
【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒可怕》
今天的卡片是《療癒可怕》。 可怕是種獨立的狀態,我們忘了自己的連結,忘了誰與我們同行。今天,要認出我們的連結,以及與他人的關係。今天,要為愛慶祝,慶祝分離與恐懼的消失。慶祝紀念,過個精彩的一天吧!
HEALING FEARFULNESS is the card for today. Fearfulness is a state of independence in which we have forgotten our bonding and we have forgotten Who Walks With us. Today is a day to recognise our bonding and connection with others. Today is a day to celebrate love and the disappearance of separation and fear. Have an amazing day as you celebrate this!!