事實上,給予和領受是一體的,每當我們給出時就會有領受,反之亦然,因為它們是相同的。給予和領受就是結束所有二元對立和回歸一,超越了世界上所有幻相的元素。今天,讓我們擁抱我們的給予/領受,並慶祝有一個能回歸一的簡單方法。願有個輕易和美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
GIVING AND RECEIVING is the card for today.
In truth they are one as whenever we have GIVING there is RECEIVING and vice
versa as they are the same. This is then the element that ends all duality and
brings back the oneness beyond all the illusions of the world. Today let us
embrace our GIVING/RECEIVING and rejoice that there is a simple way back to
ONENESS. Have an easy and amazing day!!
GIVING AND RECEIVING Posted: 10 Jan 2016
11:11 AM PST