
目前顯示的是 8月, 2016的文章


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒對性幻想的恐懼》 儘管許多人對性幻想有罪惡感,但性幻想其實是正常無罪的。然而性幻想卻是對遠離伴侶的一種投資。這也是掉進了「外在世界能讓我們幸福快樂」的陷阱。這一切其實是可以拿來投資在我們的伴侶身上,或是投資在擁有真愛伴侶這件事上……享受這一天,享受你的天真無罪,並且明智地選擇將自己投資在哪個地方吧! HEALING THE FEAR OF SEXUAL FANTASY is the card for today. Sexual fantasy is normal and guiltless though many feel guilt for it. Yet it is an investment that can take us away from our partner. It is also falling for the trap that something outside us will make us happy. All of this could instead be invested in our partner or in having a true love partner....Enjoy your day and your innocence and choose wisely where you invest yourself!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒防衛措施》 今天的卡片是療癒防衛措施。防衛措施掩蓋了痛苦。我們防衛時,也會將痛苦鎖在我們裡面。今天,讓我們有勇氣解除防衛,明白底下要療癒的東西。痛苦不是老天對我們的旨意,所以,請求老天的旨意與我們真實的意願都能夠完成吧!祝你有個真實美好的一天! HEALING DEFENSIVENESS is the card for today. Defensiveness hides pain and when we are defensive we lock the pain inside with ourselves. Today let us have the courage to be undefended and realize what is there to heal. Pain is not God's Will for us so let us ask that God's Will and our true will be done! Have a truly great day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒缺乏優先順序》 今天的卡片是療癒缺乏優先順序。缺乏優先順序,我們就會去處理一切事情,但避開最重要的事情。今天要「把要事擺第一」。讓我們處理最重要的事情,然後再來處理第二重要的事情,以此類推。請求耶穌,或是哪位你親近的高層心靈,透過你來完成。恩典在為你完成時,享受這份陪伴。祝你有個最棒的一天! HEALING THE LACK OF PRIORITIES is the card for today. In our lack of priorities we deal with everything but avoid the most important things. Today is a day to "put first things first." Let us deal with the most important thing and the next most important thing and so on. Ask Jesus or Whomever you are close to to do it through you. Enjoy the company as grace does it for you...Have the best day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《基督心靈》 今天的卡片是基督心靈。這反映的地方是,我們已和另一人是如此完整地結合,與對方合而為一,因此也就與全人類合而為一,還與一的偉大光輝合而為一……。今天是神聖的一天,是要來慶祝那往神聖大愛領路的結合與愛。祝你有個最壯觀的一天! THE CHRIST MIND IS THE CARD FOR TODAY. It reflects a place in which we have joined so completely with another that we become one with them and as a result with all of humanity and thus with the Great Rays of Oneness...Today is a holy day and is meant to be celebrated with the joining and love that leads to Love. Have the most spectacular day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒我們像賤人的地方》 今天的卡片是療癒我們像賤人的地方。每次事情只要不照我們的意思來,我們就會在內心積累「敏感」的地方。只要再多一點惱怒、生氣,這一塊就會發展成惡毒無情。我們其實是可以用全心全意來渴求平安的。無論我們正在經驗的是什麼,都可以選擇平安。今天祝你療癒內在的賤人,過個愉快的一天! HEALING WHERE WE ARE BITCHY is the card for today. We have 'touchy' places inside us saved up from whenever things didn't go our way and with a bit of irritation or anger they can blossom into being bitchy. We could want peace with all our hearts. We could choose peace instead of whatever we are experiencing. Have a fine day of healing the inner bitch inside today!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒罪與業力的陰謀》 今天的卡片是療癒罪與業力的陰謀。這是一種緊抓過去不放的方法。小我用罪與業力,讓我們保持罪惡感,藉此製造了自己的基礎 ── 攻擊與自我攻擊。今天要把你的生命給拿回來。重的活兒,天堂會幫忙的,因為天堂不會支持任何有關罪與業力的想法。只有小我會支持罪與業力,因為它要把自已打造出來。請求恩典降臨,好放掉你所有罪與業力的陰謀,過個充滿奇蹟的一天! HEALING THE SIN AND KARMA CONSPIRACY is the card for today. This is what the ego uses to keep us feeling guilty, a way of holding on to the past. It thus builds attack and self-attack, the foundation of the ego. Today is a good day to get your life back and Heaven will help with the heavy lifting since it doesn't support any idea of sin and karma. Only the ego does that to build itself. Ask for the grace to let all your sin and karma conspiracies go and have a miraculous day!!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《年輕者(原型)》 今天的卡片是年輕者(原型)。說的是我們心靈讓我們返老還童、福佑我們的部分。今天,我們可以重新收復因老化受到阻礙的部分。這是一股能量的流,會逆轉時光的蹂躪。今天好好享受,運用這個原型來在生活裡前進。