
目前顯示的是 8月, 2011的文章


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒黑暗》。當內在的光照射出來驅散黑暗時,療癒黑暗就顯然發生了。許多人害怕黑暗,但你是帶著光,來驅除掉無知和分離的黑暗。天堂之光,不僅在支持你,也在你身上。今天,讓它發光。下決心讓你生命發亮!有個美麗的一天! HEALING THE DARK Posted: 30 Aug 2011 04:17 PM PDT HEALING THE DARK is the card for today. This obviously comes about by shining the light within and dispersing the darkness. Many people are afraid of the dark but you are meant to bring the light which chases the darkness of ignorance and separation. Heaven's Light is not only behind you; it is in you. Today let it shine. Make up your mind to let your life shine! Have a beautiful day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《親自冒險》。這意味著,道邀請我們無論在做什麼,我們都全然給出。全然上線,投注一切,全然大膽一試。藉此我們開拓視野,擴展我們的心智和才華。這可能是帶動超越的威力一天,縱使當我們全然給出而被帶往前進時,我們仍無法確知最後的結果。有一個奇異的一天! VENTURING ONESELF Posted: 29 Aug 2011 06:27 PM PDT VENTURING ONESELF is the card for today. This means that the Tao invites us to give ourselves totally in whatever we are doing. It is putting it all on the line, betting it all, totally going for it. By venturing it all we open up vision and expand our mind and gifts. This can be a powerful day that carries transcendence and though the final outcome is not assured we are moved forward by our complete giving. Have an amazing day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒矛盾》。這是一個很大的療癒,因為它可能被隱藏在深處的潛意識。一些最積極的人若有這樣的隱藏,就可能導致疾病,或者在關係,金錢,成功等方面的匱乏。反思今天你的任何問題,意識到它來自隱藏或不那麼隱藏的矛盾。接受這樣的你自己。如果你沒有這矛盾,接受就沒有什麼大不了。如果你確實有它,接受它這可是非常重要的,因此你可以很自然地穿越過去。然後,原諒這部分的你自己和任何你可能將其投射的人。下一步將其交託在神的手上幫你去除它,最後整合它(藉由任何能使你實現和平,整體性和有著更大積極流動的正向能量將其融化)。祝好! HEALING CONTRARINESS Posted: 28 Aug 2011 06:45 PM PDT HEALING CONTRARINESS is the card for today. This is a big one to heal because it may be hidden deep in the unconscious mind. Some of the most positive people have this one hidden away and it can cause illness, or scarcity in relationships, money, success, etc. Reflect on any problems you have today and realize that it comes from hidden or not so hidden contrariness. Accept this about yourself. If you don't have it is no big deal to accept it. If you do have it is vitally important you accept so you naturally move past it. . Then forgive yourself and this part of you and anyone you may have projected it on. Next put it in God's Hands to get rid of for you and f...


