
目前顯示的是 7月, 2017的文章

PoV願景心理學 Chuck博士每月一信 2017-08

PoV 願景心理學 Chuck 博士每月一信 2017-08 八月可能會有個戲劇化的開始,後面則會以平靜順利作結。一開始,會出錯的一切都出盡了。然而,這一切,只是尚未完全處理的議題浮上了檯面,有待溝通與轉化而已。大多數的戲劇化事件,最晚會八月中旬前就會消失;而且只有真正重大的議題,才會持續到那麼久。揭開未竟事宜並著手處理,才會符合你的最佳利益;因為這些事情仍影響著你,吸取了原本要用在成功、親密、基本健康上的能量。 八月是聚焦的月份,要來梳理你生活的混亂,跟上自己的腳步,重新連上你的靈性生活,並且如常地將自己準備好,好面對即將來臨的一切。八月是要在所有事上,以全心全意將自己準備好。以奇蹟心態,為自己做準備。花些時間,讓精神、情緒、身體都保持良好狀態;這樣一來,就能輕易完成任何眼下的艱難工作。 致力於療癒道路的人,在八月會發現,心靈有塊年代已久的部分,為求療癒,會浮現上來、或是很容易就回想起來。療癒了如此久遠的議題後,你會感覺,自己似乎成就了一件美好的事情。著手處理時,感覺會比較像挑戰。但有了天堂的引導與支持,你就會有信心,能讓一切都輕易地展開。如果你有敞開的話,在路上的每一步,天堂都會給你指引;再艱難的情況,都可以得到成功順利的結果。 八月適合來減輕你的恐懼、舒緩你的壓力程度。恐懼是一切問題的主因。如此一來,就可以在你的路途上,降低困難、移除障礙。你八月成就的事,會讓接下來六個月更輕易、更快樂。 在八月,年代已久的罪惡感,可以有所化解;因為罪惡感的本質即是幻相。如此一來,你的懷疑也會消融;你會有信心達成那正等著你的成功。 八月還會是個有生產力的月份;無論你正在做什麼,你都會非常有生產力。 八月,你可能會發現,你拯救了身旁的人,或是身旁的人拯救了你,或是彼此都有拯救到對方。這是好機會,你可以感受你對他人的愛,還有他人對你的愛,以及那在必要時刻帶來奇蹟的神聖之愛。 願你有個既美好又蒙福的八月。 恰克.史匹桑諾 夏威夷 卡胡庫 2017 八月 NIGHTLIGHT NEWSLETTER August 2017 A ugust may begin with some drama but it ends still and smooth. At the beginn...


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《理解的故事》 今天的卡片是《理解的故事》。理解的故事反映出,將我們與他人結合在一起的同理與連結。今天,啟動愛與親密的新循環。在生活中有個最美妙的新層次吧! 從我的iPhone送出訊息 THE UNDERSTANDING STORY is the card for today. It reflects compassion and bonding that joins us with others. It is a blessing on us and others. Today begins a new cycle of love and intimacy. Have a most beautiful and wonderful new level in life!! Sent from my iPhone


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《見證》 今天的卡片是《見證》。見證,是我們往後站,不帶評斷,讓天堂「擺顯」。沒有我們的干擾,天堂就能把祂的奇蹟帶來。今天,看著天堂進行祂「屬天的事」,享受這場上映中的華麗表演,過個精彩的一天吧! WITNESS is the card for the day. It is where we stand back without judgment and let Heaven 'show off'. Without our interference Heaven can bring its miracles. Today have an amazing day as you watch Heaven do its 'Heaven thing' and enjoy the show of Majesty at work!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒我們禁錮意志之處》 今天的卡片是《療癒我們禁錮意志之處》。我們的意志是我們的靈魂,是我們力量的真正源頭。小我的認定限制、禁錮了我們;今天,我們要將我們的意志從這份妨礙中釋放出來。祝你有個美好、親密、自由的一天! HEALING WHERE WE IMPRISON OUR WILL is the card for today. Our will is our spirit and the real source of our power. Today is a day to free our will of the encumbrances of the ego-identity that keeps us limited and imprisoned. Have a day of beauty, intimacy and freedom!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒詛咒者心魔》 今天的卡片是《療癒詛咒者心魔》。你在詛咒的時候,也同樣程度地詛咒了自己。今天,伴隨心魔的所有壓抑與自我憎恨都揭露了出來。你有多少心魔,多少詛咒者的自我概念,你都可以消融到你的高層心靈,換回更大的完整,以及藏在那些心魔與自我概念底下的才華禮物。祝你有個美好的一天,打開自己更多的本質! HEALING THE SHADOW OF THE CURSER is the card for today. When you curse you curse yourself to the same extent. Today all the repression and self-hatred that goes with a shadow is unveiled. You can melt as many shadows and as many self-concepts of the curser into your higher mind and have greater wholeness return as well as the gifts buried underneath the shadows and self-concepts. Have a fine day that opens you to more of your essence!