祝你有個很棒的一天! THE YOUTH (ARCHETYPE) is the card for today. It speaks of a part of our mind that rejuvenates and blesses us. Today is a day in which we can regain some of what is holding us back as we age. It is an energetic surge that reverses the ravages of time. Enjoy today and use it to move forward in your life. Have a great day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《團隊合作》 今天的卡片是團隊合作。大家一起作業,產生了很棒的協同作用和順流,於是每件事都那麼輕易順利。今天,享受團隊合作能給你的、最棒的東西,過個開心美麗的一天吧! TEAMWORK is the card for today. Everyone working together sets up a great synergy and a flow so everything is smooth and easy. Today enjoy the best that teamwork has to offer and have a beautiful, happy day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《這世界上沒有一件事是真實的》 今天的卡片是《這世界上沒有一件事是真實的》。這說的是,世界就是一場夢境,因此世界就是願望的滿足。這說的是,世界只會引發幻滅,不要被世界的幻相給困住了,而是要「處在這世界中,卻不屬於這世界」。今天要來看見自己對世界還有依附的地方,並且放下這份執著,換取天堂為你準備之物。祝你今天有個精彩的轉化日! "THERE IS NOT ONE THING IN THIS WORLD THAT IS TRUE." is the card for today. This speaks of how this world is a dream and therefore a wish-fulfillment. It speaks of not getting caught up in the illusions of the world as it only leads to disillusionment but to be" in the world but not of the world." Today is a good day to see where you have been attached to the world and to let it go for what Heaven wants to give you. Have an amazing, transformative day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《正見觀看》 今天的卡片是正見觀看。這說的是天真無罪、寬恕、有所助益的原則。正見觀看會將他人視為是我們自己的一部分。正見觀看會看見所有人都在回到明白一的道路上開展著。正見觀看會將每一個人都看作是天堂的孩子。今天,享受你生命中的正見觀看吧。祝你有個很棒的一天! RIGHT-MINDED SEEING is the card for today. It speaks of seeing from principles of innocence, forgiveness and helpfulness. It sees others as part of ourselves. It sees us all as on our unfolding to back to the realization of Oneness. It sees everyone as children of Heaven. Today enjoy RIGHT-MINDED SEEING in your life. Have a great day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒出於認知扭曲的無知反應》 今天的卡片是《療癒出於認知扭曲的無知反應》。今天適合來認出我們用情緒反應的地方,並且明白,如果我們在認知上犯了錯,那麼隨後的一切都會變質。今天適合來練習寬恕周遭看似負面的一切,並帶給自己平安,好讓我們能夠回應,而不是反應。過個美麗的一天吧! HEALING ACTIONS WHICH COME FROM DISTORTIONS THAT MAKE REACTIONS OF THE IGNORANT is the card for today. Today is a good day to recognize where we are in reaction emotionally and know that if we have made a mistake in perception everything that follows will be off. Today is a good day to practice forgiveness for anything that seems negative around us and bring ourselves to peace so we can respond rather than react. Have a beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒非你份內工作的陰謀》 今天的卡片是《療癒非你份內工作的陰謀》。非你份內工作的陰謀,是你為了逃避使命、才華禮物、你受召的職責,而接下了不屬於你的工作。別再犧牲了,擁抱真理吧。過個最美妙的一天! HEALING THE NOT YOUR JOB CONSPIRACY is the card for today. The not your job conspiracy is when you take on jobs that don't belong to you as a way of avoiding your purpose, gifts and functions you are called for. Let the sacrifice be gone and embrace truth instead. Have a most wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒作夢的偶像》 今天的卡片是療癒作夢的偶像。是我們作了夢,讓世界從我們的希望裡生出來。正如佛陀覺醒時說的一樣,「一切都是夢,而我是那個做夢的人。」今天,是時候覺醒,看見自己從錯誤的希望中夢出了一切。讓我們做出選擇,超越夢境,到人間天堂。過個精彩的一天吧! HEALING THE IDOL OF DREAMING is the card for today. It is our dreaming that makes the world stemming from our wishes. As the Buddha said as he awakened, "It is all a dream and I am the dreamer." Today it is time to awaken and see that we dreamed it all out of mistaken wishes. Let us make the choice to be beyond the dream to Heaven on earth. Have an amazing day!!a


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《拯救世界》 今天的卡片是拯救世界。我們每個人都有被指派要拯救世界,這是我們使命的一部分。這是很大的職責。然而如果我們只接受以恩典與奇蹟形式出現的幫助,那麼我們背後就有著天堂的全部支持。憑著我們傾聽指引的意願,我們就會收到指引。今天,盡你的本分,過個精彩又重要的一天吧! SAVING THE WORLD is the card for today. As part of our purpose each of us has been assigned SAVING THE WORLD. This is a big function but we have all of Heaven behind us if we would only accept the help which comes in the form of grace and miracles. We will be given the guidance depending on our willingness to hear it. Have an amazing and important day doing your part.


