
目前顯示的是 5月, 2017的文章


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒假裝不害怕下一步的獨立》 今天的卡片是《療癒假裝不害怕下一步的獨立》。我們會用如創傷、不公、誤會……許許多多的藉口來分離,好變得獨立;然而,我們只是害怕自己無法面對下一步而已。其實,我們可以用恩典與天堂的幫助來面對下一步。今天,讓我們放掉所有的藉口,在結合的路上踏出下一步吧!這一步也會讓我們向前進一步的。祝你有個美好的療癒日! HEALING THE INDEPENDENCE THAT HIDES FEAR OF THE NEXT STEP is the card for today. We use any excuse to separate such as traumas, injustice, misunderstandings and many others just so we can separate and be independent but really we are just afraid we can't handle the next step. But we can handle the next step with grace and Heaven's help. Let us relinquish all excuses today and take the next step in joining which also takes us a step forward. Have a beautiful healing day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《打開收聽神的頻道》 今天的卡片是《打開收聽神的頻道》。這會療癒一切恐懼,進而療癒所有問題。這會把喜樂找回來,並且讓你放下重擔,尤其是你覺得非得把全世界扛起來不可的地方。今天,收聽這台開放頻道,盡情開心一天吧! OPENING THE CHANNEL TO GOD is the card for the day. This heals all fear and therefore all problems. It brings back the joy and it lets you let go of your burdens especially where you think you have to carry the whole world. Have a blast today with that open channel!!

Chuck博士每月一信 2017-06

PoV願景心理學 Chuck博士每月一信 2017-06 事情正在步上軌道。謎團的拼圖都開始拼湊起來。一直以來,你都在為你珍視的目標而努力;如今,這一切辛勞終於有了報酬。也許這跟你的工作或關係有關。也許這跟你個人的療癒有關,而答案終於要出現了。當你百分百給出自己時,就一定會有成果。會花那麼久的時間,是因為問題的根源非常深,所以就算有了突破,議題仍持續下去。如果你花了超過數個月的時間在處理某項議題,那代表根源不只是深到靈魂層次而已,還深到集體無意識的層次。如果你知道要花多久時間才能療癒人類整段歷史的話,你就知道,當集體無意識透過你的問題尋求療癒時,這議題會有多複雜。關鍵的是,你要明白這件事,這樣你才會欣賞自己、感激自己至今所做的一切。你的貢獻如今得到了好結果,重要的是你要給自己認可。如果這份大躍進,沒有在我們這一代成功扭轉局勢、把療癒與愛當作生活方式的話,那我們也可以打前鋒,率先除去黑暗,好讓我們的孩子可以搶得先機。然而,只要有奉獻精神,就仍有可能會出現奇蹟。我們已經走完了好長一段路,前面還有更長的路要走。你所經驗到的痛苦與黑暗,其實就是你個人要學習的課題,以及為了你的祖先與集體無意識要去處理的東西。你的療癒會幫助到每一個人的。 你可以寬恕、讓過去的發生過去的地方,就會帶來平安與光。你給出,你就會得到。然而,重要的是要記得,你那一切的神聖源頭,不是出於世界,不是來自旁人,而是來自那位造物主。只要你是試圖利用旁人來滿足自己的需要,你遲早會心煩意亂、感到失望的。結果,你就會產生某種以操控為目的的情緒。你要把情緒當指標,留意你脫離正軌、沒有百分百給出又試圖要得著或佔有的地方。據說,當你試圖從旁人那裡得到什麼的時候,天堂就會有一盞光熄滅。如果你有百分百給出、把情緒用在療癒上,你是不可能會沮喪難過的。你給出時,你就會領受到。然而,要記得你的神聖源頭在哪;不記得的話,你就難免有苦要受了。而一直勤勉忠心的人,這個月,你會開始發現更多美麗人生故事的篇章。 你受苦的地方,都是因為你沒有給出全部,所以你才沒有領受到一切。你以為遭逢不公不義時,有情緒是合理的抱怨,如此你就能理直氣壯、負傷受害、強烈要求;其實,跟著小我走的人是你,是你被小我的觀點綁架了。評斷無濟於事,評斷是所有情緒與受苦的根源。在過去、現在、未來盤根錯節的影響下,你是無法看清現況的。你的情緒會點出你脫離正軌的...


