
目前顯示的是 12月, 2012的文章


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《自然的本質和你靈性的喜樂》。自然的本質是非自我意識的自己或我們的身體。它創造出一個順流,並激勵著我們周遭的人。然後領悟到我們是與神在一起 , 且有著那麼多的被愛與愛著的靈性的精緻喜樂。有一個狂野喜樂的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) NATURALNESS AND THE JOY OF YOUR SPIRIT Posted: 29 Dec 2012 10:13 AM PST NATURALNESS AND THE JOY OF YOUR SPIRIT are the cards of the day. NATURALNESS is being unselfconscious about ourselves or our body. It creates a flow and inspires those around us. Then there is the exquisite joy of realizing we are spirit, one with God and loved/love that much. Have a day of wild joy!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《戀人》。這談到有著浪漫的時光及連結的愛,清新且更新了生命,使生活和合作更真實 、 更容易和更自由。這份愛帶來美麗 、 靈感和順流,它會導致新關係的開始。有個非常棒的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE LOVERS Posted: 26 Dec 2012 06:13 PM PST THE LOVERS is the card for today, It speaks of a time of romantic, bonding love that refreshes and renews making life and partnering more authentic, easier and freer. This love brings beauty, inspiration and flow and it leads to new beginnings for relationships. Have a really excellent day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《性行為》。在當今世界,大多數人是將性行為搞砸了,要不是誇大它就是抑制它,或兩者兼具。壓抑者認為他們的壓抑是善良的 , 而誇大者,把它變成色情。我們的性行為是一種自然的功能,為了當有愛與連結時能成為享受的行為。這是個強大的能量,為了更新和醫治我們,給我們安慰和祝福。性行為的能量並不總是針對性而言,因為這種能量是為了奇蹟,領導力和順流。今天這張卡象徵著將性行返回到性的正確地方。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) SEXUALITY Posted: 28 Dec 2012 03:33 PM PST The card for today is SEXUALITY.  SEXUALITY is screwed up in the world today with most people exaggerating or repressing sex, or both.  The repressed think of their repression as goodness while those who exaggerate it turn it into pornography.  Our sexuality is a natural function meant to be enjoyed as an act of love and bonding.  It is a powerful energy meant to renew and heal us, give us comfort and blessings.  The energy of Sexuality is not always meant for sex, because this energy is meant for miracles, leadership and flow.  This card today symbolizes a returning of sex to its proper place in SEXUALITY.  Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒悲傷》。悲傷來自失落。當有失落時就有隱藏的任性選擇或依我的方式,我們渴望成為自己的引導,但卻要因此付出可怕的代價。今天我們可以將建立在悲傷的認知予以撤銷。我們可以擁有原來的連結且讓喜樂回來。我們可以放棄一切圍著失落的防衛和接受天堂為我們準備的圓滿的愛和豐收。有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING SORROW Posted: 27 Dec 2012 12:12 PM PST HEALING SORROW is the card for today. Sorrow comes from loss. When there is loss there was a hidden choice for willfulness or my way, a desire to be our own guide but we paid a dreadful price for it. Today the identity we have built on sorrow can be rescinded. We can have the original bonding and its joy back. We can give up all the defenses around the loss and receive the fullness of love and harvest that Heaven has for us. Have a beautiful day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒粘連的陰謀》。任何人曾經有過受害 、 獨立或犧牲陰謀的人,在一定程度上,他們將會有著粘連的陰謀,且是共生 ( 病態依附的關係 ) 。這將會使穿越死亡區成為真正的夥伴關係變得非常困難。今天的恩典流向療癒和結合,因此順流和夥伴關係是今天的次序。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE FUSION CONSPIRACY Posted: 17 Dec 2012 01:36 PM PST HEALING THE FUSION CONSPIRACY is the card for today. To the extent anyone has ever had victim, independent or sacrifice conspiracies is the extent to which they will have a fusion conspiracy and be co-dependent. This makes it extremely difficult to make it past the Dead Zone into true partnership. Today the grace is flowing toward healing and bonding so that flow and partnership are the order of the day. Have a good One!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒不被人愛的感覺》。當我們認識到不被愛的感覺,只有當我們不再愛時才會發生,我們就可以打破這個沒被人愛的感覺循環。我們誤解了,我們沒有明白這其實是他人在呼求幫助 , 特別是在那些內在已化膿有相同感覺的人。當我們不再拿這為藉口去分離,隱藏和獨立,我們就回應其他人的呼求愛,且醫治這不被人愛的感覺。那些讓我們卡住有這種感覺的人,其實是我們承諾要去拯救的人。如果我們無法成功,我們就會帶著這種不被愛的感覺 , 持續傳給他人 , 直到有人用愛將它逆轉。有個驚喜療癒的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE FEELING OF BEING UNLOVED Posted: 16 Dec 2012 11:39 AM PST HEALING THE FEELING OF BEING UNLOVED is the card for today. When we realize that the feeling of being unloved can only come about when we stop loving, we can break the cycle of feeling unloved. We misinterpret something and do not realize the call for help the other is making typically because they have the same feeling festering inside. When we no longer use situations as an excuse to separate, hide and go independent we answer the calls for love outside ourselves and heal the feeling of being unloved. The person we caught this feeling from was the person whom we had promised to save from this feeling. If we don't succeed we ...


