
目前顯示的是 9月, 2011的文章


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《菩薩》。無論你認為這是一個原型或實際的人,這是今天的高卡。菩薩已承諾,大家沒上天堂前,祂不會去天堂的。通常,他們選擇具有挑戰性的生命,所以使他們能夠為人類的集體心靈清除去所有的模式。 菩薩的誓願: 「煩惱無盡誓願斷; 眾生無邊誓願度; 法門無量誓願學; 佛道無上誓願成。」 祝有個很棒和有益的一天! BODHISSATTVA Posted: 27 Sep 2011 09:18 PM PDT BODHISATTVA is the card for today. Whether you consider it an archetype or actual beings, it is a high card for today. A BODHISATTVA has promised not to go to Heaven until everyone goes. They typically choose challenging lives so they can clear whole patterns for the collective mind of humanity. The vow of the BODHISATTVA is as follows: Deluding passions are inexhaustible. I vow to extinguish them all. Sentient beings are as numerous as grains of sand. I vow to save them all. The truth is impossible to teach.I vow to teach it. The way of the Buddha is impossible to attain. I vow to attain it. Have a great and helpful day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《五角星十》。它反映了意外之財和一般的豐富。縱使現今錢財這方面有這麼多的跌勢,但這是一個相反的重大積極註釋。尋求全球主要積極的面向,尤其是個人對極大豐盛朝向自己的到來,要保持敞開。覺知及敞開是關鍵。有個非常美好的一天! THE TEN OF PENTACLES Posted: 27 Sep 2011 04:30 AM PDT THE TEN OF PENTACLES is the card for today. It reflects a windfall of money and abundance in general. While there has been so much downtrend regarding money, This is a major positive note that counters that. Look for major positive aspects worldwide but especially personally be open for great abundance moving your way. To be aware and open is the key. Have a really good day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《甜美》。甜美表示親密,舒適,溫柔和順流。看起來是個享受的一天!祝美好。 SWEETNESS Posted: 25 Sep 2011 11:15 PM PDT SWEETNESS is the card for today. Sweetness indicates intimacy, comfort, tenderness, and flow. Sounds like a day to Enjoy! Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《觀音》。觀音是慈悲的女神。無論你認為她是個生命原型或一個神聖的使者,今天的能量是一個深刻的幫助。觀音知道,唯一的正義是慈悲。她被描繪成藉由手中的壺,將慈悲給予人類或藉由她的千手,提供給任何需要幫助的人。有個甜美舒適的一天。放鬆地將一切交託在她的手中。 QUAN YIN Posted: 24 Sep 2011 10:21 PM PDT QUAN YIN is the goddess of mercy. Whether you consider her an archetype or a Divine Emissary, the energy of the day is one of profound help. QUAN YIN knows the only justice is mercy. She is depicted with a jug in her hand dispensing grace to humanity or sometimes having a thousand hands reaching out to anyone in need. Have a day of sweet comfort. Put it all in her hands and relax.


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《順流》。表明了我們已經進入最好的自我。這個幸運之處,能預計所有好事的到來。無需任何費力,卻有一個容易展開的道,使生命充滿輕易和樂趣。充分運用今日,努力朝向你最高目標就是使你生命中有所不同。祝你有滿滿的愛和一切最好的到來。 FLOW Posted: 23 Sep 2011 10:56 PM PDT FLOW is the card for today suggesting we have access to our best self. This is a place of luck in which we anticipate all good things coming our way. There is nothing that requires effort but there is such an easy unfolding of the tao that life is easy and fun. Make the best out of today and let your endeavors be of the highest goals to make a difference in your life. Much Love and All the Best to you out there.