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《父親》 今天的卡片是《父親》。父親代表的是提供給家庭的保護、支持、陽剛面能量。父親創造一種氛圍,讓母親和孩子可以當自己,不必尋找認可。他給出鼓勵、賦予力量、給出愛。當自己的父親沒有這樣子時,那就是我們受召要去愛他的時候。我們內在的父親會帶來靈魂禮物,並呼求天堂的禮物,將父親從他自己的手中拯救出來。我們與自己父親的體驗,代表了我們會怎麼看待老天這位天父。今天,我們受召要寬恕自己的父親,透過我們自己,帶來父愛與賦予力量的能量。過個有信心、有愛、有力量的一天吧! FATHER is the card for today. It stands for protection, support and the masculine energy supplied for the family. The father creates an atmosphere where the mother and children can be who they are without having to search for approval. He encourages, empowers and loves. When our own fathers were less than this we are called to love him athe Father within us bringing soul gifts and asking for Heaven's gifts to save him from himself. Our experience with our own father shows how we think of God the Father. Today we are called to forgive our Fathers and bring the fatherly energy of love and empowerment through us. Have a confident, loving and powerful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《聖潔》 今天的卡片是《聖潔》。這樣的完整會帶來神聖性。要有聖潔,就要有去到一、完全寬恕、好達到人間天堂的意向。完整即是天真無罪;有了天真無罪,就會有自愛、喜樂,並與人分享。讓聖潔的芬芳引領你走向更大的完整吧。祝你有個很棒的一天! SANCTITY is the card for today. This is the wholeness that leads to holiness. It has to do with the intention for Oneness and complete forgiveness that leads to Heaven on earth. Wholeness is innocence and innocence leads to self-love, joy and sharing with others. Have a great day and let the fragrance of Sanctity inspire you to greater wholeness


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《摯愛(老天)》 今天的卡片是《摯愛(老天)》。這是最高等的卡。這是我們最終的神聖目標,也是達成目標的神聖方法。這是我們所有對老天的愛,讓祂的愛可以來到我們這裡,修正一切錯誤,終結分裂的幻相,好將我們消融至那位摯愛之中。祝你有個最美好的一天! THE BELOVED (GOD) is the card for today. This is the highest card. It is our final Goal and it is the Way to the Goal. It is all the love we have for God which allows his Love to come to us righting all the wrongs and ending the illusion of separation so that we melt into the BELOVED. Have a most beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒覺得自己受剝削之處》 今天的卡片是《療癒覺得自己受剝削之處》。我們拿這件事當作藉口,好建立自己到手、佔有、消耗的機制。這樣做的話,我們就會困在受害、犧牲、獨立的惡性三角色裡頭。這是對重要他人、現任夥伴、以及老天的舊怨。唯一能剝削自己的人是我們自己。這份剝削讓我們向外追逐,看不見我們內在的才華禮物,認不出天堂要給我們的東西。今天,釋放我們有關剝削的自我概念,從天堂領受,並選擇對自己和他人給出吧。祝你有個美好的一天! HEALING WHERE WE SEE OURSELVES AS DEPRIVED is the card for today. We use that as an excuse for our mechanism for getting, taking or consuming. This keeps us locked into the vicious triad of roles of victim, sacrifice and independence. It is an old grievance with significant others, our partner now and God. We are the only one who could deprive us. This deprivation keeps us seeking outside us rather than seeing the gifts we have inside or recognizing what Heaven is giving us. Today let release all our self-concepts of deprivation and receive from Heaven as well as choosing to give to ourselves and others. Have a beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒黑暗女神心魔》 今天的卡片是《療癒黑暗女神心魔》。這個層面來自我們的陰柔面,是古老小我的一面。如果身邊有人、或是你自己,呈現出黑暗女神的樣子,那其實是你自身信念系統的一個層面。想要收復這一塊的話,就要有更多的完整性,並且要能夠有來自真實陰柔面的歡迎。今天,把所有黑暗女神的心魔與自我概念,都想像成是一件長外套。問問自己,你利用這些東西的目的是什麼?並且問自己,恩典是不是能更有效地服務到你?然後擺脫掉這件過時無用的外套。這些東西沒有服務到你,只服務到了你的小我,以及小我對分裂與支配的渴望。才華禮物會有比較好的效果,天堂會用才華禮物來代替這些東西。今天,自我憎恨的能量會轉化成分享與自由,於是你就可以好好利用到這股能量。讓這天充滿神聖的愛與恩典,過個有力量的一天吧! HEALING THE DARK GODDESS SHADOW is the card for today. This aspect is from our feminine side and it is an aspect of the ancient ego. If you have someone or yourself acting out the dark goddess around you it is an aspect of your own belief systems. To regain this part is to gain more wholeness and the ability to welcome from our true feminine. Today imagine all the shadows and self-concepts of the dark goddess as a long coat. Ask yourself what you have used this for and ask yourself if grace wouldn't better serve you. Then step out of this old and useless coat. It hasn't served you only your ego and it's desire to se...


