
目前顯示的是 10月, 2014的文章


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《喜樂》。喜樂是來自於愛的快樂體驗。它是上天的高興與甜美充滿一個人時的豐盛湧現。今天的上天喜樂 , 帶來了健康和融化小我之牆,因而有新的親密,開放和順流。有個最快樂和幸福的日子! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) JOY Posted: 30 Oct 2014 01:45 PM PDT JOY is the card for today. It is the happy experience that comes from love. It is the exuberant rush that fills one with the glad sweetness of Heaven. Today's JOY is that which brings health and melts the walls of the ego so there is new intimacy, openness and flow. Have the most JOYOUS and happy day!!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《純潔無罪》。 純潔無罪與罪惡感是相反的,且宣告我們配得一切美好的事物。上帝是這樣創造我們的,縱使我們可以用自我建造的身份來遮蓋這些,但它不能改變真實的我們。純潔無罪建立自愛和自我價值。它祝福每個人及每件事,我們有著天賦和愛而發亮起來 ... 有個最驚喜美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) INNOCENCE Posted: 29 Oct 2014 02:02 PM PDT INNOCENCE is the card for today. It is the opposite of guilt and declares that we deserve all good things. This was how God created us and we can cover that over with an identity that we made but it can't change our reality. INNOCENCE builds self-love and self-worth. It blesses everyone and everything and we shine out with giftedness and love…Have a most amazing day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒沒有討我喜歡的故事》。 今天有機會療癒缺乏成就感。我們對自己缺少的成就滿足感 , 有著責怪他人或事物的劇本。這種故事乃來自特殊性,控制和獨立的形態。我們用這樣的故事,使我們無法享受和接受 ,其實 是還有其他方法可用的。今天,讓這些黑暗的故事換成快樂和愛的故事 ...... 祝美好! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE NOTHING PLEASES ME STORY Posted: 27 Oct 2014 01:10 PM PDT HEALING THE NOTHING PLEASES ME STORY is the card for today. Today has the opportunity to heal lack of fulfillment. We have bee scripting our lack of satisfaction and blaming on other people or things. This story is a form of specialness, control and independence. There are other ways we use such a story that keeps us from enjoyment and receiving. Today let these dark stories be replaced with Happy Stories and Love Stories…Have a good one!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《正確的心靈》。 它談的是傾聽我們的高層意識,去觀照和辨識事物,而不是判斷它。這讓我們用愛和慈悲去看事物,而不是因判斷而帶來更大的痛苦。今天是個好日子,省思和從一個更高的角度來看我們的生活,這就會將我們隱藏的罪惡感和怨尤釋放掉 ...... 有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) RIGHT MINDEDNESS Posted: 26 Oct 2014 12:07 PM PDT RIGHT MINDEDNESS is the card for today. It speaks of listening to our higher mind as to how to perceive and discern something rather than judge it. This allows us to look on something with love and compassion rather than bringing greater suffering by our judgment. Today is a good day to reflect on our lives and see everything from a higher perspective thus freeing ourselves from the grievances and the guilt that hides beneath it…Have a wonderful day!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒收集》。 收集是痛苦或寂寞感覺的補償。我們可以收集任何東西 ...... 性或旅行的經歷,美好的飲食經驗,紀念品,鞋子,服裝,書籍,硬幣,郵票等等這些為例。我們可以邀請將這些防衛與其所對抗的整合起來 , 從而帶來更多的和平和完整 ... 有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE HEALING OF COLLECTING Posted: 25 Oct 2014 04:28 PM PDT THE HEALING OF COLLECTING is the card for today. Collecting is a compensation for painful or lonely feelings. We could collect anything…Sexual or travel experiences, great eating experiences, memorabilia, shoes, clothing, books, coins, stamps to name but a few. We can ask that these defenses be integrated with what they defend against thus bringing more peace and wholeness… have a fine day!!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《“我是神之聖子。”》。“我是神之聖子。”這是奇蹟課程中的一段話。它談到是在我們的創造中 , 我仍是一的一部分,因為在創造時 , 我們與神沒有分開。合一而沒分離。不會成為雙重性。它不像如在我們感知的現實中的分離 。 有一個整體的其他感知是真實的 , 就如同奧秘家和量子物理學家會告訴你的一樣。這是一種光的體驗,是奧秘家 , 稱之為偉大的光。身為神的聖子,我們值得擁有這一切。我們值得覺醒至我們真實的現實。因此我們所造的內疚,恐懼和痛苦及所有其他的黑暗故事,這都不是真實的。今天是個好日子,覺知到我們真正的自己 , 因為神給予我們的身份是不能改變的 , 只是被覆蓋了。有個最令人驚喜的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) "I AM THE HOLY SON OF GOD HIMSELF." Posted: 24 Oct 2014 01:15 PM PDT "I AM THE HOLY SON OF GOD HIMSELF." a quote from A COURSE IN MIRACLES is the card for today. It speaks of still being part of Oneness in our creation because we weren't separated from God when created. Oneness does not divide. It doesn't make twoness. It doesn't separate as we perceive reality is. There is a whole other perception that is true as mystics and Quantum Physicists will tell you. It is an experience of light, what the mystics call The Great Rays. As the Holy Son of God Himself we deserve it all. We deserve to wake up to our true...


