今天Chuck博士的卡片是《純潔無罪》。 純潔無罪與罪惡感是相反的,且宣告我們配得一切美好的事物。上帝是這樣創造我們的,縱使我們可以用自我建造的身份來遮蓋這些,但它不能改變真實的我們。純潔無罪建立自愛和自我價值。它祝福每個人及每件事,我們有著天賦和愛而發亮起來...有個最驚喜美好的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 29 Oct 2014 02:02 PM PDT
INNOCENCE is the card for today. It is the
opposite of guilt and declares that we deserve all good things. This was how
God created us and we can cover that over with an identity that we made but it
can't change our reality. INNOCENCE builds self-love and self-worth. It blesses
everyone and everything and we shine out with giftedness and love…Have a most
amazing day!