! By Chuck Spezzano


今天 Chuck 博士抽到的卡片是《將你的心智回歸於上帝》 , 今天就是這個神聖的日子。就在今天,你會記得你是多麼的可愛。今天你將讓你所有拒絕過的光與愛進來。你會為了天堂的奇蹟而放棄黑暗的課題。今天,你會放掉是個浪子而記起你有位豐富的父親祂是這麼的愛著你。你會放掉那些你遭受的不公正待遇,其目的乃是為了讓你可以否認上帝而照著自認為的幸福計劃去行(這對你又有了什麼進展呢?)。今天你可以讓所有一直在等待你領受的恩典進來。有一個絕對壯觀的一天! RETURN YOUR WHOLE MIND TO GOD Posted: 26 Jun 2011 05:42 AM PDT RETURN YOUR WHOLE MIND TO GOD is the card for today and a holy day it is.   Today you will remember how loveable you are. Today you will let in the Light and all the Love that you have denied. You will give up dark lessons for Heaven’s lesson which are miracles. Today you will give up being such a prodigal child and remember you have a rich Father who only ever loved you. You will give up the injustices you suffered whose purpose was to deny God so you could follow your own plan for happiness (How’s that going for you?). Today you could let in all the grace that has been waiting for you. Have an absolutely spectacular day! By Chuck Spezzano


今天 Chuck 博士抽到的卡片是《療癒害怕幻想的恐懼》。幻想的恐懼有兩個元素。一個是恐懼。無論我們害怕什麼,我們已經歷了恐懼的結果而且恐懼總是同時產生抗拒和吸引力 – 此乃是最分裂的心靈。我們害怕幻想,那是將彌補我們在生活所缺少的東西,所以幻想的恐懼意味著我們既要卻又抗拒它。我們害怕我們的需要。這一切的抗拒使我們卡住了。我們既希望幻想,卻又害怕去想,因為我們對這有某種的判斷。現在是我們放下我們的恐懼和幻想的時候了。接受我們正在做的和感覺到的 ,讓 穿越它成為一個結果。有一個美好的一天! HEALING THE FEAR OF FEAR OF FANTASY Posted: 25 Jun 2011 05:38 AM PDT HEALING THE FEAR OF FEAR OF FANTASY is the card for today. Fear of fantasy has two elements. One is the fear. Whatever we fear we are already experiencing as a result of the fear and fear always generates resistance and attraction at the same time--the ultimate split mind. We are afraid of fantasy, which comes about to make up for something missing in our lives, so a fear of fantasy means we want and we are resisting it. We are afraid of our need. All this resistance makes us stuck. We want the fantasy and we are afraid of because we have judged it in some way. Now is the time to let go of both our fear and our fantasy.   Accept what we are doing and feeling and ge...


今天 Chuck 博士抽到的卡片是《療癒死亡的誘惑》。我執會要我們被困在一個角落裡,且告訴它我們唯一的出路就是去死。但我執的死亡的誘惑卻是高層心靈及天堂對您誕生的邀請。一定有個更好的方法,只是重複帶著這樣的感覺就可以開始改變你的看法 , 直到一個新的誕生產生的。有一個很好的誕生! HEALING DEATH TEMPTATIONS Posted: 24 Jun 2011 05:44 AM PDT HEALING DEATH TEMPTATIONS is the card for today. It speaks of a place the ego has gotten us trapped in a corner and it suggests the only way out is to die. But what is a death temptation for the ego is a birth invitation from your higher mind and Heaven. There has to be a better way and just repeating this with feeling can begin to change your perception of the situation all the way to a new birth. Have an excellent birthday! By Chuck Spezzano


