
目前顯示的是 9月, 2012的文章


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒壞蛋的心魔》。壞蛋的心魔說出我們所憎恨的部分,我們相信我們是可惡的,因而要與之切割分開且壓抑他們。我們內在仍有著這種心魔 , 無論是否已將其投射在他人身上,或只是因內心的補償而去當好人或辛苦工作。我們仍然認為這是自己 、 為此而在自我懲罰。心魔在我們的生命中設置了無形的牆壁,導致我們無法向前發展。有個很棒的療癒一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE BASTARD SHADOW FIGURE Posted: 27 Sep 2012 12:08 PM PDT HEALING THE BASTARD SHADOW FIGURE is the card for today. It speaks of the parts of us we hate that we believe were hateful and we split them off and repressed them. We still have that shadow inside whether we have projected it out on another or simply compensate for it inside by acting good or hard working. We still believe it about ourselves and punish ourselves for it. Shadows set up invisible walls in our lives so we can't move forward. Have a great healing day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒心靈的攻擊》。有件事可以清除所有這些心靈攻擊和任何其他的 , 就是問一問你跟 “ 誰 ” 同行 ......  奇蹟課程提到每天問這個問題千百次 .....  如果你明白了,你就知道,不可能有任何問題的。有個很棒的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING PSYCHIC ATTACK Posted: 26 Sep 2012 12:02 PM PDT HEALING PSYCHIC ATTACK is the card for today. One thing that can clear all of this and anything else is to ask Who walks with you...A COURSE IN MIRACLES says to ask this question thousands of times a day... If you know this you know there cannot be a problem with anything. Have a great day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒祖先議題》。今天,你可能留意到有個由你的母親或父親的一方家族的問題被傳遞下來,現正影響著你及你的孩子。在靈魂的層面上,你帶來一個禮物,能量上可以積極向上傳遞,療癒父母的一方或雙方。如果你願意保守靈魂層次的承諾及接受它,老天永遠不會不幫助你而離開你,老天已經給了你需要療癒這議題所需要的禮物、恩典及奇蹟,可透過家族往上去釋放你和你的祖先們。同時你也帶來了禮物,來療癒你伴侶的祖先們,所以你可以幫助他們,你的配偶和子女們。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING ANCESTRAL PROBLEMS Posted: 25 Sep 2012 01:20 PM PDT HEALING ANCESTRAL PROBLEMS is the card for today. Today you might notice a problem that is being passed down through your mother or father's side of the family and affecting you or your children now. At a soul level you would have brought in a gift that could be energetically passed up through one or both parents to heal the problem. Also Heaven would never leave you without help and has already given the gift, grace or miracle needed to heal the issue if you would accept it and pass it up through the family freeing you and your ancestors and keeping a soul level promises. You also brought in gifts to heal your partner's ancestors so you can help th...


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《收穫》。邀請收穫來到 。 強烈渴望去邀請收穫。不要讓你的收穫削減。今天是你可以要求有收穫的一天。陶醉狂歡的一天。今天讓你的要求是可以毫無限制。要求人間有天堂。有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HARVEST Posted: 24 Sep 2012 10:45 PM PDT HARVEST is the card for today. Invite it in. Ask for it with strong desire. Dent not your HARVEST. It is yours today but for the asking. Revel in the day. Let your asking be unlimited today. Ask for Heaven on earth. Have an amazing day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒狂熱份子的心魔》。 通常心魔是被壓抑著,但有時他會越獄而顯現出來。大多數的時候,我們投射心魔在身邊的人,罕見的情況是,我們跟著劇本,將其完全演出來。心魔是充滿了內疚和自我仇恨,這些也強化且建立了本身的惡性循環。今天是個發現,接受,原諒和整合任何像這樣子憎恨的自我概念。如果你有任何對狂熱分子的評斷,那麼你內在也有著這部分且等待著你去療癒。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE FANATIC SHADOW FIGURE Posted: 24 Sep 2012 07:53 PM PDT HEALING THE FANATIC SHADOW FIGURE is the card for today. Usually a shadow is repressed but can at times make prison breaks and be acted out. Most of time it is projected on someone around us and it rare cases we are caught up in its script and totally act it out. Shadows are full of guilt and self-hatred which reinforces them setting up their own vicious circle. Today is a day to discover, accept, forgive and integrate any such hated self-concepts. If you have any kind of judgments on fanatics then it is also in you and waits for healing. Have a good one! 


