
目前顯示的是 7月, 2011的文章


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒控制》。控制來自恐懼和尚未療癒的舊心碎。控制乃是 企圖 避免傷痛再發生,而用 “ 我的方式 ” 來幫助人 , 這導致了權力鬥爭。這是種競爭,也是所有衝突和問題的根源。當放棄控制時,就開始邁向平等夥伴關係的旅程。當基於自信與和平,而不是控制及分裂心智 ,且 帶著勇氣去做時 , 將會有很大的回報。把控制交給老天 。 讓老天有其道,規劃你的生活 , 這將會比你所規劃的來得美好數百倍,有個被賜福的一天! HEALING CONTROL Posted: 27 Jul 2011 11:48 PM PDT HEALING CONTROL is the card for today. Control comes from fear and old heartbreaks that haven't been healed. Control is an attempt to save everyone from pain "my way", which sets up power struggles and leads to the very thing it attempts to prevent. It is competitive, the source of all conflicts and problems. To give up control starts us on the journey to equality and partnership. It is based on confidence and peace rather than control and the split mind it depicts. Have courage today and there are great rewards. Give your control to Heaven. Let Heaven have the tiller; it’s planning a life for you hundreds of times better than you are, Have a blessed day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《驚喜》。它暗示一個意想不到的快樂體驗,且讓我們輕鬆。 快樂的驚喜令人心快樂且有朝氣。但 對潛意識為我們所謀劃的消極東西 ,以及 否認和分裂的心智系統而言 ,卻 有許多的驚嚇。今天的流就是在一個甜蜜和幸運中漂流著。祝美好! SURPRISE Posted: 25 Jul 2011 10:36 PM PDT SURPRISE is the card for today. It betokens an unexpected but happy experience that lightens our day. Happy SURPRISES gladden the heart and enliven us. The negative things our subconscious cooks up for us are shocks to the system that occur from denial and a split mind. But today the tao is floating in a sweet and lucky way. Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《突破》。這是個很好的日子突破我們所有的停滯。擠壓的僵局終於可以被清除,抑制我們的將被釋放,因為我們終於放下那隱藏或不那麼隱藏的執著。有個最優的一天! Posted: 24 Jul 2011 10:43 PM PDT BREAKING THROUGH is the card for today. It is a good day for getting through what has been stopping us. The logjams can finally be cleared and there can be release of what has been holding us back because we have finally let go of the hidden or not so hidden attachments. Have a most excellent day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《朋友》。這意味著我們將會是他人真實的朋友而他們將也會是我們的好朋友。朋友會產生順暢的流動和輕易。將彼此連結在一個幸福及有趣的方式裏。好好享受今天。朋友是生命裡一個極大的祝福。 THE FRIEND Posted: 23 Jul 2011 10:31 PM PDT THE FRIEND is the card for today. It signifies that we will be a true friend to another or they will be a good friend to us. This generates flow and ease. It bonds us in a happy and fun way. Enjoy today. Friends are one of the great blessings in life.


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒期望》。期望是分裂心智的信號。我們對他人和我們自己的要求,我們也同時在抗拒著。我們認為,如果我們得到所幻想要的,我們會很高興,但它絕對是不夠用的。期望是對所需求和恐懼的一種補償 , 這就是為什麼我們用奪取,而不是去請求。我們覺得去真正處理我們想要的是不合宜的,我們會暗自擔心,如果我們領受了所要的,我們將會失去自主性 。因而 我執建議獲取或奪取,而不是去請求 。這樣 我們就可以維持我們的獨立自主性(照著我的方式而行)。然而,我們越要 , 我們就越覺得空虛。期望產生這麼多的壓力和隱藏的執著 。 我們無法給他人或自己的 , 我們卻期望別人給我們。當您發現自己有所期望時,設定目標和放下這將是所有這一切的解毒劑。有個順暢美好的一天! HEALING EXPECTATIONS Posted: 22 Jul 2011 10:54 PM PDT HEALING EXPECTATIONS is the card for today. Expectations signal a split mind. We demand something of others and ourselves and we resist it also. We think that if we get what we fantasize about we will be happy but it is never enough. Expectations are a compensation for needs and fear which is why we demand instead of invite. We feel inadequate to really handle what we want and we are secretly afraid we will lose our independence if we receive what we want. So the ego suggests getting or taking it instead of asking. That way we keep our independence (my way). Yet the more we take the emptier we feel....


