
目前顯示的是 11月, 2016的文章


【 PoV 願景心理學】 Chuck 博士每日一卡 《寶劍一》 今天的卡片是《寶劍一》。這反映的是真理有了新的開始,展開了真理全新的道路。這樣會讓我們從無知與一連串幻相中得自由。寶劍一成了真理之劍,可以斬斷不是真理的一切。今天自由地使用寶劍一,祝你有個最棒的一天! THE ACE OF SWORDS is the card for today. It reflects a new beginning in truth that opens a whole new pathway of truth. This releases us from ignorance and the chains of illusion. The ACE OF SWORDS becomes the sword of truth that can cut through anything not the truth. Use it liberally today and have the best day!! 


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《高層心靈》 《高層心靈》是我們心靈與聖靈之間的連結。高層心靈的作用就在於療癒、修正我們;而那讓我們掉入陷阱、受苦的幻相就會消散。今天,讓我們傾聽所有高層心靈要給我們的答案,並慶祝真相從未落空。祝你有個充滿高峰經驗的一天! HIGHER MIND is the connection between our mind and the Holy Spirit. The HIGHER MIND'S function is healing and correcting for us so that the illusions that trip us up and make us suffer are dissipated. Today let us listen to all the answers our HIGHER MIND has for us and celebrate that the truth hasn't been lost. Have a great day full of peak experiences!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《黃金人生故事》 今天的卡片是《黃金人生故事》。這說的是不斷開展的劇本裡,屬於幸福快樂、健康、豐盛模式的那部分。今天要來慶祝這一天,因為你已有足夠的進步,可以領受這麼多的恩典、愛、喜樂。祝你有個精彩又美好的一天! THE GOLDEN LIFE STORY is the card for today. It speaks of a happy, healthy and abundant pattern that is part of an ongoing script. Today is a day to celebrate as you have stepped up enough to receive that much grace, love and joy. Have a great and amazing day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒破壞》 今天的卡片是《療癒破壞》。破壞有許多動力:有罪惡感、害怕下一階段、攻擊老天 ── 證明祂是壞蛋、不夠格當老天,向重要他人報復……等底層動力。今天,我們可以透過神聖的愛與奇蹟,選擇愛、恩典、成功。祝你有個美麗豐富、備受祝福的一天! HEALING RUIN is the card for today. Ruin has many dynamics: guilt, fear of the next stage, attack on God- proof that He's a bad and inadequate God, revenge on significant people, to name a few of the hidden dynamics. Today we can choose love and grace and success through Divine Love and miracles. Have a beautiful, bountiful and blessed day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《天堂的大門》 今天的卡片是《天堂的大門》。將另一個人看成你自己,是在打開天堂的大門。完全寬恕另一個人,是在打開天堂的大門。在某人身上看見基督面容,是在打開天堂的大門。今天,有恩典在澆灌,要來打開天堂的大門。歡迎天堂大門的開啟,允許自己接受今天的贈予與祝福吧! HEAVEN"S GATE is the card for today. To see another person as you is to open HEAVEN'S GATE. To forgive another person completely is to open HEAVEN'S GATE. To see the Face of Christ in someone is to open HEAVEN'S GATE. Today there is grace pouring down to open HEAVEN'S GATE. Allow yourself the bounty and blessings of the day by welcoming the opening of HEAVEN'S GATE!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《溝通》 今天的卡片是《溝通》。溝通是澄清誤會的橋樑,溝通完成後,雙方會整合到新的整體,到更高層的平安裡。溝通會將河流的兩岸連在一起,有更大的交流、更多的樂趣。今天,帶來溝通,和你身邊的人結合!祝你有個美好的一天! COMMUNICATION is the card for today. It is the bridge that clears up misunderstandings and brings when complete an integration of both sides into a new wholeness and higher place of peace. It brings both sides of the river together for greater commerce and more fun. Today bring COMMUNICATION to reach joining with those around you!!! Have a great, wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《放掉自我》 今天的卡片是《放掉自我》。這反映我們困在自己裡面,沒有看見更大的畫面、沒有看見身邊的人正在發生的事。今天可以來了解,不是都跟自己有關,而是都跟「我們」有關。「我們」才是愛、喜悅、關聯性可以進入的地方。祝你有個最美麗燦爛的一天! GET OVER YOURSELF is the card for today. It reflects a place where we have been so caught up in ourselves that we don't see the big picture or what is going on with others around us. Today is a great day to realize that it is not all about us. It is all about us...This is where relatedness love and joy can enter. Have the most beautiful and brilliant day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒精疲力竭》 今天的卡片是《療癒精疲力竭》。這樣的疲憊可以是指身體上、情緒上、或是精神上的。精疲力竭時,我們就是要緩和一下、放鬆、轉向心靈。心靈是更新、恢復活力的地方。如果你沒有時間換換環境來給自己充電,那就走入內在。你把精疲力竭說得好像是很糟糕的事,其實,人本來就是要在任何的精疲力竭後重新開機、從全新的層次回來。去找一直都罩著你的那一位,不管是什麼問題,不管問題有多大,都把問題看作幻相;問題不過就是有待化解的幻相。你會在祂的大手裡找到安全感。在祂的大手裡放鬆。再次像個小小孩一樣,讓自己被托著。你一直是被愛著的。祝你有個很棒的重新開機,「養精蓄銳,以利再戰」! HEALING BURNOUT is the card for today. Burnout can be physical, emotional and mental exhaustion. When this occurs we are meant to let up a bit, relax and turn to the spiritual. This is where renewal and refreshment can come about. If you don't have the time for a change of scenery to refresh yourself then go inward. You say burnout like it's a bad thing. You are meant to reboot as the result of any burnout and come back in at a whole new level. Turn to the One Who is always covering your back and sees any problem as an illusion so no matter what the size; it is all illusion to be dissolved. Safety is in His Hands. Relax there. Be like a little child again and let yourself ...