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒自我厭惡》 今天的卡片是《療癒自我厭惡》。今天,我們受不了自己的地方,也許會呈現出來;如此一來,我們就能夠去接納自己,放下自我譴責。我們通常會隱藏自我厭惡的感受,因為我們的自我印象所產生的自我厭惡感實在太糟糕了。然而,療癒這些信念的唯一方式,就是去檢視這些信念,並看出這些信念其實是幻相,於是我們就可以放掉這些信念,從而淨化自己。自我寬恕,就能寬恕一切;而寬恕他人,自己就會是天真無罪的。生活糟糕地對待你的地方,就是你相信了關於自我的黑暗信念、並加以投注心力的地方。這就是一切黑暗事物的源頭;這樣是自我懲罰,這不會是真相。決心看見自己的真相,並且將心力投注在真相上。遮掩自我黑暗信念的防衛,正在剝落。讓光進來吧。真相與光是同義詞。老天愛你,最高法院會對你做出有利的判決的。除此之外,一切都是小我的傲慢,都會造成自我厭惡。祝你這天有個很棒的釋放! HEALING SELF-LOATHING is the card for today. Where we can't stand ourselves today may show itself so that we may accept ourselves and give up self-condemnation. We usually hide our feelings of self-loathing because they are just too horrible for the self-image we have of ourselves. Yet the only way to heal these beliefs is to examine them and see that they are illusions and that we can let them go and thus purify ourselves. Self-forgiveness leads to all forgiveness as forgiveness of others leads to our own innocence. Where you are treated badly in life is where you believe and therefore i...


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒精神攻擊》 今天的卡片是《療癒精神攻擊》。如果我們用了心靈來攻擊,就會發現,這類攻擊對自己的影響也是一樣大。如果我們已經發動攻擊了,如今攻擊位於我們的潛意識或無意識,那我們就會對這類攻擊門戶洞開。我們如果想要脫離這類攻擊影響的話,那就承認自己也曾做過這樣的事吧(就算是前世、或是由祖先那繼承而來的,也要承認),因為如果我們不承認的話,就會卡在這裡。回過頭來,寬恕自己這件事,棄絕一切這樣的攻擊,將我們的攻擊整合回整體,並且承諾祝福吧。然後我們可以請求老天保護我們,幫助我們明白,所有對我們的攻擊都是在呼求幫助,也幫我們把攻擊當成是尚未成熟的力量。因為這種力量會為了我們自然地整合到整體裡去,同時也會祝福到對呼求我們幫助的人。……過個愉快的一天吧! HEALING PSYCHIC ATTACK is the card for today. If we have used our mind to attack we see such attack as having effect on us to the same extent. If we have done this and it is now in our subconscious or unconscious then we are open to such attack. To be free of such attack let us accept that we have done it (even if in past lives or inherited ancestrally) because if we don't accept we are stuck with it, forgive ourselves for it, relinquish all such attacks, integrate our attacks into wholeness and commit to blessing instead. Then we can ask God to protect us, help us understand that all attack against us are a call for help and use the at...