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒瘋人心魔》。 這是一個令人嫌惡的自我概念,一種與我們自己分裂開的信念,我們壓抑它也常常將其投射在我們周圍的人,所以我們不用擁有和療癒它。在我們身邊周遭有人看似瘋狂,或者我們在生命的某個階段也像是瘋狂一般。是時候放下所有這樣的自我概念。它們是我執的錯誤見解,現在是放下的時候了,好讓我們可以繼續往前進。是時候原諒自己或那些因我們而瘋狂的人。有個有力量的一天! HEALING THE MADMAN SHADOW Posted: 22 Jul 2011 01:00 AM PDT HEALING THE MADMAN SHADOW is the card for today. This is a hated self-concept, a belief we have split off from ourselves, repressed and typically projected on someone around us so that we don't have to own and heal it. Someone around us may have acted crazy or we may have acted crazy at points in our lives. Now is the time to let go of all the self-concepts like this. They are mistaken aspects of ego and it is time to let go so we can move on. Time to forgive ourselves or others who have acted this out for us. Have a powerful day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《願景和療癒懶人心魔》。願景是積極的未來帶領著現在。懶人心魔是一種信念,認為我們是充滿自我憎恨的懶惰而且往往用忙碌和辛苦工作來補償這份懶惰。這樣工作既無效率也無法領受,因為這是種防衛而不是一種給予。願景能很自然地療癒心魔,我們藉著願景經歷所有冒險嘗試,願景就以正向的方式整合了我們的心魔。願景療癒了正負向的雙極性,並在無意識分裂的心靈中建立了和平與整體性。今天願景療癒了懶惰,其實懶惰只是我們恐懼的幌子。愛邀請願景療癒了恐懼。有一個很棒的一天! VISION AND HEALING THE LAZY BONES SHADOW Posted: 21 Jul 2011 12:25 AM PDT VISION AND HEALING THE LAZY BONES SHADOW are the cards for today. VISION is the positive future showing the way in the present. The lazy bones shadow is a belief we are lazy that is full of self-hatred and often compensated for by business and hard work. This generates lack of effectiveness and inability to receive because the work is a defense rather than a form of giving. VISION naturally heals shadows because in venturing all as we do with VISION, it integrates our shadows in a positive way. VISION heals the duality of positive-negative and creates peace and wholeness where there was an unconscious split in the mind. Today VISION heals the laziness, which is just a cover...


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《自由》。不幸的是有許多人害怕自由 ,這可以從 很少人能真正自由得到證實。獨立不是種自由,除非它不疏離而具有連結,這也代表著資源是豐富的。對大多數人而言 , 獨立常陷入了“我的方式”,勝過真實或最佳的方式。自由,具有輕易,夥伴關係,真實和承諾的相同動力。當你看到任何這其中一種的這些特質,你將會經歷這一切所有的特質。自由帶來成功和親密。這是具有更高程度的無憂無慮,而不是當扮演角色時的謹慎以及叛逆時的粗心大意。今天就為你的自由承諾吧。你的生命將相應的擴展出來。有一個自由灑脫的一天! FREEDOM Posted: 20 Jul 2011 12:34 AM PDT FREEDOM is the card for today. Unfortunately too many people are afraid of FREEDOM as evidenced by how few people are really free. Independence is not FREEDOM unless it is still connected rather than dissociated and thus represents resourcefulness. To most people independence is caught up in "my way" rather than the true way or the best way. FREEDOM on the other hand has the same dynamics of ease, partnership, truth and commitment. When you see one of these qualities you will experience all of them. FREEDOM brings success and intimacy. There are greater degrees of carefreeness rather than carefulness (roles) and carelessness (rebellion). Today commit to your freedom. Your life ...


