
目前顯示的是 1月, 2017的文章


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《善良》 今天的卡片是《善良》。今天,讓我們聆聽我們「善良的天使」,走上正途,善良可以成為我們的一種生活方式,這樣會為大家增長平安、仁慈、互惠。祝你有個最棒的一天! GOODNESS is the card of the day. Let us listen to our "better angels" today and take the higher road that GOODNESS can be a way of life for us and this proliferates peace, kindness and mutuality for all. Have the best day!!


【 PoV 願景心理學】 Chuck 博士每日一卡 《自我價值》 今天的卡片是《自我價值》。自我價值是療癒的核心,會通往自愛與天真無罪。這三個特質,是螺旋式上升,本意是要對抗小我向下的惡性循環的。老天認為你有著無法估量的價值;今天,你可以多親近這份價值。今天,看重你自己吧,因為你若是不看重你自己,就不會有很多人看重你了。看重自己才是真理,除此之外都是錯的。過個美好的一天吧! SELF-VALUE is the card for today. SELF-VALUE is the heart of healing leading to self-love and innocence. These three qualities are a spiral upward and are meant to counter the vicious circles downward of the ego. Today you can be closer to the inestimable value in which God holds you. Value yourself today because if you don't few others will. Valuing yourself is the truth and the rest is a mistake. Have a wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒妄羨》 今天的卡片是《療癒妄羨》。這是在妒忌別人擁有的,像是物品、職位、伴侶。這樣的妄羨會阻礙我們的順流,讓我們執著在別人的東西上;我們其實可以擁有一切自己渴望的東西。看見想要的東西出現在我們的世界裡,其實是個好兆頭,說明我們跟這樣東西的距離不是那麼遙遠。今天,讓我們放下所有的妄羨,把我們的心靈設定在我們想要的東西上。要得到你想要的東西,比較快的方法是向聖靈祈求,同時也放下妄羨所代表的渺小與自我攻擊。過個最自在、最增權充能的一天吧! HEALING COVETOUSNESS is the card for today. Covetousness is the envy of what someone else has in the way of things, position or partner. This covetousness stops our flow and keeps us attached to other people's stuff while we could have all of what we covet on our own. It is a good sign that we can see it in our world as it shows that it is not that far away from us. Today let us let go of anything we covet and set our mind for what we want. The quick way is to ask the Holy Spirit for it while at the same time letting go of the smallness and self-attack that covetousness represents. Have a most freeing and empowering day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《靈性收穫》 今天的卡片是《靈性收穫》。療癒、祝福、幸福快樂、活出使命、寬恕、幫助別人會有的收穫,以及神聖的愛、恩典、奇蹟能給你的深刻平安與黃金般的天命,就是靈性收穫。過個精彩深刻的一天吧! SPIRITUAL HARVEST is the card for today. This is a harvest of all your healing, blessings, happiness, living your purpose, forgiveness and helping others tied together with Divine Love, grace and miracles to bring you to profound peace and your golden destiny. Have an awesome and profound day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《閃閃發光》 今天的卡片是《閃閃發光》。這說的是閃閃發光,留在光中,做最棒的自己。這代表你聆聽高層心靈,跟隨聖靈的指引。這樣可以讓一整天有了新生與美好。盡可能過個最棒的一天吧! SHIMMERING is the card today. It speaks of shining and standing in the light and being your best self. It means listening to your higher mind and following the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This can make for a day of birth and beauty. Have the best possible day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《聖靈的眼光會透過我流露》 今天的卡片是《聖靈的眼光會透過我流露》。這是來自奇蹟課程的話。聖靈透過我們看到的一切,沒有評斷的存在。天真無罪的眼光裡,沒有攻擊、沒有自我攻擊;你只會看見享受愛、感覺慈悲、受召回應求救的理由;世界變得黃金般閃亮;美好登基為王,統管了世界。今天,每次你想到這一點,就請聖靈透過你來觀察。祝你今天有場美好的豐收! "THE HOLY SPIRIT LOOKS THROUGH ME" is the card for today. These are words from A COURSE IN MIRACLES. With the Holy Spirit looking through us there is no judgment. From eyes of innocence there is no attack or self-attack. There is only a reason to enjoy love, feel compassion or be called to answer calls for help. The world becomes golden and beauty reigns. Today request every moment you think of it for the Holy Spirit look through you. Have a beautiful harvest today!