
目前顯示的是 2月, 2016的文章


黑暗的教訓,顯現我們有受傷,消極和自我挫敗的信仰體系。如果我們回到當時受傷之時,邀請愛,且放棄這黑暗的功課,並迎接上天要我們學習的靈魂功課。然後,我們邀請神聖的愛和神聖的臨在,並分享給當時在那事件發生時的每一位,好釋放掉每個人的受傷。願有個美好的和驚人的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING DARK LESSONS is the card for today. Dark lessons show where we have wounds and negative, self-defeating belief systems. If we go back to the incident where the wound began and invite love and relinquish the dark lesson, we can welcome in the soul lesson that Heaven would have us learn. Then we can invite Divine Love and Divine Presence and share that with everyone in the scene freeing everyone of that wound. Have a great and amazing day!! HEALING DARK LESSONS Posted: 25 Feb 2016 11:30 PM PST


《療癒我被咒詛時》當我們詛咒時,以為這樣作,這樣的攻擊是有效的。因此,我們會認為當別人攻擊我們時,也會有同樣的效應。其實當我們詛咒他人時,我們也詛咒了自已。今天呼請,所有你詛咒的或被詛咒的,從你,你的伴侶和你的孩子被移除。同樣地,所有你的祖先或你伴侶的祖先所發出或接受到的所有詛咒,也被移除,因為這一切都是幻相。最後呼請,在“前世”時,詛咒或被詛咒的,從你,你的伴侶和你的孩子被移除。願有個最神奇的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING WHERE WE HAVE BEEN CURSED is the card for today. Where we have cursed we have done so because we think this attack has been effective. Therefore, we will think where others have attacked us has likewise been effective. The curses we make on others we make on ourselves also. Today ask that all curses that you have given or received be removed from you, your partner and your children. In a similar vein ask that all the curses that your ancestors or your partner's ancestors have given or received be removed as the illusions they are. Finally ask that any curses made or received in 'past lives' be removed from you, your partner and your children. Have a most miraculous day!! HEALING WHERE WE HAVE BEEN CURSED Posted: 24 Feb 2016 ...


今天,你可以認識到或擁有你的大師特質。或者在你身邊的人為你展現了這大師的特質,但同時你也是這大師。今天,迎接這種關愛他人的靈性大師,同時感受到上天恩典的指引。願有個最有開悟啟發的一天! ( 譯者註 : 古魯是印度教的宗師或領袖的代稱 ) ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) THE GURU (ARCHETYPE) is the card for today. This is a day where you can recognize or assume your mastery. Or there may be someone around you who embodies this for you but it is you also. Today welcome this spiritual mastery that cares for others and feel Heavens grace directing you. Have a most enlightening day!! THE GURU (ARCHETYPE) Posted: 23 Feb 2016 10:25 PM PST


它代表了我們原有的發光發亮天命的自己,但因小我的誘惑,而將自己這部分隱藏起來。通常也為此付出相當痛苦的代價。今天,我們可以再次迎回自己的這部分,且讓它長大成熟發光發亮。為了我們自己,孩子和世界,讓我們再次擁抱這黃金般閃亮的天命。願有個美好的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) GOLDEN CHILD is the card for today. It represents the self we were before we fell from this destiny of goldenness with some ego temptation to hide which was usually quite a painful price to pay. Today we can welcome back this aspect of ourselves so it can mature into the goldenness once more and we can embrace this destiny especially for ourselves, our children and the world. Have a wonderful day!! GOLDEN CHILD Posted: 22 Feb 2016 11:08 PM PST


上天提供我們所有的一切。今天,讓我們盡可能地敞開心扉,領受來自生命和愛給我們的禮物。願有個神奇美妙的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) RECEIVING is the card for today. Heaven is giving us everything. Let us open ourselves as much as possible for all the gifts that life and Love have for us today. Have a miraculous day!! RECEIVING Posted: 21 Feb 2016 09:35 PM PST


壓抑是我們對自己的判斷,被我們埋藏在心裡。我們忘了它,甚至忘了我們忘了這件事。今天,我們可找到這些壓抑的地方,並釋放對它們的評斷因而自由。願有個美好和驚喜的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING REPRESSION is the card of the day. Repression is something we judged about ourselves and then buried in our mind. We forgot it and then we forgot we forgot it. Today we can find those places and releases the judgment on them and be free. Have a beautiful and amazing day!! HEALING REPRESSION Posted: 19 Feb 2016 11:25 PM PST


執行力(原型),談的是才能,領導力和將事情做好的能力。這種能量可以調動我們朝向成功及完成實現成功所必需的力量。願你認識和運用到自己的這些部分,擁有個美好的一天,! THE EXECUTIVE (ARCHETYPE) is the card for today. It speaks of competence, leadership and the ability to get things done. This energy can mobilize us for success and the power to accomplish what is necessary for success. Have a great day of recognizing and utilizing these aspects in yourself!! THE EXECUTIVE (ARCHETYPE) Posted: 20 Feb 2016 09:14 PM PST


當今武器的交易是地球上最大的生意之一。無害是可取的。沒有攻擊和自我攻擊,有的是純潔無罪和小我的終結。無害使得世界喜樂和豐盛,關係充滿著愛與連結。無害是朋友幫助朋友的世界,世界將會往前進化一大步。今天就讓我們放下任何形式的攻擊以及罪惡感,而罪惡感始終是惡性循環的一環。 祝你今天過得愉快!! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HARMLESSNESS is the card of the day. In a day when the arms dealing is one of the biggest business on the earth. HARMLESSNESS is a saving grace. Without attack and self-attack there is innocence and the end of the ego. This makes a world of joy and abundance with relationships full of love and bonding. It will be a world of Friends Helping Friends and the world will take a giant step in evolution. Today let us let go of any form of attack and the guilt that is always part of it as a vicious circle. Have a beautiful day!! HARMLESSNESS Posted: 13 Feb 2016 10:38 PM PST


冥界是我們無意識心靈的深處底層,盡管它看起來,容藏著惡魔,魔鬼與黑暗的神,實際上它只是我們舊有的小我,正試圖讓自己安全。在我們心靈裡古老的這個分離禍害,是可以藉由在高處的朋友幫助下得到療癒。讓我們呼求神的幫助,並釋放掉試圖建立與神分離意圖的這個隱藏的固執。這會將一個全新層次的奇蹟,帶進到我們的生命。願有個奇蹟的一天! ( 譯者 : 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai) HEALING THE SYMPTOMS THAT HIDE AN ASTRAL ATTACK is the card for today. The astral is the depth of our unconscious mind and while it seems to house demons, devils and dark gods, it is really only our ancient ego that is trying to make itself safe. This ancient blight of separation in our minds can be healed with the help of our Friends in High Places. Let us call on Heaven's help and release this hidden willfulness that tried to establish a will separate from God's. This brings back a whole new level of miracles into our lives. Have a miraculous day!! HEALING THE SYMPTOMS THAT HIDE AN ASTRAL ATTACK Posted: 12 Feb 2016 10:56 PM PST