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒特別的憎恨》。這代表著那曾經靠近我們但卻令我們非常失望或背叛我們的人。在潛意識的層面,它反映了投射和自我憎恨之處。也顯示了我們為了獨立,控制和隱藏一個主要的藉口而誣陷他人。今天是透過寬恕或一些其他形式的療癒來結束這否認的一天。這些特別憎恨關係的類型,在我們的生活中產生極大的阻礙及破壞性。有個很棒的療癒一天! HEALING SPECIAL HATE Posted: 22 Sep 2011 02:52 PM PDT HEALING SPECIAL HATE is the card for today. This represents someone we hate who used to be close to us but badly disappointed or betrayed us. At a subconscious level it reflects a place of projection and self-hatred. It also shows a place where we framed someone for payoffs of independence, control and a major excuse to hide. Today is a day of ending the denial through forgiveness or some other form of healing. These types of special hate relationships generate major blocks and destructiveness in our lives. Have a great healing day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《視覺化》。由於更深層次的心智中只有現在是存在的,我們可以透過視覺化將我們現在想要的,來程式及影響未來。視覺化是有效的,除非有些深層的衝突是隱瞞著,甚至逐漸地侵蝕著。清晨剛起床和晚上睡前是心靈最開放來獲得你想要的時刻。藉由盡可能看到你想要的一切細節開始,去感受它,且聽到別人為此向你致賀。每當你想到你要什麼時,無論是再次視覺化,或確信它就在來到你的路上。以這種方式請求你想要的東西,將自己對這想要敞開,並再次邀請它的到來。有個幸福的一天! VISUALIZATION Posted: 22 Sep 2011 12:09 AM PDT VISUALIZATION is the card for today. Since the deeper mind only exists in the now, we can affect the future by VISUALIZING what we want now and program it for the future. This works well unless there is some deep conflict that holds it back and even then it erodes the conflict little by little. First thing in the morning and last thing at night the mind is most open to making what you want. Start by seeing what you want in as great detail as possible; feel it; hear others congratulating you for it. Every time you think of what you want either VISUALIZE it again or just know it's on its way to you. By asking for what you want in this way you open yourself to it and invite it in once more. Have a happy day...


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒競爭的故事》。今天我們開始明白競爭的徒勞無效,它是一切權力鬥爭和死寂的根源。競爭源自我執。阻礙了夥伴關係和接受的能力,是一種誤以為是贏,卻是逃避成功的延遲戰術。故事是我們生活模式的深處腳本,所以無論我們有多少的競爭故事,讓它們離去是件好事。祝美好! HEALING THE COMPETITION STORY Posted: 20 Sep 2011 11:27 PM PDT HEALING THE COMPETITION STORY is the card for today. We begin to realize the futility of competition today; it is the root of all power struggle and deadness. It is what the ego is made out of. It blocks partnership and the ability to receive and it is a delay tactics that avoids success confusing it with winning. Stories are deep scripts that pattern our lives so however many competition stories we have it is good to let them go. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《所重視的投資就會持續下去》。這是從奇蹟課程引述的話,這說明了我們所留意重視的是會賦予事情價值及發達的。另一方面我們所不賦予價值的,就可能會遺失掉。我們的給出提供了價值,當我們不給時,就會失去所投資的。這是個好好投資在人和事物上的好日子,但也不要忘了要投資在天堂和自己身上! INVESTMENTS LAST AS LONG AS YOU VALUE THEM Posted: 19 Sep 2011 11:18 PM PDT INVESTMENTS LAST AS LONG AS YOU VALUE THEM is the card for today. It is a quote from A Course in Miracles and it speaks of how our attention gives value and allows things to prosper. On the other hand what we don't give value to can be lost. Our giving gives value and when we don't give our investments can be lost. Have a good day of investing in things and people but don't forget to invest in Heaven and yourself!!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒害怕親密》。所有的恐懼都是對害怕親密的不同形式。我們生活在批判和疏離中,因此生活在一個二元性的世界。愛和喜樂來自當我們能夠療癒批判和疏離或是選擇結合而不評斷或分離。今天,我們超越我們的害怕親密來到了祝福,豐富和順流的世界。 HEALING THE FEAR OF INTIMACY Posted: 19 Sep 2011 01:59 AM PDT HEALING THE FEAR OF IN TIMACY is the card for today. All fear is a fear of intimacy in many different forms. We are run by judgment and separation and as such live in a world of duality. Love and joy come from when we are able to heal that or choose to join instead. Today we move beyond our fear of intimacy to a world of blessing, abundance and flow.