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《創造力》 今天的卡片是創造力。我們從陰柔面領受願景,再從陽剛面給出願景。創造力是有勇氣像一個團隊,有領受也有給出。過個滿是創造力、美好的一天吧! CREATIVITY is the card for today. We receive the vision with our feminine side and then give the vision from our masculine side. It is the courage of receiving and giving together as a team. Have a wonderful day of creativity!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒蒐集》 今天的卡片是療癒蒐集。蒐集是種針對舊痛的防衛。我們用蒐集來取代安慰。安慰才是我們真正在尋找的東西。可某個部分其實是我們決意不受安慰。蒐集有許多形式,像蒐集經驗、蒐集東西。我們以為蒐集可以讓我們遠離死亡,但在我們孤單、處在痛苦情況時,蒐集又不足以安慰到我們。今天,放下對自己的蒐藏品的執著吧。這樣,生活就可以真實又開心地展開。過個很棒的一天吧! HEALING COLLECTING is the card for today. Collecting is a defense against old pain. We collect in lieu of comfort which is what we are really seeking but at some point decided we weren't going to get it. Collecting could come in many forms such as experiences or things. We think collecting will protect us from death but it is not enough to comfort us in loneliness and painful circumstances. Today let us let go of our attachments to our collections so that our lives can unfold truly and happily. Have a fine day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒靈性壓抑》 今天的卡片是療癒靈性壓抑。靈性壓抑是指我們埋藏了對愛、平安、喜樂的自然傾向。我們忘了與老天和救世主的連結。我們忘了「用愛、平安、奇蹟來拯救世界」的召喚。天堂再遠,也不會超過你憶起天堂的時間。今天要來憶起天堂….過個最美好、最奇蹟的一天吧! HEALING SPIRITUAL REPRESSION is the card for today. Spiritual repression is where we have buried our natural inclination for love, peace and joy. We have forgotten our connection with God and our Saviors. We have forgotten our calling to save the world with Love and peace and miracles. Heaven is only as far away as our remembrance of it. Today is a day of remembrance...Have a most wonderful and miraculous day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《改變》 今天的卡片是改變。改變會讓我們在成功的路上前進到下一步。改變會讓我們遠離受困於任何一種陷阱。今天,歡迎改變吧。改變是為了你的最佳利益著想。祝你有個美妙的一天! CHANGE is the card for today. CHANGE moves us forward to the next step in our road to success. It keeps us from getting locked into any kind of trap. Welcome CHANGE today. It is in your best interest. Have a most wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《下一步》 今天的卡片是下一步。害怕下一步是一切問題的根源之一,所以下一步就是一切問題的答案。我們害怕失去獨立與控制。我們害怕失去我們小我的部分。然而,我們前進時,會有更多的愛、親密、成功。祝你有個很棒的一天! THE NEXT STEP is the card for today. Fear of the next step is one of the roots of all problems so THE NEXT STEP is the answer to that. We are afraid of losing independence and control. We are afraid of losing part of our ego but when we step forward there is more love, intimacy and success. Have a fine day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒猶豫不決》 今天的卡片是療癒猶豫不決。猶豫不決,無法果斷,是害怕犯錯。這會讓我們在選項之間游移不定。當我們真的受召要承諾下一步時,要對真理和自己承諾,看見朝我們來的、前進的方向是什麼。祝你有個很棒的一天!有很棒的進展! HEALING INDECISIVENESS is the card for today. Indecision is the vacillation is the fear of making a mistake and it keeps us going back and forth between alternatives. When we are really called to commit to the next step, commit to the truth and ourselves and see what comes toward us as the way forward. Have a fine day of progress!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《限制是可以動態摧毀的》 今天的卡片是《限制是可以動態摧毀的》。這是一張很有威力的正向卡,會破壞小我要奴役我們的渴望。今天,我們要用我們背後所有天堂的力量,來尋找真理,摧毀小我的欺瞞與幻相。今天,讓我們向前進,走出自己設下的牢房,找到在等著我們的光。