今天 Chuck 博士抽到的卡片是《想要擁有的唯一方式就是將它給出來》。 在某個層面上所有的問題都是企圖想從他人身上得到某種東西。所有的問題都是種抱怨,如果是個大問題,那就是在耍脾氣。在另一個層面上 , 所有問題的根源都來自選擇不給出,而把它隱藏起來。 我們給出的是那些你以為你需要被滿足的。你的天賦禮物仍然在你裏頭 , 等著您的看見和推動 , 去為你周圍那些需要的人而打開吧。 你所需要的都在你身上!所有你的受傷那是你害怕發光或恐懼你不能給。但它就是在你那。你為了獨立而打破的連繫 ,導致你 試圖去要或去奪,但那卻使你更加痛苦。 我們不敢給,因為這會反彈回來,我們將失去自我的獨立性,但另一方面,我們將恢復自由和真理。 該是給出你想要及所需要的時候,因為你內在擁有它,而且因為你的給予讓你知道你絕對的擁有它。什麼會啟動你給出這些天賦禮物 - 是在你周圍的人迫切需要幫助時嗎? 當它其實是可以很容易做到時 , 不要讓自己被這麼地督促。如果你想要它,給出它,它是唯一的方法,除非你有勇氣接受。有一個美好! THE ONLY WAY TO HAVE IT IS TO GIVE IT Posted: 22 Jun 2011 03:06 PM PDT THE ONLY WAY TO HAVE IT IS TO GIVE IT is the card for today. All problems at one level are an attempt to get something from someone. All problems are complaints and if the are big problems they are tantrums. At another level the root of all problems came from deciding to not give and hide instead.   Our giving what you thought you needed fulfills you. Your gifts still wait within you for your recognition and motivation to open ...


今天 Chuck 博士抽到的卡片是《信守承諾》。它指的是履行我們的使命 , 也就是去享有幸福快樂,全心全意地療癒我們所有的問題,局限性和消極性,去幫助這世界,其實我們會做的也只有這些。我們的靈魂承諾要救某些人 , 甚至將他們從自我中拯救出來 。 這包括我們的家人和所有主要的關係以及其他的人們。 為了保持我們的承諾 ,我們需要依靠恩典通過我們來達成這一切。這既讓我們願意藉此方式貢獻出來而且這也助益了這世界 。 所有的主要問題和創傷都有這種隱藏動力的藉口 , 不去信守我們的承諾。 信守我們的承諾 是要有幸福的這一生的重要關鍵。 有一個最優秀的一天! KEEPING YOUR PROMISE Posted: 21 Jun 2011 01:51 AM PDT KEEPING YOUR PROMISE is the card for today,. It denotes fulfilling our purpose to be happy, dedicate ourselves to healing all our problems, limitations and negativity, helping the world and doing that bit that only we can do. We made soul promises to help certain people and even save them from themselves. This includes our family and all major relationships as well as others. To KEEP OUR PROMISES we need to rely on grace doing all of it through us. This both makes us happy to contribute in these ways and it help's the world. Major problems and trauma all have the hidden dynamic of an excuse to not keep our promises. KEEPING OUR PROMISES is on...


今天 Chuck 博士抽到的卡片是《能量治療》。宇宙中的一切都是由能量組成,所以我們可以移動能源,並藉由我們有意志的企圖來治療。我們的手,特別帶著這些渦流的能量就和我們身體的脈輪和身體裡所有的能量點一樣。我們可以將能量傳遞給生病或枯竭的人帶來完全。藉由愛和與天堂連接,能量就倍增了。很多人在這種能量治療上非常有天賦,其實每個人都有這能力,且可以更將它開發得更多。有一個充滿活力的一天! Posted: 20 Jun 2011 12:25 PM PDT ENERGY HEALING is the card for today. Everything in the Universe is made up of energy, so we can move the energy and use it for healing through our intention, which taps into our will. Our hands especially carry these vortexes of energy as well as the chakras and all the energy spots in our body. We can channel energy in to someone who is sick or depleted to bring wholeness. Done with love and connected with Heaven, the energy is multiplied. Many people are exceptionally gifted in this type of healing but everyone has it and can develop it more. Have an energetic day! By Chuck Spezzano


今天 Chuck 博士抽到的卡片是《知曉》。知曉是確知而確知既是實力也是權力。要知曉,我們必須澄清任何誤解。我們是否有誤解是很容易判斷的,誤解就是當我們會覺得不舒服和有評判時。感知牽涉解釋,但知曉是超越這兩者,它是一個肯定的真理。既然知曉涉及確知性而如奇蹟課程所述“上帝始終是確知的”而知曉帶我們超越時間去創造思維。愛一個人就是要正確地去理解他們,這是,你了解他們的根基。有一個很好的一天! KNOWING Posted: 19 Jun 2011 10:27 AM PDT KNOWING is the card for today. KNOWING is certainty and certainty is both strength and power. To know we must clear up any misperceptions. It is easy to tell if we have a misperception because we will feel bad and have a judgment. Perception involves interpretation but knowing is beyond both; it is an affirmation of truth. Since KNOWING involves certainty and "Certainty is always of God" as A COURSE IN MIRACLES STATES then KNOWING takes us beyond time to creative thinking. To love someone is to perceive them correctly and this is the foundation for you to KNOW them. Have an excellent day!   By Chuck Spezzano


