今天Chuck博士抽到的卡片是《療癒害怕成功》。我們對成功是又愛又怕。會這樣是因為我們失去了連結(潛意識裡,我們其實不要成功,我們要獨立,要照自己的方式來。)。 假如我們是成功的,我們就會再一次連結,自由自在,不會這麼孤立。因為我們對成功有著矛盾心態,所以一面是汲汲營營,一面又避之不及。交融對成功的害怕和渴望吧。祝你有充實的一天!
HEALING THE FEAR OF SUCCESS Posted: 29 Jun 2011 11:27 PM PDT
HEALING THE FEAR OF SUCCESS is the card for today. We want success and we don't want success. This condition came when we lost bonding (according to the subconcious we actually threw it away to become independent and do this our way.) Now if we were successful we would bond again and have freedom instead of disassociated independence. This ambivalence about success causes us to work hard for it and also prevent it. Melt together your fear of success and desire for it. Have a great day!