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒這世界是不可能有愛的信念》。世界是我們心智的集體信念 。 當我們分離時,我們就在受苦。我們如此做,乃是要建立一個獨立的個性。然後將試圖擺脫痛苦時所受的苦以及我們對世界的許多自我信念 , 兩者投射出來。今天是療癒這一切的日子。世界是我們的一面鏡子。是時候來清理這面鏡子同時將愛帶進來。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING "THE WORLD IS THE BELIEF THAT LOVE IS IMPOSSIBLE" Posted: 22 Sep 2012 08:40 PM PDT "HEALING "THE WORLD IS THE BELIEF THAT LOVE IS IMPOSSIBLE." The world is the collective belief of our minds. When we separate, we suffer. We do so to build an identity and be independent. We then project both the suffering in an attempt to get rid of the pain and we also project our beliefs about ourselves on the world. Today is the day to heal all that. The world is our mirror. It's time to clean the mirror and bring the love. Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《覺知》。覺知產生順流和靈感。特別是有更多的覺知,就有更多的高興,解決問題的能力和面對所有狀況的信心。有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) AWARENESS Posted: 21 Sep 2012 02:16 AM PDT AWARENESS is the card for today. AWARENESS generates flow and inspiration. Typically the more AWARENESS you have the more delight, ability to solve problems and general confidence you have in all situations. Have a fine day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《自愛》。在某個層次上,自愛是一切問題的解答。它可以允許他人和上天的愛進來。自愛欣然接受美,和諧和豐富。自愛是健康且是擁有輕易生命和順流的關鍵。有個最美好的一天! ! ! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) SELF-LOVE Posted: 20 Sep 2012 12:04 AM PDT SELF-LOVE is the card for today. At one level it is the answer to everything. It lets in others and Heaven's love. It welcomes beauty, harmony and abundance. it is the key note of health and having a life of ease and flow. Have the Best Day !!!!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒死亡的偶像》。療癒死亡的偶像是打破 ​​ 與 自我的合約,就是我們是邁向死亡的身體。我們渴望崇拜死亡或認為我們會因此而高興。 我們以死匆促地完成我們獻給生命的祭壇,再也看不到它昰困難情況的出路。我執總是把我們帶入極其的痛苦的情況下,建議寧可死勝過以療癒為出路。我執的瘋狂,認為這多少會活得比我們久。偶像通常隱藏在無意識的深處。今天問問你有多少如此的偶像。將他們帶到天堂的交易所,看你能換回什麼。當我們所有的心智連結時,這可以幫助整個世界轉向生命。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE IDOL OF DEATH Posted: 17 Sep 2012 11:22 PM PDT HEALING THE IDOL OF DEATH is the card for today. To HEAL THE IDOL OF DEATH is to break the contract with the ego that we are a body on the way to death. We longer worship death or think that we will be happy because of it. We dash it off the altar of what we offer to life and no longer see it as a way out of a difficult situation. The ego always gets us into a situation that is so painful and then suggests death rather than healing  as the way out. In its insanity it thinks that it will somehow outlive us. Idols are usually cached deep in the unconscious. Today ask how many you have. Take them to Heaven's Trading Post and see what you are g...


