
【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒罪與業力的陰謀》

今天的卡片是療癒罪與業力的陰謀。這是一種緊抓過去不放的方法。小我用罪與業力,讓我們保持罪惡感,藉此製造了自己的基礎 ── 攻擊與自我攻擊。今天要把你的生命給拿回來。重的活兒,天堂會幫忙的,因為天堂不會支持任何有關罪與業力的想法。只有小我會支持罪與業力,因為它要把自已打造出來。請求恩典降臨,好放掉你所有罪與業力的陰謀,過個充滿奇蹟的一天!

HEALING THE SIN AND KARMA CONSPIRACY is the card for today. This is what the ego uses to keep us feeling guilty, a way of holding on to the past. It thus builds attack and self-attack, the foundation of the ego. Today is a good day to get your life back and Heaven will help with the heavy lifting since it doesn't support any idea of sin and karma. Only the ego does that to build itself. Ask for the grace to let all your sin and karma conspiracies go and have a miraculous day!!!