今天 Chuck 博士抽到的卡片是《好時光》。它講的是樂趣,友誼和玩耍。這是一個復原和喫茶點的時間。這是一個可以放鬆和自己享受的時間,它是一個娛樂的時間。擁有美好的一天! GOOD TIMES Posted: 18 Jun 2011 12:12 PM PDT GOOD TIMES Is the card for today. It speaks of fun, friendship and play. It is a time of restoration and refreshment. It is a time to relax and enjoy yourself; it is a time of recreation. Have a wonderful day! By Chuck Spezzano


今天 Chuck 博士抽到的卡片是《帕拉丁 PALLADIN 》。它所指的是靈性的戰士,他總是不斷地淨化自己,因此當黑暗降臨時,他們帶來的光明總是會將黑暗除去。他們是保護者與邪惡對抗,這就是為什麼他們致力於清白,讓他們有靈性的視野去超越邪惡。 帕拉丁們 PALLADINS 是人類的保護者,保護那些致力於正義和持續記得天堂的人,要讓不公義的事不會發生。不公義是我們無意識地嘗試忘記上帝,所以我們可以用我們自己的方式去做事情。有一個偉大的日子,靈性戰士帕拉丁們 !!! PALLADIN Posted: 17 Jun 2011 01:41 PM PDT PALLADIN is the card for today. It denotes a spiritual warrior who is always purifying so that when the darkness comes they bring the light to always shine it away. They are protectors against evil which is why they are committed to innocence so that they have the spiritual vision that transcends it. PALLADINS are protectors of humanity who are committed to justice and renewing the remembrance of Heaven so injustice cannot happen. Injustice is the unconscious attempt to forget God so we can do things our way. Have a great day, PALLADINS!!! By Chuck Spezzano


今天 Chuck 博士抽到的卡片是《靈感》。靈感是領導的禮物,帶來了順流。當你的情感和心智都同時被感 動時,靈感就發生了。唯一你可以啟發別人靈感的方式 , 就是你去分享什麼激勵了你。靈感將您提升 , 向您展示了新的可能性,並引導你往前邁進。有個敞開心的一天! INSPIRATION Posted: 16 Jun 2011 08:07 AM PDT INSPIRATION is the card for today. INSPIRATION is a leadership gift that brings the flow. INSPIRATION comes when your heart and mind are touched at the same time. The only way you can INSPIRE others is to share what INSPIRES you. INSPIRATION uplifts you showing you new possibilities and leading you forward. Have a heart-opening day! By Chuck Spezzano


療癒以性作為攻擊 今天 Chuck 博士抽到的卡片是《療癒以性作為攻擊》。以性作為攻擊使許多男性和女性在性上退縮,除非他們把性當作自我貶低。如果對男人以性作為攻擊這與用性為一種控制是有同樣的效果,他們會放棄自己喜歡的事情,以免有這種情況發生,那你已經失去了你能激勵一個男人的最好方式。對女人而言,將只會把感情收起來,所以就不會可口多汁,沒有那麼濃郁,也沒有心 , 而所有你得到的只是上下的“管道”。 攻擊別人就是攻擊你自己,你貶低了性的意義也關閉了讓性成為愛及溝通之門。當性成為一種政治,如同攻擊般,就失去了成為一個與別人聯繫的橋樑。性的攻擊導致另一種攻擊即是退縮攻擊。今天是個好日子,反思自己利用性在做什麼,並把它交託至你的高層心靈為你清理。讓它為了最高的完整而負責。有一個很棒的一天! HEALING SEX AS AGGRESSION Posted: 14 Jun 2011 08:20 AM PDT HEALING SEX AS AGGRESSION is the card for today. Sex as aggression backs men and women away from sex unless they are into sex as self-debasement. If you use sex as aggression with men it has the same effect as using sex as control, they will give up their favorite thing so as not to have that happen and you have lost your best way of motivating a man. A woman will just close up emotionally so there will be no 'juice', no richness, no heart and all you get is the 'plumbing'.   Attack on another is attack on you and you are lessening the meaning of sex and...