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒性掠奪者》 今天的卡片是療癒性掠奪者。性掠奪者是我們將對愛的需要,扭曲成對性的需要,還相信利用別人、從別人那裡索取是合理的。今天可以來明白我們幸福快樂的源頭在哪裡。讓我們幸福快樂的是給出,不是索取。是時候來療癒我們內在的這個掠奪者了。不管是顯化成哪一件事上都一樣。並且,今天有恩典可以療癒過去,修正過去的錯誤。今天,歡迎天真無罪吧,因為天真無罪的給出與領受是出於自愛。祝你有個美麗的一天! HEALING THE SEXUAL PREDATOR is the card for today. The sexual predator is where we have turned our need for love and twisted it into a need for sex that we believe we are justified in using others and taking from them. Today is a day to realize where our happiness comes from. It is in giving rather than taking that makes us happy. It is time that we heal the predator in us in whatever regards it manifests and there is grace today to heal the past and correct past mistakes. Have a day that welcomes innocence as it only gives and receives out of self-love. Have a beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《訊號》 今天的卡片是訊號。幫助我們找到出路的,是解讀訊號的能力。微觀見宏觀。今天解讀訊號,找到出路,找出正在開展的是什麼。享受你精采的一天! SIGNALS is the card for today. It is the ability to read SIGNALS that helps us find our way forward. The macrocosm is in the microcosm. Read the SIGNALS today to find the way forward and what is unfolding. Enjoy your amazing day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡《恩典》 今天的卡片是《恩典》。恩典是老天給我們的愛;老天一直都在給出恩典,但我們沒那麼常領受恩典。今天,讓我們歡迎恩典回到生命吧。上傳你的問題,並下載恩典。祝你有個真正神奇的一天! GRACE is the card for today. GRACE is God's Love for us, always given but not as often received. Today let us welcome grace into our life. Upload your problems and download the GRACE. Have a truly wondrous day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒固執》 今天的卡片是《療癒固執》。固執是所有長期問題的根源之一。固執是,我們執著於自己的答案,要自己是對的,沒有忠於真理。今天,將真理看得比什麼都還重要。這樣會讓你從幻相中釋放。祝你有個精彩的一天! HEALING STUBBORNNESS is the card for today. Stubbornness is one of the roots of all chronic problems. It is a place where we are attached to our answers and being right rather than allegiance to the truth. Today is a day to value the truth above all else. It will free you from illusions. Have an amazing day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒壞符咒》 今天的卡片是《療癒壞符咒》。代表療癒不好的能量、黑暗魔法、令人不愉快的存在,等等。今天可以來清理頭腦裡、心裡、房子裡的壞符咒。喚請天使、在高界的朋友,來進行清理……祝你有個最棒的一天! HEALING BAD JU-JU is the card of the day. It stands for healing bad energy, dark magic, nasty entities, etc. Today is a good day to clean up your heads, your hearts and your houses of bad ju-ju. Call in the angels and other Friends in High Places to do the cleaning...Have the best of all possible days!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒用工作來補償》 今天的卡片是《療癒用工作來補償》。這是一種防衛,用來掩飾罪惡感、不配得、無價值感、恐懼、失敗。你可以祈求,將這份補償整合到你的高層心靈,底下有什麼情緒都整合到新的整體裡。接著,就準備過個有趣又有成效的一天吧! HEALING WORK AS COMPENSATION is the card for today. It is a defense to hide guilt, unworthiness, valuelessness, fear and failure. You can ask that this compensation be integrated with your higher mind and whatever emotion it hides into a new wholeness. Then get ready to have a fun and effective day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《只要你有在珍惜,你的投資就會持續存在》 今天的卡片是《只要你有在珍惜,你的投資就會持續存在》。這句話來自奇蹟課程,意思是只要我們有給出、珍惜,事物就會為了我們而持續存在。失落的源頭通常來自於,潛意識已不再珍惜、不再想要那物,卻又對自己隱瞞了這件事。今天,我們可以負起責任,放下對過去失落的執著,好全然擁抱當下。祝你有個精彩的一天! "INVESTMENTS LAST AS LONG AS YOU VALUE THEM." is the card for today. It is a quote from A COURSE IN MIRACLES and it signifies that things last for us only as long as we give to them and value them. Loss typically comes from the subconscious where we have stopped valuing or wanting something but hide it from ourselves. Today we can be accountable and let go of our attachments to old losses so we can fully embrace our present...Have a brilliant day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《好時機》 今天的卡片是《好時機》。這份禮物會讓你保持幸運,待在順流裡。你需要什麼,正巧就會有你剛好需要的東西。