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《天堂送來的》 今天的卡片是《天堂送來的》。這反映的是,從天堂送來給你的人物、事情、狀況。這一切若不是來拯救你的,那就是要在最有利的時刻帶給你需要的東西。也有可能是你作為天堂的使者,要給別人帶來什麼。……今天,恩典環繞著我們,我們知道我們是被看顧著的。祝你有個最美妙的一天! HEAVEN SENT is the card for today. This reflects a person, thing or situation sent to you from Heaven that either comes to save you or comes at a most beneficial time to bring what you need. It may even be you sent to others as an emissary of Heaven... Today grace surrounds us and we know we are being looked after. Have a most wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒自我折磨》 今天的卡片是《療癒自我折磨》。所有的自我折磨與自我攻擊,都來自小我,讓我們無法與他人結合,讓我們遠離自身的創造力。自我折磨讓我們困在自己裡面,而不是主動接觸他人、生活、老天。今天,可以來放下自我折磨,因為自我折磨會折磨到我們所愛的人。祝你有個美妙的一天! HEALING SELF-TORTURE is the card for today. All self-toture and self-attack are from the ego and they keep us from joining others and away from our own creativity. It keeps us stuck in ourselves rather than reaching out to others, life and God. Today is a good day to let go of self-torture as it tortures those we love. Have a great and wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《幽默》 今天的卡片是《幽默》。幽默創造順流、使我們恢復精神、療癒我們。幽默會給我們適當的世界觀,因為我們懂笑點在哪。尤其是這個最大的笑話:我們身為神聖、無限的靈魂,卻認為自己是有限的身體,不是老天的孩子,和老天為一。今天,讓我們搞懂周遭所有的笑點、被鼓舞。身為靈魂的我們,是安全的、是得到療癒的、是完整的,因此有很多可以開玩笑的點。祝你有個快樂有趣的一天! HUMOR is the card for the day. HUMOR creates flow, rejuvenates and heals us. It gives us a proper perspective on the world because we get the joke especially the biggest one of thinking that as divine, unlimited spirit we are bodies and limited rather than being one with God as His Child. Today let us get the joke that exists all around us and be lifted up. As spirit we are safe, healed and whole and there is a lot to joke about. Have a happy, funny day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《作為愛的性》 今天的卡片是《作為愛的性》。性是用來給出與領受的。性是用來向外接觸與分享的。當性用在心的延伸、而不只是身體的延伸時,那性就是用在愛上的。任何有愛的一天,都是可以慶祝的一天。今天讓我們好好慶祝吧。祝你有個美好精彩的一天! SEX AS LOVE is the card for today. Sex is used to give and receive. It is used to reach out and share. It is when sex is used as an extension of the heart not only the body. Any day of love is a day to celebrate and let us celebrate today. Have a beautiful and amazing day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《需要延伸》 今天的卡片是《需要延伸》。需要延伸,反映出我們一個基本的需要 ── 需要去愛。愛會將自己延伸至他人,而當我們這樣做時,我們就是在朝生命的方向走。我們沒有延伸自己時,我們就是在朝死亡的方向在走。今天,可以來向外接觸。好好享受,過個最棒的一天吧! THE NEED FOR EXTENSION is the card for today. THE NEED FOR EXTENSION reflects a basic need of ours--the need to love. Love extends itself to others and when we do this we head toward life. When we don't extend ourselves we head toward death. Today is a day for reaching out. Enjoy it and have the best day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《你眼神裡的基督》 今天的卡片是《你眼神裡的基督》。這反映的是,今天,你受到鼓舞,能從你的眼睛裡懷有基督的神情,看見一個受到寬恕、天真無罪、得到療癒的世界。今天,歡迎基督透過你的眼睛來看世界,看見一個轉化過、受祝福、美好的世界!