療癒重要議題 根據我的經驗療癒重要問題的最好方法,就是對你所有發生過的事,首先不帶任何內疚地去承擔責任,包括那些破碎的夢星座。假裝你想要這種方式。那你會是怎麼想的呢?你認為你會得到什麼呢? 通常為的是自我的獨立,叛逆或報復。但也有許多其他原因,最常見的乃是償還你的內疚感或隱藏帶著所有內疚和競爭的伊底帕斯情節。一旦你能夠承擔責任,您可以把它交給上帝去清除它。盡你一切的心意去渴望它且讓過程為你加速。信任你的過程,因為當它呈現顯露時,它或許會有一些意想不到的轉折點出現。 帶著愛和祝福, 恰克 Healing major issues Posted: 14 Jun 2011 08:31 AM PDT In my experience the best way to heal major issues is to first take responsibility (not guilt) for everything that has happened to you including such things as the constellation of shattered dreams. Pretend you wanted it that way. How come you wanted that way? What did you think you would get for it? Usually it's for independence, rebellion or revenge. But there are many others reason the most common of which is to pay off guilt or hide the oedipal conspiracy with all of its guilt and competition. Once you can take responsibility you can turn it over to Heaven for undoing. Want this with all your heart and the process accelerates for you. Trust the process as i...


今天 Chuck 博士抽到的卡片是《療癒浪漫的偶像》。偶像是我們在神面前所擺置的假神 。 我們認為我們的偶像會拯救我們,使我們感到幸福。其實正好相反。他們奴役我們,令我們失望,導致我們有許多破碎的夢境。女人通常有許多浪漫的偶像而她的伴侶卻有色情的偶像 , 你可以想像為什麼我們會有問題。問你自己現在你有多少這些偶像,就把他們放在上天的手上吧。當上帝愛是你真正想要的,不要走進死胡同了。順便說一下,在夥伴關係中,只要你丟棄你的偶像,你的伴侶就會丟掉他們的偶像。祝好! HEALING THE IDOL OF ROMANCE Posted: 15 Jun 2011 07:24 AM PDT HEALING THE IDOL OF ROMANCE is the card for today. Idols are false gods that we place before God. We think our idols will save us and make us happy. Au contraire. They enslave us and disappoint us leading to shattered dreams. A woman will usually have as many Idols of Romance as her partner has Idols of Sex and you wonder why we have problems. Ask how many of these Idols you have today and put them in Heaven's Hands. Don't go down a dead end when GOD as Love is what you really want. By the way, in a partnership, the extent you let go of your idols, your partner will let go of theirs. Have a good one! By Chuck Spezzano


今天 Chuck 博士抽到的卡片是《鯊魚陰影心魔》。它反映出我們會利用任何情況養活我們那貪婪內在的部分。這可能是反映在他人 ,或 在我們自己的行為上,也可能是深深壓抑著而完全的不讓它顯示出來。然而,它顯示或不顯示出來 , 它本身反映了我們內在自虐之處。 將所有的鯊魚陰影心魔融化成一個大鯊魚,並強化它,它不是個實體,而是個全像圖。走進它,它隱藏著一道去您失去部分心智的門戶。一旦你踏入陰影心魔,經過這道門關。有什麼發現嗎? 在極少數情況下,它是一個黑暗的地方,這時只邀請你的高層心靈將光明帶進去。然後邀請任何似乎需要你幫助的人來到這個地方。 問問自己 , 你剛剛重獲了你的心靈有多少個百分比 ? 有一個甜美和癒合的一天! HEALING THE SHARK SHADOW Posted: 13 Jun 2011 07:24 AM PDT HEALING THE SHARK SHADOW is the card for today. It reflects that part of us that will take advantage of any situation to feed the greed inside.    It may be reflected in people outside us or in our own behavior or it may be so deeply repressed as not to show at all at this point. However it shows or doesn’t show itself it reflects a place of self-torture within. Melt all your shark shadows into one big shark and step up to it; it is not solid but a hologram. Step into it; it hides a gateway to a lost part of your mind. Once you step into the shadow, go through the gateway. What do find there? In the rare case it'...