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《蜜月》 今天的卡片是《蜜月》。這說的是回到對夥伴、生命、以及生活裡一切的愛與欣賞。這是自我的新生,來自一場突破,以及內外在的回歸。如果你有伴侶,那就享受「把對方愛到脫褲」吧;如果你跟你自己在一起,那就愛自己、感恩自己。在你往整體進化時,蜜月假期會增強你受召要穿越的下一場療癒、新生。祝你有個最美妙的一天! HONEYMOON is the card for today. it signals a return to love and appreciation about your partner, your life and everything in it. It is a renewal of self that comes through a breakthrough and a return both inwardly and outwardly. If you have a partner enjoy 'loving the pants off of them' and if you are with yourself, love and be grateful for yourself. A HONEYMOON fortifies you for the next healing or birth you are called to undergo as you evolve toward wholeness. Have the most wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒半心半意》 今天的卡片是《療癒半心半意》。幾年前我編了一句古老的諺語。「半心半意,結果就只有一半。」我們沒有全然承諾的話,就會有鬥爭、死寂、恐懼。我們會受到罪惡感與無價值的擺布。然而,對人或情況全然給出,總會幫助到別人和自己。全然給出就是全然領受。如果你不能給出,你就無法擁有。今天,要不評斷人物、情況,而是全然給出,來療癒所有的負面性。祝你有個全心全意、最快樂的一天! HEALING HALF-HEARTEDNESS is the card for today. There is an ancient saying I made up a couple of years ago. "To be half-hearted is to be half-assed." Without our full commitment there are fights, deadness and fear. We are at the mercy of our guilt and unworthiness but to give it all to people and situations always furthers them as well as ourselves. To give fully is to receive fully. If you cannot give it you will not have it. Today is a day to heal all the negativity by not judging people or the situation but by giving fully to them. Have a most wholehearted and happy day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒傷痛》 今天的卡片是《療癒傷痛》。今天,我們的誤會以及所抗拒的一切,都可以得到接納、放下,進而有了正確看待的觀點。我們可以從受困處繼續往前進,這一切都可以成為我們學習成長的一部分,而不是學到黑暗的教訓,讓我們形成模式。傷痛就是學到黑暗教訓的證據。用許多的愛過個美麗的一天吧!這麼多的愛裡頭,也有我給你們的愛! HEALING HURT is the card for today. Today misunderstandings and everything that we resisted can now be accepted today and thus let go of and put in perspective. We can move on from where we were stuck and that can all be part of our learning and growing rather than the dark lessons that patterned us as evidenced by hurt. It's good to be free of the mistake of pain. Have a beautiful day with much love some of it mine to you!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《祈求奇蹟》 今天的卡片是《祈求奇蹟》。對於我們所有的問題,天堂都是用奇蹟來回應。我們是老天的孩子,我們是有資格得到奇蹟的。無論你的狀況、問題是什麼,你都可以呼求奇蹟出現。天堂想要的是我們的幸福快樂。祝你有個精彩的一天! ASKING FOR A MIRACLE is the card for today. Heaven's answer to any of our problems is a miracle and we are entitled to them by being a child of God. Whatever your circumstances or problems you can ask for a miracle. Heaven wants our happiness. Have a stupendous day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《我願寬恕,這事就會消失了蹤影》 今天的卡片是《我願寬恕,這事就會消失了蹤影》。這句話引自奇蹟課程,說的是一層層清除幻相的寬恕力量。帶著強烈意圖說出這句話,並請求天堂幫助。面對負面情況,宣告這句話幾次後,情況與感受就會開始轉變。祝你這天有著快樂又健康的轉變! "I WILL FORGIVE AND THIS WILL DISAPPEAR." is the card for today. It is A COURSE IN MIRACLES' quote. It speaks of the power of forgiveness to clear illusions layer after layer. To say these words with strong intention asking Heaven's help allows how situations look and feel to begin to transform after declaring them a number of times in the face of the negative situation. Have a day of happy and healthy change!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒受困的自我》 今天的卡片是《療癒受困的自我》。受困的自我,是我們內在制止並且切斷的地方。要把這些自我關禁閉,需要花費很大的能量,我們也因此而受累。今天,這些自我都可以得到自由,並且整合回完整與平安之中。平安是一切好事的基礎。祝你有個美妙的一天! HEALING ARRESTED SELVES is the card for today. Arrested selves are places we are stopped and cut off inside. It takes a great deal of energy to keep these selves in prison and we are held back as a result. Today is a day that these selves can come to both freedom and integration to wholeness and peace, the foundation of all good things. Have a great and beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《上主天音》 今天的卡片是《上主天音》。