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒絕望》。絕望是聖火痛苦的一個面向,這極大的痛導致使你屈膝。它很容易成為一個誕生,如果你問自己:“誰需要我的幫助?”去意識到別人更需要幫助。如果你穿過那疼痛的牆,去幫助他們,瞬間即變成帶有願景層次禮物的誕生。 絕望即是忘記了神,認為自己完全孤獨且沒有幫助。這絕非是事實,除非你沒有回應上帝的召喚。癒癒絕望會將兩個部分的無意識的心靈整合在一起成為整體。有個有力量的一天! HEALING DESPAIR Posted: 27 Aug 2011 06:59 PM PDT HEALING DESPAIR is the card for today. Despair is an aspect of Sacred Fire Pain where the pain is so great you are brought to your knees with it. It is easily turned into a birth if you ask yourself "Who needs my help?" Realizing that someone else is in even greater need of help. If you step through that wall of pain to help them, it immediately turns into a birth with a vision level gift. To despair is to forget God and think yourself utterly alone and without help. This is never the case unless you are not answering God's call. HEALING DESPAIR brings two unconscious parts of the mind together in a new integration and wholeness. Have a powerful day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片再次又是《幽默》。這是個異乎尋常的好時機,提醒我們上帝正在笑,也要我們懂得這笑話。幽默正確地保有一切。我們所見的世界是一場夢,是個要我們學習和療癒的大電玩遊戲。當只有愛和幽默時,我們將會記起上帝而且知道回家的路。浪子將回頭,屆時將會有一個為愛與幽默的盛大歡慶。有一個幸福及有趣的一天! HUMOR Posted: 26 Aug 2011 04:58 PM PDT HUMOR is once again the card for the day and it comes at a singularly good time to remind us that God is laughing and we are called upon to get the joke.. HUMOR keeps it all in perspective. The world we see is a dream, a giant video game in which we are called to learn and heal. When there is only love and HUMOR we will remember God and know the way Home. The prodigal children will return and there will be a great celebration of love and HUMOR. Have a happy, funny day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒投射》。我們所看到的世界是我們自我概念的投射。我們世界充斥著我們的過去。我們周圍的世界展現了我們的潛意識和無意識的靈魂心智。如魯米所說“我身即是鏡,亦是鏡中身”。今天,當我們寬恕了世界以及除去投射,並決定以協助代替評斷,銷溶化掉幻象,自我折磨和內疚感,這將使自己及他人有所作為。改變心智,就可改變世界。祝好! HEALING PROJECTION Posted: 25 Aug 2011 07:13 PM PDT HEALING PROJECTION is the card for today. The world we see is a projection of our self-concepts. We people the world with our past. The world around us shows us our subconscious and unconscious soul -mind. "We are the mirror and the face in it" as Rumi wrote.. Today as we forgive the world and pull off projections and decide to help instead of judge, we make a difference to ourselves and others dissolving illusion, self-torture and guilt. We can change the world as we change our mind. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《溫和親切》。它代表著某個層次的親密,將心門打開了。這甜美慈悲的愛,帶著美麗和喜樂的祝福,且將那限制著我們的牆融化了。溫和親切清新了我們的心。祝擁有美好的一天! TENDERNESS Posted: 24 Aug 2011 05:53 PM PDT TENDERNESS is the card of the day. It denotes a level of intimacy that opens the heart. It is the sweet compassion of love that blesses us with beauty and joy melting the walls that constrict us. Tenderness refreshes us and gives us heart. Have a wonderful day!

恰克和蘭西 史匹桑諾

今天Chuck博士的卡片是《恰克和蘭西 史匹桑諾》。我們的名片代表著藉由療癒和覺醒來誕生世界的渴望。它導致了幻象及其帶來的痛苦的轉化以及培育愛心,喜樂和成功,運用時間來突破時間。有一個幸福,快樂的一天!! CHUCK AND LENCY SPEZZANO Posted: 23 Aug 2011 09:56 PM PDT CHUCK AND LENCY SPEZZANO is the card for today. Our name card signals a desire to birth the world through healing and awakening. It leads to transformation of illusion and the pain it brings as well as the fostering of love, joy and success so that time is used to breakout of time. Have a happy, fun day!!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《無害》。乃是我們不再攻擊,因而就不再自我攻擊。我們就經常處在愛和喜樂中。攻擊是我執的根本,取而代之的是順流,道,聖靈或你想要怎樣稱之。這是一個充滿笑聲的快樂展開,而你是和平而無須動腦的,且與所有萬物連結。若要無害的,就是與萬物成為朋友也讓萬物成為你的朋友。有個甜蜜的一天! HARMLESSNESS Posted: 22 Aug 2011 05:35 PM PDT HARMLESSNESS is the card for today. It is a state in which we have given up attack and so there is no self-attack. What we have instead is love and joy as our constant state. Attack is the foundation of the ego so all there is instead is Flow, the Tao, the Holy Spirit or however you would name it. It is a happy unfolding full of laughter but you are peacefully mindless and so connected with all things. To be HARMLESS is to be a friend to all things and have all things be a friend to you. Have a sweet day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒追溯的扭曲》。