
目前顯示的是 7月, 2015的文章


我們認為有人對我們做了我們不想要的,但其實是我們所造成的。這來自於隱藏的自我有其自己的主張,且將此從我們的意識心靈中隱藏起來。很多時候,這個看似自我毀滅的部分,是一個情緒受困的受傷孩子其內在邏輯的運作。今天是歡迎自我的靈性交會且將其整合的一天,以便有整體性與和平。有個最美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE HIDDEN SELF is the card for today. We think that someone does something to us against our will but it was we that set it up. This comes from the hidden self which has its own agenda that we hide from our conscious mind. Many times this seemingly self-destructive part is the work of a wounded child inside with the logic of a child emotionally arrested. Today is a day to welcome communion with that self and integrate it so that there is wholeness and peace. Have a most fine day!! HEALING THE HIDDEN SELF Posted: 29 Jul 2015 05:27 PM PDT


它代表了我們的父親,父親的原型和父神。這是深情保護的能量。這是慷慨和安全的能量,這使我們能夠長大成為我們所要成為的人。神要我們從分離和痛苦的世界中覺醒,給了我們所有的恩典就是祂的愛來完成這些。如果我們真願意覺醒的話,祂會告訴我們覺醒之道。在我們的父親似乎讓我們失望之處,那也是我們辜負他們之處,未能打開我們帶來的禮物以及從父親來的且會使我們成功的寶藏。這將恢復我們古老的過去成為整體性。以相同的方式,我們藉由回應祂的問題,“你願意幫我,救我的孩子嗎?”來協助父神。今天,讓我們對我們的父親和我們的父神,表達感謝,並竭盡所能去幫助他們。有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE FATHER is the card for today. It represents our fathers, the father archetype and God the FATHER. This is the energy of loving protection. It is the energy of generosity and the security that allows us to grow into who we are have come to be. God wants us to awaken from the world of separation and suffering and gives us all the grace which is His Love to do so. He tells us the way to awaken if we so desire. Where our fathers seemed to fail us was where we failed them, failed to open the gifts we brought in and the treasures from the Father that would have had them be a success. This restores our ancient past to wholeness. In the same way we have come to help God the Father ...


當失敗與罪惡感融在一起時,會導致自我攻擊和自我懲罰。它在任何隱藏著復仇和古老的心碎,還有我們仍未克服失敗之處。今天是清理失敗和所有與之相連的古老黑暗模式。如果我們可以承擔責任,把失敗看作我們的失誤,馬上就可以把它交給上天來清除掉。有一個美妙的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING FAILURE is the card for today. Failure and guilt are fused together and they cause self-attack and self-punishment. In whatever area it is in it hides revenge and old heartbreaks and defeats we haven't gotten over. Today is a day to clean out failure and all of the old dark patterns connected with it. If we can take responsibility of the failure as our mistake, we can immediately turn it over to Heaven to undo. Have a fabulous day!!


這是一張非常有威力的療癒卡,因為破碎的夢是我們生命中的一些最糟糕的傷痛。它顯示了我們有著以為會使我們快樂且可拯救我們的偶像及假神。但我們外在有的,無論是人事物只能讓我們有暫時的快樂,但卻無法持久。我們的感情沒連結,會導致痛苦,在這種情況下,是極大的痛苦。憂鬱症是緊抓著我們失落的夢的明確標誌。是時候放下這些夢和伴隨發生的任何傷痛。會有更好的方式,將導向一個新及更好的開始。願有個釋放,療癒以及準備好新的開始的美好一天,。 ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING SHATTERED DREAMS is the card for today. This is a very powerful healing card as shattered dreams are some of the worst pain of our lives. It shows a place where we had idols, false gods we thought would make us happy and save us. But whether a person, place or thing that which is outside us can make us happy for only a while but they can't sustain us. Our attachment isn't bonding and leads to pain, in this case great pain. Depression is a sure sign that we are holding onto the loss of our dreams. It is time to let these dreams go along with any pain that occurred. There is a better way and letting will lead to a new and better beginning. Have an amazing day of release and healing and be ready for your new beginning. HEALIN...


業力乃是我們仍在運作的舊有模式,而其結果現仍影響著我們。今天是很好的一天,來療癒這些模式並釋放掉造成我們生命中問題的舊有錯誤的選擇,行動和想法。呼求老天的幫助。在你負起完全的責任時,你就可以把它交給老天去解決。有個美好的日子! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING KARMA is the card for today. Karma is the old patterns we set in motion that are affecting us now with their repercussions. Today is a great day to heal these patterns and free ourselves of old mistaken choices, actions and thoughts that are still causing problems in our life. Call in Heaven's help. After you take complete responsibility you can turn it over to Heaven for undoing. Have a fine day!! HEALING KARMA  Posted: 10 Jul 2015 11:10 PM PDT


當我們浪費時間時,時間就在浪費我們。我們追求閃閃發光,而不是真黃金。我們被世界的幻相所惑,而不是花時間在能帶來更多完整性和幸福的寬恕和愛。閃閃發光不會讓我們滿意。讓我們放棄追求無價值的瑣事,而是去面對當死亡臨到時,我們可以帶走什麼。有個亮麗美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE ATTRACTION OF GLITTER is the card for today. We waste time and as a result time wastes us. We go for the glitter and not the gold. We get caught up in illusions of the world rather than spend time on the ways of forgiveness and love that bring ever greater wholeness and happiness. What glitters will not satisfy us. Let us give up our pursuit of trinkets and go for what in the face of death we can take with us. Have a spectacular day!!


今天 Chuck 博士的卡片是《面向光明》。 這是在心靈最深處,一個正向態度的重新發生。這打開了心靈的主要部份,有著恩典和奇蹟,並顯示了,隨著我們的演化,而返回到靈性層面的原始基礎 ...... 有個最美麗的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) FACING THE LIGHT Posted: 01 Jul 2015 02:25 AM PDT FACING THE LIGHT is the card for today. This is a return of positive attitude at the deepest of soul levels. This opens up major areas of the mind for grace and miracles and shows the spiritual level as the primordial foundation to which we all return as we evolve…Have the most beautiful day!!