
【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒烈士(心魔)》
今天的卡片是《療癒烈士(心魔)》。烈士是種信念,相信我們得要用最慘烈的方式犧牲自己來幫忙、來拯救。我們其實可以用不犧牲的方式來進行。讓自己成為烈士,是小我講的;小我還會跟你說,這是神希望的事。今天,我們受召要放下自己這麼珍視的信念「要英雄般犧牲自己」, 讓一切透過恩典來完成。如果非必要,你難道會希望你的孩子犧牲自己嗎?如果你不希望你孩子犧牲,神怎麼會希望你犧牲呢?況且,祂的恩典與奇蹟源源不絕,犧牲都成了多餘的,怎麼會要你犧牲呢?放下這樣的重擔,歡迎真理,也歡迎真理帶來的自由吧。祝你有個隨意喜樂的一天!
HEALING THE MARTYR(SHADOW) is the card for today. The martyr is the belief that we need to sacrifice ourselves in the most dire way to help or save the day. We can do all of that without sacrifice. To martyr ourselves is what our ego tells us and it also tells us that that is what God wants from us. Today we are asked to give up this cherished belief of us sacrificing ourselves heroically and let everything be accomplished by grace. Would you want your children to sacrifice themselves if it was unnecessary? If you wouldn't, why would God? And His grace and miracles which are always given, make it always unnecessary? Let go of this burden and welcome the truth and the freedom that goes with it. Have wildly joyful day!!