對評斷和被評斷的人,評斷帶來痛苦和犧牲。它是小我疏離的形式。它發生在我們被呼求去幫忙他人或情況的時候,而不是站在優越的位置和假裝這些情況與我們無關。要療癒評斷,我們需要對我們的感知負起責任,因為它顯示了我們的潛意識,無意識,並幫助或原諒我們自己,人與形勢。有個釋放自己和他人的美好一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian
Posted: 06 Jan 2015 06:49 PM PST
HEALING JUDGMENT is the card for today. Judgment brings suffering and sacrifice to the one judged and the one who judges. It is the ego's form of separating. It comes at a time when we are called to help the person or situation rather than taking a superior position and pretending the situation had nothing to do with us. To HEAL JUDGMENT we need to take responsibility for our perception because it shows our subconscious-unconscious and to help or forgive ourselves, the person and situation. Have a great day of freeing yourself and others!!
Posted: 06 Jan 2015 06:49 PM PST
HEALING JUDGMENT is the card for today. Judgment brings suffering and sacrifice to the one judged and the one who judges. It is the ego's form of separating. It comes at a time when we are called to help the person or situation rather than taking a superior position and pretending the situation had nothing to do with us. To HEAL JUDGMENT we need to take responsibility for our perception because it shows our subconscious-unconscious and to help or forgive ourselves, the person and situation. Have a great day of freeing yourself and others!!