
目前顯示的是 4月, 2017的文章


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《擴張》 今天的卡片是《擴張》。擴張伴隨著更大的成功、覺知、喜樂的感覺。有擴張的時候,我們越來越感覺得到最棒的自己。我們會感覺到來自成長與順流的信心。今天,過個超越限制的一天吧! EXPANSIVENESS is the card for today. It comes with the sense of greater success, awareness and joy. We feel more of our best self when EXPANSIVENESS occurs. We feel the confidence that comes of growth and flow. Have a day of transcending limits today!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《淘氣》 今天的卡片是《淘氣》。這是會創造順流的領袖力禮物。這仍然保有誠信正直,卻是用樂趣、調侃的幽默,突破了自我概念與社會束縛。祝你玩得開心,過個美好的一天! NAUGHTINESS is the card for today. This is a leadership gift that creates flow. It is in integrity but it moves through the restriction of self-concepts and societal constrictions with fun, irreverent humor. Have a wonderful day of happy play!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《大膽》 今天的卡片是《大膽》。這代表勇敢、抱持「努力可以成功」的信心去冒險。今天,找到你的信心,並記得天堂與你同行。今天,要為成功而勇敢,過個很棒的一天! AUDACITY is the card for the day. It represents boldness and taking a risk with the confidence that your endeavors can succeed. Today find your confidence and remember that Heaven walks with you. Be bold for success today and have a great day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒惰性》 今天的卡片是《療癒惰性》。惰性是通常是由恐懼餵養出來的。我們害怕面對巨大任務;更有甚者,面對任何任務都怕。有惰性,我們通常就會有怠惰與犧牲的惡性循環。今天,我們可以擺脫自己的惰性、餵養出惰性的恐懼,以及維持住惰性的犧牲。天堂給我們的旨意是無憂無慮,因此,放下我們的小我意向,擁抱那與我們真實意願一致的天堂旨意吧。把握這美好的一天! HEALING INDOLENCE is the card of the day. Indolence is laziness that is usually fed by fear. We are afraid to face big tasks and sometimes any task at all. With indolence we typically have a vicious circle of indolence and sacrifice and it makes everything we are called to do one of great resistance. Today we can divest ourselves of indolence, the fear that feeds it and the sacrifice that locks it into place. Heaven's Will for us is to be carefree so let's let go of our ego will and embrace Heaven's Will which is aligned with our true will. Have a beautiful day out there!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒懶惰與驅迫自己的惡性循環》 今天的卡片是《療癒懶惰與驅迫自己的惡性循環》。當兩部分彼此鬥爭、一個比一個低劣時,就會產生螺旋向下的惡性循環。沒有一方會允許我們領受的,因為這兩方都是在防衛。今天我們可以放掉我們既有的惡性循環,將之融化到整體裡頭,不留在衝突跟二元性裡。讓今天既有輕易又有成績吧。祝你有個美好多產的一天! HEALING THE VICIOUS CIRCLE OF LAZINESS AND DRIVING ONESELF is the card of the day. Vicious circles spiral downwards as each part plays off each other getting lower and lower. Neither allows us to receive as they are both defenses. Today we can throw as many of these vicious circles that we have into our higher mind to melt into wholeness instead of conflict and duality. Today relax and let yourself do what you are called to do. Let it be a day of both ease and accomplishment. Have a beautiful and productive day!!


【 PoV 願景心理學】 Chuck 博士每日一卡 《摯愛(老天)》 今天的卡片是《摯愛(老天)》。在一切小我執著、效忠錯誤的表相之下,都有著我們對老天的愛,老天就是我們的摯愛。在老天的愛中,會經驗到最深處、最高層的愛的形式。今天,適合陶醉在老天對我們的愛,以及我們對老天的愛裡。這就是首字母Α,這也是末字母Ω;這是起初,這也是末了。其餘一切並不存在,我們是與老天為一的,是老天延展出來的愛。是時候慶祝、是時候去愛了! THE BELOVED(GOD) is the card for today. Below any ego attachment and mistaken allegiance there is our love for God, Who is our Beloved. The deepest and highest form of love is experienced in this Love that God is. Today is a day to revel in God's Love for us and our love for God. This is the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. God is Love. Nothing else exists and we are in Oneness with God as an extension of His Love. Time to celebrate. Time to love!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒自私》 今天的卡片是《療癒自私》。我們的小我只想要自己優先被照顧、不停地被照顧;療癒自私,我們就會意識到小我這份競爭的天性。今天,我們可以作出更好的決定。選擇分享、給出、領受,那麼每一個人都可以得勝。祝你有個得到啟發的一天! HEALING SELFISHNESS is the card of the day. It helps us be aware of the competitive nature of our ego that wants itself taken care of first and always. Today we can make a better choice in which everyone can win by sharing, giving and receiving. Have an enlightened day!!