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《天佑》天佑象徵著,我們被照顧著而且我們所需要都可從內在或上天得到滿足,無論你想用什麼隱喻皆可。恩典和奇蹟會來到,所有任何的狀況都可以輕易處理。今天就讓自己高枕無憂。天堂在支持你 ….. 祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) PROVIDENCE Posted: 16 Sep 2012 10:43 PM PDT PROVIDENCE is the card for today. It signals that we are being looked after and that what we need will come to us from within and above, whatever metaphor you would like to use. Grace and miracles will come to us so that any situation can be handled easily. Let yourself rest easy today. Heaven is behind you...Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《停止懷疑》。停止懷疑是前進到新層次的親密關係和成功的移動。停止懷疑是停止自我懷疑。這允許順流和創造性再次發生。有個良好的和富有產值的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE SUSPENSION OF DOUBT Posted: 14 Sep 2012 11:19 PM PDT THE SUSPENSION OF DOUBT is the card for today. It speaks of movement forward to new levels of intimacy and success. THE SUSPENSION OF DOUBT is the suspension of self-doubt. This allows flow and creativity once more. Have a good and productive day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《文藝復興》。這是你生命一個創造性的新開始且帶領你進入全新且更幸福的篇章。這樣的時代給我們正在尋求的重建更新。放下過去 , 讓我們誕生 。這會 挑戰你的我執,但對你卻是最好的。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) RENAISSANCE Posted: 14 Sep 2012 12:39 AM PDT RENAISSANCE is the card for today. It speaks of a creative new beginning in your life that leads to a new and happier chapter. Times like these give us the renewal we are looking for. Let go of the past and let the birth in. It challenges your ego but it is the best thing for you! Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《超屌》。這是連續昨天的猴子的故事的主題。有個有趣和瘋狂的一天 ... 享受 ... 冒險一試,一起玩吧。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) OUTRAGEOUSNESS Posted: 13 Sep 2012 09:22 AM PDT OUTRAGEOUSNESS is the card for today. It follows on yesterday's theme of THE MONKEY STORY. Have a fun and crazy day...Enjoy... Go for it and bring the party. Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《猴子的故事》。這是個有趣,超級幽默和遊戲玩耍的 一天。這可能是個“超幽默喜劇”的 一天 。 最好乘著像今天這樣的流動走 。 它不只是個猴子的 一天,而是個猴子的故事。享受這天且期待再來的章節! 有個歡鬧的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE MONKEY STORY Posted: 12 Sep 2012 11:45 AM PDT THE MONKEY STORY is the card for today. It is a day of fun, outrageous humor and play. It could be a day that is 'Totally Bananas". It is best to just go with the flow on a day like this and enjoy the ride. It's not just a Monkey Day but a MONKEY STORY. Expect recurring chapters and enjoy the day!!! Have a hilarious day!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《寬容錯誤》。它是一種形式的寬恕,不為小事拼命出力,從而讓你留在順流中。寬容錯誤,讓您持續在你的優先次序裏,而無須為我執防衛而浪費時間。如果你寬容他人的錯誤,你會較輕鬆看待自己,而不是陷在極端的自我攻擊裏。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) OVERLOOKING MISTAKES Posted: 11 Sep 2012 10:19 AM PDT OVERLOOKING MISTAKES is the card for today. It is a form of forgiveness that does not sweat the little stuff and thus allows you to stay in the flow. OVERLOOKING MISTAKES allows you to stay in touch with your priorities rather than to have to defend your ego in some way and to get caught wasting time. If you OVERLOOK others  MISTAKES you will go lighter on yourself instead of being caught up in so much self-attack. Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒死亡誘惑》。當我執試圖將我們綁個可怕的死結,告訴我們唯一的出路就是死亡。它將會生存的反響 , 顯然是個瘋狂的想法。其實死亡的邀約是個誕生的邀約 , 就是我執死了,而我們的生命會有個新的而且更美好的篇章。這是將我們整個心智歸回到神的一天 , 輕易生產的方式將會顯現 , 而生命中所失落的愛與自愛將會重建恢復。有個很棒誕生日子! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING DEATH TEMPTATION Posted: 10 Sep 2012 11:35 AM PDT HEALING DEATH TEMPTATION is the card for the day. When the ego has tied our pantyhose in a terrible knot, it tells us the only way out is death. It's clearly insane thinking it will survive the repercussions. A death invitation is really a birth invitation in which part of the ego dies and there is a new and better chapter in our lives..This is a day to return our whole mind to God where the way will be shown for an easy birth and the love and self-love missing from your life can be restored. Have a great birth today!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《使命》。你有多少知足的程度,就是你有活出多少使命的程度。快樂是關鍵的元素。如果你不是在療癒自己,那就是有一些已指派給你且為你所接受的任務。這是你的神聖的承諾。你的終極使命就是要拯救世界。一定有方法可以完成你所承諾的一切使命。對使命和天命的恐懼是如此之大,導致這成為每一個重要問題和創傷的一部分。我執告訴你:“你的使命這麼大,你是不可能做到的。”這沒錯,但也是欺騙人的。老天藉由你來完成使命。它需要的只是你的強烈渴望和意願。其餘的乃是透過恩典來達成。有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) PURPOSE Posted: 09 Sep 2012 01:21 PM PDT PURPOSE is the card for the day. The extent you feel fulfilled is the extent you are living your purpose. The key element is to be happy and if you are not to heal yourself. Then there is something you have been assigned and that you have accepted. This is your sacred promise. Finally your purpose is to save the world. There must be a way to accomplish all of that if you promised it. The fear of purpose and destiny is so great it is a part of every major problem and trauma. The ego tells you "You have such a big purpose that you can't possibly do it." This is correct but deceptive. Heaven does your purpose through you. What it takes is your st...