今天,你的內在與世界給你的任何正向訊息裡,都可以聽見老天的聲音。上主天音是要來引導、提供答案的,通常是來幫你節省時間、把你從任何陷阱與匱乏中救出來。藉著認識天堂要你留心的際遇,來感覺到這份神聖的愛,並且過個美好的一天吧! THE VOICE FOR GOD is the card of the day. Today God's Voice can be heard in any of the messages that are positive in the world and within you today. It is here to guide, provide answers and generally help you to save time and get you out of any traps and scarcity. Feel the Love and have a beautiful day Know by what comes to you that Heaven is looking out for you!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《越獄者(原型)》 今天的卡片是《越獄者(原型)》。意思是,情緒與發展受困的自我終於療癒與成熟了,能逃出自己強加給自己的監獄。今天,要慶祝你提早從不真的束縛中釋放。你的監獄會要求你照自己的方式行事,以補償你情緒受困之處;而你從這樣的監獄裡釋放出來了。今天,要從你小我的監獄裡釋放出來,也要釋放身邊你監禁住的人。今天,照天堂的方法來,因為天堂能讓所有人都自由。祝你有個最棒的一天! THE PRISON BREAKER(ARCHETYPE) is the card for today. This is where emotionally and developmentally arrested selves finally heal and mature and are able to break out of their self-imposed prisons. Today is a day to celebrate your early release from an untrue constriction. As you release from your prison which demands to have things your way to compensate for where you are stuck emotionally. Today is the release from the prison of your ego and also where you are keeping those around you imprisoned. Today let it be Heaven's way as it contains freedom for all. Have the best day!!


【 PoV 願景心理學】 Chuck 博士每日一卡 《療癒無價值》 今天的卡片是《療癒無價值》。無價值是我們為了打造小我所付出的代價…… 不過這是很容易化解的,只要我們持續問天堂「我的價值是什麼?」就行。在天堂的指示下過個美好的一天吧! HEALING VALUELESSNESS is the card for today. Valuelessness is the price we pay for building an ego…but it is easily solved if we continuously ask Heaven, "What's my value?" Have a great day at Heaven's behest!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒自憐》 今天的卡片是《療癒自憐》。每回有失落、受害情況、受害情緒時,也都會有自憐的感覺。這份感覺潛伏在潛意識裡,也代表這整件事是我們計畫出來的。今天,是時候放下勾住問題的自憐感,並請求天堂幫助,能有個新的開始、新的覺知,這樣我們的小我才不會繼續拿我們當人質,我們才能當迎請天堂的東道主。祝你有個美麗的一天! HEALING FEELING SORRY FOR OURSELVES is the card for today. Every loss, victim situation and emotion also carries the feeling of feeling sorry for ourselves. This hides that in the subconscious it shows that we planned the whole event. Today it's time to let go of this feeling that anchors in the problem and ask Heaven's help for a new beginning and a new awareness so our ego can no longer hold us hostage and instead we can be a host for Heaven. Have a beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒狂戰士心魔》 今天的卡片是《療癒狂戰士心魔》。這是我們被沖昏頭、走向錯誤的地方。我們做過了頭,結果被吞沒了。在這一切底下的是狂戰士心魔。今天,要做出選擇,請求天堂的幫助,療癒、整合這份心魔。狂戰士是敵我不分的,而且當狂戰士進入狂暴狀態時,他只想將一切都剷除。整合後,這份能量就會帶來真實力量與輕易成功。祝你有個美好的一天! HEALING THE BERSERKER SHADOW is the card for today. This where we get carried away in the wrong way. We overdo it we get overwhelmed and below it all is the berserker shadow. Today is a day to choose and ask Heaven's help that this shadow be healed and integrated It can't tell the difference between friends and enemies and when it gets in the berserker energy it wants to kill everything. Once this energy is integrated it brings true power and easy success. Have a fine day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒魔鬼(塔羅)》 今天的卡片是《療癒魔鬼(塔羅)》。塔羅牌裡的魔鬼象徵了無知、以及我們將自己綑綁住的地方。我們綑綁住自己,是因為我們害怕自由,以及自由所帶來的責任。魔鬼是我們自己的信念系統,是我們受困在惡性循環裡的地方。這裡是我們與魔鬼 ── 我們的小我串通好的地方,因為我們害怕成功與親密。今天,自由的呼喚,讓我們打破無知的枷鎖、放下小我不讓你在生命裡前進的藉口。帶著得著自由所需的勇氣,過個美好的一天吧! HEALING THE DEVIL(TAROT) is the card for today. THE DEVIL IN THE TAROT symbolizes ignorance and wherever we have put ourselves in chains. We only do this because we are afraid of freedom and its responsibility. THE DEVIL is our own belief systems and where we are caught in vicious circles where we collude with our ego, the devil, because of our fear of success and intimacy. Today the call of freedom allows us to break the chains of ignorance and give up ego excuses to step forward in our lives. Have a great day with all the courage it takes to be free!