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒我們的浪費時間》。拖延和浪費時間的底下有個恐懼感。有一個古老的說法,其實是在大約 20 年前,我說的“如果你浪費時間,時間就會浪費你。”順著今天的 “ 道 ” ,你將會有產值,增添你的幸福,因而具有真正的價值。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING OUR WASTING OF TIME Posted: 15 Dec 2012 03:25 PM PST HEALING OUR WASTING OF TIME is the card for today. Underneath procrastination and wasting time there is fear. There is an ancient saying I made up about 20 years ago. " If you waste time, time will waste you."  Follow the Tao today and you will be productive in a way that adds to your happiness and thus has real value. Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒悲慘世界》。 ... 如果您有最糟糕的一天,你最有可能在面對悲慘的世界。我們生活在一個死亡的世界,有個以為死亡就是唯一出路的集體信念。悲慘的世界上有著痛苦,苦惱和折磨。 當意識明顯高於地球上,我們有了救援悲慘世界的任務,但當意識降低時,我們忘記了這些救援,但救援任務沒有忘記我們。我們在回家的路上 , 忘了關上保護門而有過可怕的胃酸倒流經驗。唯一可以幫助這些世界的辦法是: 1 )將我們的意識提升朝向及進入合一 ; 或 2 )順著天堂的指引下,通常這會關上保護門,但在稀有的情況下,會在天堂保護下,指導和引導救援任務。你可以單純地請求天堂去除你與天堂之間的障礙,因為祂可以為你清除這一障礙,除非你要的是特殊性,以及因為依戀這個夢境而去對抗神的愛。上帝知道對你合宜的方式。你只需要祈求這障礙被移除掉。有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE HELL WORLDS Posted: 13 Dec 2012 04:25 PM PST HEALING THE HELL WORLDS is the card for today...If you are having the worst day, you are most likely dealing with the hell worlds. We live in a death world where there is a collective belief in death as a way out. The hell worlds contain agony, anguish and torture. When consciousness was higher on the earth plane we did rescue missions there but as consciousness fell we forgot all about the hell worlds but they didn't forget about us. And we forgot to close the vault door on the way home and there has been a t...