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒錯誤》。錯誤乃是要我們從中學習及和修正。我執試圖要我們因內疚而沒學到教訓,反而要我們鞭打自己而壯大我執。但今天要懂得汲取教訓,修正錯誤,使我們有所學習,而不是在自我攻擊。我執不要我們學到教訓,但我們的高層心靈是為我們修正錯誤而工作。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING MISTAKES Posted: 08 Sep 2012 11:49 AM PDT HEALING MISTAKES is the card for today. Mistakes are meant to be learned from and corrected. The ego tries to make us feel guilty so the lesson isn't learned and instead we just beat ourselves up and build our ego. But today is a day to get it straight, learn the lesson and correct the mistake so that we are in the business of learning rather than self-attack. The ego doesn't want us to learn the lesson but our higher mind's job is to correct mistakes for us. Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒世界的律法》。我們生命的部分目的 , 乃是要盡可能的超越任何的局限 。 世界的律法有很大的局限性,我們被召認識到,我們是神的孩子,且除了神以外沒有任何的律法。只有在我們可以發現這個原則,就能超越其他的限制。有個偉大發現的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE LAWS OF THE WORLD Posted: 07 Sep 2012 12:16 PM PDT HEALING THE LAWS OF THE WORLD is the card for today. Part of our purpose in life is to go beyond as many limitations as possible.The laws of the world are big limitations and we are called to realize that we are a child of God and under no laws but His. Yet only we can discover this one principle that transcends the rest. Have a great discovery day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒妖婦的心魔》。這療癒我們分裂的女性面因而將其投射在外的狀況。這是自我評斷和自我仇恨的自我概念,我們以為自己是有罪的 , 而試圖指責他人。現在是時候原諒並釋放我們自己和我們所投射的人。我們不能真正改變我們是如何被創造出來。我們只能夢想,以為我們做到了。這種形成的自我概念和自我,是有點自大。我們仍是被創造出來時的無辜。無罪本身創造了我們就是無辜的。我們是也永遠將是神的孩子。其餘的只是一些錯誤原因 , 為我們所造成。今天是個可以無辜的好日子,從我執的自我滿足及所創造的罪惡感中奪回我們的生命。有個幸福的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE TEMPTRESS SHADOW Posted: 06 Sep 2012 07:55 PM PDT HEALING THE TEMPTRESS SHADOW is the card for today. It heals what we have split off and projected outside us from our feminine side. It is a place of self-judgment and self-hatred and we try to blame others for these self-concepts that we think are sinful. Now is the time to forgive and release ourselves and anyone we have projected on. We could not really change how we were created. We could only dream we did. in this way our self-concepts and the ego we form with them are a bit arrogant. We are still as innocent as we were created. Innocence Itself created us as innocent. We are still and will only ever be a child...


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒黑暗代表》。黑暗的代表指的是為了在世界上有所獎賞 , 而為黑暗 、 冥界及惡魔工作的人。典型的是這筆交易會是無法成交的。這也意味著某人毫無掛慮的評斷人 , 卻沒有意識到他們的情緒和心理污染的程度是噴湧出來的。好消息的是透過恩典,奇蹟和寬恕 , 這是可以得到療癒及救贖 。 這是個對地球很美好的一天!盡你的本分,協助清除和清洗自己的心智以及你周遭人的。我們的心智是相互連結的 。 有個很棒的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE AGENT OF DARKNESS Posted: 05 Sep 2012 03:26 PM PDT HEALING THE AGENT OF DARKNESS is the card for today. The agent of darkness is typically one who works for the darkness, astral or demonic for some reward in the world. That this deal is betrayed is classic. It could also mean one who blithely judges not realizing the amount of emotional and psychological pollution they are spewing out. The good news is that they can be healed and redeemed today through grace, miracles and forgiveness. This is a good day for the earth! Do your part and help clear and clean your own mind and that of those around you. As all of our minds are connected...Have a great day!!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《放下怨尤》。承諾讓今天成為自由的一天。我們的怨尤來自我們的評斷,而我們的怨尤和評斷隱藏著我們的內疚感。那似乎是最不可原諒的 , 卻是隱藏我們所認為我們是有罪的。我們長期來隱藏的罪惡感,卻抑制著我們的不好態度及頑固。放下怨尤 , 是張“走出監獄得以自由”的牌。它療癒害怕改變和恐懼,以及我們將失去一些所愛慕附著。放掉怨尤讓我們的愛,樂於助人和慈悲心得以增長 。 有個非常自由的一天 。   ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) GIVING UP GRIEVANCES Posted: 02 Sep 2012 03:49 PM PDT GIVING UP GRIEVANCES is the card for today. Today promises to be a day of freedom. Our grievances come from our judgment and both grievances and judgments hide our guilt. What seems most unforgivable is where we have hidden that we consider to be our sin. This is the guilt we use to hide chronic but repressed bad attitude and stubbornness. Giving up grievances is a "Get Out of Jail Free" card. It heals our fear of change and fear that we will lose some attachment we have. This allows our love, helpfulness and compassion to grow. Have a great freeing day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒沮喪》。這有助於醫治我們對偶像的崇拜,以及依賴外在來使我們快樂。今天,我們可回復我們的心 , 回到是什麼真正使我們快樂,那就是給予 / 接受 , 而不是透過我們做什麼去獲得。沮喪來自我們喪失了自己的心的錯誤,其實這提供了一個極好的機會去校正我們自己的部分。然後,可以將我們的心找回來,對夥伴敞開和在順流中。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING DISHEARTENMENT Posted: 01 Sep 2012 04:08 PM PDT HEALING DISHEARTENMENT is the card for today. This helps heal our idols and other things we counted on outside of ourselves to make us happy. Today we can recover our heart and get back to what really makes us happy, namely to give/receive rather then to get something from what we do. Disheartenment comes from mistakes we made in which we lost heart and it provides a wonderful opportunity for course correction on our part. We can then get our heart back and be open to partnership and flow. Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《能力》。能力說的是那些正等著變為實際的潛力,開花成為禮物。今天是個好日子,嘗試新的事物,或嘗試用一個新的方式來做我們一直在做的事 。 這是個很好的日子,對你的潛能有一個全新層次的認識。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) ABILITIES Posted: 30 Aug 2012 05:53 PM PDT ABILITIES is the card for today. ABILITIES speak of potentials that are waiting to come into reality where they blossom into gifts. Today is a good day to try something new or to try something you have been doing in a new way.This is a good day to realize a whole new level of your potential. Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒執著》。執著是所有問題的根源之一。正如多年前佛陀所說的,我們的愛慕附著,帶給我們痛苦。因此,當放下時 , 事情就開展和前進了。我們執著乃是試圖在此時去滿足過去所想要的需要,但過去已逝不再回。矛盾的是想要喜樂及滿足的唯一途徑是“療癒我們的執著 ” 。最獨立的人都會執著抓著過去不放,導致在痛苦和分離,嘗試以減輕疼痛。有個最棒的療癒! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE HEALING OF HOLDING ON Posted: 29 Aug 2012 05:34 PM PDT THE HEALING OF HOLDING ON is the card for today. Holding on is one of the roots of all problems. As the Buddha said so many years ago, it is our attachment that brings us pain. So, it is in letting go that things unfold and move forward. Our holding on is an attempt to get needs from the past met now but the past is gone. And paradoxically the only way to be happy and fulfilled is to HEAL OUR HOLDING ON. The most independent people are holding on to the past and it keeps them both in pain and dissociated to try to assuage the pain. Have a great healing day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒心魔》。心魔代表了我們所評斷 , 壓抑及投射到外在的部分自己。這是自我仇恨的地方,原諒那些演出的心魔 , 釋放了我們及他人。如果你發現一個心魔,你也可以問你自己 , 還有多少個心魔,並將它們整合至新的層次的完整性 ... 祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE SHADOW Posted: 28 Aug 2012 10:33 PM PDT HEALING THE SHADOW is the card for today. It represents a part of ourselves we have judged, repressed and then project onto some outside us. It is a place of self-hatred so to forgive someone acting out our shadow frees us and them. If you find a shadow, you can also ask how many you have and integrate them back to new levels of wholeness...Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒瑪雅 ( 幻境 ) 》。瑪雅代表在這世界所有發生的幻想和夢境,而不是人間天堂和光本身的。這是療癒以及擺脫虛假的目標的好日子。幻象導致失望和痛苦,但寬恕和放下這些愛慕 , 可以讓我們帶來和平與喜樂。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING MAYA Posted: 27 Aug 2012 05:34 PM PDT HEALING MAYA is the card for today. Maya stands for all the illusion and dreaming that goes on in the world instead of Heaven on earth and the Light Itself. This is a great day for healing and getting rid of false goals. Illusion leads to disappointment and pain but forgiveness and letting go of these attachments frees us and bring peace and joy. have a good one!