享受今天的順流吧! GOOD TIMING is the card for today. This is a gift that keeps you in luck and in the flow...It provides just what is needed when it is needed...Enjoy the flow of the day!!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《父親》 今天的卡片是《父親》。父親這個原型,說的是真正的權威、保護、給出。父親是金錢與成功的象徵。我們的父親所缺少的,正是我們來要提供的。否則的話,我們會拿這當作藉口來獨立,不肯出現。我們沒有拿出完成使命所需的禮物來幫助父親,所以我們才會缺少禮物。祝你有個美麗的一天,慶祝你內在的父親原型! THE FATHER is the card of the day. It is an archetype that speaks of true authority, protection and giving. THE FATHER is the symbol of money and success. What our fathers were lacking we came to provide. Otherwise we use them as excuses to be independent and not to show up. And as a result we lack the gifts we need for our purpose because we didn't help them by bringing out these gifts...Have a beautiful day of celebrating THE FATHER in you!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《讓天堂引領》 今天的卡片是《讓天堂引領》。今天,坐下來,請天堂給你方向,問問你要怎麼跨出下一步。你有多想看見真理的道路,天堂就會給你多少的指引。別讓你的小我來告訴什麼可能、什麼不可能。全然給出自己,盡可能自由喜悅吧……另一條路是恐懼的道路……你的使命與天命在等你。祝你有個精彩美麗的一天! LET HEAVEN LEAD is the card for today. Today sit back and ask for the direction and the next step you are to take. Heaven will guide you to the extent you want to be shown the way of truth. Do not let your ego tell you what is possible and what is not...If you are guided in a certain way Heaven will make it possible...Give yourself fully to the freedom and the joy that is possible...The other path is one of fear....Your purpose and destiny await you. Have a remarkable and beautiful day!!


【 PoV 願景心理學】 Chuck 博士每日一卡 《療癒解離》 今天的卡片是《療癒解離》。因為有情緒很痛苦,於是我們解離了情緒,也因此解離了我們的才華禮物、使命、天命、以及超越恐懼的經驗。今天,要從恐懼那贏回我們的心與心靈,再次閃閃發光。祝你有個美麗的一天! HEALING DISSOCIATION is the card of the day. We dissociate our emotions because they are too painful and we also dissociate our gifts, purpose, destiny and  transcendent experiences out of fear. Today is a day to win our heart and mind back from fear and to shine again. Have a most beautiful day!!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《領回屬於你的東西》 今天的卡片是《領回屬於你的東西》。你可以領回一切,所以你當然可以領回人間天堂、愛、神、極致的喜悅。評斷、攻擊會駁回你的認領,別讓評斷、攻擊擋了你。今天,領回屬於你的東西,歡迎屬於你的東西。 CLAIM WHAT'S YOURS is the card for today. You can do this with anything so you might as well claim Heaven on earth and Love, God and exquisite joy. Do not let your judgment or attack get in the way as this would disallow your claiming. Today claim and welcome what is yours!! Have the best day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒故事》 今天的卡片是《療癒故事》。這說的是,把療癒當作一種生活方式,帶著寬恕的態度生活,帶來平安、信心、完整。療癒故事也會帶來給出、領受、分享、更大的愛與成功。祝你有個精彩的一天! THE HEALING STORY is the card for today. It speaks of healing as a way of life and so there is an attitude of forgiveness and the peace, confidence and wholeness it brings. It also delivers giving, receiving, sharing and greater love and success. Have the most spectacular day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒烈士(心魔)》 今天的卡片是《療癒烈士(心魔)》。烈士是種信念,相信我們得要用最慘烈的方式犧牲自己來幫忙、來拯救。我們其實可以用不犧牲的方式來進行。讓自己成為烈士,是小我講的;小我還會跟你說,這是神希望的事。今天,我們受召要放下自己這麼珍視的信念「要英雄般犧牲自己」, 讓一切透過恩典來完成。如果非必要,你難道會希望你的孩子犧牲自己嗎?如果你不希望你孩子犧牲,神怎麼會希望你犧牲呢?況且,祂的恩典與奇蹟源源不絕,犧牲都成了多餘的,怎麼會要你犧牲呢?放下這樣的重擔,歡迎真理,也歡迎真理帶來的自由吧。祝你有個隨意喜樂的一天! HEALING THE MARTYR(SHADOW) is the card for today. The martyr is the belief that we need to sacrifice ourselves in the most dire way to help or save the day. We can do all of that without sacrifice. To martyr ourselves is what our ego tells us and it also tells us that that is what God wants from us. Today we are asked to give up this cherished belief of us sacrificing ourselves heroically and let everything be accomplished by grace. Would you want your children to sacrifice themselves if it was unnecessary? If you wouldn't, why would God? And His grace and miracles which are always given, make it always unnecessary? Let go of this burden and welcome the truth and the freedom that goes with it. Hav...