祝你有個非常棒的一天! DYNAMICALLY DESTRUCTIVE OF LIMITATIONS is the card for today. This is a powerful, positive card that wreaks havoc on the ego's desire to keep us in its thrall. Today with all the power of Heaven behind us we seek the truth and destroy the deceptions and illusions of the ego. Let us go forward today out of the cells we have imprisoned ourselves in and find the light that awaits us. Have a most fine day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒狂熱主義》 今天的卡片是療癒狂熱主義。狂熱主義:相信一件事到了不顧平衡、不顧對他人的尊重、不顧理智的地步。我們打造出某種理想,把它變成「真理」,想要每一個人都遵守。這是在補償罪惡感,這份罪惡感會投射在不像自己這樣堅信的人身上。今天,我們可以在自己和他人身上寬恕這點,不再受這陷阱的束縛。過個很棒的一天吧! HEALING FANATICISM is the card for today. Fanaticism is the belief in something to the exclusion of balance, respect for others and reason. We have made some ideal we have into a " truth" that we want everyone to abide by. It is a compensation for guilt that we project on others who don't believe as we do. Today we can forgive this in ourselves and others to be free of this trap. Have a fine day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《不和諧音變和諧音》 今天的卡片是不和諧音變和諧音。今天,開始時是渾沌的地方,後來變成了美妙的音樂。情境是怎樣就怎樣,信任情境。情境總是會在新的平衡裡,轉成正向與負向的合成。今天,期待最正向的結果,過個最棒的一天吧! DISSONANCE INTO CONSONANCE is the card for today. What starts as chaotic today turns into beautiful music. Trust the situation as it is and it always turns into a synthesis of the positive and negative in a new balance. Today look for a most positive outcome and have the best day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《老虎(原型)》 今天的卡片是老虎(原型)。老虎指的是,需要時會變得很勇猛、有強烈正義感的人。這樣的人無所畏懼,通常在外在世界有著很強的使命。而且,如果不斷向高層意識展開,就會有很強大的奧秘才華。今天,擁抱你的內在「老虎」,面對你受召要對付的一切吧。祝你有個充滿力量的一天! THE TIGER (ARCHETYPE) is the card for today. This is a person who is fierce when needed and who has a strong sense of justice. They are fearless and they usually have a strong purpose in the outer world and if they keep unfolding to higher consciousness they have strong mystical gifts. Today embrace your inner TIGER and handle whatever you are called to address. Have a powerful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒膽小鬼(心魔)》 今天的卡片是療癒膽小鬼(心魔)。我們通常對我們的心魔有評斷、壓抑、投射。然而,當我們在自己的外面對抗自己的內在(完全無效之舉)時,心魔仍時不時地設定了我們。今天,讓我們寬恕、整合我們的膽小鬼心魔,這樣我們才能在那個地方有平安與信心。過個很棒的一天吧! HEALING THE COWARD (SHADOW) is the card for today. Our shadows are typically judged, repressed and projected but they still program us from time to time while we fight the inside on the outside which is completely ineffective. Today let us forgive and integrate our shadow of the coward so we could have peace and confidence in its place. Have a fine day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒在性方面的陰謀》 今天的卡片是療癒在性方面的陰謀。陰謀說的是小我的陷阱,是長期慢性的,而且看似毫無出路。性的陰謀裡充滿著恐懼、憤怒、罪惡感、報復、羞恥的情緒,不過這些情緒只是來自於我們尚未修正的錯誤而已。錯誤是可以修正的,我們無須繼續投資小我為了困住我們所設下的陷阱。 性是生活的象徵。性是什麼就是什麼,性帶有創造生命的力量。所以,今天要放下極度貶抑性、讓性變得不是性的負面信念。正如生活所有層面一樣,性只是學習的工具而已。因此,讓我們祈求奇蹟,放下我們一切性的陰謀,讓我們學會必要的課題。讓我們祈求天堂為我們展現性的真正涵義,淨化我們對性的誤用。過快樂的一天、幸運的一晚吧! HEALING THE SEX CONSPIRACY is the card for today. A conspiracy speaks of an ego trap which is chronic and seems as if there is no way out. A sex conspiracy is filled with emotions such as fear, anger, guilt revenge and shame but these come from mistakes we have yet to correct. But mistakes can be corrected and we need not keep investing in a trap tied in with the ego's wish to hold us back. Sex is a symbol of life so today let go of any negative beliefs that make sex so much less than it is with its life generating power. Like all aspects of life it is a learning vehicle so let us ask for the miracle that would let go of all of our sex conspiracies and have us learn the ne...