【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《道》 今天的卡片是《道》。道是進入時間的絕對者,要來幫助我們進入完整性、不受時間限制。道在西方的說法是聖靈,聖靈是神的一個永恆無形的面向,也會幫助我們放掉這世界二元性與攻擊的幻相。今天,要對指引、靈感、恩典、神聖臨在敞開。今天,要讓自己擁有實在的喜樂。過個深受祝福的一天! THE TAO is the card of the day. It is the Absolute that also comes into time to help us move toward wholeness and timelessness. A more western name is the Holy Spirit Who is an aspect of God in formless eternity but also helps us relinquish illusions in this world of duality and attack. Today be open for guidance, inspiration, grace and Divine Presence. Allow yourself the joy that is possible today. Have a most blessed day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒死寂》 今天的卡片是《療癒死寂》。死寂是困在角色、規則、責任中,以為自己不得不要做些什麼、應該要做些什麼,不是選擇給出、真誠給出。選擇給出、真誠給出,就能夠領受、感覺、享受,進而恢復精神。我們照角色規定過生活,失去了心;但當我們出於選擇而行動時,我們就會得到力量,收復我們的心。戀父戀母陰謀、競爭、害怕下一步,讓我們停留在舒適區,並產生死寂感,沒有向前進。而將自己貢獻給夥伴與工作,則會帶來新生命,療癒到這些地方。道正往這個方向進展,我們可以療癒我們的死寂,於是就可以擁有活力。祝你有個美好的一天! HEALING DEADNESS is the card for today. Deadness comes from being caught in roles, rules and duties where we think we have to do something or are supposed to do something rather than giving out of choice and authenticity and therefore being refreshed by being able to receive, feel and enjoy. As we act from choice we are empowered and we regain our heart that we lost in living by roles and recipes. The Oedipal Conspiracy, competition and fear of the next step causing us to stay in a comfort zone rather than go forward also generate deadness. Commitment to ourselves our partner and our work can bring new life and heal these areas...The tao is moving in a way we can heal our deadness and have aliveness instead. Ha...


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《康樂感》 今天的卡片是《康樂感》。這是幸福快樂和安康合為一體的感覺。這是通過嚴酷考驗後的慶祝。這是在慶祝成功。祝你有個美好、喜樂的一天! EUPHORIA is the card for today. It is happiness and well-being all rolled into one package. This is the celebration after making it through an ordeal. It is the celebration of success...Have a most beautiful and joy-filled day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《惹人喜愛》 今天的卡片是《惹人喜愛》。今天,我們做的事,或是為我們而完成的事,都可以是惹人喜愛的。這份甜美,這是連結與療癒為事件當中的所有人提供的香膏。願事物觸及你的心,祝你有個美麗的一天! ENDEARING is the card for today. What we do or is done for us today can be ENDEARING. This is a sweetness that both bonds and heals providing a balm for all involved. Have a beautiful day of things that touch your heart!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《成功的故事》 今天的卡片是《成功的故事》。這指的是新層次的成功。這樣的成功現在可以你的生活裡一章又一章的展開。只要領受並慶祝成功的故事就好! SUCCESS STORY is the card of the day. It is a new level of success that can now begin in your life chapter after chapter. Simply receive it and celebrate!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒要求》 今天的卡片是《療癒要求》。要求來自於這樣的需求:我們期望別人滿足我們的需求;我們自己卻沒有給對方、給自己這份需要的東西。這樣子,就會造成我們的不愉快。我們期望別人給出連自己都沒有給出的東西,這是生命與關係裡數一數二的錯誤迷思。今天,我們的不愉快會透露出,自己正在做這樣的事。我們可以反過來,藉著給出,放下或滿足自己的需要。原因是,在需要之下,我們掩蓋了一份才華禮物,我們害怕打開這份禮物;打開了禮物,我們就會重新連結,並且失去一份小我的獨立。但小我的獨立其實是角色,不是自由。今天,要自由自在,並且允許自己給出,因為給出一定會帶來領受跟滿足感的。祝你有個美好的一天! HEALING DEMANDS is the card of the day. Demands come from our needs and demands are where we expect others to meet them when we are not giving to them or to ourselves the very thing we are demanding from them. This causes upset in us and it is one of the biggest mistakes in life and relationships that we expect others to give us what we are not giving. Today our upsets can signal where we are doing this and we can instead let go of our needs or fulfill them by our giving as under the need we have a hidden gift that we are afraid to open as it would bond us and we would lose some of the independence of the ego that is not freedom but a role. Today be free and allow yourself to...


