
【 PoV 願景心理學】 Chuck 博士每日一卡 《寶劍一》 今天的卡片是《寶劍一》。這反映的是真理有了新的開始,展開了真理全新的道路。這樣會讓我們從無知與一連串幻相中得自由。寶劍一成了真理之劍,可以斬斷不是真理的一切。今天自由地使用寶劍一,祝你有個最棒的一天! THE ACE OF SWORDS is the card for today. It reflects a new beginning in truth that opens a whole new pathway of truth. This releases us from ignorance and the chains of illusion. The ACE OF SWORDS becomes the sword of truth that can cut through anything not the truth. Use it liberally today and have the best day!!