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《自我價值》。它談到的是一個更新層次我們可以給予的自愛和自我價值。我們捨棄投注在我執的試圖要渺小我們自己,而不是想要真理。我們讓神的存在更多,而神的愛總是帶來更大的自愛。讓今天去認清你的真實價值。沒有你,上帝的孩子,上帝是不會完整的。有個超棒的一天! SELF-WORTH Posted: 17 Sep 2011 11:15 PM PDT SELF-WORTH is the card for today. It speaks of a new level of self-love and self-value that we allow today. We give up some investment in our ego that is intent on keeping us small and instead go for the truth. We allow more of God's Presence whose love always brings greater self-love. Have a day of recognizing your true worth. God Himself would be incomplete without you, His child. Have a great day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《毫無防衛》。它實際上創造了我們的安全。我們越防衛,我們就越吸引我們試圖想要避免的。吸引力定律請來那仍在我們內在所想試圖避免的。防禦是我們建立的規則,其實“規則是用來被打破的”。防衛的本質乃是在呼叫攻擊。我執想要加深我們內在的痛苦,而高層心靈卻要療癒這傷痛,但我們卻需決定我們要什麼才好。如果我們試圖防衛自己,而啟動了防衛,這將會搞得更糟。有個美好毫無防衛的一天! DEFENSELESSNESS Posted: 16 Sep 2011 11:09 PM PDT DEFENSELESSNESS is the card for today. It is actually a card that creates safety for us. What we defend attracts the very thing we were trying to prevent. The law of attraction calls in what we are trying to prevent that is still inside us. Defenses are rule we have set up and "Rules are meant to be broken". Defenses call in attack by their very nature. The ego wants to compound the pain within and our higher mind wants it healed but we get to decide which way we go. If we try to defend ourselves once a defense is triggered it just gets worse. Have a good safe DEFENSELESS day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《庇護聖所》。它表示一個在世界上以及內在的安全地方。這可能是你所提供或是提供給你的庇護聖所。提供建造了一個甜蜜且舒適的地方。現在你可以放鬆且安全的。有個美好的一天! SANCTUARY Posted: 16 Sep 2011 12:13 AM PDT SANCTUARY is the card for today. It denotes a place of safety within and in the world. It may be SANCTUARY that you provide or that is provided to you. But it sets up a place in which sweet, comfort is provided. You can relax now. There is safety. Have a fine day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《態度》。指著我們正朝著走的方向是非常關鍵重要。如果我們一次又一次做同樣的選擇,這就成了我們方向及態度。我們是朝著愛和信任或是我執和恐懼呢?一個在我們離開天堂時,帶給我們痛苦和分離。另一個逐層地溶解我們的自我概念,開啟了喜樂和豐盛。你希望有愛或是你的我執,真理或是痛苦呢?這是一個關鍵的選擇:統一或攻擊呢?有個充滿力量的一天! ATTITUDE Posted: 15 Sep 2011 06:04 AM PDT ATTITUDE is the card for today. It denotes how crucial the direction is that we are heading in. If we make the same choice over and over again it becomes a direction and this is our attitude. Are we heading for love and trust or the ego and fear? One brings us pain and separation as we build an identity separate from Heaven. While the other dissolves our self-concepts layer by layer to open us to joy and abundance. Do you wish to have love or your ego, truth or suffering? This is a crucial choice--to unify or attack? Have a powerful day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《“我決心以不同的角度去看事情。”》。這是從奇蹟課程引述的一句話。我們的感知反映了我們的心智。我們看到我們以為的自己。感知是個選擇而不是個事實。當我們一步一步地依此句話“我決心以不同的角度去看事情。”而選擇時,那是可以改變我們的感知。有時你雖帶著確信地說著,卻仍感覺到更糟,好像有些情緒仍隱埋在潛意識或無意識層次裡。如果你繼續選擇這句話,問題或情緒就開始改變了。你可以繼續說,直到所看到的場景完全改變了,甚至直到它變得充滿光明和愛。