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《領受的故事》 今天的卡片是《領受的故事》。這是在開啟一層的自愛,我們允許自己領受一切需要與渴望。我們找回了我們的心;我們擁抱了我們的陰柔面。我們不再投注心力在報復與叛逆,而是知道,我們把自己領受到的分享出去。因為我們分享了,所以我們領受後又給出的東西,對我們和別人來講,都會增加。享受領受的故事吧,因為領受讓我們每天都能再次感覺喜悅、經驗喜悅!! THE RECEIVING STORY is the card for today. This is the beginning of a level of self-love in which we allow ourselves to receive whatever it is that we need and want. We have gotten our heart back; we have embraced our feminine side. We no longer invest in revenge and rebellion but know that what we receive we share and as we share what we received and have now given is increased for us and others. Enjoy THE RECEIVING STORY as it allows us to feel and experience joy again on an everyday basis!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒緊抓不放陰謀》 今天的卡片是《療癒緊抓不放陰謀》。緊抓不放在講的是,當情況都已經徹底改變時,還在試圖在現在滿足過去的需要。這樣子是絕對不會有用的。弔詭的是,放下才會改變情況,我們才能領受到更好的東西。生命中一些最棒的東西,都跟放下有絕對的關係。因此,祝你放下緊抓不放的陰謀,有個好玩甜美的一天! HEALING THE HOLDING ON CONSPIRACY is the card for today. Holding on is an attempt to get a past need met in the present when the situation has radically changed. It just doesn’t work. Letting go on the other hand paradoxically changes the situation so we can now receive something better. Some of the best things in life have to do with letting go. So have a fun sweet day of letting go of your holding on conspiracies!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《啟動》 今天的卡片是《啟動》。這代表著,最簡單的東西也可以成為高層意識的入口。如果你有覺知到,你就幾乎能在任何一個地方找到進入高層意識的機會。今天,這些入口到處都是,就在人群與情境裡面。生命充滿了這些向上升的手扶梯。今天很適合來搭個手扶梯!祝你有個美麗的一天! INITIATION is the card for today. This means that even the simplest things can provide gateways for higher consciousness. If you are aware you can find these openings almost anyplace. Today these gateways abound...Look about you...they are in people and situations. Life is full of these escalators up. Today is a great day to take some!! have a beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《解除與魔鬼的契約》 今天的卡片是《解除與魔鬼的契約》。魔鬼是隱喻,指的是古老的小我。魔鬼是,當我們還在背離光、還沒有一具身體時,發生分裂的那部分。有麻煩與重大不幸時,我們會尋找不是老天的外在力量。我們尋找力量,逃離了孤單,也逃離了安全。魔鬼承諾會給我們一切,卻從未信守過他那一方的契約。而我們對自己隱瞞這整件事,也沒有比較好。這樣會造成長期問題,我們會覺知不到真正障礙我們的東西。除了跟魔鬼簽契約外,我們出於同樣的理由,也會跟小我簽合約。因為我們感覺到危險,所以需要持續防衛,於是取用了小我和「魔鬼」的人格。今天,我們可以解除與魔鬼的契約,靠著出於神性之愛的光,將魔鬼都送回光中。我們可以消融掉之前取用的「魔鬼人格」,讓一切萬有的真實源頭來指導自己。祝你釋放掉這些束縛,有個精彩的一天! DISSOLVING DEALS WITH THE DEVIL is the card for today. The devil is a metaphor for the ancient ego. It is that part of separation that occurred even before we took on bodies when we were still turning away from the light. In times of trouble and great distress we seek an outside power that isn't God. We seek power, escape from loneliness and safety. The devil promises us everything and anything but never keeps its side of the deal and it doesn't help that we hide this whole event from ourselves. This leads to chronic problems without any awareness of what is really holding us back. We also have ego contracts beside...