追溯的扭曲乃是回顧過去生活中把並沒有什麼大了不起的事情,弄成非常痛苦。今天是回溯我們的生命,將痛苦除去的時候。痛苦是一個信號,指出我們正犯了一個錯誤(不是他人的錯也或許是),是有些事我們尚不明白,以及我們還沒學會的功課。我們誣陷他人,且當我們可以化險為夷時卻自認為渺小。我們用傷痛隱藏我們的攻擊,好讓我們可以疏離、照著我的方式行事和獨立的藉口。每一個受害的情況在我們的潛意識顯示了這些;為了獨立這實在是付出很大的代價,這是個分離的作用,它總是帶有受害者和犧牲的角色。我們自認渺小,並抓著問題而不是去看到我們已經帶著禮物去療癒。它仍然在我們裏頭,等待著我們去選擇真理,自由和幫助,而不是譴責。有一個偉大的療癒的一天! HEALING RETROACTIVE DISTORTION Posted: 21 Aug 2011 05:58 PM PDT HEALING RETROACTIVE DISTORTION is the card for today. Retroactive distortion is looking back on an incident in life and making it painful though it was no big thing at the time. Today is a day to look back on our lives and take the pain out of it. Pain is a signal that we are making a mistake (not some other though maybe them too) and there is something we don't understand, a lesson we have not learned. We frame others and invested in littleness when we could have saved the day. We took on wounds to hide the attack we were making that gave us the excuse to separate, do things our way and be ...


今天Chuck博士的兩張卡片是《下一步及促成一體》。 下一步 為當我們朝向成一體跨出下一步,就消除了所有阻礙我們的恐懼及問題。 促成一體 意味著在靈性及外在世界上,我們增進了豐盛與成功,我們的心智與週遭的世界就和真理與幸福成為一體了。一體的意識提供治療和整體性。這將會是個積極流動的一天。你不如一同順勢而流。有個幸福的一天! THE NEXT STEP & UNIFIES BY INCREASE Posted: 20 Aug 2011 05:20 PM PDT THE NEXT STEP & UNIFIES BY INCREASE are THE CARDS of the day. THE NEXT STEP means that we take the next step toward unity resolving fears and problems that have held us up. UNIFYING BY INCREASE means that as we increase abundance and success both spiritually and in the outside world, our mind and the world around are unified with greater truth and happiness. Unity consciousness provides healing and wholeness. It looks to be a day of positive flow. You might as well go with it. Have a happy day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒浪費時間》。如果你浪費時間,時間就會浪費你。另一方面,如果你恰當使用時間去療癒,那麼時間就不會是我們在那裡“服刑”的監獄。今天時間可以成為我們的朋友。無需是忙碌或懶惰,而是去縮短所需時間的運用,直到我們都到達喜樂而合一。祝福在世的時間能為天堂所用,使你在這無意義的世界,如何能不無聊且不輕率,卻能致力於有意義的事。有個可愛及有趣的一天! THE HEALING OF TIME -WASTING Posted: 19 Aug 2011 06:35 PM PDT THE HEALING OF TIME-WASTING is the card for today. If you waste time, time will waste you. On the other hand if you use time for its proper use, which is that of healing, then time does not become a prison,where we are just 'doing time'. Today time can become a friend. There is no need to stay busy or be indolent but to use time to shorten the time needed till we all achieve joy and then ONENESS. Let your time here be blessed by turning it's use over to Heaven today and see how you are neither bored nor frivolous but engaged in what is meaningful in a world that is meaning-less. Have an engaging and interesting day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒恐懼》。 在任何負面情緒中,恐懼是情緒的根源。在任何負面的經驗裏,恐懼是根本的肇因之一。我們害怕往前走一步。因為我們擔心我們無法面對,或害怕會因此會失去些什麼東西。但恐懼是當失去連結時所發生的一個幻象。我們失去連結而經驗受苦時,骨子裡卻因這受害而只是想要獨立。但獨立是個角色,並不會讓我們能領受或享受。 今天,我們選擇愛。今天,我們用信任來替代恐懼。今天祈求勇氣使我們往前誇一大步成為可能。如奇蹟課程所述,你就只會害怕,如果你忘了誰與你同行。有個破除巨大恐懼的日子! HEALING FEAR Posted: 18 Aug 2011 04:16 PM PDT HEALING FEAR is the card for today. Under any negative emotion fear is the root emotion. Under any negative experience fear is one of the root causes. We are afraid to proceed to the next step. We are afraid we cannot handle it or we are afraid we would lose something. But fear is an illusion that comes about when we lose bonding. We lose bonding and suffer some painful experience when underneath our victim experience we are wanting independence. But indepence is a role and doesn't let us receive or enjoy. Today we make the choice for love. Today we invest in trust instead of fear. Today big steps are possible as we invoke our courage for a better way. As it states in A Course in Mirac...