今天 Chuck 博士抽到的卡片是《療癒破碎的夢星座》。破碎的夢星座乃是一個在最痛苦的方式下陰謀的聚集。一個破碎的夢是心碎最痛苦的部分。因此,一個星座的建立,旨在情緒上削弱我們,並讓我們不在生命中展現自己以及不活出我們的使命。這是我執,為我們設下一種最令人困擾,最痛苦的陷阱。這是我們生命的光明一天,能清理掉這些。有一個美好的一天! HEALING THE CONSTELLATION OF SHATTERED DREAMS Posted:   12 Jun 2011 06:46 AM PDT HEALING THE CONSTELLATION OF SHATTERED DREAMS is the card for today. The constellation of shattered dreams is an aggregation of conspiracies in the most painful way. A shattered dream is the most painful part of a heartbreak. So a constellation is set up to emotionally cripple us and keep us from showing up in life and living our purpose. It is one of the nastiest, most painful traps the ego has for us and it is a bright day in our lives to be able to clear this. Have an amazing day!! By Chuck Spezzano


今天 Chuck 博士抽到的卡片是《 僧人 原型 》。 它 指的是 冥想 的 流動 ,祈禱 的本質和 修煉 上帝的存在 。 它 存在 世上,但 知道 還有另一個 更 原始的 現實 存在。 它是 在 尋求 無限的靈性, 愛和喜樂。 有一個和平的 一天! THE ARCHETYPE OF THE MONK Posted: 11 Jun 2011 09:18 AM PDT THE ARCHETYPE OF THE MONK is the card for today. It speaks of a flow of meditation, prayer inwardness and practicing the PRESENCE of GOD. It is being in the world but knowing there is another more primordial Reality. It is the seeking the spirit within that is limitless, love and joy. Have a peaceful day! By Chuck Spezzano


今天 Chuck 博士抽到的卡片是《療癒老闆心魔》。這顯然是指 “ 壞老闆 ” ,它描繪了一個老闆不重視他的員工,卻霸凌或支配統冶他們或極度逼迫他們。這可能會由自己身旁的某一個人或我們自己展露出來,也可能會被壓抑在我們內在裡。無論如何這是一個自我仇恨的隱蔽地方。 一個古老的說法 “ 當你有一個偉大的國王,你並不需要偉大的士兵們 ” ,但如果你有一個壞老闆,你被要求得強大。在更深的層次問你有多少個老闆陰影心魔,請求老天將他們整合,因而在自我攻擊時 , 你可以有和平與完整性。這使你有權力但卻不專制獨裁。有一個美好的一天! HEALING THE SHADOW FIGURE OF THE BOSS Posted: 10 Jun 2011 07:11 AM PDT HEALING THE SHADOW FIGURE OF THE BOSS is the card for today. This is obviously the 'bad boss' and it depicts a boss who doesn't value his workers, bullies or dominates them or pushes them too hard. It may be acted out by someone around us or by ourselves or it may be repressed inside. At any rate it is a hidden place of self-hatred. "When you have a great king you do not need great soldiers" is an old saying but when you have a bad boss you are called to step up. At a deeper level ask how many shadows of the boss you have and ask Heaven to integrate them so you could have peace and wholeness in the place of self-attack. Thi...


今天 Chuck 博士抽到的卡片是《明星》。當你打自內心的光輝而閃耀時,這流動就自然發生了。你給出的遠超過你自己,在某種程度上它反映了你的真實本質。今天,道就是這樣,你是你最好的自我。你單一專注而聚焦在目標上的遠超過你自己。這美好和恩典不是為了你自己的放縱而是要說明什麼是在往上天堂路上有可能發生的。您經驗到超然存在的強烈喜樂,就如同您超越過一般而達到高峰的經驗。有一充滿明星的一天和一個繁星點點閃亮的夜晚!   THE STAR Posted: 09 Jun 2011 12:01 PM PDT THE STAR is the card for today. This is the flow that naturally occurs as you shine from inner radiance. You are giving beyond yourself in a way that reflects more of your true nature. Today the tao is such that you be your best self. You are focused beyond yourself to the goal in one-pointed concentration. The beauty and grace is not for your own indulgence but to show what is possible on the way to Heaven. You experience the exquisite joy of transcendence as you go beyond what is normal to peak experiences. Have a STAR- filled day and a STARRY, STARRY night!! By Chuck Spezzano


今天 Chuck 博士抽到的卡片是《專注視於神》。 基本上它是我們所有一切問題的答案 。 因為這個致意療癒每個問題根源中的所有的情緒。臨在就在我們身邊,但我們的致意將臨在變得輕鬆。奇蹟課程中指出,我們創造這個不要讓神進入的世界。專注視於神改變所有的一切 , 邀請祂回來且帶來釋放和喜樂。有個美麗的一天! FIXATION ON GOD Posted: 08 Jun 2011 11:46 AM PD FIXATION ON GOD is the card for today. It basically is the answer to all of our problems because this remembrance heals all emotions at the root of every problem. The Presence is all around us but it is our remembrance that brings the Presence to light. In A Course in Miracles it states that we made the world to keep God out. FIXATION ON GOD changes everything and invites Him back in bringing release and joy. Have a beautiful day! By Chuck Spezzano