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒完美主義》 今天的卡片是《療癒完美主義》。完美主義是種防衛,原本是要來補償不夠好的感覺的。因為我們無法「在水面上行走」,所以完美主義會讓我們感覺到失敗,並產生往下掉的惡性循環。今天,要來整合我們的完美主義與不夠好的感覺。我們可以靠做出選擇來完成整合,或是請天堂幫我們來整合,帶來平安與信心。祝你有個美好的一天! HEALING PERFECTIONISM is the card for today. Perfectionism is a defense that is meant to compensate for feelings of inadequacy. Since we can not 'walk on water' perfectionism makes us feel like a failure and generates a vicious circle downwards. Today is a day to integrate our perfectionism and our feelings of inadequacy. We can do this by choosing that it be done or simply by asking Heaven to do it for us bringing peace and confidence, Have a wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《皇后》 今天的卡片是《皇后》。這是西洋棋裡最有威力的旗子。作為原型人物,皇后有著最大陰柔力量的屬性。今天,要領受的,是當皇后統治她的王國時會有的所有恩典與慷慨。皇后雖需要完成指定的塵世任務,但之後這股力量會向內轉為奧秘、與他人和天堂的溝通。祝你有個最美好的一天! THE QUEEN is the card of the day. It is the most powerful piece on the chess board and as an archetype it has all of the most feminine powerful attributes. Today receive all the grace and largesse that THE QUEEN has as she holds dominion over her kingdom. She has been assigned an earthly task to complete but later this power will turn inward to the mystic and communion with others and Heaven. Have a most beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒要求》 今天的卡片是《療癒要求》。要求是來自於失去連結,要求會產生壓力。需要與要求來自分裂心靈。一方面,我們想要得到我們的要求;另一方面,我們又不想要得到,因為我們害怕會失去我們的獨立 ── 分裂心靈隱藏起來的那一面。要求會讓人反感,人們可能會因受脅迫而照做,或是會直接拒絕、建立起自己的界線與自主權。今天,我們可以放下要求,可以反過來,用邀請和請求,這樣會更為容易成功。我們可以放下所有的期望與要求;想達成目標,用期望與要求是會適得其反的。祝你有個輕易、輕鬆的一天! HEALING DEMANDS is the card for today. Demands come from lost bonding and they generate stress. Needs and demands come from a split mind. We want what we are demanding and we also don't want it because we are afraid of losing our independence the hidden side of the split mind. Demands are off-putting and people may do what we want under duress or just refuse to do it to set boundaries and establish their own autonomy. Today we can let go of demands and instead invite and request as these are much more successful. We can let go of all the expectations and demands both of which are counterproductive to goals. Have an ease relaxing day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《熱忱》 今天的卡片是《熱忱》。這代表忠誠、誠信至上、承諾、榮耀、高尚、值得信賴、可靠性、獻身致力,以及百分百給出自己。今天,你的熱忱會讓你成為寶貴的夥伴、團隊成員。祝你有個很棒的一天! ARDENT is the card for today. ARDENT represents loyalty, sterling integrity, commitment, honor, nobility, trustworthiness, dependability, devoted and giving oneself 100%. Today your ARDENCY makes you a valued partner or team member. Have a great day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《喜悅》 今天的卡片是《喜悅》。某張卡片於一周內出現兩次時,一定是代表在我們的心靈與生活裡,這股能量正在累積中。喜悅來自於,全然給出自己的愛、創造力、幫助、領受。分享會帶來喜悅與豐盛。喜悅和愛與寬恕一樣,都能夠療癒。喜悅是你的神性繼承,今天,意識到小我用來讓你從喜悅上頭分心的東西。祝你這一天充滿奇蹟! JOY is the card of the day once again. When a card shows up twice in one week it is always a sign that this energy is building in our mind and in our lives. JOY comes from giving ourselves fully in love, creativity, helping and receiving. Sharing brings JOY and abundance. JOY heals as well as love and forgiveness. Today be aware of whatever the ego uses to distract you from the JOY that is your Divine heritage. Have a miraculous day!!