祝你有個最美妙的一天! THE CHRIST IN YOUR EYES is the card for today. It reflects that today you are uplifted and can have the Christ look out of your eyes and see a world forgiven and innocent and healed. Today welcome the Christ to look through your eyes and see a transformed world blessed and beautiful!! Have a most wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒只顧自己》 今天的卡片是《療癒只顧自己》。只顧自己是,在乎自己的程度,到忽略了別人、周遭的地步。你的方法有某種失衡,你困在自己的過程裡,讓自己成為了最特殊的那一位。這樣有服務到你的小我,卻沒有服務到你,對進展也沒有幫助。今天,你若把注意力放在外頭,並且傾聽內心,就可以達到平衡,產生擴張。祝你有個驚艷絕妙的一天! HEALING SELF-ABSORPTION is the card for today. Self-absorption is paying attention to yourself so much that you ignore others and what is going on around you. Somehow you get caught up in your own process in an unbalanced way making you the most special one. This serves your ego but not you and progress. Today balance can be achieved and expansion can occur as you look outside you and listen within. Have a stupendous day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒佯裝健康陰謀》 今天的卡片是《療癒佯裝健康陰謀》。佯裝健康是,假裝議題已經療癒了,但其實沒有真的處理到,只把議題藏起來而已。如果我們沒有承認、放下真正的問題,那麼很快又會再出現退轉的。今天,恩典與奇蹟要來幫助我們釋放這份自我欺騙,讓我們真正地向前進。祝你有個有力量的一天,得到釋放! HEALING THE FLIGHT INTO HEALTH CONSPIRACY is the card of the day. Flight into health is the pretense the issue is healed when it hasn't really been addressed just hidden. The regression will come soon enough if we do not acknowledge the real problem and let it go. Today grace and miracles are moving to help us release this self-deception and to actually move forward. Have a powerful day of release!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《分享》 今天的卡片是《分享》。這分享是溝通裡的分享,會搭起橋樑。這分享是你擁有什麼,也協助別人一起享受這樣東西。分享是豐盛裡的關鍵要素,是愛的一種形式。一切都會因為分享而變得更美好。祝你有個美好的一天,有著結合與幸福快樂! SHARING is the card for today. This is a SHARING in communication to create a bridge. This is a SHARING of what you have to help others enjoy it also. SHARING is the key element in abundance and it is a form of love. Everything goes better with SHARING. Have a beautiful day of joining and happiness!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒我們在做夢的地方》 今天的卡片是《療癒我們在做夢的地方》。有些夢,沒有開花結果所需的能量、努力,是實現不了的。第一個層次,就是要放下這些「白日夢」、幻想。接下來的層次,是像佛陀和基督一樣,明白世界是一場夢,我們受召要了解,形式的世界是由我們的小我打造出來的。小我想要把我們困在小我裡,不讓我們覺知到,我們身為老天孩子的神聖身分。而耶穌勸我們走上寬恕與愛的道路,好超越這場夢,到達一,而不是到達這形式的世界。佛陀則是勸我們透過冥想達到平安,超越這世界的幻相。今天是覺醒的一天,不管我們願意覺醒的層次為何,都慶祝一番吧!祝你有個光明美好的一天! HEALING WHERE WE ARE DREAMING is the card for today. The first level of this is letting go of 'pipe dreams' or fantasies that never come about without the energy and effort needed to bring them to fruition. The next level is realizing as Buddha and Christ that the world is a dream and we are called to realize the world of form was made by our ego to keep us stuck in the ego rather than awareness of our Divine Identity as a Child of God. Forgiveness and Love is the path Jesus urged us to follow to get beyond the dream and reach Oneness instead of the world of forms. Buddha urged us to attain peace through meditation and going beyond the illusions of this world. Today is a day to awaken...