今天 Chuck 博士抽到的卡片是《內疚的偶像》。 偶像崇拜是虛假不真實的崇拜。我們建造一些東西成為神,並認為它能夠拯救我們,使我們幸福。任何偶像能粉碎你的夢想且幻滅你,但內疚罪惡感更是。內疚罪惡感是一種不汲取教訓,不要前進,且不要有親密或成功,並隨時懲罰你的道路。它會阻止您與恩典的連結,是與有價值,自愛和理解對立的。內疚產生恐懼,使你看到的未來如同過去的黑暗一般。 問你自己有多少個內疚的偶像?就如同做了一個糟糕的投資,放下它們吧。它讓你的自我在暴虐的控制你。祝有個從這個自我建造的監獄釋放出來的幸福一天! HEALING THE IDOL OF GUILT Posted: 07 Jun 2011 11:57 AM PDT HEALING THE IDOL OF GUILT is the card for today. An idol is a place of false worship. We have made something into a god and think that it will save us and make us happy. Any idol can shatter your dreams and disillusion you but all the more so with guilt. Guilt is a way to not learn the lesson, not move forward, and not have intimacy or success and to keep punishing you. It blocks your connection with grace and is the opposite of worthiness, self-love and understanding. Guilt generates fear; you see the future as dark as the past.  Ask how many idols of guilt you have and let them go as a bad investment.   It gives your ego tyrannous control over you. Have ...


今天 Chuck 博士抽到的卡片是《豐富源自自我價值》。這反映出一個事實,我們的豐富有多少就是我們的自我價值有多少。放下我們因為缺乏自我價值導致我們經常自我膨脹或縮小的自我,我們就可以敞開至更大的豐富。任何自我概念,即使是良好的,都會帶著自我價值的缺乏,因為它們源自連繫有分裂而任何分離就等於缺乏自我價值。今天,讓我們看待自己,如同天堂看待我們是具有不可估量的價值以及領受我們真正配得的,而不是如我們有時給自己的是微薄的或讓自己領受接納的是貧乏不足的。 ABUNDANCE FROM SELF-WORTH Posted: 06 Jun 2011 11:56 AM PDT ABUNDANCE FROM SELF-WORTH is the card for today. This reflects the fact that the amount of abundance we have is the amount of self-worth. By letting go of our ego which is always involved in inflation or deflation both of which spring from lack of self-worth we can open to greater abundance.   Any self-concept even the good ones have a lack of self-worth tied to them because they all spring up from a split from bonding and any separation equals a lack of self-worth. Today let us see ourselves as Heaven sees us--of inestimable value and receive what we truly deserve not just the meager portions we sometimes give ourselves or let ourselves receive. By Chuck Spezzano


今天 Chuck 博士抽到的卡片是《迷惑女神心魔》。它表明某事或某人帶領我們引入歧途。它或是被投射在外,但它是我們自己心智的一部分。現在是時候要問有多少是在你心裡。把它們融化在一起,然後將純淨的能量帶回到你的心。當迷惑女神在外面時,只要簡單地將你的心智以天堂作主,讓您可以做真實的自己,不要被拋出軌道了。   THE TEMPTRESS SHADOW FIGURE Posted: 05 Jun 2011 09:03 PM PDT THE TEMPTRESS SHADOW FIGURE is the card for today. It signals something or someone leading us astray. It may be projected outwardly but it is a part of our own mind. Now it is time to ask how many are inside you. Melt them all together and then return the pure energy back to your heart. As for TEMPTRESSES outside you, simply put Heaven in charge of your mind so that you can be true to yourself and not get thrown off the track. By Chuck Spezzano