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《消除恐懼》。為愛而選擇就能消除恐懼。這促使我們行在信任的道上。如果我們在愛裏,就沒有問題會發生。如果我們選擇愛,縱使有問題時也會朝向著幸福的決定自然揭露出來。事實上就只有愛或恐懼。所有一切都源至此。恐懼是種幻象,只有愛才是真的。所有的問題來自恐懼,而愛帶來所有的解決。有一個幸福及愛的一天! RESOLVING FEAR Posted: 19 Jul 2011 12:52 AM PDT RESOLVING FEAR is the card for today. To RESOLVE FEAR is to make the choice for love. This sets us on the path of trust. If we are on this path, no problem occurs. If we choose this path when a problem does occur the there is a natural unfolding to happy resolution. There is really only love or fear. All else stems from that. And fear is the illusion, so in truth only love exists. From fear comes every problem and from love comes the resolution. Have a happy, loving day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒罪和業力的陰謀》。這兩種陰謀都來自我執,因為它們都具有我執的主成分 , 就是內疚感。我執使用內疚感來充分滿足自己 , 使分離的幻像更加強烈。內疚感是一種自我懲罰的形式,當我們這樣做時,我們也將其投射出來而去評斷,責備別人,對人有怨尤以及用其他形式的攻擊和痛苦對待這世界。內疚感意味著我們不汲取教訓,卻強化我們的錯誤。藉由放下這些我執運用的陷阱和拖延 , 這正是糾正我們的錯誤和往前進的時候。有個最自由的一天! HEALING THE SIN AND KARMA CONSPIRACIES Posted: 18 Jul 2011 12:57 AM PDT HEALING THE SIN AND KARMA CONSPIRACIES is the card for today. Both of these conspiracies are made by the ego as evidenced by the fact that they contain guilt one of the ego's main ingredients. The ego gluts itself on guilt making the illusion of separation stronger. Guilt is a form of self-punishment and when we do so, we project our guilt onto others making judgment, blame, grievances and other forms of attack and suffering in the world. Guilt means we don't learn the lesson, we reinforce the mistake. It is time to correct our mistakes and step forward by letting go of these mistakes the ego uses to trap and delay us. Have most freeing day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒失落》。透過療癒失落,我們再次走向原是轉離的人生。使我們轉離了對憂鬱的偏好。療癒失落帶來新生 , 帶來連結,再次輕易。幫助我們重視自己的價值和做出更好的選擇,使失落不再發生。這是可以使你生命再次復興的一天。當你放下失落 , 將有更好的會取而代之。有個充實的一天! HEALING LOSS Posted: 17 Jul 2011 12:49 AM PDT HEALING LOSS is the card for today. By HEALING LOSS we head toward life again where we have turned away. We turn away from our predilection for depression. HEALING LOSS brings new birth and brings us to bonding and ease once more. It helps us value ourselves and make better choices so that losses do not occur. This is a day that could bring a renaissance in your life. When you let go of a loss something better comes to take its place. Have a great day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《願景》。願景是積極的未來決定了現在。這不是帶著恐懼糟糕感覺的沒學的功課 , 將其投射到未來。