
黑暗的教訓,顯現我們有受傷,消極和自我挫敗的信仰體系。如果我們回到當時受傷之時,邀請愛,且放棄這黑暗的功課,並迎接上天要我們學習的靈魂功課。然後,我們邀請神聖的愛和神聖的臨在,並分享給當時在那事件發生時的每一位,好釋放掉每個人的受傷。願有個美好的和驚人的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)

HEALING DARK LESSONS is the card for today. Dark lessons show where we have wounds and negative, self-defeating belief systems. If we go back to the incident where the wound began and invite love and relinquish the dark lesson, we can welcome in the soul lesson that Heaven would have us learn. Then we can invite Divine Love and Divine Presence and share that with everyone in the scene freeing everyone of that wound. Have a great and amazing day!!

HEALING DARK LESSONS Posted: 25 Feb 2016 11:30 PM PST