祝美好! "I AM DETERMINED TO SEE THIS DIFFERENTLY." Posted: 14 Sep 2011 03:27 AM PDT "I AM DETERMINED TO SEE THIS DIFFERENTLY." is the card of the day. It is a quote from A Course in Miracles. Our perception mirrors our mind. We see what we think about ourselves. Perception is a choice not a fact. These words "" I AM DETERMINED TO SEE THIS DIFFERENTLY," have the power to change our perception step by step as we make this choice. Sometimes as you say these words with conviction it may feel and seem worse if there is a certain amount of buried emotion at subconscious or unconscious levels. But then as you keep choosing these words and look at the scene, problem or emotion it begins to change. You can use these words until the sce...


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒攻擊》。今天是可以療癒我們過去至今所有的被攻擊。療癒攻擊包括療癒所有的自我攻擊導致這被攻擊的狀況以及所有隱藏在這被攻擊底下我們對上帝和他人的攻擊。藉由明白我們的共謀以及利用這攻擊事件,使我們在生活上分離的這個藉口,今天是可以放下來了。這給我們和平,力量和柔情來代替攻擊。這是去發現被隱藏在潛意識的這些,而重新作出選擇的好日子。這釋放了我們的心以及過去生活中所有被卡住的舊地方。有個充滿力量的一天! HEALING ASSAULT Posted: 12 Sep 2011 10:20 PM PDT HEALING ASSAULT is the card for today. All the times we have been assaulted are available to day to be healed. HEALING ASSAULT includes healing all the self-attack that led to this situation as well as all the hidden attack against God and others that was under our being attacked. Today we can give up the excuses we used to separate in our lives by realizing our collusion and how we used the event. This brings us peace, strength and tenderness instead. It is a good day to uncover what has been hidden in the subconscious and make new choices. This unlocks our heart and old areas in our lives that have been stuck. Have a powerful day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《沒有任何意念》如果今天你的頭腦似乎空空的,幾乎或全然沒有任何記憶等等,不用擔心。許多人打坐冥想或靈修練習幾十年,為的就是想達到這一點。它打開了喜樂和幽默。這是到永恆的門道。沒有任何思想和信念會阻止了我們與真實世界接觸,只有我們的思維會介入這自然形成的“花園”。當你變得沒有任何意念而放鬆時,運用你的直覺尋求您需要的答案,享受此時此刻。這是一個深度的寂靜。祝好! NO MIND Posted: 12 Sep 2011 12:31 AM PDT NO MIND is the card for today. Do not worry if your mind seems to evaporate today, and you have little or no memory, etc. People meditate or do spiritual practices for decades to try to achieve this. It opens a state of joy and humor. It is the doorway to eternity... Without the thoughts and beliefs that keep us from contacting the real world only the world of our thoughts are interposed on what would naturally be 'The Garden'. As you become NO MINDED relax, use your intuition for the answers you need and enjoy the here and now. It is a place of great peace. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒缺乏包容的陰謀》。這是重要的,因為我們對自己的包容,重新連結了我們的陰柔面,真心以及能再次與夥伴連結。自我包容和我們有能力接受和過得快活,是有直接的相關。包含自己和他人導致平等,遠離了疏離的獨立和犧牲。這是將自己迎接回來且與眾人連結的美好一天。有一個愉快的一天! HEALING THE LACK OF INCLUSION CONSPIRACY Posted: 10 Sep 2011 11:13 PM PDT HEALING THE LACK OF INCLUSION CONSPIRACY is the card for today. This is important as inclusion reconnects us to our feminine side, our heart and our ability to partner. There is a direct correlation between self-inclusion and our ability to receive and enjoy. Self-inclusion includes others leading to equality and away from dissociated independence and sacrifice. It is a good day to come together now that you welcome yourself back to connection with everyone. Have a delightful day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒黑魔法師的心魔》。