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《回應》。它反映了一天,當我們開放我們的心和感受到我們周圍的人溫柔和憐憫。這導致慷慨和慈悲。這創造出順流和感覺到最好的自我及有些時候的浪漫。有個超級美好的日子! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) RESPONSIVENESS Posted: 14 Dec 2012 03:27 PM PST RESPONSIVENESS is the card for today. It reflects a day in which we are open to our hearts and so feel tenderness and compassion for those around us. This leads to generosity and charity. This creates flow and feeling one's best self and sometimes romance. Have a super fine day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《溝通》。今天是個建立溝通連結的日子,放下那些對你無效的溝通模式,去分享為何會讓你有感覺的,為自己的感覺負責,以及設定你想要有怎麼結果的目標,因此,當溝通偏離了,你就再次重設你的目標和朝向你原預期的結果。不要忘了將這情況交託給老天以及祈求奇蹟 。 更重要的是不要忘記分享什麼是對你有效及什麼是你喜歡的。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) COMMUNICATION Posted: 12 Dec 2012 04:55 PM PST COMMUNICATION is the card for today. Today is a day to build bridges and let go of what is in the way by COMMUNICATING what is not working for you, sharing how it makes you feel, taking responsibility for your own feelings and setting a goal for how you want the outcome to be so if the COMMUNICATION strays from that you simply reset the goal and head back to your intended results. Don't forget to turn the situation over to Heaven and ask for a miracle. More importantly don't forget to share what is working and what you like. Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《竅門》。這談到的是一種才華,有著靈力能量能將其更強化。你的竅門 , 這是屬於領袖力類別的禮物,能幫助自己以及其他的人產生順流和連結。有個好玩的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) KNACK Posted: 11 Dec 2012 07:39 AM PST KNACK is the card for the day. It speaks of a talent that has psychic energy tied to it to make it stronger. Your KNACKS are helpful to you and others and come under the category of leadership gifts, creating flow and connection. Have a fun day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒放縱》。在放縱,內疚和犧牲之間總是個惡性循環 , 我們對於內疚和犧牲的清理 , 總是遠遠超過對我們自己的放縱。因此,願意放下放縱,就可以從一些重大的負擔中得以自由,並發現什麼是真正能夠讓你滿足 …. 祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING INDULGENCE Posted: 10 Dec 2012 08:01 AM PST HEALING INDULGENCE is the card for today. Since there is always a vicious circle between indulgence, guilt and sacrifice we always clear up much more than our indulgence. So be willing to let go of indulgence so you can be free of some major burdens and discover what would really satisfy you...Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒幻滅》。所有來自期望,隱藏的需求和偶像讓我們被關在這世界裏,而不是去感受到喜樂。現在是時候放下這些 , 不再依附這些。隨著宇宙不喜歡空虛,如果你有勇氣放下你緊抓著的,那情況就能盡情依其所能的開花。如果你不需要它,你就可以擁有你所想要的一切。你持續地承諾你生命的下個階段,這也會使你超越所抓住的現狀。療癒幻滅 , 讓你再次回到生命中,其目的並不只是為了贏得它,而是從這睡夢中覺醒。祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING DISILLUSIONMENT Posted: 09 Dec 2012 10:39 AM PST HEALING DISILLUSIONMENT is the card for today. It is what comes of expectations, hidden demands and idols that keep us locked in the world rather than feeling joy. It is time for letting go and being unattached. As the universe hates a vacuum, if you have the courage to let go of what you were holding onto the situation can blossom to what can be. If you don't need it you can have all you want. Your continuous commitment to the next stage in your life also moves you beyond attachments now. HEALING DISILLUSIONMENTS gets you back in the game of life, whose purpose is not just to win at it but to awaken from the dream of it. Have a good one!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒碎夢群集》。此群集至少有 5 個對抗我們及阻止我們使命 ( 首要的使命就是幸福 ) 的陰謀。我們這樣做是為了保持分離,對抗老天而依自己的方式行事,報復,企圖表現平凡而隱藏內在的光明及恩賜。這阻礙了我們的豐收及黃金年華。這顯示出因為沒有得到我們想要的特殊性,我們潛意識裏發脾氣,它反映出我們的不好態度,我們持續抱著地球上的偶像,而不是超越它進入狂喜的合一。今天是療癒的重大日子。順著流走,它可以是為我們自己,我們所愛的人及整個世界邁進了一大步。有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE CONSTELLATION OF SHATTERED DREAMS Posted: 08 Dec 2012 10:16 AM PST HEALING THE CONSTELLATION OF SHATTERED DREAMS is the card for today. This constellation is the combination of at least five conspiracies against ourselves and our purpose, the first of which is happiness. We do this to keep separation, fight Heaven to do things our way, get revenge, attempt to appear normal and hide the giftedness and the light inside us. This is what has stopped us from harvest and the golden life. This shows our unconscious tantrum because we don't have the specialness we want and it reflects our bad attitude and where we have idols to stay locked on the earth plane instead of going beyond it to ecst...