願景看得到出路。它是如此先進的能未來成為現在。這種創意具有最好的療癒形式,也引領了回家的路。願景像是個避雷針能啟動靈感。願景將使自己被這種為了每個人的利益的創造性力量所使用。願景乃是出於愛跨越了深淵 , 而成為他人跟進的橋樑。有個光明的一天! VISION Posted: 16 Jul 2011 01:50 AM PDT VISION is the card for today. VISION is the positive future determining the present. It is not the unlearned lessons with their bad feelings that are projected onto the future as fear. Vision sees the way through. It is being on the cutting edge as the future becomes the now. It is the best healing form of creativity that shows the way Home. Vision is a lightning rod that brings inspiration. VISION is letting yourself be used by the creative force for everyone's benefit. VISION is leaping the abyss out of love and making a bridge for others to follow. Have a bright day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒靈性精神的壓抑 》。靈性精神的壓抑阻止了我們的豐盛和愛的甘露。阻檔了我們的安全,豐富和整體性,且為限制性的信念所限制。我們的靈性精神乃是我們的真實身份,這原是無限的,卻因對自由的擔心而嚴重的侷限我們。今天是甩開我們的束縛,讓自己經驗到來自整體性的和平和活力。我們對自己靈性精神了解的程度就是我們領悟喜樂的程度。有一個美麗的一天! HEALING SPIRITUAL REPRESSION Posted: 15 Jul 2011 04:36 AM PDT HEALING SPIRITUAL REPRESSION is the card for today. Spiritual repression holds back our exuberance and the nectar of love. We block our safety, abundance and wholeness and restrict ourselves to limiting beliefs. Our spirit is our true identity and it is limitless but our fear of freedom limits us severely. Today is a day to throw off our shackles and let ourselves experience the peace and vitality that comes of our wholeness. The extent we know our spirit is the extent we know joy. Have a beautiful day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒睡覺的偶像》。這有助於我們清醒起來,讓我們穿越所有問題的根源之一 : 害怕改變。睡神不只是要我們不停的睡 , 就如同憂鬱的人經常嗜睡一般。睡覺的偶像也把我們鎖在山洞裡去看洞外真實所發生的反映。我們害怕模式的轉變,害怕用一種全新的眼光去看事情,其實這正是個人,國家和國際上所需要的。今天是個清醒的好日子。今天是讓這一直來運用恐懼和問題來束縛著我們的我執 , 去死的好日子。 HEALING THE IDOL OF SLEEP Posted: 14 Jul 2011 02:33 AM PDT HEALING THE IDOL OF SLEEP is the card for today. This helps to wake us up and get us over our fear of change that is one of the roots of every problem. The god of sleep is not just a god of wanting to sleep all the time like people do when they are depressed. The idol of sleep keeps us locked in the cave seeing reflections of what is really going on outside the cave. We are afraid of a paradigm shift, afraid to see things in a whole new way but that is exactly what we need personally, nationally and internationally. Today is a good day to wake up. Today is a good day to die to the ego which has had us in such a stranglehold of fear and problems.