談到黑色魔術師乃是運用心靈力量謀取私利。它累積權力,財富和他人的生命力。黑魔法師的心魔,通常埋在潛意識但仍然影響著我們。你可以問你有多少這種心魔,然後帶他們到24-7小時營業的天堂交易所買賣。交易所對這種自我仇恨的自我概念,提供很好的交易。就拿這黑魔法師的心魔交易,然後看你可以得到什麼回報。你總會得到一個很好的交易的。祝美好! HEALING THE BLACK MAGICIAN SHADOW Posted: 09 Sep 2011 10:58 PM PDT HEALING THE BLACK MAGICIAN SHADOW is the card for today. The black magician speaks of using mind power for personal gain. It accumulates power, wealth and the life force of others. HEALING THE BLACK MAGICIAN SHADOW is one that is usually buried in the unconscious mind but affects us nonetheless. You could ask how many you have and then take them to Heaven's Trading Post open 24-7. It's offering a good deal on self-concepts that contain self-hatred. Take them in and see what you are offered in return. You will always get a good deal. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《沒有任何意念》。它反映出超越判斷和信念的喜悅。這使頭腦寧靜,成為所有好事的根源。它打開了一個花園,超越了這世界的幻相。今天無論是如何帶你來到這個靈感,指引和創造力可以澆灌進來的園地。享受您的一天 NO MIND Posted: 08 Sep 2011 10:37 PM PDT NO MIND is the card for today. It reflects a place of joy beyond judgments and beliefs. This leaves the mind at peace from which all good things stem. This is the place that opens up The Garden that is beyond this world of illusions. Whatever leads you to this place today, it is one in which inspiration, guidance and creativity can pour through. Enjoy your day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《和平締造者》。它是個對自己療癒的神聖承諾,能變得非常和平,因而將和平帶給別人。和平是創造愛,健康和富足,也是對地球和所有人非常棒的禮物。今天,深深地在內心裏成為和平締造者,並承諾變得越來越和平,從而更加快樂。祝好! Posted: 08 Sep 2011 02:56 AM PDT PEACEMAKER is the card for today. It speaks of a sacred promise to heal ourselves and be so peaceful that we bring peace to others. Peace is what generates love, health and abundance so it is a great gift to the earth and all peoples. Today embrace the PEACEMAKER within and its commitment to becoming ever more peaceful and thus ever more happy. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《忘掉所學的》。這是除去所有限制我們的自我觀念和信念以及侷限我們真實的回到當下。今天是個好日子,讓我們藉由忘掉痛苦和判斷重新恢復生活。這帶來了使所有美好事物的根源:和平。祝美好! UNLEARNING Posted: 06 Sep 2011 11:54 PM PDT UNLEARNING is the card for today. It speaks of getting rid of all the self-concepts and belief systems that have limited us and constricted our reality to what it is now. Today is a good day to get our lives back starting with the UNLEARNING of pain and judgments. This brings peace from which all good things stem. Have a good one out there!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《正向否認》。正向否認是認識到沒有人或任何外在可以傷害你。它否認任何負面對你或你的生命裡的影響。帶著信心和信任,既不歡迎也不讓負面的情緒,進到你的經驗裡。今天,當你看到或遇到任何消極的,否認它,把它打包送出去。這為真理所用的正向否認。祝好! POSITIVE DENIAL Posted: 05 Sep 2011 10:59 PM PDT POSITIVE DENIAL is the recognition that no one or nothing outside you can hurt you. It denies that anything negative has the power over you or your life. It combines faith and trust and neither welcomes nor allows negativity to gain a place in your experience. Today when you see or experience any negativity deny it a home and send it packing. This is POSITIVE DENIAL in the service of the truth. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《樂趣》。為了自己的利益尋求,那不是樂趣,就如佛陀告誡我們,那只會導致痛苦。那也不僅是感官愉悅,雖然它可以包含在內。樂趣來自活出使命,愛,遵照神的意志(我們真實的意願)。所以,這正是走在正確的路上,做正確的事可帶來享受的日子。樂趣就是給出所有的一切。今天去享受樂趣的到來。也是開展道的所有一切。有個最優的一天! PLEASURE Posted: 04 Sep 2011 10:23 PM PDT PLEASURE is the card for today. It is not pleasure sought for its own sake which as the Buddha warned us leads only to pain. Nor is merely sensual pleasure though it can contain that. It is the PLEASURE that comes of living your purpose, loving and doing God's Will (our true will). So, this is a day that brings the enjoyment of being on the right track and doing the right thing. It is the pleasure that comes from giving it all. Today enjoy the PLEASURE that comes your way. It is all part of the unfolding Tao. Have a most excellent day!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒偏袒疏離》。偏袒疏離就是偏袒我執。這是想用自己的方式而不管別人和相關的狀況。相對的,結合就是愛,互利和平等。發現這是對一切所有的較佳方式。今天和所有的日子是敞開自己,接受我們如何以較好方式共同成功的指引。祝好! HEALING THE SIDING WITH SEPARATENESS Posted: 04 Sep 2011 01:25 AM PDT HEALING THE SIDING WITH SEPARATENESS is the card for today. Siding with separateness is siding with the ego. It is the desire to have its own way irregardless of others and the situation. Joining on the other hand is all about love, mutuality and equality. It is finding a better way for all. Today and all days is the day to open ourselves to the guidance that shows a better how we can all succeed together. Have a good one!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《無憂無慮》。它表明我們是在黃金生活裡。超越了小心翼翼的沉重角色和犧牲,以及粗心大意的魯莽和疏離。也就說,我們已經讓老天接手掌舵,所以我們可以開心順著道行,也為神的孩子。可以確保冒險的結果,一切都變得甜蜜又輕易。處在無憂無慮是一個大師的標誌,你經驗得越多,你就越生活在恩典裡。讓恩典經由你做所有的一切。有個愉快的一天! BEING CAREFREE Posted: 01 Sep 2011 10:59 PM PDT BEING CAREFREE is the card of the day. It suggests we are living the golden life and have moved beyond the heavy roles and sacrifice of carefulness and the recklessness and dissociation of carelessness. It says we have let Heaven take over the helm so we can enjoy ourselves following the Tao and being a child of God. Everything becomes sweet and easy, an adventure whose outcome is assured. BEING CAREFREE is a sign of mastery and the more you experience it, the more you live a life of grace. You let grace do it all through you. Have a happy one today!


今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒陰謀》。這是超越那看起來似乎沒有出路的陷阱的恩慈一天。陰謀只是我執的計劃,藉此希望能困擾,拖延和阻止我們。天堂和我們的高層心靈卻有不同的想法,今天就只有恩慈。去感覺上天的幫助和突破今天所有阻礙你的。有個豐富而有力量的一天! HEALING CONSPIRACIES Posted: 01 Sep 2011 12:53 AM PDT HEALING CONSPIRACIES is the card for today. The grace of the day is the transcending of traps that look as if there is no way out. That is only our ego's plan as it hopes to distract, delay and stop us. Heaven and our own higher mind have other ideas and that is what today is all about. Feel Heaven's help and break loose of what is stopping you today. Have a rich and powerful day!