
今天Chuck博士的卡片是《無憂無慮》。它表明我們是在黃金生活裡。超越了小心翼翼的沉重角色和犧牲,以及粗心大意的魯莽和疏離。也就說,我們已經讓老天接手掌舵,所以我們可以開心順著道行,也為神的孩子。可以確保冒險的結果,一切都變得甜蜜又輕易。處在無憂無慮是一個大師的標誌,你經驗得越多,你就越生活在恩典裡。讓恩典經由你做所有的一切。有個愉快的一天! BEING CAREFREE Posted: 01 Sep 2011 10:59 PM PDT BEING CAREFREE is the card of the day. It suggests we are living the golden life and have moved beyond the heavy roles and sacrifice of carefulness and the recklessness and dissociation of carelessness. It says we have let Heaven take over the helm so we can enjoy ourselves following the Tao and being a child of God. Everything becomes sweet and easy, an adventure whose outcome is assured. BEING CAREFREE is a sign of mastery and the more you experience it, the more you live a life of grace. You let grace do it all through you. Have a happy one today!