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《正面否定》 今天的卡片是《正面否定》。正面否定是為真理服務的。正面否定是為療癒與高層心靈來運作的。正面否定不會服務到小我,正面否定也不具有防衛性,因為正面否定不是在隱藏什麼事。正面否定只是否定幻相,以及幻相對一個人的福祉所造成的影響。今天,運用正面否定來明白,沒有一個非真之物能影響得了你。祝你有個精彩的一天! POSITIVE DENIAL is the card for today. POSITIVE DENIAL is in service to the truth. It is in service to healing and the higher mind. It does not serve the ego and it is not defensive in that it doesn't hide anything. It simply denies illusion and the effect it has on affecting a person's well-being. Today allow yourself to use POSITIVE DENIAL to realize that anything that is not true has no effect on you. Have a brilliant day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《天堂》 今天的卡片是《天堂》。天堂是一的覺知,指的是深刻地一瞥我們的真相。老天在愛與一中延伸自己,一是無法分割的,而我們則是受造成為老天的一部分。我們只能認為一是可以分割的,於是我們就困在這樣的幻相裡,結果我們以為我們是分裂的,沒有在天堂裡。我們與老天的權威衝突,投射出了「老天把我們逐出天堂」的樣子,然而你是不可能被逐出天堂的。老天身為神聖的愛,不可能有非愛的舉動。是我們罷了工,掉進時空裡,並且相信這時空是真的。天堂是回歸天鄉、恢復神的孩子真實自性的一景。今天,不管你相信什麼,天堂的喜樂與神聖的愛都是可以得到的。祝你有個精彩的一天! HEAVEN is the card for today. HEAVEN is the awareness of Oneness. It speaks of a profound glimpse into our true reality. We were created as part of God extending Himself in Love and Oneness and Oneness can't be divided .We only think it could and so we are caught in this illusionary reality in which we think are separate rather than in Heaven. Our authority conflict with God projected that He threw us out of Heaven but you can't get thrown out of Heaven. And God as Love Itself couldn't do an unloving act. So, we went on strike and fell into time and space believing it is real. Heaven is a glimpse back to our home and our true nature as a Child of God. Today whatever you believe the j...


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《覺醒》 今天的卡片是《覺醒》。這張卡談的是,覺醒到生命的全新層次,甚至是到開悟、神性實現的地步。這一天,會產生很棒的自由,因為你心靈的枷鎖消失了。祝你有個最非凡、最富啟發的一天! AWAKENING is the card for today. It is a card that speaks of AWAKENING to a whole new level in your life even to the point of enlightenment or God Realization. This is a day where great freedom can occur as the chains of your mind fall away. Have the most remarkable and enlightening day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《明星》 今天的卡片是《明星》。我們因忘己給出,不斷超越平常限制,因而閃閃發亮。明星是超然卓越、英雄般的,可以啟發他人,甚至是讓別人也出現超然卓越的時刻。如果人們就只是完全、美好地給出自己,那麼其實每個人的內在都有一位明星。今天,只要選擇超越自我,你也能進入出神入化的狀態。祝你有個好玩的一天! THE STAR is the card for today. This where we shine so bright by giving beyond ourselves in a way that is continually beyond normal limits. THE STAR is transcendent and heroic and can inspire others even to the point where others have transcendent moments. Everyone has a STAR within in them if they would only give themselves so completely and beautifully. You too could be in "the zone" today by choosing to go beyond yourself. Have fun today!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒我們交惡運的地方》 今天的卡片是《療癒我們交惡運的地方》。交惡運是一連串的壞運與不幸,有可能是來自創傷事件;或是從祖先受詛,傳到我們這一代來;或者是從前世帶來的;又或者是我們的遭遇,導致了一個信念系統,「如果我們都沒有壞運的話,我們可能連一點好運都沒有。」這是個錯誤,是黑暗光環的一部分,本意是要讓我們變得特殊,得到關注。其實天堂為你準備了更好的計劃。今天,如果你願意放掉這部分,去換天堂的計劃的話,就會有恩典來取代這具有破壞性的信念系統。祝你有個最幸運美好的一天! HEALING WHERE WE ARE JINXED is the card for today. Being jinxed is a string of bad luck and misfortune that can come from a traumatic incident or a curse placed on our ancestors and passed down to us, something carried over from a past life or something that happened to us that led to a belief system that "If we didn't have bad luck we wouldn't have any luck at all." This is a mistake, part of a dark glamor that is meant to make us special and give us attention. Today grace is there to replace this destructive belief system if you are willing to let it go for something much better that is part of Heaven's plan for you. Have a most beautiful and fortunate day!!


