
Posted: 28 Aug 2011 06:45 PM PDT
HEALING CONTRARINESS is the card for today. This is a big one to heal because it may be hidden deep in the unconscious mind. Some of the most positive people have this one hidden away and it can cause illness, or scarcity in relationships, money, success, etc. Reflect on any problems you have today and realize that it comes from hidden or not so hidden contrariness. Accept this about yourself. If you don't have it is no big deal to accept it. If you do have it is vitally important you accept so you naturally move past it. . Then forgive yourself and this part of you and anyone you may have projected it on. Next put it in God's Hands to get rid of for you and finally integrate it( melt it together with any positive energy you have to make peace, wholeness and a greater positive flow within. Have a good one out there!