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《自發性》。自發性為魅力的一種面向,有意想不到的創造性能產生流動和成功。帶來超越每一天活力和熱情的生命的一種新穎方法。有個甜美自發的一天! SPONTANIETY Posted: 17 Aug 2011 06:21 PM PDT SPONTANIETY is the card for today. An aspect of charisma, SPONTANIETY does the unexpectedly creative in a way that generates flow and success. SPONTANIETY brings aliveness and zest to life going beyond the everyday to a fresh approach. Have a sweet, SPONTANEOUS day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《不朽的人物-原型》。建議我們學習或療癒某事來恢復活力。它甚至可以說是描繪出一個發現或突破,導致有如道家傳統的古老智慧。留意這種流動。讓它喚醒你內在古老的智慧。讓它使你更年輕。祝好! THE IMMORTAL- ARCHETYPE Posted: 16 Aug 2011 11:35 PM PDT THE IMMORTAL is the card for today suggesting that we learn or heal something that rejuvenates us. It could even depict a discovery or breakthrough that leads to ancient wisdom usually in the Taoist tradition. Be aware of this flow. Let it awaken ancient wisdom within you. Let it make you younger. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《人間天堂》。 人間天堂是轉化成合一之前的最後階段。它有著最大幸福和最深的愛,且是個沒有評斷,怨尤和內疚的地方。在這個發展的階段,我們要維持這樣水準的喜樂是非常難能可貴的,但每次達到這境界時,就讓我們看見所失落的以及前進的方向。所以,今天就去享受及感受所到來的。你越是允許其充滿你,你就變得更輕易,如果你在抗拒,你要知道你其實是在抗拒人間天堂。有個驚奇的一天! HEAVEN ON EARTH Posted: 16 Aug 2011 09:15 AM PDT HEAVEN ON EARTH is the last stage before we are translated back into Oneness. It depicts the greatest of happiness and the deepest of love, a place where judgment, grievance and guilt are no more. At this stage of our development it is rare to be able to sustain this level of joy but each time we reach it, we see what was lost and the direction we are heading. So, enjoy today and feel what is coming. the more you allow it to fill you the easier your becomes and if you are in resistance than you know what you are really resisting is HEAVEN ON EARTH. Have an amazing day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《熱心殷切》。它講的是誠意和全心全意。沒有憤世嫉俗的防衛及尖酸刻薄。相反地,它擁有的是全然的信心和承諾,使人高度可靠。 熱心殷切帶來美麗和活力。它是直率的,忠誠及值得信賴。 熱心殷切讓你保持年輕的心。有個美麗熱心殷切的一天! ARDENT Posted: 15 Aug 2011 02:28 PM PDT ARDENT is the card for today. It speaks of sincerity and wholeheartedness. It doesn't use the defense of cynicism and it doesn't become bitter. Instead it has all of the faith, and commitment that makes a person highly reliable. Ardency brings beauty and vibrancy. It is openhearted, loyal and trustworthy. Ardency keeps you young at heart. Have a beautifully ARDENT day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒靈媒攻擊》。這是來自願景或靈媒外在層次的攻擊。這可能是從他人,冥界,黑暗無意識,甚至從我們自己而來。如果我們不去攻擊,我們是完全地不受傷害的。因此我們不相信攻擊會從我們這得到任何好處,我們相信我們是靈而非身體。(有一個惡性循環的信念 : 我們是個身體,且用它做攻擊)。今天是個好時間放棄這些讓我們覺得很脆弱易受傷害的一切攻擊,且呼求這當然保護我們的上天的幫助。