今天 Chuck 博士抽到的卡片是《神的工作》。想像再次有一個無憂無慮的生活。當我們讓神經由我們做所有的一切,這自然會有更高的意識。一切都變得優雅和輕易,當你記得神的臨在就是在你及在你身旁。還會有什麼能嚇到你嗎?所以,就沒有缺乏信心,沒有缺乏愛和成功。這些經驗神的臨在,都一定會提高自愛。把你的未來放在上帝的手中。有一個快樂的,無憂無慮的日子! GOD'S JOB Posted: 04 Jun 2011 11:14 AM PDT GOD'S JOB is the card for today. Imagine having a carefree life again. It naturally comes with higher consciousness when we let God do everything through us. Everything becomes graceful and easy and when you remember the Presence is in you and beside you. What could scare you? So, there would be no lack of confidence and no lack of love and success. The experience of the Presence always increases self-love. Put your future in the God's Hands. Have a happy, carefree day! By Chuck Spezzano


今天 Chuck 博士抽到的卡片是《 寬恕 》。 我們 看到 ,我們感知到的 是不 正確的。 感知是一面鏡子, 不是事實 ,它顯示我們內在的準則, 向我們展示 我們的主要 期望, 情緒 和想法。 當事情 不愉快 ,它們 向我們展示 來自 我們扭曲 的自我 概念的感知錯誤, 。 我們的感知是一種選擇。 我們用它 來辯護我們的行動 ,但是當 它們被用來 辯護我們 自己的錯誤 , 我們的憤怒 , 我們的愛攻擊, 我們缺乏 的愛 和想要分離,我們將看到 黑暗 的世界 和痛苦。 如 奇蹟課程 所述 “ 我們必須 學會寬恕 ,因為 我們所 看到的,那不是真的 ... 我們看到 的,那是不 存在的 ” 。 所有的 寬恕是 自我 寬恕 ,當我們 對抗任何人就是在對抗我們自己和 所有其他人 ,包括 那些最接近 我們的人。 寬恕 糾正 我們的感知觀念,從而讓我們 免於問題和 隱藏的 內疚。 FORGIVENESS Posted: 02 Jun 2011 06:20 AM PDT FORGIVENESS is the card for today. What we are seeing, our perception is not true. Perception is a mirror not a fact that shows our internal frame of reference, showing us our dominant wishes, emotions and ideas. When things are unhappy they show us our perceptual errors that come from distorted self-concepts. Our perception is a choice. We use it to justify our actions but when they are used to justify our own mistakes, our anger, our desire to attack, our lack of love and will to separate, we will see a world of darkness and pain. As A COURSE ...


今天 Chuck 博士抽到的卡片是《 王者 原型 》。 這個原型 是我們潛意識 的 一種能量 模式 ,聚焦在我們是如何 的高貴與配得。 這個積極的觀點,不僅 顯示了我們 的配得也反映 出我們是如何 的象徵這整個高貴的領域 。 從我們的 陽剛面 向, 它 描繪了 我們作為 統治者 ,服務 這個國界。 這表明我們 站在我們的 位置, 去利益 所有 的。 國王 既不是 自我 膨脹 ,也不 浮誇 而是聰明 和高貴的。 擁有 莫大榮耀 的一天 ! THE KING ARCHETYPE Posted: 02 Jun 2011 08:35 PM PDT THE KING ARCHETYPE is the card for today. This archetype is the pattern of energy in our unconscious that focuses how regal and deserving we are. It is the positive aspect that not only shows our deservingness but also reflects how we are a symbol of the whole realm. From our masculine side, it depicts us as the ruler, serving the realm. It shows that we are taking our place to the benefit of all. The KING is neither self-inflated nor grandiose but wise and royal. Have a KINGLY day out there!! By Chuck Spezzano


今天 Chuck 博士抽到的卡片是《 瘋狂的智慧 》。 談到神秘的真理和原始洞察力往往帶著幽默。充滿愛心的溫暖瘋狂的智慧,使我們進一步在我們的心靈追求,並打開新的境界,藉以使我們更接近我們自己和神。這是瘋狂在字眼的最佳意義。也許世界看到了它是瘋狂的,但它在心靈的實現上,是非常有意義的。祝有一個明智的和瘋狂的一天! Posted: 01 Jun 2011 06:25 AM PDT CRAZY WISDOM is the card for today. It speaks of uncanny truth and original insight often laced with humor. Full of compassionate warmth CRAZY WISDOM leads us further in our spiritual quest and opens new realms that serve to bring us closer to ourselves and the Divine. This is crazy in the best sense of the word.   Maybe it is crazy as the world sees it but it makes perfect sense in the realization of spirit. Have a wise and crazy day! By Chuck Spezzano

2011/7/22-31 德國見習生課程相關資訊

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