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒掩飾叛逆的地方》 今天的卡片是《療癒掩飾叛逆的地方》。許多的問題與長期議題,不過是在掩飾對重要他人、對神的叛逆而已。我們認出了這點,才有能力選擇真正想要的東西。今天,不再當人質給小我作主,好成為迎接神的東道主。祝你有個美麗的一天! HEALING WHAT HIDES A REBELLION is the card for today. Many problems and chronic issues simply hide a rebellion against significant others and God. It is in recognizing this that we get to choose it that is what we really want. Today is a good day to give up being hostage to the ego so we can become a host to God. Have a beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《空白卡片》 今天的卡片是《空白卡片》。這說的是,在不知道結果會如何的情況下,給出一切、全押上去、不顧一切。結果也許會十分成功,也許一點用也沒用。然而,給出一切還是很重要的。雖然有風險,卻也是風險換來的勝利,因為這會讓你前進。祝你有個最棒的一天! THE BLANK CARD is the card for today. It speaks of giving it all, betting it all, putting it all on the line but not knowing how it will turn out. It may be a huge success or it may not work at all. But it is still important to give it all and that is a risk and a win by risking as it moves you forward. Have the best of all possible days!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒性的偶像》 今天的卡片是《療癒性的偶像》。性的偶像,是我們把性當成假神,用性來讓自己幸福快樂、有安全感。這樣通常會造成挫敗、失望、心碎、破碎的夢。今天,要放下我們所有性的偶像,因為性的偶像會障礙到愛、親密、以及幸福的性生活。你曾有過破碎的夢,你就會從生活中退縮,同時也會活出復仇人生。是時候放掉這一切了,得著自由,再次幸福快樂,開放接觸交流的可能。祝你有個幸運的一天,加上幸運的一晚! HEALING THE IDOL OF SEX is the card for today. The idol of sex is where we have made sex into a false god and used it to make us happy or feel secure. This typically leads to frustration, disappointment, heartbreak and shattered dreams. Today is a day to let go of any idols of sex we have because it is in the way of love, intimacy and a happy sex life. Where you have had shattered dreams you withdraw from life and at the same time live a life of revenge. It is time to relinquish all of that and be free and happy once as well as available for contact. Have a lucky day and a lucky night!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《才華禮物》 今天的卡片是《才華禮物》。每道問題都藏著可以化解問題的靈魂禮物。問題越大,藏於內在的禮物就越大。今天,發掘在問題底下的禮物吧,祝你有個幸福的一天! GIFTS is the card for today. Every problem hides a soul gift that would resolve the problem. The bigger the problem the bigger the GIFT hidden within. Today discover the GIFTS beneath your problems and have a blessed day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒戲劇化與無聊的陰謀》 今天的卡片是《療癒戲劇化與無聊的陰謀》。這是只會向下掉的惡性循環。今天你會明白,有很多更好的解決方案,例如平安、活出使命。這個陰謀是在防衛更深的議題、更大的禮物。今天,領受恩典,前進到更新更好的地方…… 滿滿的愛 Chuck 親吻、擁抱 HEALING THE DRAMA-BOREDOM CONSPIRACY is the card for today. It is a vicious circle that goes ever downward. Today there is a realization that there are much better solutions such as peace or living one's purpose. This is a defense against deeper issues and bigger gifts. Today receive the grace to move forward to a new and better place... Much Love, Chuck xooxox


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《意願》 今天的卡片又是《意願》。意願是療癒的大原則,因為只要我們有意願,高層心靈就會進來,協助我們做出改變,讓我們換個更好的辦法。祝你有個美麗的一天,輕易地前進! WILLINGNESS is again the card for the day. It is one of the great healing principles as as soon as we get WILLING the higher mind come in to help us make the change to a better way. Have a beautiful day of moving forward easily!!