祝幸福,安寧及充滿了完美的免疫力! HEALING PSYCHIC ATTACK Posted: 14 Aug 2011 11:50 AM PDT HEALING PSYCHIC ATTACK is the card for today. It speaks of attack coming from the outside at a vision or psychic level. This may be from others, from the astral, the dark unconscious or even from us. We are perfectly invulnerable if we are not attacking. Than we don't believe that attack can get us anything and we don't believe we are our bodies but our spirit instead. (there is a vicious circle between believing we are a body and using it for attack). Today is a great day to both give up all attack because that makes us believe we are vulnerable to it and asking for Heaven's help which naturally protects us. Have a happy, peaceful day full of perfect immunity!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《以性為愛》。就當我們與夥伴作愛時它就在開展了。這種彼此的共享同時建立了創意和變革的能量。在性裏,我們延長了我們的注意力與心至對方相同處的最中心位置。其結果產生了愛與美。有個甜蜜的一天! SEX AS LOVE Posted: 13 Aug 2011 11:39 AM PDT SEX AS LOVE is the card for today. It reflects an unfolding in which we give to our partner in sex. This sharing of ourselves establishes both creative and transformative energies. In sex we extend our mind and heart to the very center of the other's mind and heart. As a result there is love and beauty. Have a sweet day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《庇護聖所》。它意味著一個為你或你為他人所提供的安全避風港。庇護聖所是個神聖的信任。這意味著你或他人不是想要獲取東西,而是出於愛而渴望讓他人或自己能有所安息和安慰 。 天堂是所有庇護聖所的源頭 。 除非我們到達庇護聖所,我們是不會覺得全然在家的 。 今天是可以上車體驗天堂的時候。祝好! SANCTUARY Posted: 12 Aug 2011 11:57 AM PDT SANCTUARY is the card for today. It signifies a safe haven provided for you or one that you provide for others. SANCTUARY is a sacred trust. It means you or another are not trying to get something but are wanting to provide something out of your love that gives another or yourself rest and comfort Heaven is the Source of all SANCTUARY and we do not feel completely at home until we reach there but today is a waystop that provides a taste of Home. Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒殉道》。殉道是一個源於家庭的古老的模式。我們當烈士來試圖救人。然而,任何以這種方式可以實現的 , 其實是可以無需如此完成的。我們試圖證明我們的愛,但愛無需證明,除非我們的心靈是分裂的。今天是療癒這舊模式的一天。老天要給我們最好的 , 且永遠要給我們所需要的奇蹟,其實只要去接受這些 , 就無需再編寫這殉道的劇本了。如果我們願意帶著光站起來,我們內在也有許多華麗的禮物等著我們打開。在心理上,殉道是一種在同時既想隱藏躲起來卻又想要被關注,這與生病是有相似的動力。這是一個讓自己自由的好日子!   HEALING MARTYRDOM Posted: 11 Aug 2011 10:38 AM PDT HEALING MARTYRDOM is the card for today. Martyrdom is an old pattern that stems from the family. In an attempt to save someone, we martyr ourselves. Yet anything accomplished in this way could have been accomplished without it. We are trying to prove our love but love doesn't need proving unless we have a split mind about it. Today is a big day to heal this old pattern. There is no need to write scripts like this when Heaven only wants the best for us and is always giving us the miracles we need if we'd only accept them. We also have magnificent gifts inside ready to be opened if we were ready to step up and bring the light. Psychologically, martyrdom is a way o...