【 PoV 願景心理學】 Chuck 博士每日一卡 《活力》 今天的卡片是《活力》。活力充滿了生命與能量。活力表示強壯與健康。活力即是生命力的振動。今天是充滿精力、生氣蓬勃的一天!好好享受這一天! VIBRANCY is the card of the day. VIBRANCY is full of life and energy. It is robustness and health. It is the very vibration of aliveness. Today is a day of exuberance and liveliness. Enjoy!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《奧秘家》 今天的卡片是《奧秘家》。這是花時間與神性臨在溝通的人的能量。他們看穿分裂的幻相,藉此祝福了世界,並且記得世界早已遺忘的事。世界非常需要奇蹟,而他們從天堂領受奇蹟所需的力量。奧秘家是天堂與人間的橋樑。今天,內在的奧秘家渴望成長,這樣你才會記得,你有多麼地被愛著,你就是愛,是神聖的愛本身的一個層面。祝你有個最美好迷人的一天! THE MYSTIC is the card for today. This is the energy of someone who wants to spend their day communing with Divine Presence. They bless the world by seeing beyond the illusion of separation and they remember what the world has forgotten as they receive Heaven's power for miracles that the world so desperately needs. They are bridges between Heaven and earth. Today the MYSTIC within wants to grow so you remember how much you are loved and that you are love an aspect of Love Itself. Have a most beautiful and enthralling day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《情不自禁》 今天的卡片是《情不自禁》。有句俗諺可以用在這裡,「好(男)人總有出頭日」情不自禁代表,你是不能受到控制的。你是不能受到壓制的。你這麼輕鬆愉快、幽默風趣,並且決心不受牽制,你不斷恢復狀態、繼續出現,因此啟發到身邊的人,讓大家都興致高昂。祝你有個美好的一天! IRREPRESSIBLE is the card for today. There is an old saying that fits here, "You can't keep a good man down." IRREPRESSIBLE means you can't be kept down. You can't be repressed. You are so lighthearted, full of humor as well as determined that you can't be held down and you keep coming up renewed and thus an inspiration of good cheer for all around you. Have a wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒飢渴難耐之處》 今天的卡片是《療癒飢渴難耐之處》。我們飢渴難耐時,通常就會滿足某種身體的慾望,然而這其實是對老天的需要,小我把它變成是對世界中某種偶像的需要,而偶像是會造成心碎、夢碎、失望的。我們飢渴難耐又因此而受苦的話,可能就會補償、解離;然而,這份需要卻在我們內心裡消耗著我們;於是,我們對那不成功、無法成功的地方,就會懷有怨懟。今天,要覺察自己飢渴難耐之處,如食物、性、要是對的、或是其他需要。就算你有把需要藏起來,它仍在障礙著你的個人成長。放下這份向外找尋的需要,你就會從內在得到滿足。矛盾的是,這樣反而才會給你帶來公平合理的感覺。重回正途,過個有力量的一天吧! HEALING WHERE WE ARE RAVENOUS is the card for today. When we are ravenous we typically go to fill some bodily appetite but this is actually a need for God that the ego has turned into some kind of idol in the world that will lead to heartbreak, shattered dreams and disappointment. We may compensate and dissociate where we are ravenous having already suffered but the need gnaws away inside us and we have grievances where we didn't and couldn't succeed. Today be aware of where you are ravenous for food, sex, being right or some other need that even while hidden is obstructing your personal growth. By letting go of this need what you looked for outside you can be filled fr...