【 PoV 願景心理學】 Chuck 博士每日一卡 《顯化》 今天的卡片是《顯化》。顯化是心靈的力量,會帶來我們想要的東西。顯化是來自於看到、感覺到、意識到、聽到我們正在得到自己想要的東西。顯化會有意識地帶來我們可以擁有的東西。今天,為了讓自己能大大地獲益,為了你即將在生命中會得到的東西,要想起這份力量。花個幾秒鐘顯化,然後就放下,明白你想要的東西正在來臨。祝你有個好玩的一天! MANIFESTING is the card of the day. This is the power of the mind that brings to us what we want. It comes from seeing, feeling, sensing and hearing the acknowledgment of getting what we want. MANIFESTING brings about consciously what we would have. Today remember this power for your great benefit and what you would have in your life. Take a few seconds to do this and then let it go knowing what you want is on the way to you. Have a fun day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《最高法院的判決對你有利》 今天的卡片是《最高法院的判決對你有利》。每個疾病、受傷、問題都有罪惡感作為問題的主要核心。如果罪惡感消失了,問題就會跟著消失。而最高法院已做出對你有利的判決。沒有內疚,你是天真無罪的,你是自由的。儘管小我多想造出自己來改變你的受造方式,但你終究是改變不了的。今天,認識到,作為最高法院的聖靈,宣判你值得得到一切美好的事物,你的問題被廢除了。今天,接受這項判決,並且慶祝吧! THE SUPREME COURT RULES IN YOUR FAVOR is the card for today. Every illness, injury or problem has guilt as one of its major roots. If the guilt is gone the problems are gone. And THE SUPREME COURT HAS RULED IN YOUR FAVOR. There is no guilt. You are innocent. You are free. You cannot change how you were created as much as the ego would like to build itself to do so. Today know that the Holy Spirit as the Supreme Court rules that you deserve every good thing and that your problems are abolished. Accept the ruling and celebrate today!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒惡作劇者心魔》 今天的卡片是《療癒惡作劇者心魔》。惡作劇者心魔總是在打擾我們;他製造了惡意的意外,於是我們就得收拾這個爛攤子。也難怪我們會評斷、分裂、壓抑這個部分的自己,並有時投射到身邊的某個人身上。然而這並非療癒惡作劇者心魔的方式。我們受召,自己這些潛藏的部分不管有多少,都要接納自己,寬恕這部分、寬恕自己,把這部分跟我們心靈其餘部分作整合,恢復完整性。今天,讓你的心靈回到平安裡,祝你今天充滿了幸福快樂的驚喜意外! HEALING THE TRICKSTER SHADOW is the card for today. The trickster shadow is always messing with us; it sets up mean surprises and we are left to clean up the mess. It is no wonder we judged this part of us, split it off, repressed it and sometimes projected it out on someone around us. But this is not the way to heal it. We are called to accept these hidden parts of us however many there are, forgive it and ourselves and let it be integrated back into wholeness with the rest of our mind. Today let your mind be returned to peace and have a day full of happy surprises!!