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒不屑一顧》 今天的卡片是《療癒不屑一顧》。不屑一顧,是我們想都不想就拒之門外,不傾聽天堂對每一步的指引。奇蹟課程說,我們要聽從天堂指引,不只是因為我們不知道現在、未來的所有因素,所以我們的決定都是由自身的不完全中做出來的;另一個原因是,聽從天堂指引是脫離地獄的途徑。今天,好好想想為你呈現出來的這一切,問問天堂幫你做的選擇是什麼。祝你有個最成功的一天! HEALING DISMISSIVENESS is the card for today. Dismissiveness is where we reject things out of hand rather than listen to Heaven's guidance for what to do at every step. A COURSE IN MIRACLES states this is not only because we don't know all of the factors both now and in the future and thus we decide out of our own inadequacies but also because it is the way out of hell. Today consider what is presented to you and ask Heaven to choose for you. Have a most successful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《上主在我所看到的萬物之內》 今天的卡片是《上主在我所看到的萬物之內》。這句話引用自奇蹟課程。明白這點,就是明白上主無所不在。這是因為上主也在我們裡面。今天,讓我們歡慶上主無處不在,在萬物之內。只有那要掩飾罪惡感的評斷才不會這樣想。祝你有個最棒的一天! "GOD IS IN EVERYTHING I SEE." is the card for today. It is also a quote from A COURSE IN MIRACLES. To know this is to know there is no place God is not. This is because God is also in us. Today let us rejoice that God is everywhere and in all things. Only our judgment which hides our guilt would say otherwise. Have the best of all possible days!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒我們沒有聽從靈性的地方》 今天的卡片是《療癒我們沒有聽從靈性的地方》。我們一直聽從小我的地方,會升起防衛心,令人恐懼。靈性的指引裡,有解答這些問題的答案。如果我們不怕答案的話,答案就會出現。這是天堂對我們的旨意。今天,讓天堂的旨意也成為我們的意願吧,因為找到出路也是我們的真實意願。今天,向真理敞開,讓自己自由。天堂的訊息一直都帶著愛與光,而且又實際,可以滿足你的需要。祝你有個美麗又精彩的一天! HEALING WHERE WE ARE NOT LISTENING TO SPIRIT is the card for today. Where we have been listening to our ego we have been defensive and fearful. Spirit has guidance that answers these questions. There are answers if we are not afraid to have them. That is Heaven's Will for us. Let it be our will today also because having the way through is our true will also. Today open to truth and let yourself be freed. The messages of Heaven will always contain love and light and yet still be practical for what you need. Have a great and beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《值得表揚》 今天的卡片是《值得表揚》。這代表你和別人做的事是值得稱讚的。今天是值得關注的一天。享受今天,並享受這一天完成的事情。你值得被認可,也有資格去認可。祝你有個最棒的一天! COMMENDABLE is the card for today. It means that you and others do things that are praiseworthy. This is a noteworthy day. Enjoy it and what is accomplished this day. You deserve to be recognized and to recognize. Have the best day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《令人驚奇》 今天的卡片是《令人驚奇》。這代表你會有個幸福快樂的一天,生活會給你驚喜,把他最棒的東西給你,讓你驚喜萬分。領受吧,過個最棒的一天! ASTONISHING is the card for the day. This means a happy day that can"blow your mind by showing you the best that life can offer in a surprising way. Receive it and have the best day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《準確》 今天的卡片是《準確》。今天有新層次的準確度來到你的生活裡,為模糊的事物帶來清明。這是對抗阿茲海默症的開展。祝你有個很精彩的一天! ACCURACY is the card for today. Today a new level of preciseness can come into your life and bring to clarity what was fuzzy. It is an anti-alzheimer unfolding. Have a fabulous day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒可怕》 今天的卡片是《療癒可怕》。 可怕是種獨立的狀態,我們忘了自己的連結,忘了誰與我們同行。今天,要認出我們的連結,以及與他人的關係。今天,要為愛慶祝,慶祝分離與恐懼的消失。