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒剝削》 今天的卡片是《療癒剝削》。今天要停止利用他人。還有許多更好的方式來得到你想要的東西,無須利用他人。所以,剝削會攻擊到一個人的信心。剝削還會讓自己也容易被別人利用。剝削會在生命中製造出爭輸贏的模式,無法賦予你成功所需的信心。你是轉向求助於小我,而非你的高層心靈;你不會喜歡那結果的。今天,無論我們在何時、何處有在剝削,我們都可以放下這樣的事,走向更高一層的整體與成功。祝你有個平安快樂的一天! HEALING EXPLOITATION is the card for today. This a day to give up using others. Exploitation not only attacks one's confidence because there are much better ways to have what you want without using others which also opens you yourself to being used by others. It sets up a win-lose pattern in your life and doesn't give you the confidence to succeed. You have turned to the ego instead of your higher mind and you won't like the results. Today we can let go of wherever and whenever we have done such a thing and move to a greater level of wholeness and success. Have a happy and peaceful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《天真無罪》 今天的卡片是《天真無罪》。如果純粹只有天真無罪,那麼所有的疾病、受傷、失敗就都會消逝;世界將不會有戰爭、飢荒、仇恨,有的只會是一個理想的世界;寬恕會發生作用,我們會停止攻擊自己和別人;世界會是一個天堂般的世界。今天,擁抱你自身的天真無罪吧,你或許還能將他人從罪惡感中釋放出來。祝你有個最美好的一天! INNOCENCE is the card of the day. If there was only INNOCENCE all illness, injury and failure would be gone. There would be no war, hunger or hatred. There would only be a perfect world. Forgiveness would have done its work and we would stop attacking others and ourselves. The world would be a Heavenly world. Today embrace your own INNOCENCE that you may release others from guilt. Have a most beautiful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《對性親密的渴望》 今天的卡片是《對性親密的渴望》。這份渴望反映出一種在性方面的愛,這份愛能融化伴侶之間的界線。這份渴望雖是在尋求愉悅感,卻也是在尋求會打造出伴侶關係的結合喜悅。今天,邀請這份朝著你前進的甜美親密感吧!祝你有個美妙有趣的一天! THE DESIRE FOR SEXUAL INTIMACY is the card for today. It reflects a form of love that is sexual as a way to melt boundaries between couples. While seeking pleasure it also seeks the joy of joining that builds partnership. Today invite the sweet intimacy that is coming your way!! Have a fun and wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《高層心靈》 今天的卡片是《高層心靈》。高層心靈是我們仍與聖靈有連結的部分。這個部分含括了我們所有的答案,隨時都會為每道情境、每個人帶來最好的出路。不只是當下的出路,還會是未來的出路。所有的陷阱與痛苦都來自小我,而所有的出路都來自高層心靈。今天,傾聽你的答案。不管你需要的是什麼,都保持敞開。祝你有個精彩美好的一天! HIGHER MIND is the card for today. It is the part of us still connected with the Holy Spirit. It contains all of our answers and it will bring through the best way all the time for everyone in every situation not only now but for the future. While all traps and pain are from the ego, all the ways through are from the HIGHER MIND. Listen for your answers today and be open for whatever you need. Have a great and incredible day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒正常化》 今天的卡片是《療癒正常化》。正常化,就是將我們的意識向社會定義出來的現實對齊,切斷了大部分的無意識與靈性。這項舉動是出於恐懼;是在投資自己製造出來的身分;是我們試圖從世界那得到些什麼,所以這樣投資世界……只要我們欣然接受,今天就會是卓越非凡的一天。因此,就讓我們欣然接受吧。祝你有個精彩的一天! HEALING WHERE WE NORMALIZE is the card for today. To normalize is to level our consciousness and keep it in a socially-defined reality cutting off much of the unconscious and the spiritual. This is done out of fear and investment in the identity we made as well as our investment in the world that we are trying to get something from...Today is a day that can be extraordinary if we welcome it so let us do so. Have an amazing day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《讓自己被愛》 今天的卡片是《讓自己被愛》。