嬉戲象徵著一段因喜樂而雀躍的快樂時光。嬉戲說的是一種春天和更新的感覺,讓我們不由自主的歡慶,就好像當我們年青且無憂無慮時。嬉戲幫助我們記得我們是誰,及我們配得的喜樂。今天是值得歡慶,且與喜樂共同嬉戲的時刻!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian
FROLICKING signifies a happy time of
jumping for joy. It speaks of a feeling of springtime and renewal so that we
can't help but celebrate as if we were young and carefree. FROLICKING helps us
remember who we are and the joy we deserve. It is time to celebrate and gambol
about with joy today!!
FROLICKING Posted: 05 Jan 2016 10:56 AM PST