Chuck博士每月一信 2017-06








夏威夷 Kahalu’u 

Things are coming together. Pieces of the puzzle are starting to fall in place. Finally there is some reward for all the hard work that you have been putting in toward a goal you cherish. Maybe it’s in regard to your work or your relationship. Maybe it’s your own healing but answers are finally starting to come. When you have given yourself 100% it has to have results. The reason it took so long was because the roots of the problem were so deep that the issue has continued in spite of breakthroughs. If you have been spending more than a couple of months on a certain issue it shows that the roots are not just at a soul level as deep as that might be, it is also coming from the collective. If you realize the amount that it takes to heal the whole history of humanity then you realize how complex the issue is when the collective unconscious feeds through your problems for healing. It is crucial that you realize this in order to appreciate yourself and what you have already accomplished. Your dedication is paying off now and it is important to acknowledge yourself. If the great leap forward doesn’t succeed in our generation to turn the tide toward healing and love as a way of life then we can lead the way to take out the darkness so our children can plant the flag. Yet with dedication, miracles are still possible. Much has been accomplished and much more is yet to be done. The pain and darkness you experience is just your own personal lessons as well as what is there to address for your ancestors and the collective. Your healing helps everyone.

What you can forgive and leave in the past brings peace and light. As you give you are given to but it is crucial to remember that your Source for everything is not from the world and those around you but from the Creator. As soon as you try to get a need met from someone around you, you will sooner or later be upset and feel let down. As a result you will have some kind of emotion that is a manipulation. Use your emotions as indicators of where you are off the track and trying to get or take while not giving 100%. It is said that a light goes out in Heaven when you are trying to get from someone around you. You can't be upset if you give 100% and use your emotions for healing. When you give you receive but remember where your Source is or you will suffer. For those who have been assiduous and committed you will begin to realize more of the Beautiful Life Story this month.
Anywhere you suffer, it’s you that is not giving it all and so you will not be receiving it all. You think your emotions are a fitting complaint when an injustice has been done to you and so you get righteous, wounded and demanding but it is actually you who are following your ego and are hostage to its perspective. Judgment is futile, it is the root of all emotions and suffering. You cannot possibly know what is going on with all the ramifications of past, present and future. Your emotions are indicators of where you are off the track and if you don’t use them for healing then you will seek to hold others hostage to your needs. Others may be off the track by how they are acting and that is their call for help. To get off the track yourself is to compound the mistake and be in a fight. Police yourself. Ask Heaven’s help. Choose the healing path. It is the only way home. And if you choose the healing path and if you are a good partner, those around you then will be a good partner to you to that same extent and this month will be filled with the fragrance of love. Your life will then be a garden, prolific and beautiful. The history of humanity with all of its ignorance, wars and injustice is coming up to be addressed. Life is all about healing and your life is the greatest adventure there is. It is your soul’s video game to find its way back to spirit. On the way you are called to help many people so you will be helped. Let your life be measured by happiness. When you are not happy you are off track and there is a lesson you are yet to learn. “Nothing succeeds like success,” as the old saying goes. When you have learned the lesson and given 100% then you will succeed and your life will be filled with success and joy. What you give in spite of your circumstances will heal what you are facing. And don’t get caught in the righteousness and smug superiority of sacrifice. It is a psychological trap that is competitive seeking to lose now and win later.

If your beliefs are not making you happy it’s time for change because your beliefs will throw you in a vicious circle of sacrifice and indulgence that spirals your life downward.

June is a month that brings relief and change for the better. Your emotions are a complaint but if you are giving it all, you will have it all and there will be no emotions or complaints only happy feelings. We live in a world of emotional immaturity and lack of responsibility. What is unhealed from the past is now a tantrum. People use life as an excuse rather than a soul curriculum. We forget where our Source is and as a result we are left to suffer when help is so close. Our emotions show where we are turning toward darkness and if we go too far in that direction we feel we are in hell. The answers needed are simple but it will take a change of heart if we are to give up being a hostage to our ego rather than a host to Heaven. How you feel is your indicator of how well you are doing or what needs to be healed. If you do not use emotions in this way you will not see what is called for on your part and you will make it about others’ failings while seeking attention for your pain. Everything is given us but if we don’t give the door is closed.

June can be a month of bonding, freedom, authenticity and ease. Give up judgment. It is a killer of life, hopes, dreams and happiness. It is at the root of all of our emotions and suffering. Look through the eyes of Christ or another of Heaven’s Helpers and you will see a world transformed rather than a world condemned. Let June be the month it was meant to be where there is so much love everything is renewed and a restoration of life begins for you at a whole new level.

June 2017
Kahalu’u, Hawai’i



