
業力乃是我們仍在運作的舊有模式,而其結果現仍影響著我們。今天是很好的一天,來療癒這些模式並釋放掉造成我們生命中問題的舊有錯誤的選擇,行動和想法。呼求老天的幫助。在你負起完全的責任時,你就可以把它交給老天去解決。有個美好的日子!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
HEALING KARMA is the card for today. Karma is the old patterns we set in motion that are affecting us now with their repercussions. Today is a great day to heal these patterns and free ourselves of old mistaken choices, actions and thoughts that are still causing problems in our life. Call in Heaven's help. After you take complete responsibility you can turn it over to Heaven for undoing. Have a fine day!!

HEALING KARMA  Posted: 10 Jul 2015 11:10 PM PDT



