今天Chuck博士抽到的卡片是《信守承諾》。它指的是履行我們的使命,也就是去享有幸福快樂,全心全意地療癒我們所有的問題,局限性和消極性,去幫助這世界,其實我們會做的也只有這些。我們的靈魂承諾要救某些人,甚至將他們從自我中拯救出來。這包括我們的家人和所有主要的關係以及其他的人們。為了保持我們的承諾,我們需要依靠恩典通過我們來達成這一切。這既讓我們願意藉此方式貢獻出來而且這也助益了這世界。所有的主要問題和創傷都有這種隱藏動力的藉口,不去信守我們的承諾。信守我們的承諾是要有幸福的這一生的重要關鍵。 有一個最優秀的一天!
Posted: 21 Jun 2011 01:51 AM PDT
KEEPING YOUR PROMISE is the card for today,. It denotes fulfilling our purpose to be happy, dedicate ourselves to healing all our problems, limitations and negativity, helping the world and doing that bit that only we can do.
We made soul promises to help certain people and even save them from themselves. This includes our family and all major relationships as well as others. To KEEP OUR PROMISES we need to rely on grace doing all of it through us. This both makes us happy to contribute in these ways and it help's the world. Major problems and trauma all have the hidden dynamic of an excuse to not keep our promises. KEEPING OUR PROMISES is one of the major keys to happiness in this life.
Have a most excellent day! By Chuck Spezzano