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《神是好的》。我們沒有明白在無意識層面上,對任何我們的生活中所發生的事情或來自其他處的,我們都責怪上帝。我們也沒有意識到,上帝不可能做了那些事情,仍能稱之為上帝。所以剩下的就是我們 , 為自己選擇了這樣可怕的經歷。因此投射的本質 ,就是 將我們所正在做的及曾做過的 , 都責怪在他人身上。我們墜入夢境和投射上帝把我們拋棄了,但像所有的心碎,我們用所發生的 , 當作我們與人分離和用我們的方式做事的藉口。埋怨上帝 , 只會阻擋上帝 , 想給我們的恩典和奇蹟。今天,讓我們打開我們心靈 ,接受 上帝所要給我們的一切幫助。有個奇蹟的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) GOD IS GOOD Posted: 21 Oct 2014 11:20 AM PDT GOD IS GOOD is the card for today. We don't realize that at an unconscious level we blame God for anything that happens to us in life or from another. We also don't realize that God could not have done those things and still remain God. So we are who is left about who has chosen such dire experiences for us. It is the nature of projection that we blame on others what we are doing and have done. We Fall into the dream and project God threw us out but like all heartbreaks we used what was occurring as our excuse to separate and do things our way. Blaming God only blocks the grace and miracles He wants to give us. To...


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《慶祝》。它談的是帶著可幸福且喜樂連結在一起的理由 , 彼此共聚一堂。這談到的是在成功或愛的勝利。慶祝是個值得用派對或晚宴的相聚 , 來記錄的成就。今天將此能量帶到你所做的一切事上,它可以將最平凡乏味的情況改變。有個好玩和歡樂的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) CELEBRATION Posted: 23 Oct 2014 11:36 AM PDT CELEBRATION is the card for today. It speaks of a coming together with a reason to be happy and joining together in joy. This is a card that speaks of a victory in success or love. CELEBRATION is an achievement worth noting by congregating for a party or a dinner. Take this energy today into whatever you are doing and it can change the most mundane of circumstances. Have a fun and happy day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒疏離》。這可以是個內心開放的一天。願意放下控制,它不必是用自己的方式行,因為沒有心的層次是很難有夥伴關係,活在你的使命或走出犧牲。你心的敞開會開啟你的創造力和接受能力。疏離沒有將痛苦排除。卻將痛苦與你連在一起且藏起來,所以它是很難發現與醫治。今天你可以有個全新的層次的回應。有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING DISSOCIATION Posted: 22 Oct 2014 12:05 PM PDT HEALING DISSOCIATION is the card for today. It can be a heart opening day. Be willing to let go of the control and it having to be your way go because without this level of heart it is difficult to have partnership, live your purpose or get out of sacrifice. Your heart opens you to creativity and the ability to receive. Dissociation did not keep the pain locked out. It locked it in with you and hid it so it is difficult to find and heal. Today a new level of responsiveness can be yours. Have a fine day!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《財務順流》。它特別談到關於金錢更大豐盛的開啟。因此,今天願意要在金錢的順流裏。它定下了幾個月甚至將來幾年的基調。這是由於增進了與周圍重要人的連結,自己的自我價值也增加了的結果。有個最豐富和熱情洋溢的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) FINANCIAL FLOW Posted: 20 Oct 2014 02:02 PM PDT FINANCIAL FLOW is the card for today. It speaks of a greater opening of abundance especially in regard to money. So, be willing to be in the flow of money today. It sets the tone for months if not years to come. This is a result of an increase of joining with significant people around you and also an increase in your own self-worth. Have a most abundant and ebullient day!