今天 Chuck 博士抽到的卡片是《療癒不好的選擇》。所有的療癒在某個程度上都是矯正那些使我們遠離真理和幸福的錯誤選擇。我們的痛苦和疏離,顯現出我們做了不好的選擇。那是個導致我們受苦的不當選擇。我們創造出個“壞蛋”成為我們不用站出來去擁抱我們使命的藉口,其實這壞蛋是我們承諾要去幫助的人。我們還利用這些事件來遠離神 , 且認我執為統治者。所有我們生活中的痛苦都是我們我執顯現在潛意識裡的選擇。 是做出新且更好選擇的時候了,讓我們能保有我們及他人的天真無辜而擁有生氣快活。因為我們將堅守我們的天真或內疚在一起,但終究我們得從這兩者中做出個選擇。有個愉快的一天! HEALING BAD CHOICES Posted: 28 Jun 2011 05:18 AM PDT HEALING BAD CHOICES is the card for today. All healing at some level is the correction of mistaken choices that led us farther from truth and happiness. Our pain and separation shows us where we made bad choices. It was a choice that was a miscreation and led us to suffer. We made a 'bad guy' as an excuse so we didn’t have to step up and embrace our purpose and this bad guy was someone we had promised to help. We also used this event to separate from God and give rulership to our ego. All pain in our lives was this choice for the ego (as is shown in the subconscious mind). It's time to make new and better choices that enliven us while mainta...