慶祝紀念,過個精彩的一天吧! HEALING FEARFULNESS is the card for today. Fearfulness is a state of independence in which we have forgotten our bonding and we have forgotten Who Walks With us. Today is a day to recognise our bonding and connection with others. Today is a day to celebrate love and the disappearance of separation and fear. Have an amazing day as you celebrate this!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《生氣勃勃》 今天的卡片是《生氣勃勃》。這表示有股豐盛的能量、生活的喜悅。這是一種對生命的熱情,一種無法抗拒、抑制不住的幸福快樂。今天好好享受吧。如果你部沒有在這股能量裡,那就問問自己,你是為了什麼目的,才需要目前這樣的經驗呢?祝你有個美麗的一天! EXUBERANCE is the card for today. It signals an abundance of energy and the joy of living. It is zest for life and an irresistible, irrepressible happiness. Enjoy today and if you are not in this energy ask yourself what you are using the alternative experience for. Have a beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒躲藏者(心魔)》 今天的卡片是《療癒躲藏者(心魔)》。躲藏者是心魔,我們對自己有評斷、分裂,並投射出去到別人身上。然而這個心魔仍在我們裡面,藏在罪惡感與自我憎恨底下。今天,讓我們抬頭挺胸,整合我們還有躲藏的任何部份,好讓我們認識更多的平安與完整。今天,過個有勇氣、真實、幸福快樂的一天! HEALING THE HIDER (SHADOW) is the card for today. THE HIDER is a shadow, something we have judged about ourselves and split off projecting it out on others but it is still within us buried under guilt and self-hatred. Today let us stand tall integrating any part of us that is hiding so that we can know more peace and wholeness. Today let us have a courageous, authentic and happy day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒我們的討價還價》 今天的卡片是《療癒我們的討價還價》。你會跟人討價還價,但最常見的還是跟老天討價還價。很多時候,我們根本不知道自己在討價還價。然而,如果你對老天有任何負面情緒的話,代表你就是在跟老天討價還價。對別人有任何情緒,代表你在跟他、跟老天討價還價。老天會給出一切,所以沒有必要討價還價。是小我暗中潛入,偽裝成老天,試圖讓我們把小我的詭計歸罪到老天身上。今天可以來覺察,放下縮小你自己、縮小關係的一切討價還價。祝你有個美麗、有啟發的一天! HEALING OUR BARGAINING is the card for today. Bargaining happens with others but mostly with God and many times we don't even know we are doing it. But if you have ever had any negative emotions in regard to God it shows that you were bargaining with God. Any emotion in regard to others shows the same thing with them and with God. God gives everything so there is no need to bargain. It is the ego that insinuates itself and masquerades as God attempting to have us blame God for its machinations. Today is a good day to become aware and let go of all bargains which contract you and your relationships. Have a beautiful and enlightening day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒獨立的偶像》 今天的卡片是《療癒獨立的偶像》。所有的偶像都是老天的替代品。我們以為幸福快樂與安全感在我們外面。然而,我們一切所需要的,都會在我們內在,包括天堂。今天,讓我們拿這些偶像換來真正會讓我們幸福快樂之物。今天,慶祝來自靈性生活、依靠天堂的交互依賴和根本依賴。祝你有個很棒的一天! HEALING THE IDOL OF INDEPENDENCE is the card for today. All idols are replacements for God. We think our happiness and security comes from outside us. But whatever we need comes from within us including Heaven. Today let us exchange these idols for what would really make us happy. Today celebrate interdependence and the radical dependence that comes of living a spiritual life and depending on Heaven. Have a great day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《意識加速提升》 今天的卡片是《意識加速提升》。這是意識的加速,會在集體無意識層次加速療癒、加速展開事態。因此今天,享受你心靈的偏好,心靈就愛統整為一體,並朝真理與平安邁進。祝你有個最美麗的一天! THE CELESTIAL SPEEDUP is the card for today. It is the quickening of consciousness that allows quicker healing and unfolding going on at a collective level. So today allow yourself to enjoy how your mind tends to unify and head for truth and peace. Have a most beautiful day!!