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒妓女的心魔》。 這反映了我們相信為了錢或其他利益 , 把自己賣掉的自我部分。我們因失去誠信而評斷自己,也為此而自我攻擊。自我寬恕消溶解了這評斷以及因而有的自我憎恨,使我們不再因此而評斷別人,但卻可看見這是個呼求幫助的行為。今天,讓我們原諒自己,認識到自己和其他人的純潔無罪,因而可以自由和快樂! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE PROSTITUTE SHADOW Posted: 16 Oct 2014 02:24 PM PDT HEALING THE PROSTITUTE SHADOW is the card of the day. This reflects the part of us where we believe we sold ourselves out for money or some other benefit. We judged ourselves for losing our integrity and have been attacking ourselves for it. Self-forgiveness dissolves the judgment and self-hatred involved so that we no longer judge others in this way but see such behavior as a call for help. Today let us forgive ourselves and recognize our innocence and that of others that we might be free and happy!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒小我幻相》。幻相是痛苦,內疚和恐懼,而這一切都來自疏離。小我是疏離的原則。我們所有的心碎 , 隱藏著想要疏離的秘密。這使小我利用我們的和平與幸福作為代價。當墜落時,偏愛疏離就一直與我們同在,而當我們疏離時,某些方面我們就將拒絕,遺棄或傷害我們 , 投射在別人的身上。今天這個隱藏的慾望變得明顯了,我們要再次選擇走在朝向一體和一的正確方向。今天是歡欣鼓舞的一天 , 因為小我的牆壁倒塌了 ,愛 取而代之了! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING EGO ILLUSION Posted: 13 Oct 2014 11:55 AM PDT HEALING EGO ILLUSION is the card for today. Illusion is suffering, guilt and fear, which all come from separation. The ego is the principle of separation. All of our heartbreaks hid the secret wish to separate. This made the ego at the cost of our peace and happiness. The predilection to separate has been with us since The FALL and as we separate we then project onto others the role of rejecting, abandoning or hurting us in some way. This hidden desire becomes apparent today and we get to choose again to go in the right direction toward unity and Oneness. Today is a day to rejoice as a wall of the ego comes down and love takes it's place!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《呼求幫助》。這是個療癒被恐懼淹沒和往前進的時刻。我們只要向上天和身邊的人 , 呼求幫助。我們了解到,我們來到這世界是個團隊,而不是僅僅自己一個人。今天就讓我們呼求幫助,因為我們需要它。有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) ASKING FOR HELP Posted: 14 Oct 2014 02:53 PM PDT ASKING FOR HELP is the card for today. This is a time that heals fear of being overwhelmed and moving forward. We simply ask for help from Heaven and from those around us. We realize that we are here as a team and not just an individual. Today let us ask for help as we need it. Have a fine day!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《療癒評斷》。 判斷帶來黑暗和痛苦 , 所以療癒評斷帶來光明,和平與醫治。今天去看看所有問題,任何你覺得不舒服和痛苦情緒之處。這些在其根本之處都有著評斷 ...... 放下評斷吧,你所評斷的人需要你的祝福;只有你隱藏的內疚會有不同的想法 ...... 有個將光明帶進你和集體的生活美好一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING JUDGMENT Posted: 15 Oct 2014 10:47 AM PDT HEALING JUDGMENT is the card for today. Judgment brings darkness and suffering so the HEALING of JUDGMENT brings light and peace and healing. Today look for problems, anyplace you don't feel good and have painful emotions. These are places that have judgments at their roots…Let them go…Whoever you judged need your blessings instead; only your hidden guilt would say otherwise…Have a fine day of bringing light to your life and to the collective!!