PoV願景心理學 Chuck博士每月一信 2017-04












Chuck Spezzano's Monthly Newsletter

April 2017

April is in general a brighter month. Yet, there are still a couple of big challenges ahead because there is still change that is called for and must be made. There are those who still have some births ahead especially those on the fast track. When the labor of birth comes sometimes the only vision left to hold a person in place is commitment to the truth, to going forward and the connection with Heaven that may be shaken by this dark night of the soul that is a birth if truly seen. It is important in the rest periods between births to set your mind to what you know is true so that as you undergo each dark night you know it is a birth and that it is for the best.

At a soul level we asked for this in order to catch up and be ready for a new plateau of helping others through what is to come. Each birth may seem dangerous. The end of all we knew before. This is when trust, surrender and commitment are most important. Remember Heaven. Remember God. And when that connection seems to waver remember that it was a fall, one so ancient but possibly replayed in this life, that is being left behind. The darkness is being vanquished.

At this time what is crucial is prayer, healing and service to others that really helps. Prayer is communion with Heaven. Healing is the restoration of wholeness. Service is the recognition that another’s need is our own. It is only in joining with another in love and the communion it brings that we are raised up recovering a level of mind lost so long ago. It is in moments of prayer, healing and service that God can be glimpsed.

For those not on this intense birth path there still may be one or two impending births that may loom even larger because of their infrequency. Yet for the most part April is a month of loveliness for all especially for the ones not on the intense birth path of those intent on saving the world by healing themselves.

In April there will be chance or unscheduled meetings with like-minded people that heartens both you and them.

There is an ability to give up vested interest this month for mutuality, sweet and profound joinings and the carefreeness that comes of a new level of innocence.
Major misunderstandings between partners and relationships at all levels can be resolved this month bringing new levels of giving and receiving, romance and co-creativity.

New and deeper understanding can come to us that all that we see is all that we think of ourselves. It is then we realize that all we need is self-forgiveness. If we recognize everyone’s innocence starting with our own the need to make another wrong to assuage and hide our guilt dissolves. The world becomes both beautiful and benign. If we recognized that every problem, every setback and every negative thing that ever happened to us was our own self-destructiveness we would then be quick to forgive and to value ourselves more.

We are God’s Child and He sees us as having inestimable value. We are loved more than we will ever know on this plane but we can begin to know it starting this month. So….

Be at peace.
You are loved.
You are watched over.
Invite in the Love that surrounds you.
Chuck Spezzano

Turtle Bay, Hawaii