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《幸運》。幸運顯示了我們有多麼地順。我們的時機就是恰恰好且與所進行的事完全同步。我們無罪,配得及值得。我們直覺行事,我們就是我們在做的。幸運即是生命註定能達到大鴻運。有個幸運的日子。有個幸運的夜晚!! LUCK Posted: 12 Jul 2011 03:10 PM PDT LUCK is the card for today. LUCK depicts the amount we are in the flow. Our timing is impeccable and we are totally in sync with what is going on. We feel innocent, worthy and deserving. We act instinctively and are one with what we are doing. Being LUCKY is how life is meant to be to the point of having great good fortune. Have a Lucky day. Have a LUCKY night!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒權力鬥爭》。來自恐懼的權力鬥爭,為的是試圖獲得需求的滿足,自認自己是對的或利用他人,因為我們都害怕下一步。今天,因為我們害怕成功或親密,我們要有勇氣往前一步,而不利用與對方爭鬥。當鬥爭使我們負向下滑時 , 整合彼此的爭鬥,彼此因而獲得最佳利益 ,而 有一個很深的癒癒。有個很棒的日子! HEALING POWER STRUGGLE Posted: 11 Jul 2011 05:17 PM PDT HEALING POWER STRUGGLE is the card for today. Power struggles come from fear, trying to get needs met, being right or using the other because we are afraid of the next step. Today we have the courage to step forward and not use another and have them act out because we are afraid of success or intimacy. Have a great healing day of integration of both sides of the fight to get the best of both while having the negative fall away. Have a great day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒疏離》。今天,我們有勇氣面對隱藏在我們裡面的痛苦,而可以再次成長。只有自我揭露我們隱藏的痛 , 我們才能治癒它。我們才可以贏回更多我們的心,看到更多的真相和方向。我們所覆蓋的痛苦,同時也掩蓋了我們的才華以及享用的能力。順暢的流動在增加,生活變得更輕易些。去療癒這最大的疏離。這是你配得的!有一個美麗的一天! HEALING DISSOCIATION Posted: 10 Jul 2011 05:18 PM PDT HEALING DISSOCIATION is the card for today. Today we have the courage to face the pain we covered up inside us and we can grow once more. Only by revealing to ourselves what we hid away can we heal it. We regain more of our heart and can see more truth and direction as a result. We have covered up the pain but also the gifts and ability to enjoy ourselves. Flow is increased and life gets a little easier. Go for healing the big dissociations today. You deserve it! Have a beautiful day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒佔有的渴望》。就是這種動力導致了我們所有的心碎 , 心靈這種被拒絕的部分也促使我們要獨立。我們害怕別人的佔有 , 因為我們自己尚未療癒我們自身這種佔有的渴望。該是時候去原諒它,放下它,為了成功和愛再次重新整合這種能量。祝美好! HEALING THE DESIRE TO POSSESS Posted: 09 Jul 2011 10:27 PM PDT HEALING THE DESIRE TO POSSESS is the card for today. It is this dynamic that led to all of our heartbreaks and it is the rejection of this part of our mind that causes us to be independent.   We are afraid of it in others because we haven't healed it in ourselves. Now is the time to forgive this, let it go and re-integrate this energy for success and love. Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《靈性》。它表示我們的道路是走向自我實現或認同,我們是靈性也是上帝的小孩。我們超越自我的局限,走向愛,快樂和完善的成長。今天就讓和平,愛和喜樂圍繞著你。 SPIRITUALITY Posted: 06 Jul 2011 12:13 PM PDT SPIRITUALITY is the card for today.   It denotes our path toward Self-realization or the recognition that we are Spirit and a child of God.   It is a growth of love, joy and integrity as we move beyond the confines of the ego.    Let peace, love and joy surround you today.