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒低迷的命運之輪》。依據我們的集體信念,命運之輪會上上下下,但這不是上天的旨意,上天要我們只能體驗幸福的夢境直到我們能夠覺醒過來。我們可以調正我們的旨意與天堂一樣,這是比集體的信念更為強大。這種調正來自我們的選擇與放棄潛藏在潛意識的古老 、 叛逆的模式。我們用低迷的命運之輪來與神爭鬥,證明祂是個壞神,所以我們可以照我們所希望的意思去做。這在任何時候,都不是個好主意,尤其是現在。今天,你可以調正朝向天堂 , 且有個美好的一天。祝玩得開心! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE DOWNTURN OF THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE Posted: 07 Dec 2012 10:00 AM PST HEALING THE DOWNTURN OF THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE is the card for today. The wheel of fortune goes up and down according to our collective beliefs but this is not Heaven's Will for us which would have us experience only happy dreams until we can awaken. We can align ourselves with Heaven's Will which is much more powerful than collective beliefs. This alignment comes about with choice and our giving up ancient, rebellious patterns that lurk in our unconscious. We use downturns in the wheel of fortune to fight God and prove He is a bad God and so we get to do as we wish. This is not a good idea at any time but especially now. Today...


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒害怕改變》。今天你所有的問題,都可以減少至這動態核心以及穿越的方式就是有意願向前進。否則,你的情緒和問題隱藏著往前進的恐懼,而你可以選擇愛和信任,而不是恐懼。要決定你是在聽你的我執聲音或是你高層心靈的聲音。 一旦你和其他人停滯了 , 用你的意願帶你往前移動到一個更美好之處。有個選擇真理的威力一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE FEAR OF CHANGE Posted: 06 Dec 2012 09:46 AM PST HEALING THE FEAR OF CHANGE is the card for today. All your problems today can be reduced to this core dynamic and the way through is the willingness to go forward. Otherwise your emotions and problems hides fear of moving forward and you can choose love and trust instead of fear. You get to decide whether you listen to your ego or your higher mind. One stops you and the other uses your willingness to move you forward to a better place. Have a powerful day of choosing truth!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《奇蹟》。奇蹟是超越時空的定律以及擁抱神的定律。它從我們的愛和信心開始,然後在神的愛來完成。這是個很棒的日子來祈禱和祈求奇蹟,同時延展你的信任和愛,並邀請天堂介入和拯救的日子。如果我們能夠脫離我們的情緒,那麼我們就可以邀請天堂帶著奇蹟進來。有個燦爛的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) MIRACLES Posted: 04 Dec 2012 03:40 PM PST MIRACLES is the card for today. It is the transcendence of the laws of time and space and the embracing of God's laws. It begins with our love and faith and then is completed with God's Love. This is a great day to pray and ask for miracles as well as extending your trust and love and inviting Heaven to step in and save the day. If we can disengage from our emotions then we can invite Heaven to step in with MIRACLES.  Have a brilliant day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒舊傷》。所有的傷痛來自舊有的傷痛 , 只要療癒問題的根源就能療癒整個問題的模式。今天,讓所有舊有的錯誤及自我擊敗模式的根源被消融 , 使自己自由。這將去除你已經建構在的痛苦的有些認知,將會使你的生命有更多的聯繫與成功。有個愉快的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING OLD WOUNDS Posted: 01 Dec 2012 10:42 AM PST HEALING OLD WOUNDS is the card for today. All wounds come from old wounds so to heal the roots of the problem is to heal a whole pattern. Today let the old mistakes and sources of your self-defeating patterns be dissolved and you be freed. This will erase some of your identity that has been built on pain and you will have so much more contact and success in your life. Have a delightful day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒真理和幻想的大戰》。這種分裂的潛意識,使我們處在二元論和分離。透過整合現今仍在進行中及過去所有這種的爭戰中所有層次是個解答。此種大戰的目的是將我們關在幻想裏,讓我們與老天失去連結,所以走過這爭戰就是去解除它。第三個你可以療癒這爭戰的方法是真誠願意地把它交給上天去轉化。要超越這種心智上的分裂,就是去體驗深厚的和平與真理。有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE GREAT WAR OF TRUTH AND ILLUSION Posted: 29 Nov 2012 10:24 AM PST HEALING THE GREAT WAR OF TRUTH AND ILLUSION is the card for today. This split in the unconscious mind keeps us in dualism and separation. The resolution of this occurs through integration of all the levels in which this war is going on or by going past the battlefields. The purpose of the Great Wars is to keep us locked in illusion and to keep us disconnected from Heaven so going past the wars is to resolve it. The third way you can heal this is with sincere willingness turn it over to Heaven to transform. To be beyond this split in the mind is to experience deep peace and truth. Have a good day!