粘連是虛假結合的一種形式,用來補償我們分離時所產生的孤獨。這是一種病態附依的形式,阻礙了成功和親密。粘連時我們就會退縮和犧牲,看似美好,卻無法讓我們領受。今天的順流有助於我們朝向夥伴關係,平衡性和輕易往前走一步。當能夠真正地敞開心給予和領受時,這會使我們高興。願你有個美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian
HEALING FUSION. Fusion is a form of
counterfeit bonding that we use to compensate for loneliness that occurs when
we separate. It is a form of codependency that stops success and intimacy. It
is tied in with withdrawal and sacrifice on our part and while it looks good it
doesn't allow us to receive. Today the flow is helping us take a step toward
partnership, balance and ease. While being able to truly give and receive with
an openheartedness that makes us happy. Have a wonderful day!!