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《正確的關係》。這意味著我們為了連結,愛與療癒而有關係 , 而不是為了自我權力的擴張或奪取。因此所有的傷痛可以即時地用來解開一些現在和過去的誤解。這是調正我們走岔的路,享受我們走在正道上的日子。有一個可愛的一天! RIGHT RELATIONSHIPS Posted: 06 Jul 2011 11:08 PM PDT RIGHT RELATIONSHIPS is the card for today.   This means we use Relationships for joining, love and healing and not for self-aggrandizement or taking.   As a result all pain is quickly used as the key to unlock some present and past misperception.   It is a day to correct where we were off course and enjoy where we are on course.    Have a lovely day!


今天 Chuck 博士抽到的卡片是《狂野的喜悅》。無論是因為來自某種極大的成功 、 令人驚嘆的愛的經驗 、極美 的療癒 、 創意或神秘性經驗,這將會融化我執的巨牆 。使我們 斷然不同。有個最驚喜的一天! WILD JOY Posted: 02 Jul 2011 01:20 AM PDT WILD JOY is the card for today.   Whether it comes about because of some kind of great success, amazing experience of love, some great healing or creative or mystic experience it will melt a great wall of the ego and leave us categorically different.    Have a most amazing day!


今天 Chuck 博士抽到的卡片是《療癒在衝突矛盾中誇越一大步》。請仔細留意一下,今天你可能會遇到一個極大的衝突。無論它是在你的世界裡的的什麼事 , 你得把它提交出來。不管是因為你恐懼你的使命,害怕擔心下一步或覺得有所不足,它都來自於你自己。承諾你的使命和生命的下一步 , 這將改善你的生命。今天將會是你一個了不起的日子。好好運用它。有個美好的一天! HEALING A GIANT STEP INTO CONFLICT Posted: 01 Jul 2011 10:36 AM PDT HEALING A GIANT STEP INTO CONFLICT is the card for today.   Witness closely today because you may see a giant conflict appear.   Whatever it is in your world you had a hand in it.   Whether it is from your fear of your purpose, fear of the next stage or fear of inadequacy, it comes from you.   Your commitment to your purpose and the next stage in your life will transform it.   It could be such a great day for you.   Take advantage of it.    Have a big day!  


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《開花結果》。說的是自然的成功與親密。你已踏出正確的一步,所以得到了獎勵。今天是充滿美麗與成功的一天。不需要做些什麼,開花結果都是自然發展而成。祝你有甜美的一天! Monday, July 4, 2011 FLOWERING is the card for today.  It denotes natural success and intimacy.  You have taken the right steps and this is the reward.  It can be a day of beauty and success.  There is nothing to do it's an organic development.....Have a sweet day!


今天, Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒「被人利用」的故事》。療癒後,才會了解,當自己覺得被利用了,其實是在害怕自己的成功與親密,畏懼自身的偉大與使命,所以才拿別人當作藉口來阻礙自己。是時候該放掉這樣的故事,去擁抱你的使命。祝你今天充滿力量! HEALING THE BEING USED STORY Posted: 03 Jul 2011 10:25 AM PDT HEALING THE BEING USED STORY is the card for today.   It is here we realize that while we thought someone used us we were using them as an excuse and to hold ourselves back out of fear of success, intimacy, our greatness and our purpose.   Time to let all those stories go and embrace your purpose.    Have a powerful day


  今天 Chuck 博士抽到的卡片是《療癒害怕成功》。我們對成功是又愛又怕。會這樣是因為我們失去了連結(潛意識裡,我們其實不要成功,我們要獨立,要照自己的方式來。)。 假如我們是成功的,我們就會再一次連結,自由自在,不會這麼孤立。因為我們對成功有著矛盾心態,所以一面是汲汲營營,一面又避之不及。交融對成功的害怕和渴望吧。祝你有充實的一天! HEALING THE FEAR OF SUCCESS Posted: 29 Jun 2011 11:27 PM PDT HEALING THE FEAR OF SUCCESS is the card for today.   We want success and we don't want success.   This condition came when we lost bonding (according to the subconcious we actually threw it away to become independent and do this our way.)   Now if we were successful we would bond again and have freedom instead of disassociated independence.   This ambivalence about success causes us to work hard for it and also prevent it.   Melt together your fear of success and desire for it.   Have a great day!


今天 Chuck 博士抽到的卡片是《療癒防衛》。我們的防衛來自當我們的我執感到威脅時。我們就拼命攻擊而不去領受那會帶我們改變或減輕痛苦的功課。我執運用痛苦和情緒企圖不去改變。這些都是種情緒勒索,並建構了黑暗的課題,做為分離的牆。是該去投資在愛與信任的時候。是時候去釋放和順流活動。我們的我執對我們不感興趣,只有對其既定的利益有興趣。是該承諾毫無防衛和復興 , 來促進我們的生活了。有一個美麗的一天! HEALING DEFENSIVENESS Posted: 29 Jun 2011 04:46 PM PDT HEALING DEFENSIVENESS is the card for the day.   Our defensiveness comes when our ego feels endangered.   We use every manner of attack not to get the lesson which would bring change and relief.   The ego uses pain and emotion in an attempt not to change.   This is all emotional blackmail and sets up dark lessons, which it uses for its walls of separation.   Time to invest in love and trust.   It is time to invest in release and flow.   Our ego is not interested in us only its own vested interest.   Time to commit to defenselessness and the renaissance it promotes in our lives.    Have a beautiful day!