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒過度自信》。過度自信是試圖彌補不足感的一種補償。過度自信有如古語所說 : “自不量力”。導致超出我們自己的能力或處在沒有後備的資源的狀況裡。今天是一個好日子,整合過度自信和覺得不足。簡單地將他們融化成為一切源頭的純淨光 。再 將兩道純淨光合而為一,然後將這完整新階段的光帶進你的心頭。有個美好的一天! HEALING OVERCONFIDENCE Posted: 10 Aug 2011 06:34 PM PDT HEALING OVERCONFIDENCE is the card for today. Overconfidence is a compensation that attempts to make up for a feeling of inadequacy. Overconfidence typically 'bites off more than it can chew' as the old saying goes. As a result we overstep ourselves or the situation without the resources to back it up. Today is a great day to integrate the overconfidence and the feeling of not being enough. Simply melt them down to their pure light that everything comes from. Join the two lights into one and bring that as a new level of wholeness back into your heart. Have a wonderful day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒內疚的陰謀》。內疚的陰謀乃是運用內疚來阻礙我們 , 有效地遠離我們的使命,停留在獨立且擊敗恩典。內疚是個很大的幻相,用來懲罰自己,使我們從那些周遭需要我們的人們逃離。是明白內疚是個破壞性的幻相,選擇愛來代替內疚的時候了。沒有內疚,許多問題和限制皆會消失。讓我們重拾已經失落的及頌揚自己的天真無罪。祝美好! HEALING THE GUILT CONSPIRACY Posted: 09 Aug 2011 11:03 AM PDT HEALING THE GUILT CONSPIRACY is the card for today. The Guilt Conspiracy is using guilt to hold ourselves back thus effectively hiding from our purpose, staying separate and fighting off grace. Guilt is the great illusion that we use to punish ourselves and therefore others around us who need us but from whom we are withdrawn. Today is a day to realize the destructive illusion that guilt is and choose love instead. Without guilt, problems and then limitations would disappear. It is time to restore ourselves to what has been lost and celebrate our innocence today. Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒家庭模式》。家庭模式建構關係以及生命成功或失敗的模式。也反映了我們在這一世要療癒以及轉化的靈魂模式。如果我們要過著使命和幸福的生活,家庭模式是個最重要需要療癒的模式。道正在展開,來幫助我們療癒這些最關鍵的模式。有一個幸福及有力量的一天! HEALING FAMILY PATTERNS Posted: 08 Aug 2011 11:57 AM PDT HEALING FAMILY PATTERNS is the card for today. Family patterns set up relationship and success or defeat patterns in life. They reflect the soul patterns that we brought into this life to heal and transform. Family patterns reflect the most important patterns to heal if we are to live our purpose and be happy. The Tao is unfolding to help us heal these most crucial patterns. Have a happy, powerful day!