今天的共鳴是自我價值,以及視自己天為真無罪、值得愛的可能性。今天,也跟每天一樣,天堂將恩典與祝福照耀在你身上。然而,今天的道強到可以讓恩典與祝福進入。祝你有個最美妙的一天! LETTING YOURSELF BE LOVED is the card for today. Today resounds with self-worth and the possibility of knowing yourself as innocent and worthy of love. Today Heaven shines its grace and blessings on you as it does every day but today the Tao is strong to let it in. Have a most wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒文化制約》 今天的卡片是《療癒文化制約》。文化制約成了我們的信念,以及我們看世界的方式。如果你有機會深度旅遊,或是用療癒的觀點,檢視你看世界的方式,你就會知道,你想感知到什麼,你其實是有選擇的。不這樣做,你就會困在事情表面的觀點,而不是出於選擇的感知。今天,有恩典,可以跨越文化制約,有著更多的自由,看見更大更大的畫面。祝你有個美好的一天! HEALING CULTURAL CONDITIONING is the card of the day. Cultural conditioning becomes our belief and the way we look at the world. If you have a chance to do in-depth traveling or you examine the way you look at the world with a healing perspective you recognize you have a choice about what you want to perceive. Without this you are caught in a perspective that just seems to be the way things are rather than a perception which comes from choice. Today there is the grace to step beyond cultural conditioning and see a much bigger picture with more freedom. Have a wonderful day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《超越身體》 今天的卡片是《超越身體》。這是一份明白,明白自己是靈魂,知道我們是老天創造我們的樣子 ── 而不是接受我們自己給的、將我們與每一個人分別開來的身分……有份力量與自由,來自於超越身體,準備體驗這份無限的力量與自由吧。祝你有個精彩神奇的一天! BEYOND THE BODY is the card for today. It is the realization of ourselves as spirit and knowing we are as God created us-- not accepting the identity that we gave ourselves that separates us from everyone...be ready for a limitless experience of power and freedom that comes with being beyond the body. Have an incredible day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《奧秘家》 今天的卡片是《奧秘家》。奧秘家知道世界是個幻相。為了不要浪費時間,他想花時間跟老天玩在一起。這樣會帶來喜樂與神性的愛,進而增添自愛。奧秘家將這一切帶來,作為獻給世界的禮物;奧秘家成了神性與塵世的橋樑。過個很棒的一天,花時間跟神聖的愛本身在一起。這樣會增強真相,化解幻相,為你帶來自由與喜樂! THE MYSTIC is the card for today. A Mystic knows that the world is an illusion. In the interest of not wasting time he or she wants to spend time hanging out with God. This brings the joy and the Divine love which increases self-love. THE MYSTIC brings this as a gift to the world, becoming a bridge between the Divine and the mundane. Have a great day spending time with Love Itself. This will increase truth dissolving illusions and bringing you freedom and joy!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒對性的恐懼》 今天的卡片是《療癒對性的恐懼》。對性的恐懼也是對生活的恐懼,而且會創造出各式各樣的問題,因為我們從自己、關係、生活中退縮了。今天,我們要解除對自己的壓抑,恢復生命的喜悅。如果你願意,天堂就會指出通往平安與自由的道路。祝你有個很棒的一天! HEALING THE FEAR OF SEX is the card for today. The fear of sex is also the fear of life and this causes all kinds of problems as we shrink away from ourselves, relationship and life. Today is a day to unrepress ourselves and get back the joy of life. If you are willing Heaven will show the way to peace and freedom. Have a great day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒害怕老二》 今天的卡片是《療癒害怕老二》。這是無意識恐懼。如果曾發生過性侵害的話,也許有一些是潛意識與表意識的恐懼。這也反映出權力與性,而權力與性又反映了生活。今天,可以來和老二交朋友。就像我一些華人學生學英文時發現,……幸福快樂(Happiness)等於有老二(have penis)。男人有一根……女人可以有很多根……無意識的世界是由隱喻和象徵所組成的。今天,適合來寬恕老二、享受有老二的存在,而不是將老二當作隱性罪疚(或許沒那麼隱性)、責怪的目標。