PoV願景心理學 Chuck博士每月一信 2017-04

PoV 願景心理學 Chuck 博士每月一信 2017-04 四月通常是比較明朗樂觀的月份。然而,由於還有受召得要完成的改變,因此前頭還有一些巨大挑戰在等著。有些人仍有一些新生在等著他,尤其是過程有在加速的人。有時,到了新生分娩的時刻,唯一會讓人就正確位置的願景,就是對真理、前進、與天堂連結的承諾。有時,與天堂的連結會因靈魂暗夜而動搖;然而如果你真有看懂靈魂暗夜,那其實是一場新生。至於其他時候,在這次新生到下次新生的間隔時期裡,重要的是你要設定你的心靈,對準你所知道的真實;這樣你在經驗一次次暗夜時,你就會知道,這其實是一場新生,這樣的安排是為了有最好的結果。 在靈魂層次上,新生是我們求來的。我們為了藉由即將來臨的事來幫助到人,正在趕上進度,準備進入新的水平。每道新生可能看起來都很危險。這會顛覆我們過去所熟知的一切。此時此刻,信任、臣服、承諾,成了最重要的事。要記得天堂。要記得老天。跟老天的連結看似有所動搖的時候,要記得那其實是一場被遺忘在過去的墮落。那場墮落年代久遠,卻會於此生重新上演。而這道黑暗正在節節敗退。 此時,最為關鍵的是祈禱、療癒,以及真正有幫助到他人的服務奉獻。祈禱是與天堂的靈性交會;療癒是修復完整性;服務奉獻則是,認出別人的需要就是自己的需要。只有在愛中與另一人結合,帶來靈性交會,我們才會得到提升,恢復心靈遺失已久的層面。只有在祈禱、療癒、服務奉獻的時刻,你才能匆匆瞥見老天。 至於不是處在這場激烈的新生過程裡的人,仍可能會有一兩次即將到來的新生。因為比較罕見,所以來勢可能也會更為洶湧。然而,對大家、尤其是對沒有處在這場激烈新生過程裡的人來講,四月絕大部分是可愛美麗的。而處在這場激烈新生過程裡的人,則是在熱切地藉由療癒自己來拯救世界。 志同道合的人會鼓舞到彼此的心。四月,你會有機會跟志同道合的人會面,或是計畫之外的相遇。 這個月,你會有能力放下既得利益,換來互惠性、甜美深刻的結合,以及因新層面的天真無罪而有的無憂無慮。 伴侶與關係間各層面的重大誤解,都可以在這個月化解,帶來新層面的給出與領受、浪漫、共同創造力。 我們會有更新、更深刻的理解:我們眼前所見的一切,全都是我們對自己的想法。於是我們會明白,我們唯一需要的,只是自我寬恕而已。如果我們從自己開始,認出了每個人的天真無罪,那...


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《喜悅》 今天的卡片是《喜悅》。喜悅是在表達愛。喜悅讓我們能融化掉小我,因為我們在給出中,會與他人、世界結合。今天,是連結的一天,這樣我們才能在豐富的給出與領受中,在天真無罪與完整性上有所前進。祝你有個最美麗的一天! JOY is the card for today. It comes as an expression of love. It allows us to melt the ego as we join others and the world in our giving. Today is a day of bonding so that we move forward in innocence and wholeness by exuberant giving and receiving. Have the most beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒我們看重無用之物的地方》 今天的卡片是《療癒我們看重無用之物的地方》。我們常常投注在瑣事上,浪費了時間。我們其實可以把時間花在真正的幸福快樂上 ── 愛、幫助、療癒。每道寬恕都能節省時間,增添生活的愛與真理,帶來幸福快樂。祝你有個最美好的一天! HEALING WHERE WE VALUE WHAT IS VALUELESS is the card for today. So, many times we invest ourselves in trivial pursuits and waste our time that we could spend in what really makes us happy--loving, helping and healing. Each forgiveness saves time and adds to the love and truth in our lives bringing happiness. Have a most wonderful day!!


【 PoV 願景心理學】 Chuck 博士每日一卡 《老天之指》 今天的卡片是《老天之指(Yod)》。老天之指是占星學用語,指的是老天不會讓人流浪到回不了天鄉。人們需要重新走上真實的道路時,就會得到老天的提示,或是老天會推你一把。Yod以「老天的手指」為人所熟知。今天,覺察你在何處有收到提示,這樣你就不用被老天逼著、推著。祝你有最棒的一天! YOD is the card for today. Yod is an astrological term that refers to when God is keeping someone from straying too far off the path home. They are nudged or pushed as needed to regain their true path. Yod is known as the Finger of God. Be aware today where you are being nudged so you don't have to be pushed and have the best of all possible days!!