今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《性》。無論這是字面意義或比喻而言,現在是重新負責任的時候了。性是充滿生命產生的流動 , 而我們如何對待性就是我們如何對待生活。性與金錢,時間,健康,創造力及我們的生活劇本有直接的相關聯性。這些都是生命流動的主要觀點。性不只是在性交做愛。這是一個真正的機會,去愛 ,去 分享以及讓別人快樂幸福。祝你的生活有個很棒的流動! SEX Posted: 07 Aug 2011 11:52 AM PDT SEX is the card for today. It suggests that it is time to get back in the saddle whether literally or figuratively. Sex is full of life generating flow and what we are doing with SEX is what we are doing with our lives. There is a direct correlation between SEX, money, time, health creativity and our life scripts. They are all major aspects of the flow. SEX is more than just the plumbing. It is a real opportunity to love and share and make someone happy. Have a great day of flow in your lives!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《使命》。這是對我們要來這世界貢獻什麼的呼召。只要是使我們幸福的事就是我們的使命,我們在生命中 , 活出使命有多少百分比,就是我們達成使命的程度。這與協助那些在生命中影響我們的人有關,如果我們不實現我們的使命,我們通常就會視這些人為我們生命中的“壞蛋”。療癒永遠是使命的一部分,讓自己重獲完整性和幸福。我們除了幫助世界外 , 都還有一個特殊使命只有我們能完成,這讓我們很樂意給出它。有個幸福的一天! PURPOSE Posted: 06 Aug 2011 11:40 AM PDT PURPOSE is the card for the day. This is about our calling--what we came to contribute. Our purpose is one of the things that make us happy and the percentage we are living our PURPOSE in life is the extent we are fulfilled. It has to do with us helping significant people throughout our lives and if we don’t do it we usually have them as the "bad guys" of our lives. Healing is thus always part of our PURPOSE to restore ourselves to wholeness and happiness.   Besides helping the world in general we all have a specific PURPOSE that only we can accomplish and it makes us happy to give that. Have a happy day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒掠奪》。我執總是在掠奪 , 因為我執既貪得無厭且貪婪。來自分離的擁有 , 使我們無法從外在得到滿足感,因為我執利用我們內在的分裂,使我們感到不足且永遠無法滿足。我執藉由成為奪取的掠奪者來解決這不足感。豐富的擁有只能來自給予。我執不想要真正成功和愛所帶來的連結,因為連結融化我執 , 也為喜樂所取代。當我們療癒內在的掠奪性,就朝著幸福和成功的正確的方向行。我們看見外在的掠奪性,其實是我們內疚所投射出來的 ,若 攻擊它,這只會強化了掠奪。把它交託給上帝重做 ,將會 有個從內到外更好的成功機會。祝美好! HEALING THE PREDATORY Posted: 05 Aug 2011 11:44 AM PDT HEALING THE PREDATORY in ourselves is the card for today. The ego is always predatory because the ego is both acquisitive and greedy. Having come from separation, the ego uses the split within us to make us feel inadequate and feeling never enough we feel we can never get enough outside us. The ego solves this by making us into predators of getting and taking. But fullness and having can only come from giving. The ego doesn't want the bonding that true success and love brings because the ego melts away with bonding and is replaced with joy. By healing what is predatory within ourselves we are heading in the right direction for both happiness and succes...


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒害怕不足》。它反映了失去連結,這既帶來恐懼也覺得不夠。連結自然就會有信心。帶著恐懼你已經感受你所害怕的。信心意謂成功,這使我們能夠沒有後顧之憂來處事。完美主義往往是害怕不足的一種補償,所以只要允許它是目標,而不是需求 , 就可以療癒完美主義。有一個最優的一天! HEALING THE FEAR OF INADEQUACY Posted: 04 Aug 2011 01:04 PM PDT HEALING THE FEAR OF INADEQUACY is the card for today. It reflects a place of lost bonding, which brings about both fear and a feeling of inadequacy. With bonding there is a natural confidence. With fear you are already feeling what you are afraid of. Confidence spells success and this allows us to handle what comes up with no worries. Perfectionism is often a compensation for a fear of inadequacy so healing this simply allows it to be a goal rather than a demand. Have a most excellent day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《上帝的教師》。它講的是選擇療癒的路徑,當任何時候你不平和時就付諸致力於和平。你以上帝的和平為目標,因為所有的愛,快樂,豐富和健康都源自和平。這也是達到合一和永恆學問的一個先決條件。願你選擇成為上帝的教師(津貼是很高的),且以和平作為你的目標。