祝你有個有力量、充滿愛的一天! HEALING THE FEAR OF THE PENIS is the card of the day. It is an unconscious fear that may be part of a subconscious or conscious fear if there was sexual abuse. It also reflects power and sexuality which reflects life. Today is a good day to make friends with the penis. As some of my Chinese students realized when learning English…Happiness = have penis. Men have one…Women can have many…The world of the unconscious is made up of metaphor and symbols. Today is a good day for forgiving the penis and enjoying it rather than using it as a target for blame and hidden or not so hidden guilt. Have a powerful and loving day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《讓自己被愛》 今天的卡片是《讓自己被愛》。出於許許多多的理由,我們不讓自己被愛;像是罪惡感、恐懼、不配得感。然而,沒有一個是理由是合理的,也沒有一個理由是真的。這些理由都是小我虛構的謊言;小我要靠著這些理由,才能不被愛與喜悅消融掉。今天,可以敞開你心與心靈的心扉,讓自己被愛。祝你有個美麗、心敞開的一天! LETTING YOURSELF BE LOVED its the card for the day. There are so many reasons we don't let ourselves be loved such as guilt, fear and unworthiness but none of these are good reasons nor are they true. They are ego fabrications that are used to keep itself from melting away with love and joy. Today is a great day for opening all the doors in your mind and heart to LETTING YOURSELF BELOVED. Have a beautiful and open-hearted day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《領袖力》 今天的卡片是《領袖力》。領袖力是,渴望給出幫助,因此聽見了求救的呼聲。領袖力是一個有願景的人,有著誠信正直又令人無法抗拒。領袖力是回應的藝術;而給出幫助,就會把自己和受幫助的人送進順流中。祝你有個受啟發、心敞開的一天! LEADERSHIP is the card for today. Leadership is the desire to help and thus hears the call for help. It is a person of vision who is irresistible with integrity. LEADERSHIP is the art of responsiveness and helping puts oneself and the one helped into a flow. Have an inspired and heart-opening day!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒害怕死亡》 今天的卡片是《療癒害怕死亡》。害怕死亡的背後,藏有死亡的吸引力。這是我們分裂心靈的一部分。對死亡的恐懼裡頭,也藏著對生命的恐懼。今天,療癒這一切的機會會自己出現,你可以為此感到感激。今天,祝你有個美好的新生,誕生到新層次! HEALING THE FEAR OF DEATH is the card for today. The fear of death hides the attraction to death. It is part of our split mind. The fear of death also hides a fear of life. Today opportunities will present themselves to heal all of this and you can be thankful for that. Have a wonderful birth to a new level today!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《夥伴關係》 今天的卡片是《夥伴關係》。夥伴關係是一起工作,達成更好的結果。夥伴關係是放下分裂的目標,以增添愛、豐盛、輕易。只有透過夥伴關係,我們才會達成幸福快樂、真實的成功。夥伴關係包含互惠、平等,這些事是關係、喜悅、親密、順流的關鍵。祝你有個美麗的一天,充滿愛與結合! PARTNERSHIP is the card for today. It is working together to achieve a better end. It is giving up separate goals to increase love, abundance and ease. Only through PARTNERSHIP will we achieve happiness and true success. It contains mutuality and equality which are keys to relationship joy, intimacy and flow. Have a beautiful day of love and joining!!


【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《寶劍八》 今天的卡片是《寶劍八》。這反映了深層無意識中看似無法超越的挑戰。然而,有天堂的幫助與奇蹟的恩典,看似不可能的事也會消失在虛空之中……祝你有個燦爛、滿是恩典、奇蹟般的一天! THE 8 OF SWORDS is the card for today. This reflects deep unconscious challenges that look impossible to surmount but with Heaven's help and the grace of miracles what looks impossible fades away into space….Have a brilliant, grace-filled miraculous day!!