有個極好的一天! THE TEACHER OF GOD Posted: 03 Aug 2011 11:21 AM PDT THE TEACHER OF GOD is the card for today. It speaks of having chosen a path of healing, committing to peace anytime you are feeling anything other than peace. You make the peace of God your one goal because love, happiness, abundance and health all come from peace. It is also a prerequisite to Oneness and Knowledge of eternity. May you choose to become a TEACHER OF GOD today (the perks are great) and have peace as your one goal. Have a great one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《生命的仙丹》。它反映了來自你自己 、 他人或帶著祝福你生命本身的裡裡外外的生命能量的到來。這是令人賦有生氣和興奮的生命觀點。它帶著喜悅和幸福而來。它統合為一且值得歡慶。有一個最美麗的一天! THE ELIXIR OF LIFE Posted: 02 Aug 2011 05:15 PM PDT THE ELIXIR OF LIFE is the card for today. It reflects life generating energy coming to you from inside or out that you or another or life itself may be blessing you with. This is an aspect of life that is vivifying and restorative. It brings delight and happiness with it. It unifies and is a matter for celebration. Have a most beautiful day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《全能的靈感》。又稱為聖靈或道。當考量事情的內外環境因素後 ,它 將其最有可能的方式展現出來。最終 , 它提供了恩典,舒適和指引使我們從有限的時間到永恆。它是神與合一在這分離的世界與我們的連結 , 來幫助我們重獲我們以為失去但事實上卻從未真正失去的。我們雖 陷入了分離的黑暗夢境,但卻也永遠無法改變 , 為神所設立的靈性及身為神的孩子的身份。這將會是個有很棒的靈感,答案和虛假毀滅及重新來過的日子。有一個驚奇不尋常的一天! UNIVERSAL INSPIRATION Posted: 01 Aug 2011 07:47 PM PDT UNIVERSAL INSPIRATION is the card for today. It is another name for the Holy Spirit or Tao. It unfolds things in the highest possible way considering inner and outer circumstances. It provides grace, comfort and guidance bringing us eventually from time to timelessness. It is the connection from God and Oneness to us in a world of separation helping us to restore ourselves to what was never really lost. We fell into a dark dream of separation but our identity as spirit and child of God can never really be changed because it was established by God. This is meant to be a great day of inspiration, answers and undoing of what is false. Have an amazing day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《光明的媒介》。乃是個和平使者,因為和平帶來光明和愛。這種能量描述著有人朝向光明同時也協助他人喜樂地做同樣事。光明的媒介將一個死寂的地球轉變成天堂的世界。 有個幸福的日子 , 讓這歡慶的能量在你的生活顯現。或許你就是那個許下這神聖承諾的和平使者 ... THE AGENT OF LIGHT Posted: 30 Jul 2011 11:24 PM PDT THE AGENT OF LIGHT is the card for today. It speaks of a peacemaker because peace is what brings light and love. This energy depicts someone turned toward the light who helps others find the joy of doing the same. THE AGENT OF LIGHT is dedicated to turning the earth, a death word into one of the heavenly worlds. Have a happy day today celebrating however this energy shows up in your life. Maybe you are the one who made this sacred promise...


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《無可避免的歡樂》。遲早我們會明白,我們是那終極的靈性,永恆,無限 , 同時也是上帝的孩子 ; 我們會再次合一。從較近的觀點來看,成功和喜悅乃是“一個肯定的事”。有個最優的一天! JOYOUS INEVITABILITY Posted: 29 Jul 2011 10:38 PM PDT JOYOUS INEVITABILITY is the card for today. It suggests that we will sooner or later realize that we are ultimately spirit, eternal, unlimited and a Child of God; we will realize Oneness once more. In the short term it means" a sure thing" that will bring success and joy. Have a most excellent day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《宇宙意識》。它講的是種覺醒,因合一的體驗而有個難以言喻的喜悅以及將永遠會被改變的觀點。它認知到分離是種幻像,合一才是真實。它將永恆的認知及極深的和平帶進目前的世界。你讓自己能有多少這種的體驗,您和世界就能同樣的飛躍前進。有個最棒的一天! COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS Posted: 29 Jul 2011 03:03 AM PDT COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS is the card for today. It speaks of an awakening that allows one to feel the unspeakable joy of having experienced Oneness and being changed forever in one's perspective. It is the realization that separation is the illusion and Oneness is the reality. It brings the awareness of eternity into the present and profound peace into the world. However much you allow yourself to experience this today is a leap forward for you and the world. Have a most excellent day!